My Story, Your Help

Mar 24, 2018
Hello to all,

First of all I apologize for my English, I hope you can understand how I use the Google translator.

I hope you can help me, this is my story.

Born as a hyperactive child with excellent ability to relate to others but really in difficulty in school tasks (level of attention and learning).

When I was 8 years old I started playing soccer but I already noticed the first symptoms of performance anxiety around 12-14 years, especially with the constant sensation that everyone is watching me, the annoyance of the sudden and loud noise and the lights of the headlights that illuminate the playing field.

I stop playing soccer and I dedicate myself to the gym where I have suffered both physical and mental benefits.

At the age of 22, my parents decided to send me to a psychiatry because they did not see any improvement in my life, that is, a job, going out with friends, etc.

I started for another 8 months with SSRI of any type and dosage ... but if I have not misunderstood I have already started basing with symptoms of high serotonin so I think that already here has been done a damage. I stopped for a few months and then resume with other types of drugs like Efexor, Abilify, Serenase, Xanax, Brintellix was the last one I used. All a disaster. With Brintellix I've had a serotonergic syndrome twice that I do not wish anyone to try, you feel dead. After this I decided to throw all the drugs and get busy.

That was how he discovered this Forum and Longcity.

I am currently 27 and I think I have the following:

High methylation with Elevate catecholamines and consequently a high level of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. The latter is definitely average, but the high serotonin really makes the difference by lowering it. Big benefit occurs with Phenylpiracetam for a few hours.

High copper and Histapenia. (low histamine)

Suggestions for Histapenia are to increase protein, but the latter increase methylation.

How can I behave? Now I am following Rey's diet with abundant sugars, fruit, honey, protein from milk / yogurt / cheese and only saturated fats from butter.

As a supplement I am taking 30mg of Zinc every morning after breakfast with 800mg of Folic Acid and B12 for overmethylation. Soon for slow down methylation Niacine B3.

I also have Histidine that I would like to insert to raise the histamine.

I also take Forskolin every morning and -use jelly in every meal to avoid excess serotonin.

Would it be useful to include the BCAAs or would I have a dopamine lowering? which I would absolutely avoid for the ADD / ADHD symptoms that are really annoying.

Unfortunately with a high serotonina you are like a zombie without any emotion, empathy and desire to be with others. Add a high norepineferin and anxiety / panic is always constant.

Thanks everyone, further details ask as well
Mar 24, 2018
Suggest for up my histamine level please?
Feb 26, 2018
Do you get a lot of salt? Salt will cost you very little and could be helpful if you are working to correct mineral imbalances. If you are excess copper then you could be taking more zinc for several months to regain balance faster, you can take 100mg a day for 2 or 3 months, and then go back down to 30mg after.


What is your blood type ? Body temps? Heart rate? Have you ever investigated Wilsons Syndrome?
Mar 24, 2018
[QUOTE = "Captain_Coconut, post: 332137, membro: 7911"] Hai un sacco di sale? Il sale ti costerà molto poco e potrebbe essere utile se stai lavorando per correggere gli squilibri minerali. Se sei un eccesso di rame, potresti prendere più zinco per diversi mesi per ritrovare l'equilibrio più velocemente, puoi prendere 100 mg al giorno per 2 o 3 mesi e poi tornare indietro a 30 mg dopo. [/ QUOTE]

Thanks, my copper is normal but white blood cells are all low practically since they were born.
Is correlate with methylation ?
Mar 24, 2018
What is your blood type ? Body temps? Heart rate? Have you ever investigated Wilsons Syndrome?

No have idea blood type. Body temp is 37° celsius during the day and heart rate is 55-60
Wilsons i think not have because recent blood work sign copper normal, in range.


No have idea blood type. Body temp is 37° celsius during the day and heart rate is 55-60
Wilsons i think not have because recent blood work sign copper normal, in range.
In your post you said you had high copper.
I would say you need to know your blood type- get rid of gluten- do a total body cleanse ( fasting - colonics etc- extended juice fast ) to get all the old meds out of your system and then retest everything instead of all the supplements you are on. You have to start with a clean gut . And you were BORN hyperactive ?
Mar 24, 2018
[QUOTE = "danishispsychic, post: 332211, membro: 7375"] Nel tuo post hai detto che avevi il rame alto.
Direi che devi conoscere il tuo gruppo sanguigno - sbarazzarsi di gluten-do una pulizia totale del corpo (digiuno - colonics ecc. - succo prolungato veloce) per estrarre tutti i vecchi farmaci dal tuo sistema e poi ripetere il test di tutto supplementi siete su. Devi iniziare con un budello pulito. E tu sei nato iperattivo? [/ CITAZIONE]

Okay I'll do all the tests again, the last one came out that my copper is normal, I redid it a week later in another laboratory.
What can you tell me about low white blood cells from birth? this is related to methylation?
Mar 24, 2018
Do you get a lot of salt? Salt will cost you very little and could be helpful if you are working to correct mineral imbalances. If you are excess copper then you could be taking more zinc for several months to regain balance faster, you can take 100mg a day for 2 or 3 months, and then go back down to 30mg after.

Thanks, my copper is normal but white blood cells are all low practically since they were born.
Is correlate withmethylation ?
Feb 26, 2018
In your original post you wrote that you have: "High copper and Histapenia. (low histamine)"

That is the only reason I responded about correcting your copper...

Vitamin C will help you, it is good to center your fruit and juice consumption around high vitamin c fruits.

For balancing white blood cells.. I would consider Taurine and also Chlorella (or high chlorophyll supplements, e.g. Parsley). There is some evidence the herb Cat's Claw is good.

A Sweedish 2000 study Enhanced DNA repair, immune function and reduced toxicity of C-MED-100, a novel aqueous extract from Uncaria tomentosa reported on DNA repair capabilities, toxicity and absence of side effects after treatment with ungaria tormentosa water extracts: “Female W/Fu rats were gavaged daily with a water-soluble extract (C-MED-100) of Uncaria tomentosa supplied commercially by CampaMed at the doses of 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 mg/kg for 8 consecutive weeks. Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulated lymphocyte proliferation was significantly increased in splenocytes of rats treated at the doses of 40 and 80 mg/kg. White blood cells (WBC) from the C-MED-100 treatment groups of 40 and 80 mg/kg for 8 weeks or 160 mg/kg for 4 weeks were significantly elevated compared with controls (P < 0.05). In a human volunteer study, C-MED-100 was given daily at 5 mg/kg for 6 consecutive weeks to four healthy adult males. No toxicity was observed and again, WBC were significantly elevated (P < 0.05) after supplement. Repair of DNA single strand breaks (SSB) and double strand breaks (DSB) 3 h after 12 Gy whole body irradiation of rats were also significantly improved in C-MED-100 treated animals (P < 0.05). The LD50 and MTD of a single oral dose of C-MED-100 in the rat were observed to be greater than 8 g/kg. Although the rats were treated daily with U. tomentosa extracts at the doses of 10-80 mg/kg for 8 weeks or 160 mg/kg for 4 weeks, no acute or chronic toxicity signs were observed symptomatically. In addition, no body weight, food consumption, organ weight and kidney, liver, spleen, and heart pathological changes were found to be associated with C-MED-100 treatment.”

member 6316

Try out S- acetyl-glutathione it´s the best form of glutathione and gets absorbed. Glutathione is the master of all antioxidants. I think maybe this can help you.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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