Low Toxin Logs Log - Anti-Vitamin A Diet - Testing out if i have been a Peatard


Sep 13, 2012
Not all tinnitus. Only mine, as far as i know:) I don't know anything about other tinnitus types. Mine gives a constant deeeeep rumbling sound. Sounds like a large rumbling engine far away. I also get tired inside the ear. Very weird feeling. Torture. I found what it was after much searching: here. Its a Norwegian site, but in Chrome you can translate the whole page automatically. So this is where i learned that what i had could be cramps/spasms in the small muscle tensor tympani in my ear. I thought "maybe it can be fixed with either potassium or magnesium?", which Dr. Berg said is the two main minerals often lacking when people have muscle twitches. So i tried potassium, and the tinnitus vanished.

In the comment section in the Norwegian site, lots of people say they have undergone a very difficult surgery, where they cut the tiny tensor tympani muscle inside the ear. No guarantee it works. Sad to know a lot of them could maybe be cured with just magnesium or potassium supplements. My guess is lots of tinnitus types are just bad health in general. That tinnitus is just a symptom of deeper health problems. Like too much vitamin A. And glyphosate.
Wow I developed that form in the last couple yrs and yes I did figure out it's absolutely related to muscles. I can't hear it right now and I haven't even had much potassium today yet. I am stretching the back of my neck though.


Jun 2, 2017
Not all tinnitus. Only mine, as far as i know:) I don't know anything about other tinnitus types. Mine gives a constant deeeeep rumbling sound. Sounds like a large rumbling engine far away. I also get tired inside the ear. Very weird feeling. Torture. I found what it was after much searching: here. Its a Norwegian site, but in Chrome you can translate the whole page automatically. So this is where i learned that what i had could be cramps/spasms in the small muscle tensor tympani in my ear. I thought "maybe it can be fixed with either potassium or magnesium?", which Dr. Berg said is the two main minerals often lacking when people have muscle twitches. So i tried potassium, and the tinnitus vanished.

In the comment section in the Norwegian site, lots of people say they have undergone a very difficult surgery, where they cut the tiny tensor tympani muscle inside the ear. No guarantee it works. Sad to know a lot of them could maybe be cured with just magnesium or potassium supplements. My guess is lots of tinnitus types are just bad health in general. That tinnitus is just a symptom of deeper health problems. Like too much vitamin A. And glyphosate.
Thank you for the added detail. Yeah, I can see how there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, but maybe a percentage of tinnitus sufferers can find relief treating it as you did.

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway

GF did a blood test on 8th Feb.
Her retinol came back at 1,8.
In her last blood test on the 30th of October, she had a 1,5.
So, there was an increase in her blood retinol of 0,3 after 4 months with a low vitamin A diet.


Oct 6, 2020
Not all tinnitus. Only mine, as far as i know:) I don't know anything about other tinnitus types. Mine gives a constant deeeeep rumbling sound. Sounds like a large rumbling engine far away. I also get tired inside the ear. Very weird feeling. Torture. I found what it was after much searching: here. Its a Norwegian site, but in Chrome you can translate the whole page automatically. So this is where i learned that what i had could be cramps/spasms in the small muscle tensor tympani in my ear. I thought "maybe it can be fixed with either potassium or magnesium?", which Dr. Berg said is the two main minerals often lacking when people have muscle twitches. So i tried potassium, and the tinnitus vanished.

In the comment section in the Norwegian site, lots of people say they have undergone a very difficult surgery, where they cut the tiny tensor tympani muscle inside the ear. No guarantee it works. Sad to know a lot of them could maybe be cured with just magnesium or potassium supplements. My guess is lots of tinnitus types are just bad health in general. That tinnitus is just a symptom of deeper health problems. Like too much vitamin A. And glyphosate.

Super interesting! Thanks for sharing.
I cant say potassium resolved my tinnitus but i never focused on it nor magnesium.

How much did you take and for how long?

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
Small update:

I got a heavy resonance a couple of days ago in my right ear. This was one of the symptoms when i developed tinnitus a couple of years ago. This time though i had potassium bicarbonate ready. So i took 1 gram about every 2 hours, and after 6 grams, it was gone. the first time this happened i had resonance for well over a 2 weeks. Horrible. Had to isolate myself because every sound was a pain in my right ear.
This anecdote tells me using MSM and DMSO in such heavy doses as i am doing now depletes me of potassium if i don't supplement. Or it has something to do with bicarbonate.

Other than that i struggle with low motivation at the moment. I believe it is because i quit coffee. Or... i don't believe i feel low motivation BECAUSE of me quitting coffee. That is not the correct way of putting it. It would be more correct to say that quitting coffee shows how "low" i actually am. Coffee "masks" some of the symptoms of low mental energy. I feel better in my body and muscles after quitting coffee though, although my mind is apathetic at the moment.
Maybe I'll take some pregnenolone or androsterone again temporarily

Body temperature
My body temperature is a bit lower than what i want it to be. I use IR sauna some days, and it's the best feeling during and after. Im always hungry after an IR. Some days i even crave IR.

Mouth breathing
I tape my mouth when sleeping. Feels like my core temperature is a bit warmer when i wake up, compared to when i don't use tape. This would make sense if the main thing nose breathing is doing is increasing CO2 levels by increasing the length of the air tract.

I have been using DMSO on my "love handles" for only 2 weeks now, and the results are very interesting. I don't work out at all at the moment. Still, the fat is melting away. This makes sense since sulfate is needed for the cells to be able to utilize T3 and not turn it into rT3.
My cellulites also slowly vanishing.

I've had a break from sun tanning, because of the neighbor renovating. So much noise starting at 7 am every work day. So we have temporarily moved to my parents. This means i haven't done any tanning for a couple of days. When i got back last weekend i did sun tanning again, and suddenly my stools smelled horrendous again. I imagine this is because the tanning increases the conversion of retinol/retinal to retinoic acid. And that the smell is basically from the increase in retinoic acid in the stool. I eat the same thing every day, so it can't be because of different foods. Do we know if retinoic acid smells bad?
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Dec 3, 2022
I’m not sure about this, but I think excessive sulfur compounds could be introducing an acid load on your body? Hence the helpfulness of potassium bicarbonate…


Sep 13, 2012
Ray said this in 2022: "DMSO got famous when it was used for arthritis pain. It can activate the respiratory process and help to eliminate water from tissues. But too much of the sulfur compounds can very easily lead to disturbance of thyroid function. "


Mar 21, 2014

GF did a blood test on 8th Feb.
Her retinol came back at 1,8.
In her last blood test on the 30th of October, she had a 1,5.
So, there was an increase in her blood retinol of 0,3 after 4 months with a low vitamin A diet.
TLDR on your / gf's symptoms update after testing low VA?

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
@Bliss Could very well be. I'm considering lots of possibilities. Could be the increased VA in my blood, which could make me temporarily hypothyroid. Could be some sort of die-off from candida or bacteria. I'm considering having an MSM/DMSO break, but i want to wait until my next blood test which is the 27th Feb.

@InChristAlone Good info. Thank you. Yeah, i may have gone overboard with the amount of MSM and DMSO.

Another possibility i have been considering is that sulfate helps the body to detox vitamin A. Since retinol-binding protein is sulfate dependent. According to Dr Stephanie Seneff. So i am very curious if my blood retinol is still high at around 2,9, or maybe increased? If it's still high or has increased then that could mean the reason i am so tired is the increased VA in my blood. If my retinol is lower than 2,9 it could mean that I've taken too much MSM and DMSO.

We'll know more after the blood test.

TLDR on your / gf's symptoms update after testing low VA?
Do you mean after her last blood test? She gets better and better every day. Just like me. But i must have had much more vitamin A in me because i consumed much more than her. So she started from a better place and seems to improve at about the same pace as me. But since she had a "head start", so she feels better than me. She has more energy than me atm, but isn't doing the low VA diet as strict as me, or taking as much MSM as me. I'm trying to detoxmaxing, she just isn't capable of doing that. Which she has expressed. And that's fine. Anything is better than nothing. And I'm starting from a worse place. So she doesn't need to go as hard as me.

GF Symptoms update
Eyesight is still bad, but it hasn't got any worse. This to me is a sign its rapid decline has stopped, and that it may reverse sometime in the future.
Sleep: She needs less and less sleep every week. And she wakes up more and more energized, while previously she was a zombie when waking up.
Neck pain: Improved. She struggles with very stiff neck muscles that give her headaches. She has stopped complaining about this, which means it isn't as big a problem as it was.
Skin: Everything has improved, but i have to add the most improvement started after starting to use MSM, and even more after starting to use DMSO. Her dark circles diminish slowly every day. She looks younger.
Energy: Much better.

DMSO and fat and cellulitis and wrinkles
One of the biggest changes after using DMSO is that the area where we use DMSO has a visible change in skin quality, cellulite and fat from just one day to another. I don't work out at all at the moment, but my love handles are shrinking every day. I also started to use DMSO around the nipple area. I don't have any glands there, but fat under the nipples. And yes. The fat underneath the nipples is finally diminishing. If this continues, it could mean one could use DMSO to almost surgically get rid of body fat. (Maybe dependent on you having high T3)

The root cause for this may be something Dr Stephanie Seneff talked about. She says you need sulfate to create heparansulfate, which makes up the matrix of all tissue, including the skin. And without enough heparansulfate, the T3 isn't able to get into the cell, and instead, the T3 is turned into rT3 by the tissue. She says the cause of too much rT3 is too little heparansulfate. I have more than enough T3, so maybe the DMSO is making it possible for T3 to finally get into the cells in the areas where i am using DMSO transdermally, and that is why i see a difference from one day to another?

Anyway, after the next blood test i'll consider taking a DMSO/MSM break to see what happens.

I feel i also should add that even though i am tired mentally, physically i feel better and better every day.
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Jul 8, 2020
I was feeling pressure building on my liver the last couple days. It would just steadily increase, then whammo a massive copper dump. Come to find out, on February 10th which is the chinese new year we had a huge ejection from the sun. Many of us are noticing that major detox events happen around these ejections. I was told that it was one of the biggest ejections in a while. I know of 5 people who are down for the count right now with massive detox events.
I felt like I was gonna die on February 10th, very strange coincidence. I don’t really subscribe to the low A theory but that’s striking.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I felt like I was gonna die on February 10th, very strange coincidence. I don’t really subscribe to the low A theory but that’s striking.
It is not a coincidence. It was the energy ejection from the sun that started a detox event in many people. I have a friend, who is on the forum, said they thought they were gonna die it was so bad. And what I describe, ties directly into the low A theory and detoxing because this was knowledge that was one hidden and is now being revealed so we can heal.
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Jun 6, 2016
This anecdote tells me using MSM and DMSO in such heavy doses as i am doing now depletes me of potassium.

I think you are taking way too many and also the wrong supplements. That makes things way more complicated for you than it should be. You don't need any supplements at all likely. Some support the process, but what matters is the process your body initiates on it's own.

It was the energy ejection from the sun that started a detox event in many people.

Speculation - the sun energy is life and these ejections cause an attempted detox due to the massive influx of life energy. But because humans are out of tune with life, they get hit by this.


Sep 13, 2012
Regarding fat disappearing: read this again:
Ray said this in 2022: "DMSO got famous when it was used for arthritis pain. It can activate the respiratory process and help to eliminate water from tissues. But too much of the sulfur compounds can very easily lead to disturbance of thyroid function. "

It's water.


Jul 8, 2020
@Daniel North Do you know if there is a map of glyphosate usage in different countries? I want to visit some European countries and see if I want to move to one. Norway is at the top of my list, but I'd to visit when the weather is at it's worst to see how I fare in it. I also considered some South American countries but from what I understand they tend to use more glyphosate than European countries. In any case, moving to a country where you don't know anyone isn't easy, and if I were to move to Europe I would also have to change my job since the hours just wouldn't work, unlike a South American country.
Your best bet is probably France or Spain if you still want the sunshine, maybe Italy. You will barely see the sun in winter time in Northern countries and if you are sensitive to cold winters it's probably not for you. Also from my experience the food quality is very good, I couldn't comment on the glyphosate usage but there are many rural areas and an abundance of farmers markets and local produce


Feb 8, 2022
Your best bet is probably France or Spain if you still want the sunshine, maybe Italy. You will barely see the sun in winter time in Northern countries and if you are sensitive to cold winters it's probably not for you. Also from my experience the food quality is very good, I couldn't comment on the glyphosate usage but there are many rural areas and an abundance of farmers markets and local produce
Thanks! One interesting thing I've found is that I do fairly well in Lake Tahoe, which gets cold, but is around 7000' in elevation. I also tried staying in Colorado at a similar elevation but the effect wasn't as drastic. I am sensitive to cold right now, but it seems to affect me worse closer to sea level. Also, there's something else that's different between Tahoe and CO that seems to make a difference. That's why I think checking out different places for myself might be the best way to go, but it would be nice to also get a an idea of how much glyphosate is used in each country and see if there's a correlation between that and how I feel when I visit the places.


Sep 8, 2017
It is not a coincidence. It was the energy ejection from the sun that started a detox event in many people. I have a friend, who is on the forum, said they thought they were gonna die it was so bad. And what I describe, ties directly into the low A theory and detoxing because this was knowledge that was one hidden and is now being revealed so we can heal.
Hi Charlie, this is very interesting. Have you been able to find
1. A website that predicts when solar ejections will happen
2. A website that logs when solar ejection has occurred, even better if it has historical data.

I've found these sites:

but the sites are a mess, I can't find anything that looks like an intuitive way to track or review this data. It would be nice if we could have threads announcing when these events will occur so we can pay attention.


Jul 13, 2014
I am sure most have seen these quotes from Ray Peat. I copied this from the Ray Peat email depository. It always good to remember was Ray actually said about VA.

"I avoid carotene, because it blocks thyroid and steroid production, and very large, excessive, amounts of vitamin A, retinol, can do the same. I use halibut liver oil-derived vitamin A, or retinyl palmitate."

" Vitamin A oxidizes easily and an excess can create symptoms of a deficiency, so vitamin E is the most important thing for correcting it; excess vitamin A, like PUFA, interferes with thyroid hormone transport, so it’s important to balance the two."
Why doesn't Garrett Smith recommend vitamin E for lowering vitamin A??


Feb 3, 2020
Your Testosterone dropped from 18 to 15 within a month.
You also had higher T levels in 2021. Do you have any idea why it dropped?
Interesting. The highest T I have seen on his first page was 39. His T3 was also really high at that point.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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