Staying In The Tropics Vs Going Back To The US


Jan 31, 2017
Hello Everyone hope you are well.

I have been doing an experiment to see if the Sunlight exposure here in the tropics would help reverse my

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.With the advise of Dr.Jack Kruse to move closer to the Sun

Its about 89 with 70-75 percent humidity.I was told it will get hotter and more humid

Goals:Reverse CFS and to be away from High Levels of EMF which make me sick

Observation: I had a couple episodes in the past month when i was out during the day with my shaved head

and later shirtless.Sunbathing past 3 pm. I woke up in the middle of the night with a flushed red face,heart

palpitations and weakness.My gut tells me that this was sun poisoning.I took some Lorazapem which helped


I am curious my CFS level was about 3-4/10 in the US staying with my parents in the Bay Area.

I have been in Mexico for about 5 months and near the beach for about 1 month. My CFS functioning level

is about a 4/10 most days with the occasional 5.Also i pay 300/month for a tiny house on Airbnb with Ethernet

I have been able to use more internet without the wifi.My only concern is if i make a mistake when it heats

up and it triggers that middle of the night sun poisoning attack from an immune reaction from the Sun

My Us passport expires in 3 days.I was told that this is ok and just schedule an appointment when i have

proof of a travel date.They are also letting people stay an additonal 6 months and just pay a small fine at the

airport.My dad who flew out from the house in the Bay Area to an Airport Apartment in Atlanta suggested

i fly back.

I am at crossroads because at the apartment in Atlanta i got sick with all the Wifi and felt like collapsing.

He said i could connect to LA.

I am having trouble deciding whether to deal with the Acute EMF shell shock going thru Atlanta to LA

as well as the Sun poisoning i experienced here by too much sun exposure.The lesser of these Evils?

Appreciate anyone's objective input on this


Sep 13, 2012
I live in a subtropical environment as well. Some days if I spend too much time outside it feels like it takes it all out of me, but then other times it seems my health is great. I have noticed the heat and humidity demand breaks and lots of liquids like juice, juicy fruits, and soda. Also salt. Sun exposure needs higher antioxidants like vitamin C and E. But sun exposure helps with chronic infections. So it's a give and take. If you like it there I would stay. The US is nutso right now.


Jun 13, 2019
sunlight is dangerous for those that are hypo from a loss of electrolytes. you need a lot of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. deficiencies in those causes flushing and the heart problems you are having


Nov 22, 2017
Let's put it this way. I'd give *anything* to trade places with you. (no srsly can you give me a rec for a place in Mexico lol?)

The covid-19 has made people nutso. Be careful, don't spend all day out in the sun, drink lots of juice (you can probably get amazing juice)

This is good for you. Yeah maybe the humidity makes it less than ideal, but sunlight and being able to swim daily is a great time.

Spend some time working on personal projects inside, and get intermittent sun and you should be fine.

Coconut oil and vitamin E help to keep the skin in great shape after sunshine exposure.


Sep 10, 2019
You don’t have to be outdoors for so long. Sunlight is good for everyone but not everyone is built to live in hot, humid areas. It’s not something you acclimate to. If you have the financial means to travel to Mexico for months on a whim, maybe try somewhere else.


Jan 31, 2017
sunlight is dangerous for those that are hypo from a loss of electrolytes. you need a lot of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. deficiencies in those causes flushing and the heart problems you are having

Appreciate it Kammas and everyone else here

Is Pink himilayan Salt in water enough to cover minerals ?

I did small doses of 15 mins today starting at 12-7 and spend about 4 hours outdoors maybe close to 3 tablespoons of Pink Salt.

Feel pretty good because i have AC to recover.It was 89 with 70 percent humidity.Not bad in 15 minute sessions with AC

I was told that the local city here intentionally cuts off power for 1-12 hrs.

Only thing is cool water that is left from the shower if this happens

I am on the 20th latitude.Lived in Atlanta for several years.So i am not used to this kind of Heat.

I once tried St. Augustine,Florida volunteering outdoors on someone's yard for a week.

Had to stay indoors in the middle of the day.

Imagine the heat wave in the US last year in the midwest.If this happens in South Mexico this could be trouble.


Jan 31, 2017
You don’t have to be outdoors for so long. Sunlight is good for everyone but not everyone is built to live in hot, humid areas. It’s not something you acclimate to. If you have the financial means to travel to Mexico for months on a whim, maybe try somewhere else.
You don’t have to be outdoors for so long. Sunlight is good for everyone but not everyone is built to live in hot, humid areas. It’s not something you acclimate to. If you have the financial means to travel to Mexico for months on a whim, maybe try somewhere else.

Interesting what you are saying is this is not something you build a tolerance to like lifting weights increasing sets and volume?

Throwing myself into the morning,midday and evening sun was what i thought the way to adapt to 100 plus degrees with 80-90 percent

humidity. 10-15 mins throughout the day in at least 6 sets and building up to an hour multiple

times in the day as we head into the 100 plus months

My original plan was to do some volunteer work teaching golf outdoors.My gut tells me in this weather this wouldn't work in the



Oct 15, 2018
Is Pink himilayan Salt in water enough to cover minerals ?

My issue with Himalayan salt, which is becoming quite popular in Mexico, is its high fluoride content.

My original plan was to do some volunteer work teaching golf outdoors.

I'm not sure if resorts would be open for volunteer, but I know that most people who play down at Acapulco and Vallarta try to stick to the early morning, late afternoon to play.


Jan 31, 2017
Noticed i veered off topic.More important than fluoride is the current living situation

Bright hot UV light plus dogs barking,Loud group, conversations

locals playing there music makes it intolerable with this conditon

I am sensitive to Sound and Light enhances this even more.

I am grateful my parents send me basic income like 400 a month to live cheaply

Experiment with Anti-virals over the counter to deal with CFS

Existential decision it seems between being here where it will get really steamy

vs living with my parents in either Atlanta or Folsom,California

I will say that in Atlanta at the Airport Apartments with 20 plus wifi signals after X amounts

of hours i feel really bad and overstimulated by the EMF.Lots of Benzos to get through it

temporarily.Not something i want to experience again.

My parents House in Folsom,California which is really set up like a condo less of the EMF shell

Shock when i visited before flying out here but not optimal.Not as bad as Atlanta but lots of

Brain Fog.Its noisy. I would have to wear Noise blocking headphones to be outside

I know all of these complaints may sound bizarre

I have had this inflammation for a couple years now that is perpetuated in big cities

I would have to fly through 5G Atlanta and LA to get there. I have also had moments of feeling

like seizing in very hot bright light out here when i first got here and a few other times

Help me to think rationally as it feels to me like either way i turn i am surrounded by

trouble.The UV index out here and the high EMF in Atlanta.Less high at my parents in Folsom

than their Apartment in Atlanta

Perhaps there is another way.Taking a bus 22 hours towards Mexico City and finding a cheap

Airbnb At a relatively low population town. A country town like rural alabama would be nice

where i can continue to use ethernet,have enough sunlight and not worry about 5g developing

A lawyer here told me its only a 30 dollar penalty at the airport for overstaying.

Let me know if anyone has a creative idea to avoid high emf's and super high UV without

needing to board a Flight

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do i understand.

Just don't want to take uneccesary risks
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Dec 17, 2018
Noticed i veered off topic.More important than fluoride is the current living situation

Bright hot UV light plus dogs barking,Loud group, conversations

locals playing there music makes it intolerable with this conditon

I am sensitive to Sound and Light enhances this even more.

I am grateful my parents send me basic income like 400 a month to live cheaply

Experiment with Anti-virals over the counter to deal with CFS

Existential decision it seems between being here where it will get really steamy

vs living with my parents in either Atlanta or Folsom,California

I will say that in Atlanta at the Airport Apartments with 20 plus wifi signals after X amounts

of hours i feel really bad and overstimulated by the EMF.Lots of Benzos to get through it

temporarily.Not something i want to experience again.

My parents House in Folsom,California which is really set up like a condo less of the EMF shell

Shock when i visited before flying out here but not optimal.Not as bad as Atlanta but lots of

Brain Fog.Its noisy. I would have to wear Noise blocking headphones to be outside

I know all of these complaints may sound bizarre

I have had this inflammation for a couple years now that is perpetuated in big cities

I would have to fly through 5G Atlanta and LA to get there. I have also had moments of feeling

like seizing in very hot bright light out here when i first got here and a few other times

Help me to think rationally as it feels to me like either way i turn i am surrounded by

trouble.The UV index out here and the high EMF in Atlanta.Less high at my parents in Folsom

than their Apartment in Atlanta

Perhaps there is another way.Taking a bus 22 hours towards Mexico City and finding a cheap

Airbnb At a relatively low population town. A country town like rural alabama would be nice

where i can continue to use ethernet,have enough sunlight and not worry about 5g developing

A lawyer here told me its only a 30 dollar penalty at the airport for overstaying.

Let me know if anyone has a creative idea to avoid high emf's and super high UV without

needing to board a Flight

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do i understand.

Just don't want to take uneccesary risks

You don't need to relocate to entirely different climates, nor do you have to avoid modern civilization. This does not and will never fix CFS and it probably wouldnt treat it that much either.

Some sunlight is good and may help mood and what not but you should be able to have energy regardless of sun exposure. Trying to kill pathogens with antivirals, using benzos, relocating just because of excessive fear of EMF and 5G. Wifi in Atlanta is not making you sick man.

This is not the way to go about fixing and dealing with CFS, it will never work. Food is the cure more than sun or living in some rundown mexican town will ever be. Do you have paranoia or other similar disorders? Being easily bothered by noises isn't right.
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Jan 31, 2017
You don't need to relocate to entirely different climates, nor do you have to avoid modern civilization. This does not and will never fix CFS and it probably wouldnt treat it that much either.

Have you had EHS before?

If you havent that you dont know what it's like to be sick from EMF

Some sunlight is good and may help mood and what not but you should be able to have energy regardless of sun exposure. Trying to kill pathogens with antivirals, using benzos, relocating just because of excessive fear of EMF and 5G. Wifi in Atlanta is not making you sick man.

This is not the way to go about fixing and dealing with CFS, it will never work. Food is the cure more than sun or living in some rundown mexican town will ever be. Do you have paranoia or other similar disorders? Being easily bothered by noises isn't right.

Noise sensitivity is a symptom of CFS

I didn't choose it.My body is inflammed

So its reacting this way

I take isoprinosine similar to inosine

I believe i have a chronic ebv infection

Just started 30 mg Cymbalta since its


Yes the wifi at my parents apartments Atlanta

make me sick.I have tested this several times.

And tested sleeping in my car in government

Camping land.In the apartment I would often

get really bad weakness and feel like

collapsing.This never happened living in

campgrounds.I was able to cut my Benzo

dose from 1.5 milligrams to 0,5 leaving that

Environment and now I dont have to take

nearly as much.Some days I dont even need

It. Lots of radiation lowers the seizure

threshold.Klonopon helps with this the most

followed by rubbing epsom salt all over the

body.4g gives you a chance to recover.If there

is only a few networks in your living area

1st generation 5g is ok up to 6ghz once you

start going about 10ghz this makes recovery

for those with chronic conditions much

harder since it crosses the blood brain

barrier and gut brain barrier.

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Sep 13, 2012
CFS can be a nervous system problem stemming from a traumatic event like a sickness. Try doing brain retraining programs like Gupta.


May 30, 2018
If you have seizures, experiment with the "Dehydration therapy":

Hi @yerrag
Note that a dehydration treatment has already been studied regarding epilepsy, which has nothing to do with hypertension, but which could be considered to be caused by pathogens in the CNS according to Marshall. Some excerpts:

"This degree of fluid limitation is followed by some discomfort on the part of the patient for the first ten days, but in all cases where this initial period has been accomplished, they have maintained the restriction of fluids without difficulty and with no ill effects. It must be born in mind that: unless absolute fluid regulation is maintained, little or no results can be expected.
During the first few days of fluid limitation at this low level it is interesting to note the high output of urine in contrast to the intake. The accumulation of body fluids in excess, from former free intake of fluids, persists for about six days. Following this, there may be a drop in volume of urine passed to below the intake level; again a sharp rise above the intake point with fluctuation for several weeks may occur."

"It is of interest to note that there has never been any pathological urinary findings due to dehydration except, of course, high specific gravity."​

"Bauer pointed out that of 25 infants, maintained on a ketogenic diet, he had obtained symptomatic relief on approximatively 35%. When these same infants were placed on fluid limitation and dehydration for one year, he was able to establish 100% symptomatic relief in his group."

"In a later report, he mentions that he had observed 86-88 cases, with similar results."

"We believe that the effectiveness of fasting and the ketogenic diet is due not so much to the presence of ketosis per se as to the associated dehydrating effect."​

CFS features lowered vasopressin (and thus impaired bile flow/production). This should increase it.
CFS features lowered/imbalanced immune system. It could increase/correct it.
This should also increase the proportion of metabolic water wrt to your total water consumption, which should act as a deuterium depletion process. This can improve mitochondrial metabolism.

You can also test the method (which he calls "hydration/dehydration cycles") of this guy:
One Cure for All Diseases - One Cure for All Diseases


Dec 17, 2018
Noise sensitivity is a symptom of CFS

I didn't choose it.My body is inflammed

So its reacting this way

I take isoprinosine similar to inosine

I believe i have a chronic ebv infection

Just started 30 mg Cymbalta since its


Yes the wifi at my parents apartments Atlanta

make me sick.I have tested this several times.

And tested sleeping in my car in government

Camping land.In the apartment I would often

get really bad weakness and feel like

collapsing.This never happened living in

campgrounds.I was able to cut my Benzo

dose from 1.5 milligrams to 0,5 leaving that

Environment and now I dont have to take

nearly as much.Some days I dont even need

It. Lots of radiation lowers the seizure

threshold.Klonopon helps with this the most

followed by rubbing epsom salt all over the

body.4g gives you a chance to recover.If there

is only a few networks in your living area

1st generation 5g is ok up to 6ghz once you

start going about 10ghz this makes recovery

for those with chronic conditions much

harder since it crosses the blood brain

barrier and gut brain barrier.


Noise sensitivity is related to excess noradrenaline and but especially very low dopamine:noradrenaline ratio and low histamine. All your other characteristics are explained by excess noradrenaline, even propensity to seizures. You will likely improve if you take steps to lower excess noradrenaline.

Something like cymbalta, which is an SNRI, maybe worsen your paranoia and all your other problems. I am not trying to insult your way of thinking but you need to understand needing to withdraw away from the world and move to more isolated places, feeling the need and feeling good to be in isolated places like in a campground or out in mexico somewhere and always wanting to be in these kind of places is not good. What is going on is you isolate yourself and this actually helps control noradrenaline so it doesn't keep raising in response to seeing other people and hearing so many sounds and being in a bustling city.

I was not as bad as you, but I had very bad paranoia as whole overall and taking a strong norepinephrine boosting drug made it insane and amplified even miniscule things and blew them out of proportion. I was afraid of anything and everything.
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Jan 31, 2017
Noise sensitivity is related to excess noradrenaline and but especially very low dopamine:noradrenaline ratio and low histamine. All your other characteristics are explained by excess noradrenaline, even propensity to seizures. You will likely improve if you take steps to lower excess noradrenaline.

Something like cymbalta, which is an SNRI, maybe worsen your paranoia and all your other problems. I am not trying to insult your way of thinking but you need to understand needing to withdraw away from the world and move to more isolated places, feeling the need and feeling good to be in isolated places like in a campground or out in mexico somewhere and always wanting to be in these kind of places is not good. What is going on is you isolate yourself and this actually helps control noradrenaline so it doesn't keep raising in response to seeing other people and hearing so many sounds and being in a bustling city.

I was not as bad as you, but I had very bad paranoia as whole overall and taking a strong norepinephrine boosting drug made it insane and amplified even miniscule things and blew them out of proportion. I was afraid of anything and everything.

If you don't mind me asking where do you see paranoia?

Some people like solitude and wanting to be away from EMF

I get plenty of dopamine from sunlight exposure but this doesnt make me less sensitive to noise

Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a brain inflammation leading to noise sensitivty

There are many in places like alabama where there is plenty of space spread out between homes.This is better for my wellbeing.Noise pollution is a stressor for some as well emf pollution.


Jan 31, 2017
Thanks Sugarbabe

I have done some EFT and this doesn't do much.Problem is when there is an infection in the nervous system mind body techniques can only do so much.I am sure Gupta program has worked for some.Perhaps it can be another tool in the arsenal

I have meditated on trauma for some time now and it doesnt seem to do much for the physical symptoms...

Starting to make me think that we are made of organic chemicals.Yes there is an energy or aura but it may end as we end.

I do appreciate it

CFS can be a nervous system problem stemming from a traumatic event like a sickness. Try doing brain retraining programs like Gupta.


Oct 19, 2018
Noise sensitivity is related to excess noradrenaline and but especially very low dopamine:noradrenaline ratio and low histamine. All your other characteristics are explained by excess noradrenaline, even propensity to seizures. You will likely improve if you take steps to lower excess noradrenaline.

Something like cymbalta, which is an SNRI, maybe worsen your paranoia and all your other problems. I am not trying to insult your way of thinking but you need to understand needing to withdraw away from the world and move to more isolated places, feeling the need and feeling good to be in isolated places like in a campground or out in mexico somewhere and always wanting to be in these kind of places is not good. What is going on is you isolate yourself and this actually helps control noradrenaline so it doesn't keep raising in response to seeing other people and hearing so many sounds and being in a bustling city.

I was not as bad as you, but I had very bad paranoia as whole overall and taking a strong norepinephrine boosting drug made it insane and amplified even miniscule things and blew them out of proportion. I was afraid of anything and everything.


Sorry to butt in.

This sounds very much like me and is very interesting thank you. How did you go about reducing norepinephrine please?

Thank You.


Dec 17, 2018
If you don't mind me asking where do you see paranoia?

Some people like solitude and wanting to be away from EMF

I get plenty of dopamine from sunlight exposure but this doesnt make me less sensitive to noise

Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a brain inflammation leading to noise sensitivty

There are many in places like alabama where there is plenty of space spread out between homes.This is better for my wellbeing.Noise pollution is a stressor for some as well emf pollution.

Noise sensitivity, excess unfounded fears (EMF), preference for solitude and isolation, etc. You can research into the manifestations (symptoms and signs) of schizophrenia and paranoia disorders online and look into it yourself. You know better than us, like whether you romantic relationships or close friends etc because there is more to go at as you have given little.

I only have a small tidbit of info about you, so you can actually answer this questions better yourself and determine better than I can. But if you are alright being isolated and being the way you are, there is literally nothing I can do I am just a forum member on the internet talking to you through typed words on a screen. You have to want to change.


Dec 17, 2018

Sorry to butt in.

This sounds very much like me and is very interesting thank you. How did you go about reducing norepinephrine please?

Thank You.

Zinc glycinate, high dose folic acid, vitamin C. Niacin may help as well. High intake of meat proteins which help agonize glutamate, promote more dopamine/histamine. Avoid excess copper intake.


Jan 31, 2017
Noise sensitivity, excess unfounded fears (EMF), preference for solitude and isolation, etc. You can research into the manifestations (symptoms and signs) of schizophrenia and paranoia disorders online and look into it yourself. You know better than us, like whether you romantic relationships or close friends etc because there is more to go at as you have given little.

I only have a small tidbit of info about you, so you can actually answer this questions better yourself and determine better than I can. But if you are alright being isolated and being the way you are, there is literally nothing I can do I am just a forum member on the internet talking to you through typed words on a screen. You have to want to change.

I talk to people out here.I like company in small doses.If I socialize too much I end up crashing.Just like if I walk more than 2,000-3,000 steps a day.Its part of the illness.

If I stay within this range I am usually ok.Same with socializing over 30 minutes.The body can't tolerate it.Its not from a lack of desire.Its the neuroinflammation.

Look up Myalgic Encaphlomyeletis.Its a real conditon.There has been MRI that shown decreased white matter in thr brain

CFS has been a buzzword that has been changed and been mislabeled as ordinary fatigue from

lack of diet and exercise.It's more complex.

I don't dislike the majority of people.Just like quiet areas.We are all different

Part of this was from the CFS too.I did use to
socialize for long periods and expose myself to loud noises.When I try to repeat this over and over my body told me this isn't right

Emf is Unfounded?
There are hundreds of scientific peer reviewed journals on the effect of EMF

This is not conspiracy this is fact
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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