Heart Disease "Found In 100% Of Kids By Age 10." We All Have Heart Disease? (Video)


Feb 1, 2022
Youtuber Dr. Gregor is a vegan activist and targets high cholesterol as the major factor in vascular disease. His 10 year old video has no breaking news but includes studies worth being aware of imo.

Heart Disease Starts In Childhood

View: https://youtu.be/AkWd0R05ZEs?t=5

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The covid "vaccine" zealot, Dr. Gregor might want to examine the evidence for the links between vaccines and heart damage. Normalising heart disease in children is a disgrace and should be a crime.

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Jan 15, 2022
United States
Dude tries to teach people how not to age but he looks like he's aged 15+ years since 2019. That should tell you everything


Mar 15, 2014
The covid "vaccine" zealot, Dr. Gregor might want to examine the evidence for the links between vaccines and heart damage. Normalising heart disease in children is a disgrace and should be a crime.

people can be wrong about some things and right about others

but anyway, nothing in the original video is even anti-Peat. Everyone knows high LDL cholesterol is bad, we just don't agree on the root causes of the LDL
this doctor might suggest a vegan diet, which is an idiotproof way of reducing LDL, but it can also be achieved with low fat and lower muscle meat consumption


Feb 3, 2020
I think atherosclerosis is mainly driven by high levels of oxidized LDL. But a high LDL may increase the risk of oxidation, as more of the oxidize-able product is circulating in the blood stream.

High LDL and cholesterol is a sign for low thyroid function and poor liver function/detoxification.

Low thyroid function, chronic stress, stored PUFAs and a poorly functioning endogenous antioxidant-defense-system and low glutathione status increase oxLDL.

I think thyroid, stable saturated fats, vitamin E, the antioxidant minerals found in animal and plant foods - like zinc, selenium, copper - should help. B vitamins for liver function and glutathione recycling.

Pomegranate juice has some very potent effects on ox. LDL. And there is some good research on PJ in general for atherosclerosis, even in humans.


May 13, 2015
but anyway, nothing in the original video is even anti-Peat. Everyone knows high LDL cholesterol is bad, we just don't agree on the root causes of the LDL
this doctor might suggest a vegan diet, which is an idiotproof way of reducing LDL, but it can also be achieved with low fat and lower muscle meat consumption
Researching online will give you the impression that "everybody knows high LDL cholesterol is bad", but is it really? "Everybody knows" that saturated fat is "bad" too according to the Powers that Be that decree things from on high. The Powers that Be have their own agenda.

The problem is whether or not the LDL is oxidized/rancid. The size of the molecule of LDL determines its tendency to oxidize; smaller particles of LDL have more surface area than larger particles of LDL so there's more surface area exposed to oxygen and oxidation.

What does LDL do exactly?
"LDL cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is a fat that circulates in the blood, moving cholesterol around the body to where it is needed for cell repair...."
-end paste-
So if you believe cholesterol is "bad" then this sounds horrible but if you understand that cholesterol is protective it takes on a whole new meaning. Beware the brainwashing efforts of the Mighty Overlords. If you understand that inflammation of the circulatory system is the problem and cholesterol is the body's idea of an emergency repair then you might focus on what is causing the vascular inflammation and actually find some solutions.

suggested reading:
"Many antioxidant nutrients act like a thyroid supplement did in the 1934 rabbit experiments, preventing atherosclerosis even when extra toxic cholesterol is given to the animals. People who eat seafood get much more selenium in their diet than people who eat nothing from the sea, and selenium is one of the extremely protective nutrients that prevent atherosclerosis in animal experiments with excess cholesterol.

It is well established that several antioxidant nutrients are protective factors in heart disease. The medical establishment has expended a great amount of money and time in the last 60 years fighting the use of vitamin E or selenium for treating or preventing heart disease, though many physicians now take vitamin E themselves. But people who study free radical chemistry recognize that polyunsaturated fats are highly susceptible to oxidation, and that saturated fats tend to slow their degradation, acting to some extent as antioxidants. Several experiments and observations have shown that cholesterol itself can protect against damaging oxidation of polyunsaturated fats, protecting DNA and other vital components of the cell. A consistent program to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol would have to include all of the vitamins and minerals that are involved in antioxidant defense, avoidance of nutrients that exacerbate the destructive oxidations, and an effort to normalize the hormones and other factors, such as carbon dioxide, that have protective effects against free radical oxidation. A low level of cholesterol might increase susceptibility to the oxidants."


"The recent discovery that the size of the LDL particle is a predominant factor in the development of atherosclerosis is one of those things that the editors and medical professors should find embarrassing.

Smaller lipoprotein particles have a greater surface area exposed to the oxidative factors in the serum, and so are more rapidly degraded into toxic substances. People with larger LDL particles are remarkably resistant to heart disease, and the drug companies are looking for a way to turn their lipoproteins into products. But the conditions that govern the size of the LDL particles are physically and chemically reasonable, and are causing confusion among the doctinaire.

There have been several studies in India showing that consumption of butter and ghee is associated with a low incidence of heart disease; for example, according to one study, people in the north eat 19 times more fat (mostly butter and ghee) than in the south, yet the incidence of heart disease is seven times higher in the south. A study in Sweden found that the fatty acids in milk products are associated with larger LDL particles (Sjogren, et al., 2004).

In a 35 day study, when butter (20% of the calories) was compared to various kinds of margarine (with more trans fatty acids) in a similar quantity, the LDL particles were bigger on the butter diet (Mauger, et al., 2003). But in a study of the habitual diet of 414 people, large LDL particles were found to be correlated with increased intake of protein, animal fat, and trans fatty acids (Kim and Campos, 2003).

In a study of the effect of dietary cholesterol on the atherogenicity of the blood lipids, 52 people were given either an egg diet (with 640 mg. of extra cholesterol per day) or a placebo diet for 30 days. Those whose LDL increased the most on the high cholesterol diet had the largest LDL particle size (Herron, et al., 2004). They concluded that "these data indicate that the consumption of a high-cholesterol diet does not negatively influence the atherogenicity of the LDL particle." A similar study in Mexico found that "Intake of 2 eggs/d results in the maintenance of LDL:HDL and in the generation of a less atherogenic LDL in this population of Mexican children" (Ballesteros, et al., 2004).

The estrogen industry tried to get into the heart disease business several times over the last half century, and they are still trying, but the issue of estrogen's harmful effects on LDL particle size is getting some attention. Estrogen clearly decreases the size of the LDL particles (Campos, et al., 1997). The LDL particles also get smaller at menopause, and in polycystic ovary syndrome, and in preeclamptic pregnancies, all of which involve a low ratio of progesterone to estrogen. But there are still journals publishing claims that estrogen will protect against heart disease, by reducing the atherogenic response in increasingly mysterious ways. Occasionally, people have argued not only that estrogen is the factor that protects women against heart attacks, but that androgens predispose men to heart disease. One of their arguments has been that androgens lower HDL, the "good" form of cholesterol. However, there are many studies that show that testosterone and DHEA (Arad, et al., 1989) are protective against atherosclerosis. The LDL particle size is increased by androgens, and postprandial triglyceridemia is decreased (Hislop, et al., 2001)."
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Sep 27, 2015


people can be wrong about some things and right about others

but anyway, nothing in the original video is even anti-Peat. Everyone knows high LDL cholesterol is bad, we just don't agree on the root causes of the LDL
this doctor might suggest a vegan diet, which is an idiotproof way of reducing LDL, but it can also be achieved with low fat and lower muscle meat consumption
There are very few things that Gregor is right about.

The timing of his findings is particularly of interest. Gaslighting takes many forms


Jan 15, 2022
United States
Samuel Milham and others have shown that EMF is likely the major cause of heart disease (as well as obesity and diabetes) in modern times. This includes dirty electricity from the power grid and higher bands of radio frequency like radio/phone.
Historical evidence that electrification caused the 20th century epidemic of “diseases of civilization”
This is correct. Just look at pictures of blood cells before and after grounding. We are so disconnected from nature and it's killing us slowly
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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