My Mother - triple covid vaxxed is now with ventilator. Need advice !


Mar 29, 2016
I'm surprised no one mentioned lactoferrin. It seems to be able to correct anemia due to oxidative stress by delivering the iron in a bound form and binding to free iron. Merry Christmas and good luck.
I second that.

Just slip that capsule in without the doctor knowing, although in an ICU it is like smuggling something into a maximum security prison.
Mar 10, 2021
If I may add, I've always wondered why Protestants and Evangelicals are more successful that Catholics, I being raised as a Catholic.

And I just realized why in our exchange. Catholics rely on Jesus to answer their prayers too much and less on the Holy Spirit's inspiration. While Protestants and Evangelicals have a more balanced approach.

Filipinos have a saying, though hardly practiced "Nasa Diyos and awa, nasa tao ang gawa. " In God mercy, in man action.

I also look at a typical person's approach to chronic disease and cancer as turning them inadvertently towards God's mercy in prayers and miracles. They reach a fork in the road. One leads to Jesus, the other to the Holy Spirit. By choosing to have big pharma doctors, they are choosing Jesus. As they will be brought into the web of the inevitability and helplessness of genetics and old age, for which miracles is the only way out, through supplications for Jesus' mercy.

But in disease, there are no Catholics nor Evangelicals. Nor Christian or Moslem. All are united in worshipping the high priest of pharma.

We already worship a One World Religion, without knowing it.
This is all insightful reading for me yerrag. The Holy Spirit verses Jesus, I do agree that we do have to take action with prayers and not always sit and wait, albeit there are times to wait and listen being an appropriate approach, but which is which is the question. It is sad that people let things go to the point of needing and a pill and a miracle isn’t it? For me it is so much easier avoiding that enemy of disease than fighting it. Leave the the ME out of that WE in your last sentence. God bless you dear man.


Jul 2, 2022
Unfortunately my mother died on 28th of December. Been very hard times since then..

The majority of doctors are satanists. Clear and simple. The smart ones I think realize it, the stupid ones are oblivious and living/sleeping in a dream they do Gods work.

I cannot comment too much as I had to use police and the court to get some information about her treatment and figure out what exactly happened.

It was her vasculitis that killed her while they were chasing a non-existent pneumonia and send us to look for medicine that would not helped her and was impossible to find on Christmas. In the meanwhile they continued their mistakes even though they were aware that they are most probably killing her. They refused information to her rheumatologist who is several levels above them in terms of knowledge and experience with those diseases. Which is the biggest issue here.

Initially I thought of suing the ***t out of them(the process is still ongoing) but the more time passes the more I think about ending this additional drama as this is not what my Mother would want. I think I can sometimes communicate with her.

Having said that - I long for a revenge to those "doctors" in the hospital and to those in the upper positions that make things worse for many, many people. Unfortunately a whole train full of bullets will not be enough to get rid of all of them... I need a way to cope with those emotions. I am searching, doubt something will help but Time.

Thank you all for the support but unfortunately I knew from the moment I heard she was intubated that things will not go well. But I hoped.

The key is to not rely on doctors and keep our bodies healthy as it is a coin-flip whether they will do the right thing or kill you when in a tough situation.

The situation is now clearer after it is over. And unfortunately nobody reacted properly. Even me.

Wish you all a happy 2023! Hope this year brings brings you joy and personal growth. And keep your family safe.
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Unfortunately my mother died on 28th of December. Been very hard times since then..

The majority of doctors are satanists. Clear and simple. The smart ones I think realize it, the stupid ones are oblivious and living/sleeping in a dream they do Gods work.

I cannot comment too much as I had to use police and the court to get some information about her treatment and figure out what exactly happened.

It was her vasculitis that killed her while they were chasing a non-existent pneumonia and send us to look for medicine that would not helped her and was impossible to find on Christmas. In the meanwhile they continued their mistakes even though they were aware that they are most probably killing her. They refused information to her rheumatologist who is several levels above them in terms of knowledge and experience with those diseases. Which is the biggest issue here.

Initially I thought of suing the ***t out of them(the process is still ongoing) but the more time passes the more I think about ending this additional drama as this is not what my Mother would want. I think I can sometimes communicate with her.

Having said that - I long for a revenge to those "doctors" in the hospital and to those in the upper positions that make things worse for many, many people. Unfortunately a whole train full of bullets will not be enough to get rid of all of them... I need a way to cope with those emotions. I am searching, doubt something will help but Time.

Thank you all for the support but unfortunately I knew from the moment I heard she was intubated that things will not go well. But I hoped.

The key is to not rely on doctors and keep our bodies healthy as it is a coin-flip whether they will do the right thing or kill you when in a tough situation.

The situation is now clearer after it is over. And unfortunately nobody reacted properly. Even me.

Wish you all a happy 2023! Hope this year brings brings you joy and personal growth. And keep your family safe.
Condolences for your mother. God bless her soul!
I hope you`ll get through the emotions and find peace and balance as soon as possible. Take care!


Sep 21, 2014
Sorry for your loss, PopSocket. My condolences. I hope you can find some inner peace in the future, but I understand your emotions and feelings for revenge. The medical establishment has killed far too many people.

If people see a doctor, the best bet is to run as fast as they can in the other direction.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm sorry Popsocket at your mother's passing. She died knowing you tried your best and she surely appreciates that. Knowing you were with her is enough for her. We all have fond memories of our moms and when they go, a part of us dies as well, but knowing that she lives in us makes it worthwhile for us to carry on.

And yes, we should keep ourselves healthy and stay as far away as possible from these merchants of death. Since my mom passed away, I have lived up to my vow to never set foot on a hospital, and not because I went elsewhere just as bad, but have kept myself healthy. And once when I got really sick, I was able to nurse myself back to health knowing what it takes to do it. A lot I learn from incorporating what I learned from Peat and from the great forum members here.

We may feel we weren't quite up to saving our parents from the clutches of rhe system, as that is what I feel, but I can say I have learned a lot from that experience and have been able to use that experience to better myself.

And yes, don't be too overcome with anger and allow yourself to let go of your anger eventually, as that can only hurt you.

I wish you well this new year and those to come!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@PopSocket, you truly have my sincere condolences.
Your reaction is completely normal so I hope you are able to give yourself the time and space necessary to process it all. If acute respiratory failure occurs we are at the mercy of the doctors calling the shots and that is why prevention when possible is key.
Part of the reason I do everything I can for my own health (including avoiding doctors) is because I’ve seen similar situations repeatedly over the last 25 years and it’s not good. Some people pull through but most don’t. I’m so sorry your mom was a victim of the system. You have my continued prayers for strength and comfort as you make peace with it all.


Sorry @PopSocket I was hoping your mother would pull through.

Please forgive me if this is not appropriate but I heard this interview last month and was taken aback at how it made me think. I found it moving that this doctor was nearly murdered on the operating table and stripped of her ability to practice medicine yet she is willing to forgive. I aspire to this but I am not there yet. Please note that I am not comparing losing a medical career to death. Losing a parent is difficult but when it happens under these circumstances it’s even worse. I know this pain. It may be too soon to be thinking about forgiveness. I think it’s important to express your rage – I hope you find a safe way to do it without it obscuring your grieving. Once you’ve loved nothing can take that away.

When you are ready this interview is worth listening to. The forgiveness discussion starts around 1 hour 39mins but the whole interview is worth listening to.



Dec 15, 2022
Just came across this thread. This is a tough one. She raised a wonderful child in you.

Now you can go out in full truth and spread it from the rooftops.

God bless you.


Oct 6, 2021
Моите съболезнования! Дано Бог се смили над душата й и да я приеме в Царството Небесно! Според Православието Бог решава къде ще пребивава душата до Второто Пришествие на Исус, на 40-тия ден от смъртта. За това е важно близките да се молят за покойника до 40- ти ден.


Aug 17, 2016
Just came across this thread. This is a tough one. She raised a wonderful child in you.

Now you can go out in full truth and spread it from the rooftops.

God bless you.
You expressed what I was thinking about PopSocket beautifully.
Mar 10, 2021
Unfortunately my mother died on 28th of December. Been very hard times since then..

The majority of doctors are satanists. Clear and simple. The smart ones I think realize it, the stupid ones are oblivious and living/sleeping in a dream they do Gods work.

I cannot comment too much as I had to use police and the court to get some information about her treatment and figure out what exactly happened.

It was her vasculitis that killed her while they were chasing a non-existent pneumonia and send us to look for medicine that would not helped her and was impossible to find on Christmas. In the meanwhile they continued their mistakes even though they were aware that they are most probably killing her. They refused information to her rheumatologist who is several levels above them in terms of knowledge and experience with those diseases. Which is the biggest issue here.

Initially I thought of suing the ***t out of them(the process is still ongoing) but the more time passes the more I think about ending this additional drama as this is not what my Mother would want. I think I can sometimes communicate with her.

Having said that - I long for a revenge to those "doctors" in the hospital and to those in the upper positions that make things worse for many, many people. Unfortunately a whole train full of bullets will not be enough to get rid of all of them... I need a way to cope with those emotions. I am searching, doubt something will help but Time.

Thank you all for the support but unfortunately I knew from the moment I heard she was intubated that things will not go well. But I hoped.

The key is to not rely on doctors and keep our bodies healthy as it is a coin-flip whether they will do the right thing or kill you when in a tough situation.

The situation is now clearer after it is over. And unfortunately nobody reacted properly. Even me.

Wish you all a happy 2023! Hope this year brings brings you joy and personal growth. And keep your family safe.
PopSocket I am so sorry that you had to go through this and come out of it seeing so much ugliness. I went through the same thing last January, watching the hospital kill my husband, one trip at a time starting with a simple little cut that needed a couple of stitches. He was healthy and looked so young and was loved by all. People around me tell me I should sue the hospital, including a lawyers office where I had the doctor on speaker phone with them. In the end you have to weigh your good health against the war you want to wage. I personally was not in a strong place to make it my battle. I had a friend who fought that same hospital for gross malpractice on her 6 year old daughter, and after five years of it got just her daughter’s medical bill paid for life. Her daughter’s appendix had burst and on two visits they sent her home with nothing to say except it was just a tummy ache. By the time my friend took her daughter, on a third visit, unconscious, to a different hospital she was told her appendix had burst days earlier and that she now had gangrene. She was cut open from her neck to her groin and had portions of her intestines taken out along with her reproductive organs and gangrene cut off of every organ. This is my friend’s only child, so no grandchildren will she be blessed with. It is a harsh reality you and I, and and so many others, have to realize. Just know, like I do, that we fought hard for those we loved. The lawyer that was on speaker phone with my husband’s doctor said to me after I was done talking to him, if you could call it that, that she has never heard anybody fight so hard for someone as she heard in that conversation. That gives me peace. Know that we all heard your fight too, let that give you peace. We cannot change people’s destiny, and acceptance is a hard lesson, but not as hard as regret is. You did good. You have to go forward now never seeing the world the same again, with positivity despite its ugliness. Please don’t let this diminish your light and energy.


Aug 17, 2016
PopSocket I am so sorry that you had to go through this and come out of it seeing so much ugliness. I went through the same thing last January, watching the hospital kill my husband, one trip at a time starting with a simple little cut that needed a couple of stitches. He was healthy and looked so young and was loved by all. People around me tell me I should sue the hospital, including a lawyers office where I had the doctor on speaker phone with them. In the end you have to weigh your good health against the war you want to wage. I personally was not in a strong place to make it my battle. I had a friend who fought that same hospital for gross malpractice on her 6 year old daughter, and after five years of it got just her daughter’s medical bill paid for life. Her daughter’s appendix had burst and on two visits they sent her home with nothing to say except it was just a tummy ache. By the time my friend took her daughter, on a third visit, unconscious, to a different hospital she was told her appendix had burst days earlier and that she now had gangrene. She was cut open from her neck to her groin and had portions of her intestines taken out along with her reproductive organs and gangrene cut off of every organ. This is my friend’s only child, so no grandchildren will she be blessed with. It is a harsh reality you and I, and and so many others, have to realize. Just know, like I do, that we fought hard for those we loved. The lawyer that was on speaker phone with my husband’s doctor said to me after I was done talking to him, if you could call it that, that she has never heard anybody fight so hard for someone as she heard in that conversation. That gives me peace. Know that we all heard your fight too, let that give you peace. We cannot change people’s destiny, and acceptance is a hard lesson, but not as hard as regret is. You did good. You have to go forward now never seeing the world the same again, with positivity despite its ugliness. Please don’t let this diminish your light and energy.
:praying: Magnificent Rinse. Prayers and blessings.


Jul 2, 2022
@Rinse & rePeat Now I understand why you cared so much and why after I stopped updating for quite some time, you still asked about what happened.

It seems like these kind of highly negative events can either make one bitter, sick and take away your life force or like in your case make you even kinder and more intuitive to feel the good as well as the bad.

Your words match up with what my father said last week. I have seen him only like 3 or 4 times in the last 20 years. He decided to fight several tough,I would say almost impossible battles against the system and all I could see is a very smart but completely broken man with a very long list of diseases that is hard to remember even by him and his doctors. This was the most meaningful conversation I ever had with him and I am glad I had it.

I am sending lots of positive energy your way. In a way , I love you.
Mar 10, 2021
@Rinse & rePeat Now I understand why you cared so much and why after I stopped updating for quite some time, you still asked about what happened.

It seems like these kind of highly negative events can either make one bitter, sick and take away your life force or like in your case make you even kinder and more intuitive to feel the good as well as the bad.

Your words match up with what my father said last week. I have seen him only like 3 or 4 times in the last 20 years. He decided to fight several tough,I would say almost impossible battles against the system and all I could see is a very smart but completely broken man with a very long list of diseases that is hard to remember even by him and his doctors. This was the most meaningful conversation I ever had with him and I am glad I had it.

I am sending lots of positive energy your way. In a way , I love you.
Oh gosh you just made me cry tears of disbelief, that I could have such a profound connection with you through our losses. Thank you for saying that, I have love for you too my friend. Life has such a way of turning bad things into good don’t they, if we just don’t get bitter, and keeping on caring.
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