RP's Work Focuses On A Person's Health In Isolation, Not As A Part Of A Damaged Society


Nov 21, 2019
Many of RP's dietary suggestions come from reading through animal studies but in these studies, the animals are either examined in isolation or as part of a group that is all receiving the same diet.

There are no studies where an animal is receiving a particular diet surrounded by animals that are eating vastly different diets, except one that I remember where the animals eating sugar were quickly killed by the animals eating PUFA and starch because the latter were so much more aggressive than the former.

This means that RP's suggestions don't take into account things like how your diet affects how you function in a world in which others aren't eating high quality food like you. For example, young women on this diet eating mostly fruits might become so attractive that it puts them in risky situations which ultimately lower quality of life in the long-run, by analogy of how passive rats eating sugar were prematurely killed by aggressive rats eating PUFA and starch.

Obviously it doesn't make sense to eat lower quality food out of fear of inviting aggression from others, but after reading various things, I have a theory that maximal longevity and happiness comes from eating foods which never go bad and from keeping your system as acidic as possible, while keeping calcium higher than phosphate and fat as low possible.

This means eating organic white sugar or honey, which never go bad, instead of fruits, which go bad quickly. Fruits will develop a luster that might invite jealousy and aggression, whereas organic white sugar and honey will keep you healthy without drawing excess attention to yourself.

It also means replacing at least part of your milk intake with powdered milk, and eating plenty of un-iodized salt, taking thyroid, and restricting water, to acidify your system.

you are getting something wrong
attractive people have higher quality of life (even if you get health out of the equation and reduce it to appearance)

you want all the benefits of peating but fear becoming too attractive as a prime woman? wear glasses, cut your hair short, dont wear short skirts, dont use makeup
sexism is a problem, yes. being unattractive is a bigger problem and does not mean you will not be victim of sexism.

It's entirely possible for attractive people to stay under the radar. It just does not make sense for them, because being attractive reaps you insane benefits.

even normies know this, subconsciously. I have said it elsewhere, the wish of being attractive probably has just as much importance to the reason people are here than the wish of being healthy.

there are a few studies on lookism as well. few, because from a sociological perspective looks are hard to account for without applying a brutal "blackpill" perspective, which is just impossible to do if you work a job in the humanities.

for example, there is a study that shows that traditionally handsome people get less punishment for the same crimes as less attractive people. in court.

same for job interviews and so on.

our whole society and our egos that we form to function in it are arranged in a way that are supposed to undermine the importance of looks. expose the importance of looks, and society stops functioning as well.
if you are attractive, do the same thing. do never tell people how easy it is for you to find the partner you want, get casual sex or to get what you want in general. never make anything about your looks and you will reap its rewards without paying in any way for it. this is what most attractive people do anyways, it's really common sense.
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Feb 13, 2016
you are getting something wrong
attractive people have higher quality of life (even if you get health out of the equation and reduce it to appearance)

you want all the benefits of peating but fear becoming too attractive as a prime woman? wear glasses, cut your hair short, dont wear short skirts, dont use makeup
sexism is a problem, yes. being unattractive is a bigger problem and does not mean you will not be victim of sexism.

It's entirely possible for attractive people to stay under the radar. It just does not make sense for them, because being attractive reaps you insane benefits.

even normies know this, subconsciously.

there are a few studies on lookism as well. few, because from a sociological perspective looks are hard to account for without applying a brutal "blackpill" perspective, which is just impossible to do if you work a job in the humanities.

for example, there is a study that shows that traditionally handsome people get less punishment for the same crimes as less attractive people.

same for job interviews and so on.

it's not just attractiveness, that was just the first example that came to mind. (but even as it relates to attractiveness, it's not attractiveness that's the problem, it's more a "luster" driven by excess catecholamines. you just become a target even for things that others normally won't get criticized for. Trump is a perfect example.)

for example, if you are too evolved and your brain is too big relative to the brains of the people around you, then it's counterproductive because even if you try to do everything right, it will all be wrong because you won't be part of the "flow" of things, you won't resonate with your environment. I think this is why moderately above-average IQ people are generally happier and more successful than extremely high IQ people, the latter don't "flow" well. But obviously you don't want to poison yourself with PUFA and purposefully become dumber or less attractive.

This is where my post really started getting to pure theorizing without any evidence backing it up, but I think organic table sugar and honey (which hasn't been heated, which much store-bought honey is) make you attractive/cause brain growth/etc without the "luster" and over-evolution that fruits cause because I think one of the things that raises catecholamines excessively and causes lack of flow is the water content of fruits. I think an extremely general and basic way of looking at it would be to eat foods that have long shelf lives (water/moisture is the main thing that causes decay). Salt and thyroid oppose moisture, hence salt (preferably uniodized) preserves things.


Nov 21, 2019
it's not just attractiveness, that was just the first example that came to mind. (but even as it relates to attractiveness, it's not attractiveness that's the problem, it's more a "luster" driven by excess catecholamines. you just become a target even for things that others normally won't get criticized for. Trump is a perfect example.)

for example, if you are too evolved and your brain is too big relative to the brains of the people around you, then it's counterproductive because even if you try to do everything right, it will all be wrong because you won't be part of the "flow" of things, you won't resonate with your environment. I think this is why moderately above-average IQ people are generally more happier and more successful than extremely high IQ people, the latter don't "flow" well. But obviously you don't want to poison yourself with PUFA and purposefully become dumber or less attractive.

This is where my post really started getting to pure theorizing without any evidence backing it up, but I think organic table sugar and honey (which hasn't been heated, which much store-bought honey is) make you attractive/cause brain growth/etc without the "luster" and over-evolution that fruits cause because I think one of the things that raises catecholamines excessively and causes lack of flow is the water content of fruits. I think an extremely general and basic way of looking at it would be to eat foods that have long shelf lives (water/moisture is the main thing that causes decay). Salt and thyroid oppose moisture, hence salt (preferably uniodized) preserves things.

okay, I understand you better now.
Things that speak against your theory:
There does not seem to be a big correlation between attractivity and IQ.
Heck, in other threads people are arguing "simpletons" or the arche alpha type man with a low hairline is usually dumb as ****.

Also, Trump is literally saying insane ***t.

There have been times where I had this insane "luster", say after MDMA use and a couple times on extremely long no fap periods while eating clean and doing lots of cardio. Just an insane glow in my face, mental clearness, alien like facial leanness etc.
The result of that was the complete opposite of what you are describing: People, especially females, were very drawn to me. People literally stared at me, would smile at me all the time and actually listen to what I say closely and not interrupt. This state did not come with any negatives for me.
It's basically this state that I am trying to achieve permanently (and drug free)


Feb 13, 2016
The water content of fresh vegetables might also be why rats thrived on dehydrated, canned vegetables (long shelf life) as opposed to fresh vegetables, according to a study RP mentioned a while ago.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
The water content of fresh vegetables might also be why rats thrived on dehydrated, canned vegetables (long shelf life) as opposed to fresh vegetables, according to a study RP mentioned a while ago.
But RP classically recommends milk and orange juice, far from dehydrated foods, but this creates too much "lustre"?


Nov 18, 2019
I think it’s better to suffer through it than be peer pressured into eating like a peasant.
+1 Eat healthy, keep yourself vibrant and do not worry about anyone else. It is you and you alone that go to sleep and wake up with yourself.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
you are getting something wrong
attractive people have higher quality of life (even if you get health out of the equation and reduce it to appearance)

you want all the benefits of peating but fear becoming too attractive as a prime woman? wear glasses, cut your hair short, dont wear short skirts, dont use makeup
sexism is a problem, yes. being unattractive is a bigger problem and does not mean you will not be victim of sexism.

It's entirely possible for attractive people to stay under the radar. It just does not make sense for them, because being attractive reaps you insane benefits.

even normies know this, subconsciously. I have said it elsewhere, the wish of being attractive probably has just as much importance to the reason people are here than the wish of being healthy.

there are a few studies on lookism as well. few, because from a sociological perspective looks are hard to account for without applying a brutal "blackpill" perspective, which is just impossible to do if you work a job in the humanities.

for example, there is a study that shows that traditionally handsome people get less punishment for the same crimes as less attractive people. in court.

same for job interviews and so on.

our whole society and our egos that we form to function in it are arranged in a way that are supposed to undermine the importance of looks. expose the importance of looks, and society stops functioning as well.
if you are attractive, do the same thing. do never tell people how easy it is for you to find the partner you want, get casual sex or to get what you want in general. never make anything about your looks and you will reap its rewards without paying in any way for it. this is what most attractive people do anyways, it's really common sense.
It's not a matter of staying under the radar, many people want (and try) to be important and have the attention, but only a few succeed in this, and it's argued that it comes at a cost. When uniqueness doesn't turn the person into a misfit, standing out in some area of life leads to more opportunities, but makes someone prone to attach the identity to it, feel tempted to reinforce the pattern and meet or exceed the expectations. Demands are increased and functioning at high performance makes every detail count, so it can easily become stressful and shorten lifespan when it results in premature stress without the stress (Selye, 1976).
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Nov 26, 2017
for example, if you are too evolved and your brain is too big relative to the brains of the people around you, then it's counterproductive because even if you try to do everything right, it will all be wrong because you won't be part of the "flow" of things, you won't resonate with your environment. I think this is why moderately above-average IQ people are generally happier and more successful than extremely high IQ people, the latter don't "flow" well. But obviously you don't want to poison yourself with PUFA and purposefully become dumber or less attractive.

'Having a healthy attitude in a dysfunctional environment usually led to numerous problems.' RP


Mar 29, 2016
'Having a healthy attitude in a dysfunctional environment usually led to numerous problems.' RP

This rings true. Depending on where you're from and how the culture looks at it, you're either a dour pessimist or an optimistic idiot.

An example of this healthy attitude is the mantra "The Greatest Economy Ever" which everyone pro-Trump likes to hear (including me) and pretend it's true. It only took the BLM protests and riots to break this bubble.

Also "The Greatest Country" is another healthy attitude that keeps us from reminding ourselves we have a terrible educational system and because of it students go into college with little or no critical thinking skills and end up wasting their college debts on bull**** degrees, taught by mindless but bellicose professors that leave them with no worthwhile skills.


Mar 15, 2014
I thought you were going somewhere sensible with this from the thread title but I can't see how eating white sugar and powdered milk instead of fruit and liquid milk is going to prevent anything bad from happening.
I agree with the broader point, which is something many have brought up here.

In a fundamentally broken society, is it better to be broken like everyone else to belong? The direct health effects will be negative, but you may have more positive social effects or may be more successful (which both lead to better health via other pathways)


Sep 25, 2018
you are getting something wrong
attractive people have higher quality of life (even if you get health out of the equation and reduce it to appearance)

you want all the benefits of peating but fear becoming too attractive as a prime woman? wear glasses, cut your hair short, dont wear short skirts, dont use makeup
sexism is a problem, yes. being unattractive is a bigger problem and does not mean you will not be victim of sexism.

It's entirely possible for attractive people to stay under the radar. It just does not make sense for them, because being attractive reaps you insane benefits.

even normies know this, subconsciously. I have said it elsewhere, the wish of being attractive probably has just as much importance to the reason people are here than the wish of being healthy.

there are a few studies on lookism as well. few, because from a sociological perspective looks are hard to account for without applying a brutal "blackpill" perspective, which is just impossible to do if you work a job in the humanities.

for example, there is a study that shows that traditionally handsome people get less punishment for the same crimes as less attractive people. in court.

same for job interviews and so on.

our whole society and our egos that we form to function in it are arranged in a way that are supposed to undermine the importance of looks. expose the importance of looks, and society stops functioning as well.
if you are attractive, do the same thing. do never tell people how easy it is for you to find the partner you want, get casual sex or to get what you want in general. never make anything about your looks and you will reap its rewards without paying in any way for it. this is what most attractive people do anyways, it's really common sense.

This is such a quality comment


Dec 22, 2019
Agression is the result of brain hypoxia because of brain calcification or other problems. In my opinion.


Mar 29, 2016
This is such a quality comment
Yes, that is reality.

And a lot of the attractiveness is used to also promote harmful legal drugs for doctors to push by way of attractive medical representatives lol.

Personally, I'd settle, actually not the word, I would prefer to be less attractive and have the less attractive for people I work with and live with.

Too attractive and they become magnets for mediocrity in themselves. But while they are prone to mediocrity, they attract the high achievers and not only that, they motivate excellence in others as they are the prize for excellence.

But they are like honey, and you would have to defend the hive from the vicious honey badger.

They're like the country well-endowed with natural resources that are always being liberated by very 'well-meaning democratic' countries using color revolutions, and then made poorer. Where blessing becomes a curse.


Jul 24, 2013
I think Ray's philosophy extends well beyond nutrition ...
he has talked a lot about exploitation, politics, culture, and ways a person can get themselves out of ruts....
Cholesterol, longevity, intelligence, and health.
"Who defends socioeconomic stress? All of the social institutions that fail to alleviate it. In 1847, Rudolph Virchow was sent to Poland to study the health situation there, and when he returned, the highly regarded anatomist, physiologist and pathologist announced that the Poles wouldn't have a health problem if the government would stop oppressing them, and institute economic reforms to alleviate their poverty. The reforms weren't made, and Virchow lost his job. Other harmful factors, such as seed oils, degraded foods, and radiation, have specific, very well organized and powerful lobbies to defend them."
Dec 18, 2018
okay, I understand you better now.
Things that speak against your theory:
There does not seem to be a big correlation between attractivity and IQ.
Heck, in other threads people are arguing "simpletons" or the arche alpha type man with a low hairline is usually dumb as ****.

Also, Trump is literally saying insane ***t.

There have been times where I had this insane "luster", say after MDMA use and a couple times on extremely long no fap periods while eating clean and doing lots of cardio. Just an insane glow in my face, mental clearness, alien like facial leanness etc.
The result of that was the complete opposite of what you are describing: People, especially females, were very drawn to me. People literally stared at me, would smile at me all the time and actually listen to what I say closely and not interrupt. This state did not come with any negatives for me.
It's basically this state that I am trying to achieve permanently (and drug free)

"alien like facial leanness etc."

Did your looks approached by any the chance the lisuride leanness of this geezer =] ??



Nov 21, 2019
"alien like facial leanness etc."

Did your looks approached by any the chance the lisuride leanness of this geezer =] ??


nah this dude looks like he is dehydrated lol

for me it was mostly very low bf +adrenaline/artificially high metabolism

i gained like 6 kilos since, and had one more mdma trip. Face was very lean on the drug, but not „alien like“ anymore
I also do not reach those adrenaline levels anymore with the higher bf and better thyroid function


Nov 21, 2019
If you want to see your face completely leaned out, cut bf. Drink coffee, then do cardio in a fasted state. Then take mdma, keep fasting until you have the afterglow.

not healthy but it‘s crazy what you see in the mirror (i never did all these things combined in a day though)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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