Progesterone And "estrogen Detox" Symptoms


Jun 12, 2013
"Estrogen, at least when it is not opposed by a very large concentration of progesterone, creates all of the conditions known to be involved in the aging process. These effects of estrogen include interference with oxidative metabolism, formation of lipofuscin (the age-pigment), retention of iron, production of free radicals and lipid peroxides, promotion of excitotoxicity and death of nerve cells, impaired learning ability, increased tendency to form blood clots and to have vascular spasms, increased autoimmunity and atrophy of the thymus, elevated prolactin, atrophy of skin, increased susceptibility to a great variety of cancers, lowered body temperature, lower serum albumin, increased tendency toward edema, and many of the features of shock." Ray Peat Ray Peat

(bolded by me)
Aug 18, 2015
I think this is not unusual. How much were you taking?

10mg of pansterone applied topically to my legs from haidut... :(

i also have really bad fungus on my chest and i keep having backed up bowels. i think it might be releated to the progesterone or pregnenlone. i dont know anymore... im doing .25 grain of thyroid along with microdosing t3 with meals.. i hope something works soon or else i am just screwed. i have to get more blood work in like a week when i get paid to really know what is going on this time.


Mar 29, 2014
10mg of pansterone applied topically to my legs from haidut... :(
Pansterone does not contain progesterone, does it? Are you taking progesterone as well?


Jun 20, 2015
It definitely has some effects which seem anti-estrogenic (or anti nitric oxide, anti serotonin, anti histamine, etc), but also several clear pro-estrogenic effects, like water-retention, bloating, etc. I don't seem to understand this hormone well enough. It seems to have a wide range of effects.
Dookie, I don't know if this applies to you, I am just thinking aloud...

Without enough sodium in the blood, the albumin can't keep the water in the blood stream as it should, so it will leak into the surrounding tissue. The body somehow tries to cope with too low sodium in the diet by releasing aldosterone, the hormone that causes your kidneys to retain sodium. Stress increases aldosterone. Via sodium loss? Progesterone works in the other direction: it decreases aldosterone and stress. So you will need more sodium.

For some people the "salt to taste" rule does not seem to work. Some of us don't crave salt, or we might crave certain foods, but don't realize that it's the sodium in the pizza or the sodium in the cheese that our bodies need.

Maybe worth to look into?


Mar 29, 2014
These are the Progest E instructions from Long natural health.
Thanks for posting that Peata (thought I'd already responded, but apparently not).
I originally read this a couple of years ago as being Peat's instructions, and kind of started out using this as a guide for myself, 3 drops x 5 a day.But reading it again now, I think it may be Long's advice, not necessarily all Peat's.
It refer's to the product as:
and I think Peat has distanced himself from the product in a way that would preclude him calling it that himself. (The Rrogest-e product is not just 10%progesterone in vit-E). So maybe there are other components of that advice that Peat would not necessarily generally endorse?


Mar 29, 2014
Hi Dookie,
I can't remember if you have made a post spelling out other factors, such as what and how much you are eating, how your breathing is, whether you are getting regular sunlight, activity levels, etc, and what your key health issues are that you are trying to address?
Maybe there are other conditions influencing your health and your response to supplementation of various kinds. It's hard to hazard a meaningful guess about what could be going on with supplements without a bit of a overview of a larger picture?


May 5, 2015
Hi Dookie,
I can't remember if you have made a post spelling out other factors, such as what and how much you are eating, how your breathing is, whether you are getting regular sunlight, activity levels, etc, and what your key health issues are that you are trying to address?
Maybe there are other conditions influencing your health and your response to supplementation of various kinds. It's hard to hazard a meaningful guess about what could be going on with supplements without a bit of a overview of a larger picture?

Tara, you are right of course. The factors besides supplements - activity, breathing, light, diet - I spend a lot of time focusing on, and have tried them in many various ways, and currently have them down according to Peat principles (main differences are I do eat starches, and don't drink so much milk and OJ, since I have issues with those).

I'm particularly sensitive to everything, and I haven't found an explanation as to why. Even the supplements which should helping me in being less sensitive, mostly produce side-effects which are unbearable. Maybe it's my liver function or something, or maybe my bowels are just particularly sensitive. I can't even eat the raw carrot without issues.
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Jul 13, 2014
When I use progesterone, even just a few milligrams topically, I get elevated estrogen symptoms. My body swells up and takes up water, etc.

On several websites, they say that progesterone causes an "estrogen detox" reaction, as estrogen escapes the cells, and is taken up by the blood, to travel to the liver to be eliminated or "detoxed". During this temporary period, as progesterone causes increased elimination of the excess tissue bound estrogen, there will be some estrogen symptoms - and the idea is to increase the progesterone to even higher doses, and to keep taking it, until the estrogen symptoms disappear.

I know Peat doesn't believe in this theory, and he says progesterone should cause an immediate decrease in estrogenic symptoms, never an increase.

Has anyone experienced initial increase in estrogen symptoms when using progesterone, which disappeared completely after continued use? Or did the estrogen symptoms from progesterone continue?
Yes I've experienced exactly this after my first few times taking progest e. I know for a fact I.used to have a lot of estrogen in my tissues. If only I had known that I just needed to take more after!!


Nov 24, 2017
Yes I've experienced exactly this after my first few times taking progest e. I know for a fact I.used to have a lot of estrogen in my tissues. If only I had known that I just needed to take more after!!

How long did those symptoms remain?
Are you still taking progesterone?


Mar 20, 2021
Yes I've experienced exactly this after my first few times taking progest e. I know for a fact I.used to have a lot of estrogen in my tissues. If only I had known that I just needed to take more after!!
Hello! I know this is an old thread but I have been reading up on estrogen dominance lately. Do you have any advice for someone that may experience increased water retention after dosing progesterone?
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