I'm addicted to porn and sex


Dec 1, 2015
Not sure what else to say. I'm addicted to all things sex. My sex drive is relentless. I do not see it as a good thing. Haven't checked hormones in a good bit, maybe an estrogen thing. Not sure.

I lift heavy, got myself healthier over the years through peating. Still losing hair to a degree. Am pretty lean and muscular.

I'm just addicted. I tried no-fap. I can last a week / two weeks top, but I edge myself into oblivion watching porn. I'll sit there during no-fap just watching and edging. It's perverse and I hate it. I almost just want to relapse so I could stop.
I've tried semen retention, feels good, but can't last. Will just be going to Tinder or when I had a girlfriend wanted non-stop sex. Have dabbled with escorts too. Slept with co-workers, friends, etc. that I just shouldn't have. Truly ruining my life.
It's defintely ruined my brain. I think every girl is attractive. The sound of heels walking through my office gets me hard.

I can't stop and need help. Any pointers that deviate away from some of the coomers on reddit?


Dec 8, 2016
Get better coping mechanisms

Get some power back in your life

Think better of yourself and others

See these women, men and God forbid, children as victims

This will never ever satisfy you
And this is not about sex believe it or not

Many will jump in here
Wish you the absolute best



Dec 8, 2016


Feb 26, 2018
Progesterone has been discussed for such things before.
In insatiable lust , estrogen is certainly involved, but I wouldnt exclude dopamine.
Progesterine will help with estrogen issues and safely lower your libodo.
A less peaty way would be to crush your estrogen with heavy pharmaceuticals like androsterone. When I was on andro i didnt have a libido and I didnt even notice it.


Aug 15, 2015
Do you drink milk or take enough calcium in your diet? How is your vitamin D? Controlling PTH can decrease estrogen and cortisol which both make you addicted to sex. Anti-estrogen like progesterone, vitamin E etc. helps as well. The things that make your member numb are probably reducing your estrogen.


I think every girl is attractive. The sound of heels walking through my office gets me hard.
Based and Barbarian-pilled.

JK, I sympathize greatly. I never permitted myself to have sex, but struggled with porn since exposed to it as a kid - that doesn't mean it's not just as extremely wrong, just a little wiser maybe? No doubt you can now see how slippery the slope is, from going from fantasizing, to sex; it is a real thing, and a more real problem than when you were just masturbating.

Are you a Christian? If so I've got some good news :) if not, I've got better news! :D

Idk if you've seen this guy's tedtalk, or references to the rat-park study, but it's worth checking out:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY9DcIMGxMs

I am having incredible success stepping out of isolation, and being with people who care and love me with no strings attached. This has been a hard fight to obtain in our fast paced world, but absolutely necessary.

This has evolved a few ways until I found success, but I could not give up.

So, I have a few friends I hang and chat with, once a week or so. I have a coed bible study one day. I have a church I attend on Sunday, and on another day, a group of guys mostly from that church, who get really vulnerable with each other (no condemnation or shame/ all is confidential) - the purpose is removing masks and pride, that paradoxically hold us back from growing into who God made us to be (as well as affirmations of what we are, apart from our failures - very important to be armed with Truth). Once a month, our girls and guys groups meet together.
The only interaction that directly exposes lies/masks, is my guys group - I have a trusted friend from that, who I share when I'm feeling horny or failing, and he encourages me with truth and declarations that I'm meant to succeed, even when I don't feel it. Believe it or not, I believe I'm still too isolated, because I'm having to plan and manage my week to get it, when it should be living in it daily, which further prevents masking of the heart.

I think many people should cut back on their work hours, for time devoted to quality relationships.

I believe adequate play, rest, and relationships, to be absolutely necessary to a healthy life.

Of course, part and parcel to all this, is my intimacy and Joy with the Lord :)

I would say all the things are tools in the tool box, but to deny any one of them, would be to deny an important facet of how God made us.

Big redpills:

View: https://vimeo.com/433719476

View: https://vimeo.com/537024661


Aug 15, 2015
Why would having a numb penis be desirable?
If you take too much of the anti-estrogen substances, it gets numb. I am not saying you take too much of it, just take enough and let the numb and libido effects guide you.


Jun 21, 2018
Two things.

1. Simply do No-Fap and do not edge or watch porn. If it becomes irresistible after 1-2 weeks, just jerk off once and use your imagination. It's the edging for hours + porn that destroys your brain. If you literally went from that, to only jerking off 1-2x per week via imagination, you WILL heal your brain and receptors. ALL PROGRESS IS PROGRESS.

2. Watch this video and follow it. It kills addictions.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccEgWIk8r3E


Sep 22, 2020
I second the androsterone suggestion. Just one drop drives my libido into the gutter. Surprisingly very powerful stuff. I can imagine that by increasing the dosage, you will forget that sex is even a thing. More powerful AIs will probably do an even more robust job.


Mar 4, 2019
Sounds like you need to stop using electronics for a while.
This and sunlight.

Sunlight is dopaminergic by entering the retina. Blue light from electronics blocks sunlight going through the retina, and in turn lowers dopamine. Lower dopamine leads to a higher likelihood of falling into addiction to increase it to satisfaction.

There are obviously other factors like stress and lack of nutrition. Upping calories can also cause an increase in satiation from hunger, and may make you feel the need of sexual satisfaction less when other needs are met. Hunger is also stressful, which can also increase estrogen which in turn gives the signal to the body that it needs to reproduce because of a suboptimal environement. Sometimes even eating beyond what we feel are our needs, but with good, is just what we need to get back on track.

At the end of the day, the best way to beat an addiction is finding something else that produces more dopamine to fight against all the anti-dopamine things in your life.


Dec 1, 2021
Do you lack childhood attention from your mother? Emotional neglect, physical neglect, she not being there for you or she was there but inadequately so. Did you breastfeed and how loving was your mom?

I'm hinting at trauma, not sure though. But this might be the case if you can't stand being out of a relationship or without sex. I also see in my environment that some hypersexual people are weirdly ((of them)). Just my 2 cents.


Sep 9, 2019
I think every girl is attractive. The sound of heels walking through my office gets me hard.
That was amusing, thank you.

There's a lot of variables and blind spots here. So I don't know. Something's not right internally. You're off balance and feeding it. Maybe read these, more on the subject, make some related behavioural adjustments, pick one (appropriately) and fixate on her.

Else you have thirst you'll never quench and be missing the magic the whole time.


Nov 30, 2022
WA state
Our church runs a regular program for men called Every Man’s Battle. It’s quite revealing and you can buy the book separately but it’s cool to be in a class of every men.
Many years ago our county prosecutor told me that he has never processed a sex crime without seeing a pornography addiction behind it.
You might want to get your testosterone levels checked. It has a significant role in my sex drive. Ultimately, we have to treat pornography as an addiction. In a monogamous marriage I consider pornography adultery. It undermines my relationship with my spouse.


Oct 4, 2022
I can't stop and need help. Any pointers that deviate away from some of the coomers on reddit?
Cut back on internet significantly, that pushes a lot of this to the extreme with the infinite source of instant sexual content.
The whole problem could likely just be a porn usage problem and that's where the "high sex drive" seems to come from, this happens with many guys.

I've compiled lots of information on pornography addiction here, and its mostly just a directory to a great site called Your Brain on Porn.

Read the Easy Peasy Method to quit porn here or here (I ported it to my site).
Read an introductory article to why porn majorly effects the brain (Evolution has not prepared your brain for porn).
Large porn FAQ here.
Read Gary Wilson's book Your Brain on Porn for free here.

Good luck, many guys are going what your also going through so just know your not alone, and this is not an unheard of anomaly, you'll find the fix eventually, IMO just start with eliminating porn and all porn-substitutes (including Tinder).
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