Hair Loss, Abdominal Problems, Possible Fatty Liver


Mar 4, 2015
YuraCZ said:
janus said:
FYI I hit over 10,000mg potassium somewhat regularly. The liquids might be more of a problem than the potassium.

Summer is coming so I think I will need those liquid. But during the winter I will need reduce my fluid intake for sure.. But right now I need my milk and OJ.. I can't digest meats and other foods properly.. :roll:

Oh yeah, I wouldn't dissuade you from using those liquid foods.

What I am saying is that your level of potassium intake shouldn't be a problem, and that if you wanted to test it, you could try solid foods which are high-potassium. Like I said, I often get 10,000+ mg potassium from dates, bananas, potatoes, whole goat milk, parsnips, cream of tartar, etc.
Feb 4, 2015
Such_Saturation said:
I can't disagree with you there, I get the same pain when I eat starches. Score 1 for potato fascists I guess. Have you heard that parathyroid hormone stimulates hair growth? I've been thinking that all that milk is sure to be suppressing that hormone.

I concede that I am the Putin of Potatoes. Will you concede that you are the Mao of Butter? :thumbup:
Nov 26, 2013
Westside PUFAs said:
Such_Saturation said:
I can't disagree with you there, I get the same pain when I eat starches. Score 1 for potato fascists I guess. Have you heard that parathyroid hormone stimulates hair growth? I've been thinking that all that milk is sure to be suppressing that hormone.

I concede that I am the Putin of Potatoes. Will you concede that you are the Mao of Butter? :thumbup:

Watch out for the Barack of Ramen, he might try to plant some trouble in your Ugraines.


Mar 4, 2015
Westside PUFAs said:
Such_Saturation said:
I can't disagree with you there, I get the same pain when I eat starches. Score 1 for potato fascists I guess. Have you heard that parathyroid hormone stimulates hair growth? I've been thinking that all that milk is sure to be suppressing that hormone.

I concede that I am the Putin of Potatoes. Will you concede that you are the Mao of Butter? :thumbup:

9 pot8os per day. come @ me


Jan 22, 2013
I ask this honestly, hows the gas with potatoes? That's the only drawback I can see in them, otherwise they seem like an epic easy to utilize balanced food. With other roots besides carrots the gas is way worse than the benefits from them, can ruin my sleep alone. I know a lot of starches are pretty bad in that regard, white rice and masa to an extent being the only ones that seem reliably pure, but don't have nutrition compared to potato. Its not just an aesthetic thing either, the gas is throws off hormone and ruins mood also, that's mostly why I ask. Ive experimented with every other starch except, surprisingly, regular potato...i'd stopped eating them before cause one made me yack one time, it was an heirloom purple one so it was probly extra high in solanine but it turned me off from eating them for a long time

being that just about all fruit available best pretty good, some is really good but its like 4 dollars for 100 calroies, know what I mean...juices are unreliable cause they're always peeley seedy shwaggy and give either burning or diaareah or something bad. Rice and masa are only good if you eat a lot of non sweet fruit with them like cucumber tomato sauce bell pepper ect to balance the nutrient to calorie ratio, potato seems like a nice easy...fitting piece, but if its gassy...its a no go

im doing fine right now, I got a reliable plan (without potatoes) but im always interested in knowing of now potato of all things is like, besides winter squashes, the one food im not experienced with intimately...winter squash seem to have a lot of potential also but same as potato, if too gassy, no go

ive found a direct correlation between gas produced and ability to take a deep breath, which is huge...probly why yogis opted for rice fruit and milk during their most intense meditations, its again..not just an inconvenient thing, its a serious thing that can lead to other things...easier to get out of breath, more tension in the abdomen, nerves can be aggravated and can cause headache if its too bad, stuff likethat, probably causes NO to be released


Apr 24, 2015
janus said:
What I am saying is that your level of potassium intake shouldn't be a problem, and that if you wanted to test it, you could try solid foods which are high-potassium. Like I said, I often get 10,000+ mg potassium from dates, bananas, potatoes, whole goat milk, parsnips, cream of tartar, etc.

You are 100% right.. Potassium is not a problem, but fluids are.. Because I can eat 1kg of potatoes like nothing and I will feel great.. But when I drink 500ml of milk or OJ(even with salt) then I become crazy cold.. :| So for now I will stop drinking OJ and if 2L of milk will be still to much fluids. I will change 1L of milk for some cottage or here in Czech we eat "Quark". Thx janus. :wink:
Nov 11, 2014
I think it is less stressful for many people to cope with a decreased metabolism than it is for them to "try to" have a normal/healthy metabolism. They may be able to boost their body up to a "more acceptable" metabolism by increasing sugar, caffeine, and other substances more than they should - but they should probably use these substances to decrease stress instead of trying to have a metabolism that is beyond the current abilities of their systems' supports.


Dec 30, 2013
BingDing said:
I didn't quite understand Tom's post but Chris Masterjohn seems to be pretty solid. I think choline does prevent fatty liver because it gets converted to betaine, I posted a link to a thorough review of betaine here, third paragraph. Ignore the methyl donor stuff, it is a separate issue from fatty liver.

Supplementing betaine anhydrous instead of choline avoids the potential negatives of supplementing choline, which RP does not think is a good idea. Betaine cannot convert back to choline, BTW.

Are there any studies showing betaine can fix fatty liver? I know it can be choline sparing at least so eating some betaine rich foods (spinach, beets) wouldn´t hurt, but I don´t think it can simply replace choline. I did see it mentioned somewhere that even a higher protein diet produced fatty liver when it was absent in choline and methionine. In any case maybe the whole fear about choline is taken a bit out of proportion. I mean, some people here think it´s fine if not beneficial to ingest 10-20 times more sodium than what is present in human milk, or 200 grams of cheese providing almost 3 times as much methionine as human milk, yet at the same time they only obtain half as much choline as in human milk. Let´s not be extreme and use some common sense! It makes me think about those researchers some decades ago that worried about the high saturated fat and cholesterol in human milk, so they instead proposed that babies were given some formula with a lot of vegetable oils.


Sep 11, 2013
Maybe high protein diets help liver issues as choline is mostly found in protein rich food.

I didn't know peat thinks choline is bad. Eggs contain very much choline. I always thought eggs are necessary in a peat diet, mainly to meet choline requirements


May 28, 2014
I agree with others that you are/were going way over the top with the supps. I find most are rubbish in comparison to food. Aspirin definitely causes hair thinning if taken daily in my experience

If you want to stop hairloss and help your liver then do the following:

Eat about 100g beef/calves liver 3-4 times a week (i found these much more effective than chicken/lamb/pork liver). Roast it for 5 mins in the oven to make it easier on your liver rather than frying. The vit-a will do wonders for your hair. Supplements are useless in comparison to calves liver (which is better than beef liver)

Stop eating eggs for a couple of weeks - they are tough going on the liver

Keep it low fat. If you think high fat is part of the "diet" then it is not.

Try and drink coffee. This is one of the best things for your hair and liver.

Definetely the best - buy yourself a cheap red light lamp(like this ... merReviews). Infrared light is what they use in hairloss clinics.
You dont need expensive lasers. A simple lamp like this works amazingly well. Shine it on your face/hair for 10-15 mins from a couple of metres away. Apply coconut oil to your hair afterwards and leave it in for at least 30 mins. If you cant take an epsom salt bath before using the lamp that also helps a lot.

There are other things that help (oysters for the zinc are great). You are also eating too many calories if you are getting fat. Just keep it simple and have a couple of small meals a day with some intermittient pieces of fruit and a glass of milk.


Sep 11, 2013
I don't know why all this hate from supplements suddenly come from. Haiduts estroban, and vitamin B has given me amazing improvements. I find these advices here, mostly those written in imperative, a bit silly to be honest. Trying to give the OP some kind of certainty what he did wrong, and what would work.

Point is, people just list here things that work for them. I see here things that absolutely didn't work for me, and caused my hair to look like a dead sack of poo. Liver for vitamin A for example. I use haiduts estroban and the only thing that comes close to that for me is green pasture cod liver oil. Liver makes my eyes painful and red for some reason.
Nov 26, 2013
ceileachair said:
Definetely the best - buy yourself a cheap red light lamp(like this ... merReviews). Infrared light is what they use in hairloss clinics.
You dont need expensive lasers. A simple lamp like this works amazingly well. Shine it on your face/hair for 10-15 mins from a couple of metres away. Apply coconut oil to your hair afterwards and leave it in for at least 30 mins. If you cant take an epsom salt bath before using the lamp that also helps a lot.

I hope you have lead glasses for doing that :lol:


Mar 4, 2015
pboy said:
I ask this honestly, hows the gas with potatoes? That's the only drawback I can see in them, otherwise they seem like an epic easy to utilize balanced food. With other roots besides carrots the gas is way worse than the benefits from them, can ruin my sleep alone. I know a lot of starches are pretty bad in that regard, white rice and masa to an extent being the only ones that seem reliably pure, but don't have nutrition compared to potato. Its not just an aesthetic thing either, the gas is throws off hormone and ruins mood also, that's mostly why I ask.

being that just about all fruit available best pretty good, some is really good but its like 4 dollars for 100 calroies, know what I mean...juices are unreliable cause they're always peeley seedy shwaggy and give either burning or diaareah or something bad. Rice and masa are only good if you eat a lot of non sweet fruit with them like cucumber tomato sauce bell pepper ect to balance the nutrient to calorie ratio, potato seems like a nice easy...fitting piece, but if its gassy...its a no go

With potatoes, I've had times with horrible gas and times with little to no gas. It kinda depends on what else I'm doing. They're so satisfying and nutritious and cheap, so I've been pretty stubborn about finding ways to make them work instead of giving up "because starch".

I can reliably avoid gas when limiting them to the hours after lifting weights, i.e. my body temperature is high, my circulation is good, my muscles are relative glycogen sinks.

You want to cook the starch as much as possible while protecting the nutrients from heat damage, and I figure long-baking in the skin probably best accomplishes that balance. Of course, I'd love to hear other methods.


Feb 12, 2015
So I'm shopping around for blood test:

Will this be sufficient to test liver/kidney/thyroid? (97 bucks)

or should I take this for thyroid: (189 bucks) and liver/kidney: (29 bucks)

or should I take another combination of liver/kidney/thyroid here? (239 bucks)

Any suggestions? Better/cheaper alternatives? I want hair loss and liver/kidney health tests specifically, but I wonder if I even need all the tests included in those packages above.

aquaman said:
Strongbad said:

The biggest regret I have is that I should have figured this out 3 months ago. The ultimate damage has been done. The price of losing hair is too much for me, I hope it's reversible that I can regrow it back somehow.

You should read about shedding and growth cycles of hair. Shedding hair in the short term is NOT the same as hair loss.

Well, I'm aware of shedding vs loss but it's been shedding like crazy within 3 months I've been Peating. There's been no sign of recovery in 3 months. Just shedding and no regrowth or very weak thin hair that falls out easily. Last weekend, I can even see my sculps and hair patches all over my head that can't be covered with any hairstyle I can come up with so I start going outside with hats now. I went from having decent amount of hair to near balding within 3 months of Peating. A diet that is supposed to get me better got me worse off. Even my 3-years low carb diet didn't do this much damage.

I've been using red light therapy for 3 months and what it does best is to slow down the rate of hair loss. 610nm-630nm red LED 12W panel, BTW. It's helpful someway but the hair shed is like tsunami to me.

It's been stressed me out lately it's downward spiral. Losing lots of hair make me stressed out and that perpetuate the loss even more. Today, I've been running on adrenaline rush all day because I'm stressed out. Got cold hands and feet, heart beating fast all day, can't focus on work because of this. Pretty sure the adrenaline rush will shed even more hair.

Hopefully the blood work will give me a reference to reverse it somehow.


Apr 24, 2015
I can highly recommend hair analysis. Tests from the blood are useless!


Feb 12, 2015
YuraCZ said:
I can highly recommend hair analysis. Tests from the blood are useless!

Any recommendation where to get it? Have you had it before for hair loss? Did it work for you?


Nov 9, 2012
Strongbad said:
It's been stressed me out lately it's downward spiral. Losing lots of hair make me stressed out and that perpetuate the loss even more. Today, I've been running on adrenaline rush all day because I'm stressed out. Got cold hands and feet, heart beating fast all day, can't focus on work because of this. Pretty sure the adrenaline rush will shed even more hair.

Some of the stuff in your daily diet you wrote about would also give me adrenalin rush and maybe I would also be shedding hair if I were taking them for 3 months. I know its difficult to troubleshoot because the problem has started so there is psychological effect, but I still think that starting over from scratch with simple ingredients like just quality dairy would help. It might not be optimal from the start, but if it's me at least it should already prevent any adrenalin rush. That's the basic. Then later on comes getting the exact amounts of calories, vitamins etc that you complement with other stuff. I might count thyroid supp, cypro and 1 or 2 other things as basic, but even those would be experiments to monitor carefully one by one and not a long list of supplements and vitamins all at once.


Apr 24, 2015
Strongbad said:
YuraCZ said:
I can highly recommend hair analysis. Tests from the blood are useless!

Any recommendation where to get it? Have you had it before for hair loss? Did it work for you?
You can't treat just hair loss. You need to look at whole body and overall health and if not, you will be always treat only the symptom, but not the cause of those symptoms. I hope that you aren't stupid and ignorant like some average doctors are. Because that's exactly what they are doing. Here is example of hair analysis..


  • analýza vlasů pavel.pdf
    2 MB · Views: 226


Sep 22, 2014
Strongbad said:
So I'm shopping around for blood test:

Will this be sufficient to test liver/kidney/thyroid? (97 bucks)

or should I take this for thyroid: (189 bucks) and liver/kidney: (29 bucks)

or should I take another combination of liver/kidney/thyroid here? (239 bucks)

Any suggestions? Better/cheaper alternatives? I want hair loss and liver/kidney health tests specifically, but I wonder if I even need all the tests included in those packages above.

aquaman said:
Strongbad said:

The biggest regret I have is that I should have figured this out 3 months ago. The ultimate damage has been done. The price of losing hair is too much for me, I hope it's reversible that I can regrow it back somehow.

You should read about shedding and growth cycles of hair. Shedding hair in the short term is NOT the same as hair loss.

Well, I'm aware of shedding vs loss but it's been shedding like crazy within 3 months I've been Peating. There's been no sign of recovery in 3 months. Just shedding and no regrowth or very weak thin hair that falls out easily. Last weekend, I can even see my sculps and hair patches all over my head that can't be covered with any hairstyle I can come up with so I start going outside with hats now. I went from having decent amount of hair to near balding within 3 months of Peating. A diet that is supposed to get me better got me worse off. Even my 3-years low carb diet didn't do this much damage.

I've been using red light therapy for 3 months and what it does best is to slow down the rate of hair loss. 610nm-630nm red LED 12W panel, BTW. It's helpful someway but the hair shed is like tsunami to me.

It's been stressed me out lately it's downward spiral. Losing lots of hair make me stressed out and that perpetuate the loss even more. Today, I've been running on adrenaline rush all day because I'm stressed out. Got cold hands and feet, heart beating fast all day, can't focus on work because of this. Pretty sure the adrenaline rush will shed even more hair.

Hopefully the blood work will give me a reference to reverse it somehow.

I did some research last Oct when I was ordering blood tests so I know which places have (had?) it the cheapest:

- Basic panel for liver, lipid, kidney, etc, $59:
- Comprehensive thyroid panel $159:
- Prolactin $39.75:

These tests will give you a very good idea of what's going on.


Mar 29, 2014
Kasper said:
Point is, people just list here things that work for them.

jyb said:
Some of the stuff in your daily diet you wrote about would also give me adrenalin rush and maybe I would also be shedding hair if I were taking them for 3 months. I know its difficult to troubleshoot because the problem has started so there is psychological effect, but I still think that starting over from scratch with simple ingredients like just quality dairy would help. It might not be optimal from the start, but if it's me at least it should already prevent any adrenalin rush. That's the basic. Then later on comes getting the exact amounts of calories, vitamins etc that you complement with other stuff. I might count thyroid supp, cypro and 1 or 2 other things as basic, but even those would be experiments to monitor carefully one by one and not a long list of supplements and vitamins all at once.
I think this can make sense, if you have an idea what you can eat that doesn't set you up for lots of adrenaline (much as I'd love it, lots of milk wouldn't work for me, but it seems to be good for many). If you don't know what that would be, then I don't know what you are going to abandon an RP-inspired diet for. Start from what seems to have worked best in the past, and make incremental changes so you can watch for what its helping and what isn't, and modify accordingly.
(If you are thinking that what worked best in the past was low carb or high PUFA, then consider the possibility that that is what set you up for some of your current issues.)
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