If Calcification Is The Root Of Hair Loss - How To Reverse It? (Magnesium , D, A, K2, Potassium)


May 21, 2015
I have no idea what you are trying to say there, alas. Too much info in a small area.
Assuming an already adjusted Peat diet. I can say that normal sex and masturbation frequency has a normal prolactin response with temporal receptor expression modulation that I dont find significant for hair loss. Over masturbation and sexual exhaustion, then yes, chronic high prolactin, hyper-parathyroidism.
Cortisol has a negative feedback system, but I'm not clear about prolactin. TBH I need more study that.

About that quote, to put it in another way : Serotonin promotes Prolactin and Cortisol. Dopamine inhibits Serotonin synthesis, thereby inhibiting Prolactin and Cortisol.

Prolactin is a marker for Estrogen and Serotonin levels, unsurprisingly :
Prolactin Is A Good Metric For Serotonin And Estrogen Levels

It also triggers cortisol :
Prolactin Increases Cortisol Secretion

You also confuse another effect of Prolactin about libido like you did yesterday about Serotonin. The increase of Prolactin shortly after ejaculation decreases libido, it's like a signal that you've had enough. Dopamine, which inhibits Prolactin, promotes libido in a linear fashion and hypersexuality in excess. This excess level of Dopamine would correspond to potently inhibited Prolactin, yet your libido is through the roof.

The correlation of increased serum prolactin levels with decreased sexual desire and activity in elderly men. - PubMed - NCBI

It's overly simplistic to say things like "Prolactin from normal sex isn't an issue". Yes, true for a low stress low estrogen high testosterone man but when your hormonal state is unideal like in mpb, anything can have an impact. This is exactly why tackling every possible factors is the best way to achieve results for hair regrowth, like the stack mostly did. Doing nofap for a while is one way to help shifting the hormonal state back to a more ideal one. Hormones work in homeostasis, frequently triggering Estrogen and Cortisol when your levels of both are already high is likely to prevent you from ever leaving that state. On the contrary, avoiding triggering them and using substances that inhibit them for a significant period while also optimizing Testosterone makes a positive shift of your hormonal balance much more likely. This is how I got rid of my post-propecia symptoms and anyone I've read that was in the same situation and got rid of symptoms did the same thing. You could say that the post-propecia state is an extreme but you can easily transpose it to less drastic changes.

I go for an all-out approach when fixing issues but if you believe x or y isn't important then disregard them.
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Nov 5, 2017
declacifmacationizing protips!

mindfulness for c02 - focus on breathing, not on thoughts/feelings / anything that could stress you out

massage/mech therapy to rejuvenate big baldie heads AND relax the muscles around head/neck (curious how many baldies have creaky or cracky necks due to poor flexibility)


supplements...mag/k2/zinc and maybe boron and d3 if you live in an igloo

erm...maybe a little weight training, some cardio and a LOT of stretching (hips, spine, hamstrings in particular to improve posture, improve breathing and improve mind/body awareness / core strength and gut health - spinal twisting prevents gakky white ***t on my tongue even if i drink creamy coffee that's been slathered in sugar)

lamb liver has the most pronounced effect on my body out of everything i've tried, short of class A drugs \o/ turns me into a little zen furnace for about 2-3 hours

vinegar on your head should also decalcify the follicles and if nothing else will tenderize your head and reduce sebum, making it easier to firmly massage

anything more advice is appreciated \o/


sodium bicarb is prob important, too, if onyl for it's c02 and anti inflammatory effects
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Apr 25, 2014
Do you still take the B complex ? Biotin increases sebum production (Nizoral removing it on scalp was used during my regrowth), Niacin triggers Histamine and Prostaglandins, too much Folate and B12 excessively increase methylation. B1 actually has a pro-cancer effect at 25x the RDA, high dose B2 increases photo-oxidation. Those are some features that make a lot of B complexes unideal at best. Niacinamide doesn't have the same effect as Niacin though. For B1 & B2, the RDA or slightly higher is likely to be optimal though for reversing kidney damage (which increases Ammonia, a downregulator of IGFBP-3), the effective 300mg dose may be safe temporarily. P-5-P is also better absorbed than regular B6.

@General Orange @Arrade Btw even if we assume that Prolactin has no negative effect on hair, it is also a symptom of low Dopamine and high Serotonin, which promotes Cortisol and Parathyroid Hormone. Zinc is dopaminergic which is how it inhibits Serotonin, Cortisol and Prolactin. Less rigid thinking, more context.

Look, Prolactin promotes Estrogen. Another promoter of Cortisol, Parathyroid Hormone and so calcification. Should we still assume that only hyperprolactinaemia is bad and that reducing slightly high Prolactin levels can't be beneficial ?

As of now, I take: B1, B2, P-5-P- 100mg each, folinic acid 800mcg, B12 twice a week, Magnesium-500-600mg, Potassium Chloride 1000mg, Malic Acid 800mg, Zinc 50mg, Selenium 100mcg three times a week or so, I'm thinking of adding Sodium Thiosulfate in small amounts and maybe Molybdenum to clear out excess Copper.

I don't know if internally Zinc is doing anything for hair, but using it topically by mixing Zinc Sulfate with P-5-p, ethanol and distilled water makes my hair look 3 times thicker, it's only a cosmetic difference but it's very drastic my hair looks completely different after I apply it, some people claim it also reduces shedding but I haven't experienced that.


Dec 3, 2017
Man I massaged my scalp so hard I got bruises all over it. I thought the study said it has to be 'vigorous' ?


Apr 29, 2018
Sorry I was cranky in my last post.
@Hevel I tried UVB beds for Vit d and sunlight, it really didn’t have an effect like taking the oral supplement, perhaps because I was taking a lot of K and it wasn’t enough to balance.


Apr 29, 2018
I’m thinking I may need serrapep for anti fibrosis, so natto in the morning and Serra at night.

Frankly I don’t like massage, that may prevent you from fully decalcifying your system and it’s a pain in the butt
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Calcium isn’t protective of arteries and you could kill someone with that advice
Even adding calcium to the diet under 3000mg does not add to calcification of blood vessels. But the arterial plaque hardening via calcium phosphates is eventually done to compensate for the soft plaque from oxidized cholesterol buildup.
Therefore to prevent soft plauque and calcification of it, people should not eat heat and air proccessed meat, like liver paté and high heated animal fat products.

K1 would literally cause a blood clot which is the biggest worry with arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis.
Getting vitamin K1 from diet will convert partially to K2. So there should not be risk for blood clots buildup.

"Is that true, do we have to take vitamin K2 or is vitamin K1 turned into vitamin K2 by our bodies? link

As early as 1994, researchers had discovered that K1 converted into K2 in the body.

Thijssen HH, Drittij-Reijnders MJ. Vitamin K distribution in rat tissues: dietary phylloquinone is a source of tissue menaquinone-4. Br J Nutr. 1994 Sep;72(3):415-25.

In 1998, researchers confirmed that K1 is metabolized into K2 and that metabolism had nothing to do with intestinal bacteria. Sterile mice metabolized ingested K1 into K2.

Ronden JE, Drittij-Reijnders MJ, Vermeer C, Thijssen HH. Intestinal flora is not an intermediate in the phylloquinone-menaquinone-4 conversion in the rat. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1998 Jan 8;1379(1):69-75.

In 2006, researchers confirmed this conversion takes place in humans.

Thijssen HH, Vervoort LM, Schurgers LJ, Shearer MJ. Menadione is a metabolite of oral vitamin K. Br J Nutr. 2006 Feb;95(2):260-6.

There appears to be two sites of conversion of K1 to K2, one in the intestine and another in peripheral tissues.

Okano T, Shimomura Y, Yamane M, Suhara Y, Kamao M, Sugiura M, Nakagawa K Conversion of phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) into menaquinone-4 (Vitamin K2) in mice: two possible routes for menaquinone-4 accumulation in cerebra of mice. J Biol Chem. 2008 Apr 25;283(17):11270-9. Epub 2007 Dec 14.

Recently, the mechanism by which the body turns vitamin K1 into vitamin K2 was clarified. It occurs through an intermediary molecule, vitamin K3, which is made in the intestine from vitamin K1.

Hirota Y, et al. Menadione (vitamin K3) is a catabolic product of oral phylloquinone (vitamin K1) in the intestine and a circulating precursor of tissue menaquinone-4 (vitamin K2) in rats. J Biol Chem. 2013 Sep 30.

I cannot put my hands on it now, but I read a paper that actually showed K2 content in peripheral organs is higher after vitamin K1 ingestion than K2 ingestion.

It seems that it could be the case that modern humans are deficient in K2 because they do not eat large quantities of vitamin K1 containing foods. If we look at Paleolithic humans, they probably got high amount of vitamin K2 from eating large quantities of kale and spinach-like foods, very high in K1, which then supplied their tissues with all the vitamin K2 they needed.

Does vitamin K2 and supplementation still have a role in clinical nutrition? I think so. There are trials underway looking to see if vitamin K2 can help with a variety of conditions. It may be very important for bone health. There has also been a trial that shows it’s more efficacious than vitamin K1 in raising IGF-1 levels.

Cannell J. RCT: Vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin K’s effect on activity in postmenopausal women. www.vitamindcouncil.org, April 30, 2012."
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
@Elephanto about chronic low prolactin

You also confuse another effect of Prolactin about libido like you did yesterday about Serotonin. The increase of Prolactin shortly after ejaculation decreases libido, it's like a signal that you've had enough. Dopamine, which inhibits Prolactin, promotes libido in a linear fashion and hypersexuality in excess. This excess level of Dopamine would correspond to potently inhibited Prolactin, yet your libido is through the roof.

HypoProlactinaemia (Low Prolactin) in Men - A Cause for Concern or Ideal State?

Area-1255: HypoProlactinaemia (Low Prolactin) in Men - A Cause for Concern or Ideal State?

Bodybuilders, Fitness Enthusiasts and ordinary men who have had elevated prolactin know firsthand the downsides of High Prolactin levels; it will ruin your sex drive, decrease testosterone production as well as dopamine and turn you into an Apathetic and passive zombie. In the meantime, you are gaining weight and suffering from insulin resistance. So we know for sure that high Prolactin is bad, but do we know the whole story behind prolactin's effects? Moreover, when people go on dopaminergics to lower prolactin back into the normal range, some actually end up nearly obliterating prolactin. As the level of prolactin fades into the deficient or even undetectable stage, should we be worried of possible side-effects? There is a condition describing this stage, it's called HypoProlactinaemia (as opposed to Hyperprolactinaemia which describes high prolactin), and it can also present serious side-effects.

Let's start by defining the effects of prolactin on the androgen receptor, according to PubMed - prolactin increases androgen uptake in the Prostate and also increases 5-Alpha-Reductase (the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT).

Prolactin also has a DIRECT effect on Adrenal Androgen release; being synergistic with ACTH in increasing androgen output (starting with DHEA).(1)

Therefore one would assume that by lowering prolactin excessively, one would then enter a Hypoandrogenic state or at the least a state of 5-alpha-reductase deficiency. This makes sense being that yet another study showed a group of males with induced low prolactin - were rendered infertile with oligozoospermia, asthenospermia, and hypofunction of seminal vesicles(2). DHT has known effects on maintaining normal sperm motility and production as well as stimulating both seminal vesicles and allowing for normal ejaculation(3)(4).

Therefore, we are describing hypoprolactinaemia as a state similar to the 5-AR deficiency in users of the 5-AR inhibiting drug Finasteride.


Therefore in Summary, HypoProlactinaemia (though decreasing or eliminating the refractory period) may be outweighed by the other side-effects of low prolactin and so I advise caution against reducing prolactin to a deficient or undetectable state, especially in those particularly susceptible to anxiety, E.D, or any like conditions.

  • Deficient Prolactin in men induces low DHT levels and lower Androgen levels.
  • Low Prolactin may cause anxiety; by decreasing GABA synthesis and increasing glutamate activity.
  • Low Prolactin may cause Calcium Channel overload and increased noradrenaline.
  • Low Prolactin may cause male infertility; oligozoospermia and asthenospermia.
  • Hypoprolactinaemia also leads to premature ejaculation and anxiety induced and / or arteriogenic E.D.

It's overly simplistic to say things like "Prolactin from normal sex isn't an issue". Yes, true for a low stress low estrogen high testosterone man but when your hormonal state is unideal like in mpb, anything can have an impact. This is exactly why tackling every possible factors is the best way to achieve results for hair regrowth, like the stack mostly did. Doing nofap for a while is one way to help shifting the hormonal state back to a more ideal one. Hormones work in homeostasis, frequently triggering Estrogen and Cortisol when your levels of both are already high is likely to prevent you from ever leaving that state. On the contrary, avoiding triggering them and using substances that inhibit them for a significant period while also optimizing Testosterone makes a positive shift of your hormonal balance much more likely. This is how I got rid of my post-propecia symptoms and anyone I've read that was in the same situation and got rid of symptoms did the same thing. You could say that the post-propecia state is an extreme but you can easily transpose it to less drastic changes.

I go for an all-out approach when fixing issues but if you believe x or y isn't important then disregard them.
I agree with that method of abstaining from sex tom improve hormone balance.
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Apr 29, 2018
@General Orange I get 1mg K1 in my life extension supp I believe.
I don't think it all converts to K2, and that taking over 1-2 mg K1 actually could be toxic


May 21, 2015
@General Orange Good points, I wasn't implying that deficient Prolactin is a goal but low levels are unlikely to correlate with mpb, and slighty high ones more likely. Its ability to trigger DHT could actually be another mechanism by which it can promote mpb besides being estrogenic, I'm still not sure if DHT is only a symptom of chronic stress promoting calcification or that it participates itself in the balding process by triggering Estrogen-Receptor Alpha and by increasing sebum production which clogs up pores and facilitates the disruption of blood circulation in areas where it concentrates. In any case, tackling stress, endotoxins, estrogen, serotonin (the latter 3 being cortisol promoters) as root causes is much healthier than taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors since DHT and Allopregnanolone (5-ar dependent) have neuroprotective properties against stress so if high stress levels are still present combined with inhibited 5-alpha reductase, neurodegeneration is likely. Simply reducing chronic stress will lead to lower DHT. Glycine promoting DHT in 2-6g doses has given me bad effects on hair in the past, so while not aiming for 5-ar inhibiton I don't make it part of my strategies to try to increase it (can be helpful to recover from post-propecia in the first months though). A lot of benefits from Glycine can be obtained in <1g doses (general anti-inflammatory, anti-stress and TSH reducing effects).


Apr 29, 2018
@General Orange Good points, I wasn't implying that deficient Prolactin is a goal but low levels are unlikely to correlate with mpb, and slighty high ones more likely. Its ability to trigger DHT could actually be another mechanism by which it can promote mpb besides being estrogenic, I'm still not sure if DHT is only a symptom of chronic stress promoting calcification or that it participates itself in the balding process by triggering Estrogen-Receptor Alpha and by increasing sebum production which clogs up pores and facilitates the disruption of blood circulation in areas where it concentrates. In any case, tackling stress, endotoxins, estrogen, serotonin (the latter 3 being cortisol promoters) as root causes is much healthier than taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors since DHT and Allopregnanolone (5-ar dependent) have neuroprotective properties against stress so if high stress levels are still present combined with inhibited 5-alpha reductase, neurodegeneration is likely. Simply reducing chronic stress will lead to lower DHT.
I want to say the estrogen alpha part.
I saw a study I should have bookmarked but elevated serum estrogen in men lead to androgen action in the skin tissue.


May 21, 2015
@Arrade Yeah, well Estrogen promotes calcification in countless of ways. The sebum aspect shouldn't be neglected though, using Nizoral and ACV on scalp has been crucial in my process, which remove excess sebum (one way using ACV too much makes hair temporarily dry, by removing oils). It is likely that the combination of high androgens and high endotoxins are necessary for enough sebum to cause damage (they also tend to go hand in hand, Endotoxins promoting chronically high Cortisol -> promoting chronically high DHT). The P. Acnes bacteria strain increases sebum production and Coconut Oil has specific efficacy against this strain.

Antimicrobial Property of Lauric Acid Against Propionibacterium acnes: Its Therapeutic Potential for Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris

A lipase secreted by this microorganism metabolizes sebum and the resulting metabolites evoke inflammation in human skin.
Inhibition of Propionibacterium acnes lipase activity by the antifungal agent ketoconazole. - PubMed - NCBI
(Ketoconazole is Nizoral)
Inflammation leading to disrupted blood circulation and calcification of skin tissues.
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Dec 3, 2017
I wonder why it caused bruising..massaging any other part of the body doesn't result in bruises.

Yeah, me too. It's interesting you say that. I've been using a Thai wood massager, sort of a handheld piece of wood with more wooden balls attached to it. It's still strange it bruised...I still find the calciumfication issue quite confusing...I'm at NW4/5 at this point, diffuse, but my scalp is extremely soft and pliable. From what I've gathered this shouldn't be the case. Unfortunately no one on here has been able to explain to me why this is indeed the case...


Jun 2, 2017
Yeah, me too. It's interesting you say that. I've been using a Thai wood massager, sort of a handheld piece of wood with more wooden balls attached to it. It's still strange it bruised...I still find the calciumfication issue quite confusing...I'm at NW4/5 at this point, diffuse, but my scalp is extremely soft and pliable. From what I've gathered this shouldn't be the case. Unfortunately no one on here has been able to explain to me why this is indeed the case...

I plan on starting scalp massages very soon.

That is strange. So is the top of your scalp easy to pinch? The top of mine is very hard and thick. Almost impossible to pinch a bit of skin up. I'm a NW 3 diffuse.


May 21, 2015
I plan on starting scalp massages very soon.

That is strange. So is the top of your scalp easy to pinch? The top of mine is very hard and thick. Almost impossible to pinch a bit of skin up. I'm a NW 3 diffuse.

Don't remember if you mentioned it but have you started with ACV on scalp and systemic decalcifiers like high dose Magnesium Citrate and Taurine ? Should make these areas less hardened. Also something that I find helps but isn't part of the official method, is to press with your fingers on a calcified area and make circles to move the skin around. You can feel and hear "crackles" which indicates calcification.


Apr 29, 2018
" Lauric acid was active on 5alphaR1 (IC(50)=17+/-3 microg/ml) and 5alphaR2 (IC(50)=19+/-9 microg/ml)"
I think largely what Coconut Oil does is reduce serum dht and thus its actions in hairloss and acne.
Inhibition of type 1 and type 2 5alpha-reductase activity by free fatty acids, active ingredients of Permixon. - PubMed - NCBI

Coconut Oil and Hairloss Update

I tried coconut oil topically and felt mental sides I did not enjoy (the fatty acids allow it to penetrate the skin and enter blood directly).

Personally I think I'll avoid coconut oil, though to be fair oral ingestion I haven't experiemented too too heavily with


Apr 29, 2018
I'm going to start doing magnesium foot baths as I read on my computer, I don't think the spray is enough

I also bought doctor's best double strength serra for use at night

I also suggest ingesting gelatin, I have hydrolyzed collagen which from what I read has the same hair and anti-inflammatory benefits


Dec 3, 2017
I plan on starting scalp massages very soon.

That is strange. So is the top of your scalp easy to pinch? The top of mine is very hard and thick. Almost impossible to pinch a bit of skin up. I'm a NW 3 diffuse.

Yep. It's like putty. I'd be happy to inbox anyone to verify it. I wish someone could help me, because it seems that my hairloss isnt influenced by calciumfication at all. Maybe its purely hormonal..and I use that term in the loosest sense nah mean lol. I have gotten visibly hairier since losing the hair on my head...I wish I knew what was going so so I could fix this...like I said, my scalp is like a girl or an adolescent....from pinching my scalp I've gotten two 'creases' sort of bruised at the front of my scalp...takes a few months for these creases to go away....


Dec 3, 2017
Don't remember if you mentioned it but have you started with ACV on scalp and systemic decalcifiers like high dose Magnesium Citrate and Taurine ? Should make these areas less hardened. Also something that I find helps but isn't part of the official method, is to press with your fingers on a calcified area and make circles to move the skin around. You can feel and hear "crackles" which indicates calcification.

Man, any idea what could be wrong with me? I completely believe your protocol to deal with calciumfication, but I just don't think that is the cause of my baldness.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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