
Dec 10, 2016
If you were very low in vitamins and ate a nutritionally dense food, of course you could feel more benefit when you were nutritionally depleted, than when you were nutritionally replete (you said you over consumed them) this isn't anything new.
This. /Thread

When I ate veal liver for the first time, I felt like superman the next day.
I haven't had the same experience ever since, but the benefits (never getting ill) remain.
Dec 18, 2018
I was taking b complex, vit e, vit d, magnesium, chromium, zinc, niacinamide, folic acid, coq10, aspirin and a bunch of other stuff I don't remember.
All I take now is magnesium glycinate, occasionally k2mk4 and will be taking the idealabs vit e soon

I eat 150-180 g protein
Sources of fat: cocoa butter, fatty beef/bison, small amounts of olive oil (trusted source), raw eggs, coconut oil (Ive been avoiding it lately), raw seafood. I try to eat mostly raw fat

One thing you could try is to reach a Ratio of SAT:MUFA of 1:1, maybe via low linoleic, high oleic Sunflower Oil. There are possible requirements for unsaturation of lipids. Wild Game has consistently a Ratio of 1:1, or even favors MUFA slightly. Also in regards to Acne, the product "Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Pads" is good.


Feb 12, 2020
One thing you could try is to reach a Ratio of SAT:MUFA of 1:1, maybe via low linoleic, high oleic Sunflower Oil. There are possible requirements for unsaturation of lipids. Wild Game has consistently a Ratio of 1:1, or even favors MUFA slightly. Also in regards to Acne, the product "Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Pads" is good.
I went through my cronometer logs and it turns out I’m already very close to 1:1 most days but favouring saturated. I’ll try to emphasise MUFA
I quit all topicals as the hyper expensive clinical grade products were breaking me out and causing eczema. My thinking is the body should be regulating my skin on its own. I’ll consider the pads though if I ever decide to go back to cosmetics
Apr 22, 2019
What I mean to say: maybe that is what you were experiencing as your setback, the hypo phase from a big portion?

It got to a point where even one bite triggered a consequence, albeit it mild. I haven't had any in several weeks and my health has greatly improved since sticking to mostly lean meats morning and night accompanied with milk during those meals and between. Fruit is used as a snack pretty well.

This Robbins guy has a fair explanation. The Zn effect of depressing Cu uptake via induction of Metallothioneine is well known, iirc it starts around 30mg of Zn per sitting. This is the long term relationship; GI competition sets in immediately and also favors Zn.

Good information. I remember Chris Masterjohn saying something about how only 15 mg of zinc can be taken up during any one sitting. Sounds within range. According to this site, there's 90mg of zinc per 100g of canned eastern oysters:

Regardless of how accurate it is, if that were taken as a sample number and put against the 65g (3 ounce) Crown Royal tin of oysters, that still comes out to 58.5mg of zinc from one can. So maybe we should consume half of these tins during different meals to prevent excess zinc. I'll experiment with this soon.

I eat 150-180 g protein
Sources of fat: cocoa butter, fatty beef/bison, small amounts of olive oil (trusted source), raw eggs, coconut oil (Ive been avoiding it lately), raw seafood. I try to eat mostly raw fat

By what you've written about your skin troubles, it very much sounds like your kidneys are taking a beating between all of the high protein and supplements with their water soluble portions that they need to filter. What the kidneys can't filter will come out of the skin. Doing a Peat-inspired diet with clogged kidneys (and likely a congested liver from all of the fat-soluble content you're taking) will contribute to a fungal infection which is built on slow digestion.

There are 2 recommendations I have for you that I believe would help immensely, although you might feel worse before you feel better with the second one.

1) 1 teaspoon of 100% PURE GUM SPIRITS of Turpentine + 1/4 cup of organic castor oil taken in the morning, followed by at least 2 quarts of water. Do not make plans to leave the house this day.
This was a recommendation I heard by Jennifer Daniels to deal with kidney stones, but it solves so many more problems, including SIBO. I couldn't digest starch without skin flare-ups until I did this.

2) A grape-fast for 3 days or longer. You'll be amazed what your body starts kicking out when it's given only fructose + glucose. The potassium helps the kidneys and berries are energizing to the adrenals. Red grapes are preferred, GMO is okay, just wash the pesticides off with a solution of salt and baking soda or some kind of vinegar & water mixture.
These results become especially pronounced when paired with any combination of herbs... Turmeric, ginger, cascara, black walnut hull, clove are some that come to mind.
Again, you'll feel worse as if you've made yourself sick for a short time, but stay on the fruit until things stabilize and then slowly reintroduce your previous dietary options.


Feb 12, 2020
the only supplement I take regularly is magnesium and k2
Those are the supplements I USED to take. I was also barely eating protein at the time. My biggest improvements came from eating more meat. It is the only thing I can eat
too Much fat makes me extremely nauseous
Fruit and fruit juice bloats me, gives me gas and breaks me out
I tried eating an overcooked potato this afternoon and I had endless gas. As the evening progressed my debilitating neuralgia came back, I developed joint pain, a headache, low grade fever and my rhinitis got so bad that I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t sleep. FROM A POTATO
Meanwhile I continue to lose weight. I think it’s time to seek medical help
Apr 22, 2019
too Much fat makes me extremely nauseous

Liver/gall bladder congestion

Fruit and fruit juice bloats me, gives me gas and breaks me out

Fungal infection

I tried eating an overcooked potato this afternoon and I had endless gas. As the evening progressed my debilitating neuralgia came back, I developed joint pain, a headache, low grade fever and my rhinitis got so bad that I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t sleep. FROM A POTATO

Points towards fungal infection again. Cooked complex starch is prime food for those critters, dairy too. I can empathize greatly. Potatoes have wrecked me a number of times with symptoms in a similar vein. Joint pain, brain fog, red and itchy skin, trouble sleeping, sneezing.
Also lectins wreaking havoc on your brain because your blood brain barrier is compromised from the intense leaky gut you have. Alzheimer's and arthritis are both correlated with nightshade vegetables (potato).

Doctors are just going to give you antibiotics which aren't old or time-tested like the ones this forum discusses.

I personally avoided antibiotics entirely, though. 1 teaspoon of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine + 1/4 cup organic castor oil was my fix in place of this.
Apr 22, 2019
Fruit and fruit juice bloats me, gives me gas and breaks me out

I'm sorry I forgot to add here that the fruit will contribute to a fungal infection as long as it is eaten with other foods in the diet. It must be exclusive, acidic or sub-acidic fruits are best. Don't mess with bananas, either. The starch will hurt.


Feb 12, 2020
Liver/gall bladder congestion

Fungal infection

Points towards fungal infection again. Cooked complex starch is prime food for those critters, dairy too. I can empathize greatly. Potatoes have wrecked me a number of times with symptoms in a similar vein. Joint pain, brain fog, red and itchy skin, trouble sleeping, sneezing.
Also lectins wreaking havoc on your brain because your blood brain barrier is compromised from the intense leaky gut you have. Alzheimer's and arthritis are both correlated with nightshade vegetables (potato).

Doctors are just going to give you antibiotics which aren't old or time-tested like the ones this forum discusses.

I personally avoided antibiotics entirely, though. 1 teaspoon of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine + 1/4 cup organic castor oil was my fix in place of this.
I’m having blood in my stool
Dec 18, 2018
the only supplement I take regularly is magnesium and k2
Those are the supplements I USED to take. I was also barely eating protein at the time. My biggest improvements came from eating more meat. It is the only thing I can eat
too Much fat makes me extremely nauseous
Fruit and fruit juice bloats me, gives me gas and breaks me out
I tried eating an overcooked potato this afternoon and I had endless gas. As the evening progressed my debilitating neuralgia came back, I developed joint pain, a headache, low grade fever and my rhinitis got so bad that I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t sleep. FROM A POTATO
Meanwhile I continue to lose weight. I think it’s time to seek medical help

You need Vitamin D.


Jul 9, 2020
Tbh I would 86 the liver as well if I could find another dense source of vitamin A, true vitamin A, not carotene. I think it can be healthy, but the iron is sky high in it, and iron is an oxidant. However I don't want to be forced onto a supplement, so I still eat liver for the A every once in a while.

In regards to oysters I love them, and think they're probably one of the most important "Peat approved" foods. They're high in zinc, selenium, and probably the most superior source of B12 on the planet. They're quite tasty as well in a soup or on a half shell with hot sauce. The only problem I could possibly see with oysters is a zinc overload. However zinc toxicity is rare, and most people should probably worry about not getting enough zinc.

The main issue with zinc is the copper thing, but you can balance copper by eating generous amounts of cocoa. Shrimp is a decent copper source too.


Nov 29, 2017

@Twohandsondeck 1/4 cup of castor oil seems a bit excessive/ dangerous. I used to do a tablespoon of it and the laxative effect was substantial.... I’m testing out 3ml daily and so far so good.


Apr 15, 2013
1) 1 teaspoon of 100% PURE GUM SPIRITS of Turpentine + 1/4 cup of organic castor oil taken in the morning, followed by at least 2 quarts of water. Do not make plans to leave the house this day.
This was a recommendation I heard by Jennifer Daniels to deal with kidney stones, but it solves so many more problems, including SIBO. I couldn't digest starch without skin flare-ups until I did this.

How long do you do this for? Just one day? Once a week? And can you eat normally the rest of the day?


Jul 9, 2020

@Twohandsondeck 1/4 cup of castor oil seems a bit excessive/ dangerous. I used to do a tablespoon of it and the laxative effect was substantial.... I’m testing out 3ml daily and so far so good.
Yeah I was under the impression that castor was toxic for consumption. The beans have toxic alkaloids in them I believe. Not sure what part of the plant the oil is derived from.
Apr 22, 2019
@Twohandsondeck 1/4 cup of castor oil seems a bit excessive/ dangerous. I used to do a tablespoon of it and the laxative effect was substantial.... I’m testing out 3ml daily and so far so good.

I don't know how great the experience would be without the accompanying teaspoon of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine. I have also taken a 2 tablespoon dose as the only 'supplement' for that day and it really just gave me a grievous laxative bout without much feeling of betterment by the next day. There was no doubt I had some pretty deep fungal issues for... so many reasons. Had this confirmed during a colonic hydrotherapy session, but never really made critical-blow progress to the issue until doing this combination. The vermifuge effect of the turpentine cannot be understated.

As far as castor oil goes, 90% of the fatty acid profile is ricinoleic acid which has a cleansing & purgative effect on the small intestine that isn't well understood. Science Direct

It's also called the 'palma Christi' which translates to, 'palm of Christ' for it's miraculous effects. Not only for gut cleansing but also for topical use.

I first heard about this from Jennifer Daniels who is a recurring guest on One Radio Network. She cited it as a remedy for kidney stones and noted that it should be done "episodically," and not regularly. My advice is 60 days minimum between one dose to the next. I only did it twice and it resolved my gut enough that my tongue became clean and my bowel movements stopped smelling, at which point I was able to reinstate lactose in my diet. A true blessing.

Of special note, Patrick once mentioned that he had taken 1 teaspoon of castor oil daily for 2 weeks as a means of preventing possible SIBO. In Daniels' opinion, she didn't think that taking castor oil in small amounts like that would give any benefit because... The inference I took was that it basically didn't take out enough of the problematic snowball. Like you'll chip off a little of the problem, but it will just respawn because it's something that needs to be purged in great movements.

How long do you do this for? Just one day? Once a week? And can you eat normally the rest of the day?

Probably seasonally, at least 60 days in between doses.

I found that a carrot salad helps quell the mild stomach discomfort a bit.

I continued to eat whatever I wanted during the days I did it, but I think it works best if the diet is mostly fruit while limiting possibly constipating foods like milk or eggs. The bowel movements will continue no matter what, rest assured.

Yeah I was under the impression that castor was toxic for consumption. The beans have toxic alkaloids in them I believe. Not sure what part of the plant the oil is derived from.

It's been in use for a long time. Maybe the link I shared earlier in this post will shed some light for you: Science Direct


Nov 24, 2017
Oh man. So it’s not even sure that oysters are a good copper source. Amazing.
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