Looking Much Older Months After Having First Child


Sep 12, 2015
She just had a baby, as you say gets no sleep and is always exhausted, and you're asking strangers whether she'll be pretty and young again. Poor woman, she clearly hit the jackpot marrying you.

Instead of talking to her about god damn thyroid, how about stepping in and letting her get some uninterrupted sleep?

And as for being self-conscious? That is highly unusual for a woman who just had a child, as their priorities are typicaly elsewhere. Unless they have an ***hole husband who gives them a reason to be self-conscious. Not saying that's you, obviously.
When we have imperfect knowledge of someone's character, our response to their words can speak volumes on our own.

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."
"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."


Mar 29, 2014
I don't know if it's especially bad when breastfeeding, honestly I don't know. It's just not good for me and might not be for her either (although might be? I think there are potential beneficial effects too) so figured I'd mention it. And I just thought DMSO might pass into the breast milk so baby might end up drinking some?
I bet it does get into the milk in very small quantities, since its speciality is getting through. My guess is that most likely it would do no harm, but there is a very small chance it might not be great for baby in a small way, since a small number of people react badly to it, or that it potentiates some other substance baby is exposed to. Is it a baby girl or boy? The progesterone would presumably also pass on to baby, which might be a good reason not to go over the top with doses.
There are non-DMSO versions too.
My non-expert non-medical advice hunch, if she decides to try the progesterone supp, I'd consider going with either one small dose in evening or split morning and evening. For the non-DMSO gum-absorbed versions, I'd consider ~10mg/day - small dose, but being cautious with breast feeding, and it may be enough. I'm not sure with the DMSO version - maybe less.


May 13, 2017
If she's breastfeeding are there any risks of using DMSO? I dunno but the stuff doesn't sit well with me and a number of others on the forum. Something to think about
You are correct; breastfeeding and self diagnosing with supplement is a horrible combination. My sister is an RN and I am a vocologist . We see patients all the time mixing vitamins, herbs and supplements and it affects their body (or voice in my profession). Only a DR specialist in nutrition should be determining what to take while breastfeeding. Supplements affect the baby. My sister had her first baby at 39; it is hard physically for an older woman. She got better but after her child was 2 1/2 years old.The husband who posted this thread needs to get a clue that breastfeeding is draining. Hire someone to clean the house or he needs to do it. His wife needs rest!


Mar 29, 2014


May 30, 2017
I hired someone to clean. Now what can my old lady do to look healthy and beautiful again?


Oct 5, 2015
@cyclops , I think you just missed the point that many people brought up...

Giving birth and raising an infant (and toddler), is very hard on a body. She probably won't look "health and beautiful ", until after going through this period, and she will never look the same as she did prior to pregnancy (this is also the same for you, though not to the same degree). This is normal!

The community has already given you many suggestions, but the main three are this: make sure she eats lots, make sure she gets enough sleep, and reduce her stress by helping her out sometimes (cleaning, looking after the baby, etc...). Even though you got her a cleaner, you need to help her more. If you know she hasn't been eating a lot, pickup meals for the family or cook supper. Take baby for a walk in the morning and let her sleep in. Tidy up the house in between cleaners (and tidy up after yourself). Knowing that she has a supportive husband (and father) will help her out so much and reduce her stress.

Do you come from a community where there is a lot of support for new mothers, or is she expected to do it on her own?


May 30, 2017
@cyclops , I think you just missed the point that many people brought up...

Giving birth and raising an infant (and toddler), is very hard on a body. She probably won't look "health and beautiful ", until after going through this period, and she will never look the same as she did prior to pregnancy (this is also the same for you, though not to the same degree). This is normal!

The community has already given you many suggestions, but the main three are this: make sure she eats lots, make sure she gets enough sleep, and reduce her stress by helping her out sometimes (cleaning, looking after the baby, etc...). Even though you got her a cleaner, you need to help her more. If you know she hasn't been eating a lot, pickup meals for the family or cook supper. Take baby for a walk in the morning and let her sleep in. Tidy up the house in between cleaners (and tidy up after yourself). Knowing that she has a supportive husband (and father) will help her out so much and reduce her stress.

Do you come from a community where there is a lot of support for new mothers, or is she expected to do it on her own?

I do all that stuff. I live in a normal average American community.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Having a child is stressful and is generally high estrogen and high other stress hormones. Tell her to adopt Ray Peat's dietary principles and to take estroban as drink gelatin or take glycine caps for skin and hair. Copper and vitamin A, abundant in beef liver, are also critical nutrients for hair/skin.


May 30, 2017
Having a child is stressful and is generally high estrogen and high other stress hormones. Tell her to adopt Ray Peat's dietary principles and to take estroban as drink gelatin or take glycine caps for skin and hair. Copper and vitamin A, abundant in beef liver, are also critical nutrients for hair/skin.

Why is having a child so stressful and why does Estrogen have to rise so much. Where is the intelligent design in that!? Estrogen is such a pain. Always hanging around. It's like nobody wants you here estrogen.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Why is having a child so stressful and why does Estrogen have to rise so much. Where is the intelligent design in that!? Estrogen is such a pain. Always hanging around. It's like nobody wants you here estrogen.

Ha! that made me lol

Estrogen actually serves a very important purpose in providing energy when there aren't better and healthier ways. If you read Ray Peat's articles he discusses how thyroid, progesterone, and other good hormones are the ideal ways to produce energy. When the body doesn't have any sugar for fuel, it has to break down its own tissues, a process signaled by cortisol and estrogen. Basically these are stress hormones that are designed to be sued in times of dire need, in times of starvation and waste, but most people are still running on them most of the time thanks to poor diets rich in PUFA and low in sugar and protein.


May 30, 2017
Ha! that made me lol

Estrogen actually serves a very important purpose in providing energy when there aren't better and healthier ways. If you read Ray Peat's articles he discusses how thyroid, progesterone, and other good hormones are the ideal ways to produce energy. When the body doesn't have any sugar for fuel, it has to break down its own tissues, a process signaled by cortisol and estrogen. Basically these are stress hormones that are designed to be sued in times of dire need, in times of starvation and waste, but most people are still running on them most of the time thanks to poor diets rich in PUFA and low in sugar and protein.

Well if I ever create a universe, there will be no risk of any being not getting enough sugar and protein. I will not even bother to design backup stress hormones because no being will ever have to run on them. There will be fruit trees everywhere, with pulpless oranges. All will be able to digest milk. No one will have to work and we'll all stay young forever, etc etc.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Well if I ever create a universe, there will be no risk of any being not getting enough sugar and protein. I will not even bother to design backup stress hormones because no being will ever have to run on them. There will be fruit trees everywhere, with pulpless oranges. All will be able to digest milk. No one will have to work and we'll all stay young forever, etc etc.

Sound maybe a tad bit dull because it lacks challenge and dealing with adversity. Eh, screw it- count me in! :singing:. Contact me if you need a demi-god for the Cyclop's universe tehehe...

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Sound maybe a tad bit dull because it lacks challenge and dealing with adversity. Eh, screw it- count me in! :singing:. Contact me if you need a demi-god for the Cyclop's universe tehehe...
Lol. Maybe we should become Mormons as I think they get your their own planet to run when they're dead. Apologies to any Mormons if I got that wrong.


May 30, 2017
Sound maybe a tad bit dull because it lacks challenge and dealing with adversity. Eh, screw it- count me in! :singing:. Contact me if you need a demi-god for the Cyclop's universe tehehe...

Dull? Dude we just create stuff and adventure all day. Climb mountains. Swim. Play games. We can all fly too, so you can go anywhere quick. You wake up, eat the right foods and hang out with beautiful unstressed women all day.
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