How long does natural covid immunity last?


Apr 30, 2021
I've been curious, as I've read random things in passing. Some say it last 3 months, 6 months, a year. I've heard natural immunity doesn't happen if you've been vaxed. Or the vax wipes out your natural immunity. My husband and I don't have the vaccine and don't plan to ever. But back when I was in cosmetology school I got really sick after a women who had flew from China because of the virus (before it was a big deal in the US) came in to the school to get a haircut. I was sick for almost 3 weeks... But all sinus infection symptoms no cough. I was a recovering vegan at the time, so that could explain why a sinus infection knocked me down. I've been sick once a year since then- all have been regular colds only lasting a few days. (and negative covid tests for work, although I know the accuracy is not there). I work with people everyday and most of my clients are double- triple vaxed. I haven't been sick really- knock on wood. Makes me wonder if I have had antibodies? For 2 years? Is that possible? And I'm not sure about these antibody tests and the accuracy of those either, if it's worth testing it. In Ohio restrictions are not like they are other places. Really no one is making you mask anymore and even when they did we only had a few places make us leave if we didn't wear it. It's more a social thing, I work in the city and everyone talks about covid and the vax and masks. I live in the county, smaller town and no one really talks about it. It's mostly normal.
What have been your experiences? Have you had covid? Do you feel you have immunity even though you've never "been positive"? Has anyone take the antibody test?


Mar 18, 2017
I've been curious, as I've read random things in passing. Some say it last 3 months, 6 months, a year. I've heard natural immunity doesn't happen if you've been vaxed. Or the vax wipes out your natural immunity. My husband and I don't have the vaccine and don't plan to ever. But back when I was in cosmetology school I got really sick after a women who had flew from China because of the virus (before it was a big deal in the US) came in to the school to get a haircut. I was sick for almost 3 weeks... But all sinus infection symptoms no cough. I was a recovering vegan at the time, so that could explain why a sinus infection knocked me down. I've been sick once a year since then- all have been regular colds only lasting a few days. (and negative covid tests for work, although I know the accuracy is not there). I work with people everyday and most of my clients are double- triple vaxed. I haven't been sick really- knock on wood. Makes me wonder if I have had antibodies? For 2 years? Is that possible? And I'm not sure about these antibody tests and the accuracy of those either, if it's worth testing it. In Ohio restrictions are not like they are other places. Really no one is making you mask anymore and even when they did we only had a few places make us leave if we didn't wear it. It's more a social thing, I work in the city and everyone talks about covid and the vax and masks. I live in the county, smaller town and no one really talks about it. It's mostly normal.
What have been your experiences? Have you had covid? Do you feel you have immunity even though you've never "been positive"? Has anyone take the antibody test?
This might come in handy:



Apr 30, 2021


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I've been curious, as I've read random things in passing. Some say it last 3 months, 6 months, a year. I've heard natural immunity doesn't happen if you've been vaxed. Or the vax wipes out your natural immunity. My husband and I don't have the vaccine and don't plan to ever. But back when I was in cosmetology school I got really sick after a women who had flew from China because of the virus (before it was a big deal in the US) came in to the school to get a haircut. I was sick for almost 3 weeks... But all sinus infection symptoms no cough. I was a recovering vegan at the time, so that could explain why a sinus infection knocked me down. I've been sick once a year since then- all have been regular colds only lasting a few days. (and negative covid tests for work, although I know the accuracy is not there). I work with people everyday and most of my clients are double- triple vaxed. I haven't been sick really- knock on wood. Makes me wonder if I have had antibodies? For 2 years? Is that possible? And I'm not sure about these antibody tests and the accuracy of those either, if it's worth testing it. In Ohio restrictions are not like they are other places. Really no one is making you mask anymore and even when they did we only had a few places make us leave if we didn't wear it. It's more a social thing, I work in the city and everyone talks about covid and the vax and masks. I live in the county, smaller town and no one really talks about it. It's mostly normal.
What have been your experiences? Have you had covid? Do you feel you have immunity even though you've never "been positive"? Has anyone take the antibody test?
Haven`t had coby yet. Took many tests (quick, antigen) last summer, all negative. Never took PCR. Never had symptoms. Took the antibody test a couple of weeks ago and had zero. Made the test for only one reason, because in my home country, if one has antibodies above 150, he gets certificate/green pass, so I failed to get it. Not sure if the test is reliable (they draw blood for it) you can`t be sure in anything nowadays.

No one knows yet how long does the natural immunity last. There are only speculations. I have a friend of mine (not vaxxed) who passed the fashion disease last year with moderate symptoms. A week ago he got it again, but this time the symptoms were very mild and lasted only a day. So, it`s individual.
From all the people I know (unvaxxed) who got coby, they passed it with mild to moderate symptoms. And they are all alive....


Apr 30, 2021
Haven`t had coby yet. Took many tests (quick, antigen) last summer, all negative. Never took PCR. Never had symptoms. Took the antibody test a couple of weeks ago and had zero. Made the test for only one reason, because in my home country, if one has antibodies above 150, he gets certificate/green pass, so I failed to get it. Not sure if the test is reliable (they draw blood for it) you can`t be sure in anything nowadays.

No one knows yet how long does the natural immunity last. There are only speculations. I have a friend of mine (not vaxxed) who passed the fashion disease last year with moderate symptoms. A week ago he got it again, but this time the symptoms were very mild and lasted only a day. So, it`s individual.
From all the people I know (unvaxxed) who got coby, they passed it with mild to moderate symptoms. And they are all alive....
Hey Vinny,
Thanks for your response. I have been thinking of all of you who are in places that have these "green passes" and it just seems so absurd and unthinkable. We never really realize how good it is here in "most" of the US.
I am just amazed at the panic this has created and we have gone about our lives, unvaccinated, unmasked and haven't been affected by it other than psychologically of course. I am fairly certain I'm in belief that it is a really thing- I have family who've had it and we're on the brink of death. But it was thanks to monoclonal antibody treatments that they lived and were not hospitalized, not the vaccine. Anyways I hope things are not too bad for you there in your home country, I hear of lots of people wishing to get antibodies just to get a pass, what a world we live in today.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Hey Vinny,
Thanks for your response. I have been thinking of all of you who are in places that have these "green passes" and it just seems so absurd and unthinkable. We never really realize how good it is here in "most" of the US.
I am just amazed at the panic this has created and we have gone about our lives, unvaccinated, unmasked and haven't been affected by it other than psychologically of course. I am fairly certain I'm in belief that it is a really thing- I have family who've had it and we're on the brink of death. But it was thanks to monoclonal antibody treatments that they lived and were not hospitalized, not the vaccine. Anyways I hope things are not too bad for you there in your home country, I hear of lots of people wishing to get antibodies just to get a pass, what a world we live in today.
Glad your family members got recovered, especially without hospitalization.
Regarding the certificate, no, it`s not so bad here comparing with many other countries. And, there is also strong opposition against it (see the vid for example) so I guess it`s only a matter of time to fall, despite the enormous push from the globalist` pup that is masquerading as our Prime Minister.
Yes, we live in crazy times. Stay strong, wise, calm, pray to God and you`ll get through.



Apr 30, 2021
Glad your family members got recovered, especially without hospitalization.
Regarding the certificate, no, it`s not so bad here comparing with many other countries. And, there is also strong opposition against it (see the vid for example) so I guess it`s only a matter of time to fall, despite the enormous push from the globalist` pup that is masquerading as our Prime Minister.
Yes, we live in crazy times. Stay strong, wise, calm, pray to God and you`ll get through.


That's great to see your country rallying together like that. I will keep you all in my prayers ☺️ glad you are not so bad off there. It is sometimes hard to stay positive, but I'm sure we will get through this mess.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
That's great to see your country rallying together like that. I will keep you all in my prayers ☺️ glad you are not so bad off there. It is sometimes hard to stay positive, but I'm sure we will get through this mess.


Oct 6, 2020
Based on my own observation and my own experience i don't think there is any need to worry about it "waning" at all and one will get sick in a flu/corona like fashion eventually anyway, usually around the "colder times" of the year.

If you are constantly around people and the virus is so widespread as its claimed then your body/immunesystem will be "trained" and confronted on a regular basis. Another reason to not be worried either way. Our body does this each and every day.

Take care of your general health, especially gut and emotional health and things will be okay for the majority of people.


Sep 24, 2016
I personally know of several people who got covid more than once in the last 1.5 years.

That’s absolutely possible and normal given that all prevalent mutations differed from each other. Alpha, Delta, Omicron.

„Immunity“ means that either part of human immunity, innate or adopted, wards of the pathogen without serious sickness.

There is no long-term non-infectionabilty. That would require high antibody-titers in the mucosas of eyes and nose especially and other tissue too. Isn’t efficient.

If you had delta or alpha and weren’t really sick, omicron won’t harm you. If you catch omicron now, you’ll be safe from serious illness for the foreseeable future.

There is also cross-immunity with other endemic CoVs


Feb 3, 2020
I just got infected the second time now, the PCR result came back today - positive.
I had the delta-variant 5-6 months ago and now I have omicron probably.


Apr 3, 2019
I just got infected the second time now, the PCR result came back today - positive.
I had the delta-variant 5-6 months ago and now I have omicron probably.

Exactly the same here. Had what must have been delta in August and now Omicron today. How are you finding it?


Jan 25, 2014
I personally know of several people who got covid more than once in the last 1.5 years.
I just got infected the second time now, the PCR result came back today - positive.
I had the delta-variant 5-6 months ago and now I have omicron probably.
You both mean "Tested Positive" for Covid more than once. It's well established that the PCR test spits out an insane number of false positives, around 97% when it is run at 35 cycles according to the study by Jafaar, et al. So, it stands to reason that tests run at 40 or 45 cycles could spit out even more false positives. And if you didn't take a test, then it's an even bigger crapshoot, unless your doctor has such super vision that he can spot a virus at 10 Microns with his naked eyes. Covid has no specific symptoms, 100% of symptoms overlap with the common cold and flu, and any individual symptom can overlap with dozens to hundreds of other conditions. Look at the official "Covid Symptoms" on any health agency website, and you can verify this yourself.

That’s absolutely possible and normal given that all prevalent mutations differed from each other. Alpha, Delta, Omicron.
No, it's not "absolutely possible" because of so called "mutations." The evidence for ANY of these "variants" even existing is even more dodgy than SARS-Cov-2 existing. There isn't an "approved" test for any of these variants, so the idea that these variants are running around out there is based on even less than the COVID mythology in the first place. No one can even point to a lab test and say "See? I got the Delta Airlines and the Lambada, Dance of Death variant!" In the US, you aren't even allowed to know-

Even if there are "variants," the genetic differences are slight, sharing something like 99.6% or more of DNA with the boring old original "Novel Corona Virus." So, any exposure to so called "Covid" would have given you long lasting immunity to these "variants." Even exposure to regular SARS about 17 years ago gives people immunity to this "Novel Corona Virus," and they only share 80% of DNA (all this is according to Mike Yeadon). The myths of these variants is just a way to prolong this non-existent Pandemic. @Skeletonkey, this should answer your original question. If there really is a "Novel Corona Virus" out there, and you were exposed to it, you should have immunity to it, and any variant, and even other types of corona viruses, for several years or decades. And even then, you still have a working immune system, so even if immunity should wane, your immune system will just fight it off again.
Last edited:


Dec 4, 2021
I live in one of the first hit/hardest hit counties on the US due to our casino. We for sure all had it about a month before the world began losing their sh!t over it. So very early 2020.

We finally caught it again about a month ago, was just a basic flu really. So the 20ish months sounds about right!

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
It is my understanding that the general rule is that natural immunity lasts a lifetime. Here is a report published in 2008 about the antibodies in the survivors of the 1918 pandemic.


Oct 5, 2014
It is my understanding that the general rule is that natural immunity lasts a lifetime. Here is a report published in 2008 about the antibodies in the survivors of the 1918 pandemic.
I don't think that is possible with many viruses. People catch them yearly (flu, cold) or catch it once and never develop immunity but rather a degeneration (VIH) or flare up (Herpes). So no lifelong immunity. Covid... assuming the thing is real... it is not known yet I guess.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I don't think that is possible with many viruses. People catch them yearly (flu, cold) or catch it once and never develop immunity but rather a degeneration (VIH) or flare up (Herpes). So no lifelong immunity. Covid... assuming the thing is real... it is not known yet I guess.
I agree. But the umbrella term 'the flu' is for a different corona virus that develops each year. Often immunity from one corona virus will protect against new strains if they are not significantly different. The government and media do not want people to rely on their current immunity for the current flu. They want to give flu shots each year.

Covid is a corona virus. It is not a Herpes virus; don't compare apples and oranges. The pandemic of 1918 resulted in antibodies that were still neutralizing in 2008. That is ninety years later. Admittedly, that is for the same strain; but that is how long immunity for that strain lasted. Our immune systems are designed for long term protection and collectively it results in 'herd immunity'. Incidentally, herd immunity is not being discussed anymore by the government or the media.

Vaccines may provide immunity for a few months but then another round is needed to re-elevate immunity. Three jabs of the identical vaccine designed for covid-19 is not going to provide broader protection or longer protection (it still fades in months) than 1 jab. I think that with each vaccine a person receives the immune system eveantually becomes weaker.

Other countries are reporting in great detail that the vaccinated are more likely to get the new variants than the unvaccinated. They break the data into age groups. Here in the US we do not get data we just get general conclusions about about the unvaccinated filling the hospitals and the need to vaccinate.


Apr 30, 2021
I agree. But the umbrella term 'the flu' is for a different corona virus that develops each year. Often immunity from one corona virus will protect against new strains if they are not significantly different. The government and media do not want people to rely on their current immunity for the current flu. They want to give flu shots each year.

Covid is a corona virus. It is not a Herpes virus; don't compare apples and oranges. The pandemic of 1918 resulted in antibodies that were still neutralizing in 2008. That is ninety years later. Admittedly, that is for the same strain; but that is how long immunity for that strain lasted. Our immune systems are designed for long term protection and collectively it results in 'herd immunity'. Incidentally, herd immunity is not being discussed anymore by the government or the media.

Vaccines may provide immunity for a few months but then another round is needed to re-elevate immunity. Three jabs of the identical vaccine designed for covid-19 is not going to provide broader protection or longer protection (it still fades in months) than 1 jab. I think that with each vaccine a person receives the immune system eveantually becomes weaker.

Other countries are reporting in great detail that the vaccinated are more likely to get the new variants than the unvaccinated. They break the data into age groups. Here in the US we do not get data we just get general conclusions about about the unvaccinated filling the hospitals and the need to vaccinate.
Ahh yes, I remember when they actually changed the definition of herd immunity from natural immunity to "vaccinated" immunity. The push for vaccinations as the holy grail and savior is intense. It's hard to tell whether or not this could be a variation of a Corona virus that's existed, a bioweapon, or just the regular old flu with a hyped up media reporting DOOM every single day, I mean I know people who are in a perpetual state of fear from this- almost like they have PTSD. Even with 3 boosters they are scared to take a mask off at family gatherings. That kind of brainwashing could convince someone that if they "test" positive for corona- that they felt like they were on their deathbed even if they were gonna be fine and it was just a regular or moderately bad cold. My grandmother has cancer and is on chemo drugs, she ended up with pneumonia and like I said antibody treatments saved her life not her 3 vaccines, but who is to say that she did not have the flu. The flu has killed many of cancer patients in the past...just some thoughts. I really resonated with the fact that our immune systems are challenged and upgraded daily Everytime we come in contact with others... Those who isolated vs those of us who were working with the public are probably going to have a better immunity naturally anyways, just due to exposure.
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