Ray Peat promotes gluttony


Apr 17, 2017
This is a daft question
This is a daft response. The thread title is "Ray Peat promotes gluttony" NOT "Ray Peat diet promotes gluttony" and you said that tooth staining, damage and decay would be appropriate to go along with that absurd gluttony claim... which means you're literally saying Ray Peat promotes gluttony, tooth staining, damage and decay. Then you followed up with an observation about your friend who has signs of tooth decay from drinking coke non-stop. What does your friend drinking coke non-stop have to do with anything Peat ever said and who the **** "promotes" degeneration? Since my question wasn't up to your standards, I'll ask a different one. Can you provide evidence of Peat himself promoting this degeneration and not interpretations of forum members or interviewers explaining what they "think" Peat recommends?


Apr 17, 2017
Jan 28, 2024
These new people seem to have never read or heard anything Peat said HIMSELF, but rather a bunch of forum advice/interpretations of his work from forum members. Advice he gave in e-mails to people for their specific situations somehow magically became advice for everybody to follow as well. The lack of comprehension of his work and due diligence to "perceive, think and act" for THEIR OWN health is astounding. I guess it's easier for them to blame someone else for drinking coke non-stop or eating tons of ice cream and liver instead of admitting they have no self-control or actually understand his work.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
Many things changed between the 70s and now.

He had some anecdotes, for example someone coming back from the dead with a small amount of baking soda or progesterone. These anecdotes happened 30-50 years ago probably. Back then, a small amount of something protective could do something miraculous.

We are so poisoned now that people are downing progesterone, pregnenolone, etc., and nothing happens, except side effects.

These substances have all become crutches at best, poisons at worst.

It's not about old or new stress, it's about the fact that he has overlooked the actual context in which people stop being able to deal with "stress". Healthy people without chronic toxicity experience life as an adventure and a challenge (depending on circumstances), not as a problem. I'm more or less quoting Peat here, but he looked at the thyroid as the culprit, and the thyroid is just an indirect marker of health. The thyroid just regulates metabolism in response to toxins and nutrition from diet.

His framework of diet and supplements was not ideal for the world of the 60-80s, but it contained at least sufficiently positive aspects that some people could benefit from it (thyroid, saturated fats, meat, gelatin, aspirin, progesterone, salt) in profound ways, even though often it was just about suppressing inflammation/toxicity.

Now we have reached a point where suppressing things no longer works, because our bodies and livers are so toxic that the body just revolts. All of the meds, the EMF, PUFA, the vA and copper combined have really messed with basic body functions. Taking some NDT will not work in such a situation, and often even backfire.

In rat studies, it is often seen that each generation is worse of than the one before, when there is a degenerative influence in the environment. This is happening with humanity as well, with each new generation, there appear new problems that were entirely unknown with the previous one. The toxicity epidemic started hundreds of years ago, but we are just now having to deal with the fallout. Our parents and grandparents were often able to ignore toxicity, not knowing that they would curse their children and grandchildren.
Agree with a lot of this but the ending is just weird and in a way covering for the big players- big tech, big ag, pharma, etc etc.
My ancestors thrived. No curse handed down.
Possibly th true curse is modern tech... looking at screens all day indoors could be more a factor in health than people want to admit.


Jun 6, 2016
My ancestors thrived. No curse handed down.

Maybe wrong wording. But all kinds of toxins get handed down via the mothers wombs. Lead, mercury, etc. It started with the industrial revolution.

With every generation, the toxicity becomes more pronounced, statistically. EMF potentiates it manifold.


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
This is a daft response. The thread title is "Ray Peat promotes gluttony" NOT "Ray Peat diet promotes gluttony" and you said that tooth staining, damage and decay would be appropriate to go along with that absurd gluttony claim... which means you're literally saying Ray Peat promotes gluttony, tooth staining, damage and decay. Then you followed up with an observation about your friend who has signs of tooth decay from drinking coke non-stop. What does your friend drinking coke non-stop have to do with anything Peat ever said and who the **** "promotes" degeneration? Since my question wasn't up to your standards, I'll ask a different one. Can you provide evidence of Peat himself promoting this degeneration and not interpretations of forum members or interviewers explaining what they "think" Peat recommends?

It was a daft question BECAUSE it is a strawman. I didn't write ' Ray Peat tells people to drink coke non- stop' as your question assumes. And indeed he doesn't recommend exactly that. You've confused that with my friend ( who also doesn't drink coke non stop, as he does occasionally sleep). Nevertheless drinking coke in any quantity is bad for teeth. Rinsing with water is insufficient. And coffee stains teeth. And ray DOES promote spreading drinks out to limit blood sugar spikes, which is the worst way to do it when it comes to teeth.

Yes words are open to interpretation, I think most people understand this - it is not genius level knowledge and so hopefully doesn't require repeating as a signature on every comment. Prime example is your interpretation of my comments...
And your rant about 'new' people demonstrates why that happened 😂


Jun 24, 2022
United States
Maybe wrong wording. But all kinds of toxins get handed down via the mothers wombs. Lead, mercury, etc. It started with the industrial revolution.

With every generation, the toxicity becomes more pronounced, statistically. EMF potentiates it manifold.
Oh I get what you're saying.

Emf, definitely... no amount of gelatin can counter a smart meter these days.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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