Progesterone Use For Males


Aug 24, 2013
From February to March of this year I noticed a decrease in the quality of my appearance, as if I were re-aging again. I thought I would go on Progesterone once more. I used it before, with great benefits but some seeming unwanted effects (or so I thought)...

Just two days of natural progesterone alleviated many of the tired-looking features of my face, and I also continue to slim down. Two weeks on it again and someone told me I looked 30 the other day (I am 35 and used to look 45). My worries of low T seem to be unfulfilled too, as my libido has only increased (as has the size of my **** and testicles, which hang more than they used to and are are generally more engorged). This happened when I used it before, but I experienced a setback which I now recognize as the application of coconut oil (fat) to my testicles. It should have been apparent to me that since fat impairs Testosterone, it's not a good idea to apply fat to the male genitals, even good fat. This time I keep the application of progesterone to other membraneous areas and it seems to be having the best benefits I've ever had when using it, including a raging libido. It is the only thing I have ever taken that has consistently and powerfully raised thyroid function.

There has been discussion of Progesterone lowering T and rightfully so, I think it mainly lowers DHT and men with unstable T levels, like in those who consume alcohol, might experience a decrease in T. But in that Progesterone more powerfully reduces Estrogen, I feel like I'm getting a greater benefit from it's use than not. It definitely makes me appear more youthful. Using in tandem with methods for increasing Testosterone such as a low-fat diet or with magnesium supplementation has superb therapeutic effects. As the health of the male improves, and subsequent ability to produce Testosterone, the diminishing effect of Progesterone should be less pronounced, if at all.

One unavoidable side effect is that prolonged oral administration can give "morning sickness," which is the effect progesterone has on softening the stomach, and made me feel easily nauseous, but this only happened after taking for six months. Applying it to other membranous areas of the body circumvents this effect altogether. It can also give you the feels. So be wary if you are emotionally vulnerable to begin with. If progesterone does induced symptoms of depressed Testosterone, you might try it on a low-fat diet to eliminate any possibility of peripheral testosterone suppression, or eliminate anything else that could be compromising your testosterone production.

I always apply it with an equally small amount of coconut oil. It seems to work with skin application but not quite as good as on membranous areas, and two small applications a day is sufficient, but three seems to be ideal for me. Last time I used Progesterone I was actually able to stop taking thyroid for a time, so I'm hoping I can achieve that again since I haven't found any other way to stop thyroid medication.

You will definitely get fat and definitely loose your erections. Progesterone has the function of making your body do whatever it must to improve health, and the effect of this with alcohol is to increase triglyceride production by the liver. This will improve your health BUT will make you fat. Alcohol is wholly estrogenic and causes severe organ damage, the only defense against which is to increase saturated fat synthesis by the liver, which it does very efficiently in the presence of progesterone. When I tried progesterone while actively drinking, it had the exact opposite effect on my **** and made it less responsive and smaller.
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Aug 24, 2013
How much are you taking and do you plan on cycling it?

Progest-E, three small drops a day, no I don't think it's good to cycle it, I think it's better to sustain it's therapeutic effect and avoid any rebound of estrogens, if in fact there are any... the positive effects on my sex health great are just really, really great and I don't want to cycle that if I don't have to.
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Apr 18, 2016
Interesting, I have some progest-e in the fridge that my gf bought but never tried. Where do you apply it?


Jan 6, 2015
Hmm, my experience with it was definitely not sexual. I forgot I had a penis. Just a dead sensation. Took a couple of days for its deadening effects to clear. No sexual interest. No pleasurable sensation. To touch, it felt weird (like it wasn't mine I was touching.. Which, I hope you can understand, I found greatly concerning). It also caused the thing to shrivel up and hide. Very odd. I stopped it straight away. I think I trialled it three times (same outcome, each time). Protest-e, two drops, morning and night.

I wish it were sexual, though. As it's super sexy on paper.

Vitamin E is the thing that works the best for me, in that area.

Interesting how it effects us all differently.
Nov 21, 2015
Hmm, my experience with it was definitely not sexual. I forgot I had a penis. Just a dead sensation. Took a couple of days for its deadening effects to clear. No sexual interest. No pleasurable sensation. To touch, it felt weird (like it wasn't mine I was touching.. Which, I hope you can understand, I found greatly concerning). It also caused the thing to shrivel up and hide. Very odd. I stopped it straight away. I think I trialled it three times (same outcome, each time). Protest-e, two drops, morning and night.

I wish it were sexual, though. As it's super sexy on paper.

Vitamin E is the thing that works the best for me, in that area.

Interesting how it effects us all differently.

Same here. Numbdick.


Aug 24, 2013
Hmm, my experience with it was definitely not sexual. I forgot I had a penis. Just a dead sensation. Took a couple of days for its deadening effects to clear. No sexual interest. No pleasurable sensation. To touch, it felt weird (like it wasn't mine I was touching.. Which, I hope you can understand, I found greatly concerning). It also caused the thing to shrivel up and hide. Very odd. I stopped it straight away. I think I trialled it three times (same outcome, each time). Protest-e, two drops, morning and night.

I wish it were sexual, though. As it's super sexy on paper.
Vitamin E is the thing that works the best for me, in that area.
Interesting how it effects us all differently.

Yeah that's not a good sign. What were your T levels like at the time, do you know? Also what was your diet—I wonder if dietary fat contributes to low T during Progesterone the way it did when I applied it topically. Progesterone also increases the demand (and retention) for magnesium, and that could cause a reduction perhaps. Also, this would be a classic reaction of progesterone reaction if used in a person who consumes alcohol (even if not actually taken simultaneously...I know because that's what happened when I took it while drinking).
Nov 21, 2015
I am of the estrogen-release belief for many of us. I don't dare take the large amount of progesterone that is needed supposedly to flush the cells. It would be an interesting experiment but I'm not that courageous.


Nov 6, 2015
I can totally relate, Nate (except that I'm a woman). I got pretty much exact same results you speak of with application of a few drops of progest-e. The second day I applied it I looked in the mirror and was stunned at my appearance - it was like my face suddenly had this amazing glow to it. Other people complimented me as well. Libido is great too, I seem to be losing weight, headaches got better and mood is more stable. I also had an unusually good ovulation this month. I've also been eating more salt lately but I'm sure that progest-e has a lot to do with my improvements. Seems to indeed work better if applied to membranes as opposed to skin.


Aug 24, 2013
I am of the estrogen-release belief for many of us. I don't dare take the large amount of progesterone that is needed supposedly to flush the cells. It would be an interesting experiment but I'm not that courageous.

Oh if you take large amounts it definitely would entirely quash your Testosterone. For males I believe it should be a small amount, and that phenomenon of needing to take large amounts to flush estrogen I believe only applies to females. Taking that large of a dose in men would effectively neuter you, temporarily. Of course, progesterone lowering T is entirely reversible, and the tandem lowering of estrogen would have positive effects.


Aug 24, 2013
I can totally relate, Nate (except that I'm a woman). I got pretty much exact same results you speak of with application of a few drops of progest-e. The second day I applied it I looked in the mirror and was stunned at my appearance - it was like my face suddenly had this amazing glow to it. Other people complimented me as well. Libido is great too, I seem to be losing weight, headaches got better and mood is more stable. I also had an unusually good ovulation this month. I've also been eating more salt lately but I'm sure that progest-e has a lot to do with my improvements. Seems to indeed work better if applied to membranes as opposed to skin.

I immediately had people looking at me funny, like they were trying to figure out what was different about me. It was hilarious. Counted four people who did that.

Yeah progesterone helps retain minerals better, and better ratios, so it's good to get adequate salt, and magnesium, and calcium while on progesterone.


Mar 29, 2014


Feb 2, 2016
Regarding a shrinking penis, my 90 year old hypo , very estrogenic father, (i have tried ) always complains he cant find his anymore.

Estrogen and Alcohol , a warning for males: I always remember meeting a younger friend of mine years back before i knew anything about this , in his early 40s and i would say an alcoholic. Although not fat , i was always struck when he wore a tight polo shirt or similar, he clearly had developed small fatty breasts .


Mar 15, 2014
I've never taken progesterone, but I am 100% sure that taking zinc and b6 simultaneously ramps up my endogenous progesterone.

It definitely lowers estrogen, and by extension, DHT. It also makes you very emotionally loving/trusting, and it reduces dental health. I think this has something to do with peat's missing teeth, since he's mentioned that his mother was taking progesterone while pregnant with him.


Mar 29, 2014
I think this has something to do with peat's missing teeth, since he's mentioned that his mother was taking progesterone while pregnant with him.
Peat attributed his dental decay to a period of high wheatgerm consumption.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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