Resistant Acne And Cold Hands



Hey folks :)
at first i have to say, as i have seen so far, this is the most open minded and scientific community ive ever seen. :D
Im very glad that i found this forum.

Now to my problems:
Im 20 years old and suffering from acne and cold hands since serveral years. Got a very light sleep too (waking up from the tiniest noises), but thats not such a big issue for me.
Im one of these guys who can eat as much as they want to but dont gain a gramm of mass (~65kg at 1,82m). Got acne at the face, some big ones at my neck and a bit on my chest.

i just got data from a few days, but it seems like i have quite high temps at morning when i wake up (~37,5° C) with a high pulse (~90ppm). Then after breakfast both tend to fall a bit (37°C and pulse around 80ppm). After that they rise a bit or stay quite stable through the day but it seems like my pulse never drops below 80ppm.

-eating 100g beef liver twice a week
-avoiding pufas for 2-3 months now
-arround 10 eggs per week
-lots of milk/cheese and oj
-generous amount of salt and 9g gelatin per day

since i read that proper thyroid is needed to use vitamin a effiecently, i ordered some cytomel from mexico for experimentation but im not sure if it will get through german customs :(

Im very glad for every advice or opinion on my issues.


Nov 9, 2012
I had some of your symptoms (acne, cold hands and never gaining weight no matter how much I eat).

Re acne: there's a few threads about this. Fixing thyroid is a start (if you are hypo).

On that note, I'd be curious to learn about why some never gain weight no matter how bad they eat. In my case, I could eat a lot of bad things and have minimal exercise (I was too tired to do any), show typical symptoms of hypothyroidism (sleepy, insomnia, acne...), yet stay slim (a bit too thin and weak). If my metabolism was low, what happened to all the energy intake? It didn't get stored.


I would try some vitamin E as well (natural, mixed tocopherols). Vitamin E I think lets the body use vitamin A better.


.. Cant find the edit-button?!
So id like to add that i do strength training once a week.

thank you for the vitamin E idea. which foods would be best to get it? Since i live in Germany, getting high quality supplements without prescription is not that easy :/ .

jyb said:
I had some of your symptoms (acne, cold hands and never gaining weight no matter how much I eat).

On that note, I'd be curious to learn about why some never gain weight no matter how bad they eat. In my case, I could eat a lot of bad things and have minimal exercise (I was too tired to do any), show typical symptoms of hypothyroidism (sleepy, insomnia, acne...), yet stay slim (a bit too thin and weak). If my metabolism was low, what happened to all the energy intake? It didn't get stored.

Yep this has been a big question for me too... The energy doesnt get stored and it doesnt get turned into heat obviously.

But could you give me references referring to acne as a symptom of hypothyroidism and a low metabolic rate? If thats the case, why do most people have acne at an age of 14-25?


tobieagle said:
But could you give me references referring to acne as a symptom of hypothyroidism and a low metabolic rate? If thats the case, why do most people have acne at an age of 14-25?

Possibly high metabolic rate with little vitamin A.


Nov 9, 2012
Are your temps and pulse indicative of hypothyroidism? 37C during the day seems healthy but the 37.5 upon wake up seems odd.


Aug 9, 2012
I think acne is a symptom of nutrition being inadequate for the speed of metabolism.
A relative deficiency of Vitamin A being the most common reason.


kiran said:
I think acne is a symptom of nutrition being inadequate for the speed of metabolism.
A relative deficiency of Vitamin A being the most common reason.

The thing is, i notice the day after i ate liver only a little (could just be imagination) to no improvement. So im a bit desperate... I hope the cytomel arrives. I will see what happens then.

I read that excess stress hormones like cortisol can lead to high temps/pulse at morning (before breakfast). Is that a sign of hypothyroidism?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Tobieagle, welcome to the forum.

Your temps/pulse dropping in the morning after you eat indicates that you are running off stress hormones. It should be the other way around, you eat, and temps/pulse should rise.

So yes, most likely a sign of hypothyroid.

Your temps are way too high in the morning. If I did the calculation right, your morning temp is 99.5 fahrenheit. Your temps on waking should be 36.6 to 36.8. It would seem, that you are running in a highly stressful state.


Nov 9, 2012
tobieagle said:
kiran said:
I think acne is a symptom of nutrition being inadequate for the speed of metabolism.
A relative deficiency of Vitamin A being the most common reason.

The thing is, i notice the day after i ate liver only a little (could just be imagination) to no improvement. So im a bit desperate... I hope the cytomel arrives. I will see what happens then.

I read that excess stress hormones like cortisol can lead to high temps/pulse at morning (before breakfast). Is that a sign of hypothyroidism?

Wait 2 weeks to judge, liver twice a week. Or better, liver once and oysters once.

Also ask yourself whether the rest is right. For example, do you strained your OJ? If it is commercial OJ and it says pulp-free, it can still contain a massive amount of pulp.

The suggestions made on the other acne threads (niacinamide, light, no washing of face etc) can bring more immediate result than thyroid supp. But if you are hypo then its good to supp thyroid and fix it anyway of course.


I forgot to say, i wrote an email to ray a few weeks ago:

what do make of people like me (21 years, 65kg at a height of 1,80m) who arent able to gain a single gramm of mass although they eat 3000+ calories a day but still showing some hypothyroid symptoms like cold hands and feet when the ambient temperature falls below 22° C or poor sleep (waking up from the tiniest noises).

>I had similar symptoms, I often ate several thousand calories per day without getting fat, and small noises would shock me awake. Taking thyroid reduced my caloric requirement, >and immediately allowed me to sleep deeply. Deficiencies of magnesium, vitamin A, and selenium probably contribute to that metabolic pattern.

After that i was even more confused than before :D So an increase in thyroidfunction does both, increasing and decreasing the requirement of nutrients?!
What are your thoughts/interpretations on this?

And Charlie you may add this one to the email collection if you think its worth it.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
It(thyroid) stabilizes the unstable system.


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Feb 20, 2013
RP once explained how some hypothyroid people eat tons of carbohydrate to compensate for lack of active thyroid hormone , and carbohydrate helps to increase metabolism and energy expenditure. If thyroid is fixed the extra need for calories from carb decreases. People in hypothyroid state loose more salt and magnesium than healthy people. Once thyroid is fixed we would not need the extra magnesium and salt. Since thyroid increases metabolism it will increase the need for other mineral and vitamins.
In your case extra salt and magnesium can help to increase your temperature. I had a lot of improvement once i started supplementing with 100 mcg selenium daily with natural vitamin E. I thought i was getting enough selenium from meat, milk. eggs and fish. I read in one article( do not remember the name and link) that if one is already deficient in selenium they were repleted quickly with selenomethionine supplement only, food and other type of selenium did not help much. RP also mentioned that egg whites are very allergenic. He thinks egg yolks are healthy and helpful . He is careful about egg yolks too, its rich in PUFA. RP strongly recommends daily raw carrot salad to improve over all health.


Oct 29, 2012
I have a similar problem. Without thyroid I have to eat loads of calories despite being slim, I have a high temperature (low-grade fever even) and an ideal pulse. When I took thyroid, pulse and temps were good, but I obviously gained weight in good places like thighs and butt.

Peat told me this in regards to thyroid causing a high metabolic rate:

"About your high metabolic rate and high temperature: In my teens and twenties, I needed about 8000 calories per day when I was physically active, about 4000 to 5000 when I was sedentary, but after I took thyroid, I needed only about half as many calories. Thyroid is the basic regulator of blood glucose, and it causes it to be fully oxidized for energy, so that it produces ATP efficiently, on relatively few calories. If blood glucose falls, because it's being used very quickly, the body responds with stress hormones, including glucagon, adrenalin, and cortisol. They cause fat and protein to be burned for energy, while in hypothyroidism, glucose can still be used inefficiently for glycolysis, producing lactic acid, displacing bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. This causes mineral imbalances, with effects including cramps and nerve-muscle tension, which produce heat and waste energy. When you first start taking thyroid again, your tissues will need some extra magnesium, during the time when the dose is increasing, and when the mineral balance is restored your temperature and metabolic rate might decrease a little. Orange juice, milk, and coffee are good for the main minerals, while salting your food to taste.ž2

"Supplementing thyroid can sometimes reduce the rate of metabolism, by allowing cells to retain enough magnesium, which stabilizes ATP."


Nov 9, 2012
Many dermatologist prescribe antibiotics to control acne and rosacea.

I found that indeed, doxycycline (maybe not the safest antibiotic but the only one I've tested) reduces the rosacea/acne further. There is redness. The effect can be noticed even on top of a good RP diet where my skin is much better (but not perfect).

How does it work? It's not like the antibiotic is working just by killing bacteria contained in some acne spots. It's much more than that, as it reduces the redness/rosacea that I think (?) isn't caused by local skin bacteria.

Since the antibiotic can eliminate (temporarily) the redness, it seems like the redness is not really a long term skin scar but inflammation caused by something ongoing. I'm not sure how to treat it. Previous to the RP diet, I took doxycycline for a year (which I think was quite unhealthy). Whenever I stop taking it, I notice it. So the effect of the antibiotic seems temporary.


New Member
Nov 6, 2017
Does anyone have @tobieagle contact credentials because he used to suffer from the same thing that I do and I can't start a conversation with him on the forum messenger? Pretty please!
.. Cant find the edit-button?!
So id like to add that i do strength training once a week.

thank you for the vitamin E idea. which foods would be best to get it? Since i live in Germany, getting high quality supplements without prescription is not that easy :/ .

Yep this has been a big question for me too... The energy doesnt get stored and it doesnt get turned into heat obviously.

But could you give me references referring to acne as a symptom of hypothyroidism and a low metabolic rate? If thats the case, why do most people have acne at an age of 14-25?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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