Glyphosate In Cereal And Oats


Apr 19, 2017
Breakfast With a Dose of Roundup?
"Glyphosate, an herbicide linked to cancer by California state scientists and the World Health Organization, was found in all but two of 45 samples of products made with conventionally grown oats. Almost three-fourths of those samples had glyphosate levels higher than what EWG scientists consider protective of children’s health with an adequate margin of safety. About one-third of 16 samples made with organically grown oats also had glyphosate, all at levels well below EWG’s health benchmark.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the Monsanto weed killer that is the most heavily used pesticide in the U.S. Last week, a California jury ordered Monsanto to pay $289 million in damages to a man dying of cancer, which he says was caused by his repeated exposure to large quantities of Roundup and other glyphosate-based weed killers while working as a school groundskeeper.

EWG tested more than a dozen brands of oat-based foods to give Americans information about dietary exposures that government regulators are keeping secret. In April, internal emails obtained by the nonprofit US Right to Know revealed that the Food and Drug Administration has been testing food for glyphosate for two years and has found “a fair amount,” but the FDA has not released its findings."


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
This was a story since Health Ranger reported it on my Email Threads like a few years ago


Apr 19, 2017
This was a story since Health Ranger reported it on my Email Threads like a few years ago
Yet the FDA still has yet to do anything about it...maybe now that that groundskeeper won that lawsuit they're going to feel more pressure to act? Of course most people won't pay attention.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 13, 2012
I have been researching pesticides all day. Because I'm concerned everyone is targeting glyphosate and forgetting about some of the more toxic ones. Not that we shouldn't ban it but they will continue using the others in more significant quantities. We need to take down all the chemical giants and demand sustainable practices. We are poisoning our land, rivers, and air :grumpy:.

☠️Paraquat: kills weeds on contact and banned in the EU and even China! It is used by the millions of pounds still in the US. It is toxic to humans and animals due to its redox activity, which produces superoxide anions. It has been linked to the development of Parkinson's disease.

☠️Neonicotinoids: imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam are three of the most common and have been banned in the EU. These are still widely used on millions of acres of crops in the US and many researchers are finding they are toxic to bees.

☠️Atrazine: the second most used pesticide. It is found in 90% of drinking water. And turns male frogs female! The weed killer messes with hormones, affects the immune system and is linked to birth defects.

☠️ Chlorpyrifos: In agriculture, it is "one of the most widely used organophosphate insecticides" in the United States. In multiple studies, exposure during gestation or childhood has been linked with lower birth weight and neurological changes such as slower motor development and attention problems. Exposure to organophosphate pesticides in general has been increasingly associated with changes in children's cognitive, behavioral and motor performance. This one should have been banned a long time ago.

☠️2, 4-D: This one is flying under the radar but it could be even worse than glyphosate. They are combining it with Roundup because weeds are getting resistant to just Roundup. Laboratory studies suggest that 2,4-D can impede the normal action of estrogen, androgen, and most conclusively, thyroid hormones. Dozens of epidemiological, animal, and laboratory studies have shown a link between 2,4-D and thyroid disorders.

☠️Naled: the main insecticide used aerially for control of mosquitoes, which is actually the least effective method! It is an organophosphate which is neurotoxic. In lab tests exposure caused increased aggressiveness and a deterioration of memory and learning. It's breakdown product dichlorvos which is another insecticide interferes with brain development. It is carcinogenic and has numerous effects on wildlife.

We need to wake up!

Also Bayer just bought Monsanto and plans on ditching the name probably due to all this bad publicity.


Sep 13, 2012


Apr 19, 2017
I have been researching pesticides all day. Because I'm concerned everyone is targeting glyphosate and forgetting about some of the more toxic ones. Not that we shouldn't ban it but they will continue using the others in more significant quantities. We need to take down all the chemical giants and demand sustainable practices. We are poisoning our land, rivers, and air :grumpy:.

☠️Paraquat: kills weeds on contact and banned in the EU and even China! It is used by the millions of pounds still in the US. It is toxic to humans and animals due to its redox activity, which produces superoxide anions. It has been linked to the development of Parkinson's disease.

☠️Neonicotinoids: imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam are three of the most common and have been banned in the EU. These are still widely used on millions of acres of crops in the US and many researchers are finding they are toxic to bees.

☠️Atrazine: the second most used pesticide. It is found in 90% of drinking water. And turns male frogs female! The weed killer messes with hormones, affects the immune system and is linked to birth defects.

☠️ Chlorpyrifos: In agriculture, it is "one of the most widely used organophosphate insecticides" in the United States. In multiple studies, exposure during gestation or childhood has been linked with lower birth weight and neurological changes such as slower motor development and attention problems. Exposure to organophosphate pesticides in general has been increasingly associated with changes in children's cognitive, behavioral and motor performance. This one should have been banned a long time ago.

☠️2, 4-D: This one is flying under the radar but it could be even worse than glyphosate. They are combining it with Roundup because weeds are getting resistant to just Roundup. Laboratory studies suggest that 2,4-D can impede the normal action of estrogen, androgen, and most conclusively, thyroid hormones. Dozens of epidemiological, animal, and laboratory studies have shown a link between 2,4-D and thyroid disorders.

☠️Naled: the main insecticide used aerially for control of mosquitoes, which is actually the least effective method! It is an organophosphate which is neurotoxic. In lab tests exposure caused increased aggressiveness and a deterioration of memory and learning. It's breakdown product dichlorvos which is another insecticide interferes with brain development. It is carcinogenic and has numerous effects on wildlife.

We need to wake up!

Also Bayer just bought Monsanto and plans on ditching the name probably due to all this bad publicity.

This is amazing, Janelle, you are awesome! I know as a mom you must be freaking out as much as I am. This is just terrifying. Corporate evil. Boycott Bayer as much as possible! The thing that is so crazy is that there are tried and true growing practices that require absolutely no pesticides or herbicides. Plants naturally send out chemical signals to the proper microbes that will help them in the best way that they need, but in order for that to work the soil needs to be healthy (ie. largely left alone.) So not only are these horrifying farming practices harming us directly by ending up in our breakfast cereal, but they are also working to deteriorate the soil and kill the microbes that ensure the balancing out of pests and invasive plants. Not to mention destroying the water supply with the way they are fertilizing the plants using excessive amounts of nitrogen which just drips down right into the water table. What are we doing?


Sep 13, 2012
This is amazing, Janelle, you are awesome! I know as a mom you must be freaking out as much as I am. This is just terrifying. Corporate evil. Boycott Bayer as much as possible! The thing that is so crazy is that there are tried and true growing practices that require absolutely no pesticides or herbicides. Plants naturally send out chemical signals to the proper microbes that will help them in the best way that they need, but in order for that to work the soil needs to be healthy (ie. largely left alone.) So not only are these horrifying farming practices harming us directly by ending up in our breakfast cereal, but they are also working to deteriorate the soil and kill the microbes that ensure the balancing out of pests and invasive plants. Not to mention destroying the water supply with the way they are fertilizing the plants using excessive amounts of nitrogen which just drips down right into the water table. What are we doing?
It truly is corporate evil. Farmers are typically poor, they rely on subsidies from the gov't and the gov't is in bed with the corporations. It's a vicious cycle, once a farmer starts using the conventional weed and feed type of chemicals, it's hard to go back as the soil fertility is destroyed. Even if they aren't getting more bushels per acre, they still see no other way out. Very sad. Even organic growers are using shortcuts for huge production. It's hard to find food grown with truly sustainable practices, that a typical family can even afford. We used to buy only local. Then multiple small dairies shut down, it's incredibly hard to compete. Plus many of the so called organic vegetables are grown in greenhouses not even in the ground.


Apr 19, 2017
It truly is corporate evil. Farmers are typically poor, they rely on subsidies from the gov't and the gov't is in bed with the corporations. It's a vicious cycle, once a farmer starts using the conventional weed and feed type of chemicals, it's hard to go back as the soil fertility is destroyed. Even if they aren't getting more bushels per acre, they still see no other way out. Very sad. Even organic growers are using shortcuts for huge production. It's hard to find food grown with truly sustainable practices, that a typical family can even afford. We used to buy only local. Then multiple small dairies shut down, it's incredibly hard to compete. Plus many of the so called organic vegetables are grown in greenhouses not even in the ground.
Well said. I'm wondering if there's ever going to be any real accountability for these corporations. Perhaps this is the thing that will start to undo the tangled knot of our agricultural system. I guess it all depends if people demand more. If they can start making more connections between the chemicals and health consequences, perhaps there will be massive class action lawsuits that will start to even out the balance between the rich and poor. One can only hope.


Jul 8, 2018
FDA, EPA, DER, LABOR DEPT, EDUCATIONAL DEPT and most goverment agencies used to be public watchdogs. They are not anymore! Quit expecting them to "do someting." Over many years and adminstrations, industry leaders have been put in charge of these once public protective organizations. Now they protect commericial interests. The Supreme Court gave corporations status as a person.

For years I wrote/called my representatives, belonged to organic consumers/Rachel Carson Homestead, protested with many groups, ran a political/environment/anti-war forum which closely tracked legislation, wrote editorials and belonged to a group of writers to publish in the big papers....

People fell asleep in this country, voted for candidates based on single issues. They gave blind support to bad policies and called that patriotism. And God forbid if you spoke out.

Honestly, people didn't want to know; especially if they voted for the current f**kup. I quit trying to bring info to citizens because the only ones listening were those who were doing what I was....out there on the front lines.

We fought and fought....think you get a little done and then the issues are tacked on to another bill or the government just gives a carte blanche to industry.

People, you do not have a live under Corporate Fascism.

Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power."

Benito Mussolini (speaking of corporate fascism)


Apr 19, 2017
FDA, EPA, DER, LABOR DEPT, EDUCATIONAL DEPT and most goverment agencies used to be public watchdogs. They are not anymore! Quit expecting them to "do someting." Over many years and adminstrations, industry leaders have been put in charge of these once public protective organizations. Now they protect commericial interests. The Supreme Court gave corporations status as a person.

For years I wrote/called my representatives, belonged to organic consumers/Rachel Carson Homestead, protested with many groups, ran a political/environment/anti-war forum which closely tracked legislation, wrote editorials and belonged to a group of writers to publish in the big papers....

People fell asleep in this country, voted for candidates based on single issues. They gave blind support to bad policies and called that patriotism. And God forbid if you spoke out.

Honestly, people didn't want to know; especially if they voted for the current f**kup. I quit trying to bring info to citizens because the only ones listening were those who were doing what I was....out there on the front lines.

We fought and fought....think you get a little done and then the issues are tacked on to another bill or the government just gives a carte blanche to industry.

People, you do not have a live under Corporate Fascism.

Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power."

Benito Mussolini (speaking of corporate fascism)

I agree with you about all the corporate stuff. Our government has really become about the corporations, ie. where the money is. I'm confused though, wasn't Mussolini a fascist?


This was a story since Health Ranger reported it on my Email Threads like a few years ago
Way more than a few years ago actually. It just got popular enough to reach your inbox. I have been following for like 20yrs.


Sep 13, 2012
It really is sad to see all this play out. Now Florida is in a state of emergency because no one has done anything about the excessive fertilizers being dumped in the ocean. Corporate interests matter more than even the tourism!


It truly is corporate evil. Farmers are typically poor, they rely on subsidies from the gov't and the gov't is in bed with the corporations. It's a vicious cycle, once a farmer starts using the conventional weed and feed type of chemicals, it's hard to go back as the soil fertility is destroyed. Even if they aren't getting more bushels per acre, they still see no other way out. Very sad. Even organic growers are using shortcuts for huge production. It's hard to find food grown with truly sustainable practices, that a typical family can even afford. We used to buy only local. Then multiple small dairies shut down, it's incredibly hard to compete. Plus many of the so called organic vegetables are grown in greenhouses not even in the ground.
+1 Not to mention the farmers in southern India committing suicide of this problem. Heartbreaking really.


It really is sad to see all this play out. Now Florida is in a state of emergency because no one has done anything about the excessive fertilizers being dumped in the ocean. Corporate interests matter more than even the tourism!


Jul 8, 2018
I agree with you about all the corporate stuff. Our government has really become about the corporations, ie. where the money is. I'm confused though, wasn't Mussolini a fascist?

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