I Think Wearing Gold Increases Progesterone


Aug 3, 2018
I am SHOCKED that the people who support Jing are the same that fail to make any sort of valid criticism of the OP's hypothesis, other than what amounts to "it seems unlikely to me". Of course thinking logically about a proposition that seems unlikely to you will seem bizarre to people who lack the skill of approaching such a proposition without prejudice. That is not surprising at all... people generally suck at logical and scientific thinking. The surprising thing is that there are so many people here who CAN keep an open mind about things.

I wholeheartedly agree with your points in this thread and think that your treatment has been bizarre

That would imply that you think it's okay for Jing to call people who think differently than he does "delusional." I'd suggest it means you aren't actually a very good fit for this forum. This is the sort of "thinking" that leads to all the wrong beliefs that we encounter in mainstream medicine.

You may not like the way I responded to this -- personally I have no problem explaining in great detail why a bully like this is actually WRONG (i.e. reasoning incorrectly, I have no idea if his opinion is wrong in the end, but it's certain he wouldn't know at this point either way). Even if it's uncomfortable for others to see claims picked apart at this level, that's not an argument.

If you think I have made a mistake in reasoning, your recourse would be to point it out.

BTW Women's attractiveness changes with estradiol and progesterone across the ovulatory cycle. - PubMed - NCBI
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Feb 18, 2018
That would imply that you think it's okay for Jing to call people who think differently than he does "delusional." I'd suggest it means you aren't actually a very good fit for this forum. This is the sort of "thinking" that leads to all the wrong beliefs that we encounter in mainstream medicine.
Sorry to anyone I called delusional. Its wrong of me to call people names.


Jul 29, 2014

I can tell you I take progesterone almost each month before my period, on the second half of my cycle and thats when I am the most emotional.

Men have a different balance of hormones though. Try taking that progesterone with a shot of testosterone and see how emotional you are. That would be an interesting experiment.

Edit: Trump does seem to use twitter emotionally... He also takes finasteride I think, which is a progestin is it not? Dude needs to get off that stuff. Finasteride is affecting US policy!

Telling someone you are sure there experience was a placebo IS the problem I'm talking about... sorry you don't see it yet.

I don't think wondering if it is a placebo is a negative comment. It is still an effect. A change in consciousness from putting on the neckless could actually alter the hormones in the brain subtly, but whether or not that was caused by the gold directly, and whether or not it literally changed the face, is what @Jing was being critical of.

Strange things do happen in this world though. When I read the original post I didn't believe it or disbelieve it, I just thought about it logically. Could this be tested scientifically? Is it possible for metals to affect animals? Could it just be it changed the way the person sees themselves because the gold is symbolic of prosperity?

Without any other evidence, I would think it just changed the way the person sees themselves - this is the obvious conclusion - but I won't close the door on other possibilities and will file the anecdote away in my brain somewhere. If I read a study where gold is mentioned topically, or talks about waves or whatever, or hear a few more anecdotes, I will file them away as well and understand that there is a bit more "evidence".

If I was more curious I would research gold directly, but I can only spend a finite amount of time researching things in my life and this one didn't pique my interest enough for me to get involved. I was intrigued by the post though.

One day that will be considered doping.


Feb 13, 2016
I think it's like PUFA and EMF. No one really believes these things can impact how you look and feel instantaneously unless they experience it themselves. So they call you hypochondriac and say the cause is psychosomatic. I'm not infallible but I do think I would know better whether or not mood changes/facial changes were merely due to changes in lighting before actually creating a thread about them...

But the purpose of my OP wasn't to convince anyone of anything, it was just to share what I thought happened to me and discuss things that people thought were related, so I don't mean to spark any further back and forth.
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Nov 3, 2017
For those that have been claiming it's placenta, is this what you have in mind?

Now if lampofred's odserveb effect is beyond psychological, it's good news for rappers who develop a hunchback from them and people think that they're being worn in.. vain.

Lol, you Schultz and Charlie are killing me :D
By the way its not placenta but placebo.


Feb 13, 2016
Dr. Peat said in his new interview that copper is very easily absorbed through the skin in the form of jewelry & silver too... I'm assuming gold would be the same.

Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
this is fascinating

what do i look for when buying jewellry?

does 100% gold exist?
@johnwester130 Yeah, It's called 24 Carat > A Carat is 1/24 part of pure gold by weight, so 24-karat gold is pure gold :):

Players only, come on
Put your pinky rings up to the moon
Girls, what y'all trying to do?
24 karat magic in the air
Head to toe so player
Uh, look out!


Aug 6, 2017
See the recently posted interview where RP says copper easily absorbs through the skin. Ray Peat Interview - My 2nd podcast episode with Ray (recorded 10/29) released today.

Why not gold? And you don't need large amounts to have effects.

This is in addition to ignoring the possible effect on the electromagnetic field it has just from wearing it. The human body creates a field that can be detected as far as you can throw a stone. Imagine the effect it has near you, and how modifying it by what you wear can affect things.


Jun 22, 2021
I have a couple silver coins. I notice that when I keep one in my pocket, or have one in my hand all day I feel...different. Not really in a good way though. I am reminded of the historical/religious warnings about holding/loving gold and it being an evil.
I agree with this. I have a stash of silver hidden away somewhere and notice when as soon as I hold a silver coin I get irritable/allergic symptoms - no idea what kind of reaction this is, but definitely not placebo.

I don't see why people are treating what OP is saying as unreasonable. Your face/bone definition would definitelY change if your estrogen levels rose/progesterone levels rose - seems completely reasonable to me. Anyway, really interested in what RP has to say if anyone has an email response from him


Aug 10, 2012
I am allergic to Nickel and I most gold contains it. So, I had to look for gold with a different alloy. I do feel good wearing gold without nickel in it. The other feels good too until it causes a rash on my neck or my finger to ache. Just thought I'd join in.


Jan 25, 2014
Sorry to anyone I called delusional. Its wrong of me to call people names.

Looking back, I really had fun on this thread arguing that Santa is real because we have pics! So, by the logic, it did happen!

I just had fun playing Devil's Advocate. Or, as I think I saw in some restaurant years back, El Diablo Advocado. Jing, I hope you are well.

P.S. Santa is really real. For reals!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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