RPC's Log


Jul 8, 2016
Decided it would be best to make a log to see if I can plot any patterns or improvements, rather than not knowing why I feel such a way, as well as having people mention things I otherwise might have missed.

24 years old, slightly overweight. Been aware of Peat for ~5 years, not fully understood it for that whole time though (Still don't) and not fully committed to being "Peaty" until about a year ago.

My main issues are:
Thinning hair over the top of my head
Blood sugar issues
Life long adrenaline issues? Traumatic birth, prenatal stress, stressed mother, stressed grandmother. Pulse always 95-105.
Sleep issues, sleepy around 8-10pm at night, perk up until about 2am when I can sleep, sometimes disturbed.
Not feel "grounded" as I call it to myself, where I don't feel myself. I am sure this is caused by serotonin, cypro fixes this. Large meals often help.
It would be nice to lose weight but happy to stay as I am

My diet keeps changing as things aren't fully working at the moment. I don't do well with too many liquids. I never reached the 1 quart OJ 2 quart Milk that Peat frequently mentions. Recently I attempted it and manged 1 quart OJ and 1.5 quart Milk before feeling agitated, stressed, irritable, which a large meal of rice, meat and vegetables fixed. I always take my milk the same way, 0.5 quart at a time, with 1 tbsp sugar, ~1 tsp salt and heated.

30th September
Bowels have improved recently, I wondered if it was due to increased potato consumption. I ate a meal of very well cooked potatoes tonight, with onion, peppers and a glass of oj. An hour later I feel hungry again, stressed, sort of low blood sugar although I registered at 7.1. Any ideas about this?

I think I feel better eating more vegetables such as onions, sometimes garlic, bell peppers, bowels improved but maybe more anxiety this way.

At the moment just 0.5mg cypro when needed, usually 2x a day. Magnesium bicarb water. Experimented with probably almost everything "Peaty" at one point or another. I typically respond negatively to a supplement/drug, or not at all.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
ate a meal of very well cooked potatoes tonight, with onion, peppers and a glass of oj. An hour later I feel hungry again, stressed, sort of low blood sugar although I registered at 7.1. Any ideas about this?
You might feel better by adding some protein and perhaps a little saturated fat to make the meal more balanced.
ETA: if you cooked with fat you may not need anymore.


Jul 8, 2016
You might feel better by adding some protein and perhaps a little saturated fat to make the meal more balanced.
ETA: if you cooked with fat you may not need anymore.

Thanks for the reply! Yeah that wasn't the best of meals, more an experiment to see the potato was responsible for the improving bowels. I added 2 tsp olive oil to that meal, not much.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks for the reply! Yeah that wasn't the best of meals, more an experiment to see the potato was responsible for the improving bowels. I added 2 tsp olive oil to that meal, not much.
Cool, I love experimenting.
I think I feel better eating more vegetables such as onions, sometimes garlic, bell peppers, bowels improved but maybe more an
Yum, I've been craving (and eating) Pico de Gallo lately.


Jul 8, 2016
Cool, I love experimenting.

Yum, I've been craving (and eating) Pico de Gallo lately.

I love experimenting too, but I feel like I'm not as healthy as I was around 6 months ago, not sure what is different. More experiments needed I guess. :)

That looks nice, never heard of that, do you eat it alongside a meal?

I've been thinking a lot about digestion recently. I think the vegetables I've been eating are a sort of band-aid for my bowels, and they would be at a standstill without. A person with decent thyroid would have robust digestion and have good bowel movements, (I've seen people mention they have improved bowel movements after thyroid) So the goal is to get a good thyroid. What if the poor bowel movements are contributing to my low thyroid, through endotoxin, so vegetables are my best course of action at the moment, promoting bowel movements, to improve thyroid by reducing endotoxin. I feel like I have better bowel movements now, but more anxiety, compared to when I ate low/no starch I was chronically constipated but had lesser levels of anxiety.


Jan 24, 2014
I never reached the 1 quart OJ 2 quart Milk that Peat frequently mentions. Recently I attempted it and manged 1 quart OJ and 1.5 quart Milk before feeling agitated, stressed, irritable,
Probably restricting milk to a Quart may be better and making up the rest with cheese. Cheese would also provide more sodium and probably be easier to digest with fruits.

Sleep issues, sleepy around 8-10pm at night, perk up until about 2am when I can sleep, sometimes disturbed.
Have you tried gelatin at night ?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That looks nice, never heard of that, do you eat it alongside a meal?
It's great on eggs or rice and shrimp. Probably not strictly Peaty but it does help me enjoy my food.:)


Jul 8, 2016
Probably restricting milk to a Quart may be better and making up the rest with cheese. Cheese would also provide more sodium and probably be easier to digest with fruits.

Have you tried gelatin at night ?

Thanks for the reply. I will try eating more cheese, it is something I try avoid because of the fat content. I eat little to no fruit at the moment, it is quite expensive and never feel full or "right" when I have tried to eat high fruit. Perhaps I hadn't eaten enough calories, or protein on days I tried it, guess it calls for more experiments!

I have tried gelatin years ago when getting into Peat, and never noticed anything particularly. Have you had success with it? I have a bag of glycine unopened, have you tried that?

It's great on eggs or rice and shrimp. Probably not strictly Peaty but it does help me enjoy my food.:)

Being "strictly Peat" has never felt much fun to me. Thanks for another meal idea. :)


Jan 24, 2014
never feel full or "right" when I have tried to eat high fruit.
Boil two peeled apples with 1/4 cup sugar and melt some cheese on it. Tends to be quite satisfying for me.

I have tried gelatin years ago when getting into Peat, and never noticed anything particularly. Have you had success with it? I have a bag of glycine unopened, have you tried that?
Not Glycine, But this for example , knocks me out:
Recipe: Chocolate Gelatin Bars – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)

I used cocoa powder with added sugar instead as I couldn't find the choco chips. Probably needs some experimenting to get right.

I'd say experiment with increasing cooked fruits and melted cheddar cheese initially (without worrying about fat) and then slowly add in milk/oj.


Jul 8, 2016
@Lightbringer Thanks for the recipe. I'll get some of the great lakes gelatin and have a play around. I remember a couple of weeks ago I got a good nights sleep from 1 pint oj, 2 eggs with generous cheese melted over the eggs, which I've not been able to replicate quite as well.


Feb 20, 2013
2 am sleep is possibly related to adrenaline phase. RP mentioned
how people wake up from sleep around 1-2 am. In your case,
You are falling sleep after that phase. I have found
eating carrot in the late afternoon and eating mostly
sugar and fat from sunset to bed time to load up on
glycogen. Gut irritation prevent glycogen refill.

OJ and milk both can be problematic. Have you tried
without milk? People who can not digest milk properly
get lots of health problem. I think ideal OJ RP
recommends rarely found. I solve that with
apple juice, high fructose content helps with
glycogen and steady blood sugar. You have to find
good quality apple juice without additives and
mold. A lot of commercial apple juice comes from
china and they use spoiled apple. Calcium intake
increases metabolism and temp. A lot of people
have problem with gelatin. Homemade bone broth
is better but still can cause problem for some.

Early on i got best results mainly from
fructose, farmer's cheese with a lot of sugar,
calcium, carrot salad. Later on i added chicken neck soup
for thyroid and that was very helpful.
Little bit of thyroid improves digestion.
small dose niacinamide 50 to 100 mg
2-3 times a day made a huge difference.


Jul 8, 2016
@Mittir On the nights I do go to sleep around 10, I will always wake up between 1-2 as you said, and I am convinced I have adrenaline issues.

I haven't tried without milk really for maybe 4 years? As I say I have known about Peat for about 5 years and milk and oj has been the only thing I've done consistently. What issues should I be looking out for with milk? When I first started I had mucus issues, which have long since past, I don't get any stuffy nose from it or anything.

Again, I have tested around 10 different orange juices, and found one that seems to suit me, however I am open to believing orange juice is not good for me. How do you determine whether an apple juice has mold? I am from the UK, most of our food seems to be from the UK, no issues with China imports.

I am going to get oxtail next week and try making the oxtail soup like Ray and Danny mention sometimes.

Did you say the niacinamide made a huge difference to your digestion, or in general? I have tried niacinamide before but never really noticed anything.


Feb 20, 2013
Niacinamide improved sleep quality and general resiliance.
In the beginning i had to eat frequently to compensate
for decreased free fatty acids and after 2-3 months i
did not need to do that.

I forgot to mention that i ate a lot of coconut oil
for extra calories, 400 watt incandescent bulbs
from sunset to bedtime, liver and coffee.
I can not feel good without 4-6 oz liver weekly.
Niacinamide and coffee definitely helped with
liver function. Cypro i added about 1-2 years ago.

I go by taste and how it feels in the stomach
and if i feel better or worse the next day.
I think spoiled apple is used worldwide.
May be some good companies don't.
It is also possible your sleep quality
is causing most of your problems.
Sugar was a big factor in losing about 14 lbs
in months. Calcium and coconut oil also helped
losing weight, though i was not trying to.
Good calcium intake is associated with weight loss.
I was very careful to avoid gut irritating food and supplements.

Are you using f.lux at night? That improves sleep quality.
Blue light from screen causes sleep problem.


Jul 8, 2016
@Mittir I'll try the niacinamide when I have some time off work. Did you eat the coconut oil with anything, or just by itself? Do you work from home, to sit under the red lights all day?

I've messaged the apple juice company asking them a few questions, and will pick some up tomorrow to give it a try.

Liver is something I forget to eat as well.

I tried f.lux but I didn't like it, it kept cutting out for me and also changing with the time of day, which I didn't like. I downloaded Gamma Panel instead and got it set to the lowest blue and green, and highest red. It looks like the highest red f.lux setting, so I assume its doing the job. I also have orange lens glasses which I sometimes use, but never noticed anything from them really.


Feb 20, 2013
I ate coconut oil mostly with starch and by itself.
I get the incandescent light when i am home.
I think limiting PUFA was a big factor. I think it is
quite difficult to keep PUFA below 4 grams on daily
basis. My goal was to get less than 4 grams but
failed most of the time. But health improved continuously
with stricter PUFA avoidance.
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Jul 8, 2016

Yeah I have been on the PUFA lookout for around 3 years and try to get the 4 grams or less a day as well. It is very easy to fail especially when eating out with spouses fairly regularly, and family. It is not worth worrying about and potentially ruining the positive dynamic by refusing to go to a restaraunt, being fussy about food etc. You just have to make the best choices you can sometimes. What do you generally eat, if you don't mind me asking?


Feb 20, 2013
Current diet is much different than i did few years ago.
I used to be milk intolerant, so i used farmer's cheese.
egg shell calcium for a while then switched to calcium
hydroxide added to acidic juice. Only for a brief time
i avoided starch completely and felt great. But, i always
ate some starch for lunch with mostly chicken or beef.
Now i eat about 6 cups of sugared coffee milk with
1-2 tbs of sugar. 4 cups of apple juice. About an ounce
of liver daily. I also eat some fried food regularly
using coconut oil.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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