Getting a giant **** naturally is definitely possible - what are the best methods that men have found on this forum ?


Feb 23, 2020
r/gettingbigger is leading the charge these days. PEGym, Thunders, etc are archaic.

People of note: <-admin <-mod and business partner. Also an actual MD.

PervMcSwerve <- makes the best extender and notable community member. Googling his name will show his reddit handle and pornhub account where he walks you through modern methods.

A basic air pump and quality extender will get you where you want. There's no reason to have a small penis if you don't want one. However, like bodybuilding, programming matters and results aren't fast.

Good luck.
Is there no way to get somewhat similar results, although not as good, without having to use this type of product? Jelq?


May 7, 2017
Is there no way to get somewhat similar results, although not as good, without having to use this type of product? Jelq?
Of course. Manual exercises.

Thing is, they’re less efficient and you’re more likely to burn out. Jelqs are frowned upon these days due to higher injury risk and poor efficiency compared to a pump with a gauge.

Bare minimum should be a proper sized pump with a pressure gauge. That + manual stretching can get you length gains at a decent rate. DocHink/Hinkle McKringlebry (the MD) did just that and gained over and inch (I think 1.5) in a 2yr span, along with increased girth. He recently posted about his progress on Reddit with pics.

Quality pump kits can be had for $70 and under.

Another beauty of pumps is they restore erection quality really quick. That alone is worth the price for most men lol.


Jul 17, 2021
Is there no way to get somewhat similar results, although not as good, without having to use this type of product? Jelq?

Look into the AngionMethod, specifically getting yourself an AngioWheel. The dietary advice in the community is mostly nonsense but the physical applications to the anatomy of the male member are pretty good. I made an AngioWheel myself and have experienced pronounced gains both in erection quality and size. Note that you can combine the techniques with others such as pumping and stretching but it becomes easy to overtrain so I wouldn't recommend it initially.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Yes people on the nofap forum are concerned with the effects of PMO on their health but I suppose when they become more cognisant of the myriad problems concerning diet, they end up on the Ray Peat forum where we discuss every aspect of health. We might take what we know here for granted, but the average person doesn't believe tap water is bad or vaccines are harmful. Some people wouldn't want to believe it even if compelling evidence was provided to them. It's a horrifying thought to believe that a jab you recieved a few months ago is the cause of all your newly found problems. I've told a many number of my friends of the problems with PUFA and why they can't lose weight and keep it off, yet they still eat it multiple times a day in large amounts. Thinking "calories in, calories out" is their salvation. People don't have the knowledge and understanding let alone the discipline to make the changes. "Fast food is cheap and convenient. I'll start my diet tomorrow". Being stuck in this perpetual cycle means they never really learn anything about their body. I used to hang my hopes on one thing but eventually realised the system is set up to make us fail. The variables are too numerous to account for and the best someone can do is relocate to a high-altitude village and drink yak milk or whatever.

True. Hardly anything works well for a low metabolism person. The period of time they would have to do retention is waaaaay longer, but is further confirmation of their compromised state. It doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. It means that they absolutely must. They need to be much more judicial about wastage. They cannot afford it. It's not fair for sure. It's just another example of the universe trying to collapse onto a low energy person. The only solution is to improve energy levels so that their magnetic field can buffer against the entropy of the environment.
It does improve metabolism. I'm experiencing the changes as we speak. I first noticed extra strength in my legs about 2-3 weeks in, followed by much better sleep, better skin, bags under my eyes have faded somewhat, my memory is firing on all cylinders, dormant memories are coming back, sense of smell is improving, food tastes better, I'm enjoying entertainment more, emotions are coming back online, digestion is more resilient etc. Also just yesterday I noticed something peculiar. This coincided with memory improvement but I noticed a sense of romantacism that had been abscent from my life for years. I have recently been watching romantic movies and enjoying them. I used to roll my eyes at public displays of affection and saw it as cheesy and for some reason I'm spontaneously interested in pursuing a relationship.... with a girl...
What do you make of these rather profound improvements to my well-being? they seem to share a rather similar relationship to good metabolic health. I should add that while the Ray Peat stuff has been helpful to me, there never seems to be any lasting changes. Very transient and then back to baseline. This hits different. It's almost like a core problem is being addressed and increasing my vitality and vibrancy.

The poor metabolic people arent able to produce as much semen as a high metabolic person, additionally their refractory period will likely be a lot longer. So even if they tried to, they will be retaining more than a high metabolic person in most cases. But regarding metabolism the biggest factor for metabolism is increasing your burn rate of sugars/fats without increasing exercise or activity. So for instance if you eat 50g saturated fat a day you will get or be leaner than 50g pufa daily. The other factor for increased metabolism is improvement in things like hair loss or possibly even growth. So with semen retention or ejaculation it doesnt seem to do those things at least not to a measurable extent. It doesn’t seem like it makes you leaner without increasing activity or that it improves things like hair loss if someone had it previously. The problem with things like sleep and under eye bags and how they relate to semen retention is that a lot of people would watch porn or fap at night in some cases spending hours watching porn or edging Or fapping. So it becomes very difficult to test and control for unless you were carefully tracking your actual hours of sleep on days you did PMO vs days you didn’t. In many scenarios it could simply be that by cutting out PMO, there is less time wasted at night, and it results in getting more hours of sleep per night on average. Which can in itself improve a lot of things in a person.

I am not sure regarding acne and retaining my skin seemed the same either way? But in that area as well what I ate Or any supplements used or frequency of washing the face all played much bigger roles than retaining. Now there is debate on acne and metabolism some people believe you actually get more acne when metabolism rises and that androgens increase acne. It also does seem like estrogen’s decrease acne maybe due to drying the oil glands or something? In public I see a lot of people with hair loss issues but rarely see people with acne and it seems more common among teenagers. Now a lot of people with seemingly really poor metabolisms seem to have no issues with acne. So im not totally sure on it but i have mostly only noticed changes in skin clarity depending on wash frequency and foods or supplements i am eating.


Jul 4, 2023
The poor metabolic people arent able to produce as much semen as a high metabolic person, additionally their refractory period will likely be a lot longer. So even if they tried to, they will be retaining more than a high metabolic person in most cases. But regarding metabolism the biggest factor for metabolism is increasing your burn rate of sugars/fats without increasing exercise or activity. So for instance if you eat 50g saturated fat a day you will get or be leaner than 50g pufa daily. The other factor for increased metabolism is improvement in things like hair loss or possibly even growth. So with semen retention or ejaculation it doesnt seem to do those things at least not to a measurable extent. It doesn’t seem like it makes you leaner without increasing activity or that it improves things like hair loss if someone had it previously. The problem with things like sleep and under eye bags and how they relate to semen retention is that a lot of people would watch porn or fap at night in some cases spending hours watching porn or edging Or fapping. So it becomes very difficult to test and control for unless you were carefully tracking your actual hours of sleep on days you did PMO vs days you didn’t. In many scenarios it could simply be that by cutting out PMO, there is less time wasted at night, and it results in getting more hours of sleep per night on average. Which can in itself improve a lot of things in a person.

I am not sure regarding acne and retaining my skin seemed the same either way? But in that area as well what I ate Or any supplements used or frequency of washing the face all played much bigger roles than retaining. Now there is debate on acne and metabolism some people believe you actually get more acne when metabolism rises and that androgens increase acne. It also does seem like estrogen’s decrease acne maybe due to drying the oil glands or something? In public I see a lot of people with hair loss issues but rarely see people with acne and it seems more common among teenagers. Now a lot of people with seemingly really poor metabolisms seem to have no issues with acne. So im not totally sure on it but i have mostly only noticed changes in skin clarity depending on wash frequency and foods or supplements i am eating.
I think semen retention could make you leaner through increased gut motility but more importantly through androgen receptor density/ sensitivity. We know the androgens are capable of shredding through fat and many bodybuilders use exogenous androgens to get rid of extra weight. I believe teenagers are immune to the negative effects of PMO for a while because they are continually producing new tissue with sensitive cells which is how they can maintain that leanness. Even by this mechanism alone we can theoretically reason that metabolism is increasing. The increased sensitivity allows you to get more results from less total androgens. In other words this practice could benefit hypothyroid people. I'm not saying that diet shouldn't be looked into. It's just that it might be worth not wasting semen while on the path to recovery.

My sleep schedule hasn't changed either. I still go to bed at the same time and I still spend the same amount of time behind the screen. I'm just viewing different content and my sleep quality has changed in spite of that. I defiinitely see these changes as a benefit with the retention itself and not some peripheral change. TCM would have explanations as to what is going on there and I tend to believe them.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
In terms of sexual exhaustion it depends on the person. I believe that someone with increased bone density, muscle mass and great structure in general have a firm footing in the material realm. This means that they have more resources that can be utilised in stress physiology to draw from. Ejaculation, when running on empty can tax the nervous system and leech resources from the body in order to facilitate the creation of new life. Someone who is 6ft tall with good muscle mass and bone density has more raw material to expend than someone who is 5'6 and was raised underfed and stressed. This person can engage in this behaviour a lot more destructively before they notice too much going wrong. Even in terms of metabolic machinary, they have an easier time recovering with nutrition.

Yes, absolutely. Severely. Whatever health problems a hypometabolic person is experiencing, frequent ejaculation will rapidly worsen their condition.

Actually this was way before I found Ray Peat so my diet was atrocious. I told myself that in order to give the 3 month experiment a fair assessment I would change nothing about my diet. The results were nothing short of amazing. Better sleep, better skin, emotions turned back on, I would enjoy food more, I found pleasure in simple things like the feeling of wind on my face on a summer day. I watched porn after 3 months and the experience I had was crazy. I felt drunk with lust as if I had never watched it before. Such a powerful response to stimuli that it reminded me of my teenage libido.

I agree. I think my recommendation for increasing penis size doing this is for the people who are undersized due to the arrested development caused by castrating themselves during puberty by ejaculation and watching porn. If the habit has been there since the inception of puberty, and they grew up malnourished, this is something that will help remedy the situation. I was blown away by the masculinazation process at 27 years of age.

Actually I don't think this is true. I've been hypometabolic all my life and have had no issues with libido whatsoever. I think it can be true for sure, but not necessarily. I think it can be used as a coping mechanism for stress and the porn usage perpetuates the libido and keeps it engaged. As for fixing the metabolism, it depends. It could be viewed in the context of ray's generative energy ideas. In other words it's a foundational practice that powerfully increases the trajectory of your health if the person is suffering with a myriad of negative symptoms. A poor person has no money to be throwing away so frivolously and should be more mindful of the things they spend on. I agree on seminal volume, which sort of suggests that someone not producing a lot should absolutely be retaining. Retention increases volume and improves the entire organism.

"Regarding the enjoying mundane tasks and chores do you think its the retention or abstaining from porn? There’s different opinions on that. I would think as far as biological changes retention would have a bigger impact. But with psychological changes it could be porn that has as big or bigger impact."
I believe it's both. A chronic porn user has overstimulated their brain and nervous system so that everyday tasks become more of a chore. there were studies done on rats and if they deactivated the dopamine centers or production, the rat wouldn't even have the motivation to get up and eat food. It would only eat if the food was put directly in its face. Porn and masturbation does a similar thing long-term that the scientists did to the rat (but not as severe). The sensitivity to porn and masturbation decreases and you have to do more and more of it to get the same level of satisfaction until it no longer gives a significant amount of pleasure like it used to. If an orgasm can't leave you satisfied, then anything less pleasurable becomes an absolute choooore. Porn is absolutely terrible for this by itself because of the coolidge effect. The coolidge effect is where a male will become bored of their mating partner and eventually stop persuing them sexually, but if the rat in the study is given a new mate, his arousal is re-invigorated. Porn happens to provide endless novelty when it comes to sexuality, so a guy can keep busting nuts until burns out.

Yes. However I find their interpretation of energy and health to be remarkeably intuitive and is by far the most compelling thing i've read until I found Ray. Actually Ray's findings aren't contradictory of their ideas. For example did you know ayurveda has a word for endotoxin? It's called ama and their proposed cure for this is agni (fire) they know that increasing agni can stop the putrefaction. A way to increase agni or digestive fire is semen retention. Another way of saying chakra would be energy center. The testicles are a foundational life generating factory. Can either be used to procreate or to be transmuted into the person holding on to it. In regards to the practices they recommend for the pelvic floor, i'm really not sure about all that. I've never really experimented with it.
"Anyway I have tested retention for months on both a low metabolism and high metabolism and when i did it on a higher metabolism it seemed to give a slight boost in energy? And seemed to make me more interested in socializing only to a minor extent? But it also made me constantly think about sex more and look at women in public more."
I've experienced such tremendous benefits from it that I'm actually really hesitant to release. A girl invited me over recently and I told her I was doing a 3 month challenge with a friend. She decided to join me in the task so she's going to attempt the remaining 2 months.
My favourite benefit is that I am able to get more rest out of half as much sleep. Isn't that crazy? I used to sleep 10 hours and wake up feeling god awful and now I wake up from 5 feeling much better rested. Do you think outside factors were influencing your experiments with retention? were you taking any supplements of making any changes that might interfere with your results?
How did you know you were or are hypo metabolic all yoir life? Do you have issues like high bodyfat, hair loss, fatigue, low temperatures,food intolerances etc. PMO or any form of ejaculation should never cause any sort of castration, unless there is some sort of damage done to the testes or something like thar. Castration will always have a hormonal, biological cause usually a genetic or environmental, physical health issue. People who are low metabolic are more likely to be low energy, fatigued, amongst other things, so more likely to use porn than someone with higher metabolism. Now with retaining it seems it can create an illusion of improvement that’s not really there. For example someone who has an issue with erection or ejaculation, if they retain for a few weeks or months etc, their symptoms will improve. However that is just because they have an extended refractory period. In reality, they had to retain for weeks, or months, to perform properly whereas a high metabolic person would only need to retain for days or maybe even one day, to perform at that same level. So the actual root of the problem wouldnt be resolved.
So with the yourbrainonporn stuff they look at these guys who get all these benefits from retaining, their erectile issues supposedly resolve after a few weeks of retaining, but it’s because of their low metabolism that all that stuff is happening.
I also am not sure on the coolidge effect. Is it actually a bad thing that it exists? Since it would be applicable to people with multiple partners not just porn users. The other thing is, i dont know if the coolidge effect has any correlation with porn. There seem to be porn users who stick to just one specific pornstar while some like the different variety, and its the same with relationships in real life.. some guys will chase variety and some are more into monogamy.
I also dont know about the requiring more and more PMO for satisfaction. I think that remains stable for most users, and you can’t really increase the amount of MO, constantly. But even with porn i don’t think there is any sort of trend where a PMO user, for example, starts off watching 30 minutes of porn daily, then needs an hour daily, then needs two hours daily and so on. I also don’t believe in that theory that the tastes in porn change or become more unusual. From other guys ive talked to over the years and from reading forums like reddit etc, it seems that their taste stays the same and most people are into mainstream porn. People into more extreme stuff like BDSM and so on, seem to have had other factors already drawing them to that type of more extreme porn. The larger and more profitable porn companies seem to be the mainstream ones.
And I did get that same effect of sometimes needing less sleep, but i dont think its safe to continue to get 5 hours sleep daily even if you feel rested. I think its related to how retaining makes you more hyper and increases energy levels overall. Or sometimes the waking up early would be the result of a wet dream.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I think semen retention could make you leaner through increased gut motility but more importantly through androgen receptor density/ sensitivity. We know the androgens are capable of shredding through fat and many bodybuilders use exogenous androgens to get rid of extra weight. I believe teenagers are immune to the negative effects of PMO for a while because they are continually producing new tissue with sensitive cells which is how they can maintain that leanness. Even by this mechanism alone we can theoretically reason that metabolism is increasing. The increased sensitivity allows you to get more results from less total androgens. In other words this practice could benefit hypothyroid people. I'm not saying that diet shouldn't be looked into. It's just that it might be worth not wasting semen while on the path to recovery.

My sleep schedule hasn't changed either. I still go to bed at the same time and I still spend the same amount of time behind the screen. I'm just viewing different content and my sleep quality has changed in spite of that. I defiinitely see these changes as a benefit with the retention itself and not some peripheral change. TCM would have explanations as to what is going on there and I tend to believe them.
But i dont know if anyone has successfully gotten leaner via retention? Or repaired their hair loss with retention? It seems to only affect the energy levels aspect of a low metabolism, the fatigue is to an extent reduced. I do remember reading the increased androgen receptor density and dont remember if it was said to be a temporary thing that would last a week then go to baseline, or a constant thing? But if thats true it should cause more muscle mass and other androgenic changes even without changing diet or exercise or all those things like supplements etc. but that is true, if it does make you more sensitive to androgens, without decreasing the levels of androgens in the body, then it should increase metabolism and everything else. If the increased androgen sensitivity happens alongside a drop in production of androgens then it would have a neutral effect.
Mar 24, 2018
[ USER = 13358 ] @ Dr. B [ / USER ] It only does it the first time you do it I think, like when a person first uses exogenous testosterone.


Jul 4, 2023
How did you know you were or are hypo metabolic all yoir life? Do you have issues like high bodyfat, hair loss, fatigue, low temperatures,food intolerances etc. PMO or any form of ejaculation should never cause any sort of castration, unless there is some sort of damage done to the testes or something like thar. Castration will always have a hormonal, biological cause usually a genetic or environmental, physical health issue. People who are low metabolic are more likely to be low energy, fatigued, amongst other things, so more likely to use porn than someone with higher metabolism. Now with retaining it seems it can create an illusion of improvement that’s not really there. For example someone who has an issue with erection or ejaculation, if they retain for a few weeks or months etc, their symptoms will improve. However that is just because they have an extended refractory period. In reality, they had to retain for weeks, or months, to perform properly whereas a high metabolic person would only need to retain for days or maybe even one day, to perform at that same level. So the actual root of the problem wouldnt be resolved.
So with the yourbrainonporn stuff they look at these guys who get all these benefits from retaining, their erectile issues supposedly resolve after a few weeks of retaining, but it’s because of their low metabolism that all that stuff is happening.
I also am not sure on the coolidge effect. Is it actually a bad thing that it exists? Since it would be applicable to people with multiple partners not just porn users. The other thing is, i dont know if the coolidge effect has any correlation with porn. There seem to be porn users who stick to just one specific pornstar while some like the different variety, and its the same with relationships in real life.. some guys will chase variety and some are more into monogamy.
I also dont know about the requiring more and more PMO for satisfaction. I think that remains stable for most users, and you can’t really increase the amount of MO, constantly. But even with porn i don’t think there is any sort of trend where a PMO user, for example, starts off watching 30 minutes of porn daily, then needs an hour daily, then needs two hours daily and so on. I also don’t believe in that theory that the tastes in porn change or become more unusual. From other guys ive talked to over the years and from reading forums like reddit etc, it seems that their taste stays the same and most people are into mainstream porn. People into more extreme stuff like BDSM and so on, seem to have had other factors already drawing them to that type of more extreme porn. The larger and more profitable porn companies seem to be the mainstream ones.
And I did get that same effect of sometimes needing less sleep, but i dont think its safe to continue to get 5 hours sleep daily even if you feel rested. I think its related to how retaining makes you more hyper and increases energy levels overall. Or sometimes the waking up early would be the result of a wet dream.
I was definitely hypothyroid due to my childhood. I lived in an extremely lower class household, so was continuously on a calorie restricted diet. I always looked anemic but felt okay. Low energy sometimes, sure, but still precocious and intelligent. To make matters worse, my mother had a depraved, psychotic boyfriend who hated my guts (I wasn't his blood) and he would sometimes take the opportunity to punch me in the face and threaten to cut my head off and give it to my mother as a present, so I was dealing with a lot of adrenaline and stress. I don't see how it would be possible to be highly metabolic under such circumstances. I've been running on stress hormones most of my life. I first realised this when I took some aspirin for the first time and had an overwhelming urge to go to sleep.
Also I don't have problems with weight gain. The exact opposite actually. I can't gain weight If I try. I've been around the same weight my whole adult life. I've tried upping calories even going as far as to drink icecream at one point. Cyproheptadine, thyroid hasn't changed this either. People often compliment me on being "muscly" but they don't realise that it's just low body fat percentage and they would look the same if they lost the extra weight.
As to the castration point. I'm not saying it's as severe as physical castration, but it certainly can make someone more docile especially if it's a chronic consumption problem. The military have actually weaponised pornography for this purpose and introduced it to occupied regions that didn't have it in order to chill them out a bit. It definitely has a demasculinisation effect. I have proved this to myself with my first 3 months of retention. deeper voice and bigger penis, more resilience to stress (similar to pansterone), more confidence etc.
Also I'm not saying that sexual function isn't related to metabolism and semen retention is the ultimate problem solver. I view it more like a chicken and egg type situation or a circle. Both effect each other continuously. This circle is actually a permanent problem or solution in health and disease. For example endotoxin can be the cause of hypothyroidism or it can be the result of hypothyroidism. Or both at the same time. Semen wastage is the same. It can cause hypothyroidism and also make the negative symptoms of wastage worse.
The refractory period is a length of time where prolactin stays elevated. A good metabolism will obviously shorten the length of time it stays elevated but why would someone want to keep stalling the engine on purpose when they could just coast through life? Porn consumers are at a disadvantage here as well because for some reason, prolactin stays elevated for longer (roughly 2 weeks) with porn use, than if they had sex where it drops back to baseline sooner. This forum unanimously agrees that prolactin being elevated is a good marker for poor health.
I don't think the coolidge effect is bad or good, but it's a good explanation of how increased novelty can keep an addict engaged in a habit that is depleting in nature. I suspect it's the mechanism that allows men to spread their seed to multiple women so that a dominant gene pool can grow.

In terms of needing more and more to get the same level of satisfaction, I think the people would get more perspective on this matter if they quit for a few months. When going back to it after a hiatus, the response is more powerful than it ever was. This response is consistent with what we observe with hunger and thirst. A person will never enjoy a drink of something more than when they are truly thirsty. We sort of depreciate the value of something based on our level of indulgence. It's built in.
I'm still on my streak and am still noticing new benefits. I doubt this is based on the refractory period. Just yesterday I noticed an improvement in my ability to picture people's faces in my head with great detail.


Oct 7, 2020
I was definitely hypothyroid due to my childhood. I lived in an extremely lower class household, so was continuously on a calorie restricted diet. I always looked anemic but felt okay. Low energy sometimes, sure, but still precocious and intelligent. To make matters worse, my mother had a depraved, psychotic boyfriend who hated my guts (I wasn't his blood) and he would sometimes take the opportunity to punch me in the face and threaten to cut my head off and give it to my mother as a present, so I was dealing with a lot of adrenaline and stress. I don't see how it would be possible to be highly metabolic under such circumstances. I've been running on stress hormones most of my life. I first realised this when I took some aspirin for the first time and had an overwhelming urge to go to sleep.
Also I don't have problems with weight gain. The exact opposite actually. I can't gain weight If I try. I've been around the same weight my whole adult life. I've tried upping calories even going as far as to drink icecream at one point. Cyproheptadine, thyroid hasn't changed this either. People often compliment me on being "muscly" but they don't realise that it's just low body fat percentage and they would look the same if they lost the extra weight.
As to the castration point. I'm not saying it's as severe as physical castration, but it certainly can make someone more docile especially if it's a chronic consumption problem. The military have actually weaponised pornography for this purpose and introduced it to occupied regions that didn't have it in order to chill them out a bit. It definitely has a demasculinisation effect. I have proved this to myself with my first 3 months of retention. deeper voice and bigger penis, more resilience to stress (similar to pansterone), more confidence etc.
Also I'm not saying that sexual function isn't related to metabolism and semen retention is the ultimate problem solver. I view it more like a chicken and egg type situation or a circle. Both effect each other continuously. This circle is actually a permanent problem or solution in health and disease. For example endotoxin can be the cause of hypothyroidism or it can be the result of hypothyroidism. Or both at the same time. Semen wastage is the same. It can cause hypothyroidism and also make the negative symptoms of wastage worse.
The refractory period is a length of time where prolactin stays elevated. A good metabolism will obviously shorten the length of time it stays elevated but why would someone want to keep stalling the engine on purpose when they could just coast through life? Porn consumers are at a disadvantage here as well because for some reason, prolactin stays elevated for longer (roughly 2 weeks) with porn use, than if they had sex where it drops back to baseline sooner. This forum unanimously agrees that prolactin being elevated is a good marker for poor health.
I don't think the coolidge effect is bad or good, but it's a good explanation of how increased novelty can keep an addict engaged in a habit that is depleting in nature. I suspect it's the mechanism that allows men to spread their seed to multiple women so that a dominant gene pool can grow.

In terms of needing more and more to get the same level of satisfaction, I think the people would get more perspective on this matter if they quit for a few months. When going back to it after a hiatus, the response is more powerful than it ever was. This response is consistent with what we observe with hunger and thirst. A person will never enjoy a drink of something more than when they are truly thirsty. We sort of depreciate the value of something based on our level of indulgence. It's built in.
I'm still on my streak and am still noticing new benefits. I doubt this is based on the refractory period. Just yesterday I noticed an improvement in my ability to picture people's faces in my head with great detail.
So you basically admit that you had early life hormonal disbalancing factors (stress, under-eating) so now you have POIS post orgasmic illness syndrome thus there is the answer that once again in practically all cases all and any negative side effects by ejaculation usually come from some underlying disbalance or build up of stress hormones/stressful imprint for example high prolactin/histamine/cortisol etc. and has nothing to do with some universal bad thing every male on planet has or "PMO addiction" as the Peat-consciousness-lacking sr-nofap fanatics often claim to

Also my experience with my POIS greatly improving many times fully disappearing by getting my calorie/nutrition/metabolism/androgen status up and reducing stress/inflammation/endotoxins confirms this


Jul 4, 2023
So you basically admit that you had early life hormonal disbalancing factors (stress, under-eating) so now you have POIS post orgasmic illness syndrome thus there is the answer that once again in practically all cases all and any negative side effects by ejaculation usually come from some underlying disbalance or build up of stress hormones/stressful imprint for example high prolactin/histamine/cortisol etc. and has nothing to do with some universal bad thing every male on planet has or "PMO addiction" as the Peat-consciousness-lacking sr-nofap fanatics often claim to

Also my experience with my POIS greatly improving many times fully disappearing by getting my calorie/nutrition/metabolism/androgen status up and reducing stress/inflammation/endotoxins confirms this
Yes. I think I mentioned being hypo in previous posts which is why Dr B asked how I knew in the first place.
POIS doesn't exist. You're admitting that it's hypothyroidism combined with sexual exhaustion. Not a static disease. We agree on that part. We just have different words to describe it. You can work on both problems at the same time with retention.
Also I would like to take this opportunity to point out that our outlooks may be different on sex and masturbation.
If someone has a nihilistic, materialist outlook on sex and semen, then they may view ejaculation as a means to an end for self gratification. Just some pointless gooey discharge to be binned and shipped off to a landfill somewhere. It's a hollow form of pleasure and a form of inappropriate stimulation. Not much different than people who abuse fentanyl for the bliss it provides. If only for a moment. This fixation on optimising hormones to continue indulging in gratuitous pleasure seems devoid of any meaning. It also makes us use our women as a sex toy so that we can use their bodies to get ourselves off and then pat ourselves on our backs for being a stallion.
Alternatively you could view semen as a sacred gift to be handled with responsibility and given to a special woman when the time is right. The effects of porn, masturbation, contraception and promiscuity are currently playing out as we speak and the effects on social relations, commitment, loyalty, devotion are devastating. It's crazy that people are having more "consequence free" sex than ever, yet are more miserable than ever.
We're basically describing the same thing but have different outlooks and using different words to describe it. Ultimately I believe metabolism needs to be improved as well but retention is paramount for men who are not there and not making any progress quickly.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I was definitely hypothyroid due to my childhood. I lived in an extremely lower class household, so was continuously on a calorie restricted diet. I always looked anemic but felt okay. Low energy sometimes, sure, but still precocious and intelligent. To make matters worse, my mother had a depraved, psychotic boyfriend who hated my guts (I wasn't his blood) and he would sometimes take the opportunity to punch me in the face and threaten to cut my head off and give it to my mother as a present, so I was dealing with a lot of adrenaline and stress. I don't see how it would be possible to be highly metabolic under such circumstances. I've been running on stress hormones most of my life. I first realised this when I took some aspirin for the first time and had an overwhelming urge to go to sleep.
Also I don't have problems with weight gain. The exact opposite actually. I can't gain weight If I try. I've been around the same weight my whole adult life. I've tried upping calories even going as far as to drink icecream at one point. Cyproheptadine, thyroid hasn't changed this either. People often compliment me on being "muscly" but they don't realise that it's just low body fat percentage and they would look the same if they lost the extra weight.
As to the castration point. I'm not saying it's as severe as physical castration, but it certainly can make someone more docile especially if it's a chronic consumption problem. The military have actually weaponised pornography for this purpose and introduced it to occupied regions that didn't have it in order to chill them out a bit. It definitely has a demasculinisation effect. I have proved this to myself with my first 3 months of retention. deeper voice and bigger penis, more resilience to stress (similar to pansterone), more confidence etc.
Also I'm not saying that sexual function isn't related to metabolism and semen retention is the ultimate problem solver. I view it more like a chicken and egg type situation or a circle. Both effect each other continuously. This circle is actually a permanent problem or solution in health and disease. For example endotoxin can be the cause of hypothyroidism or it can be the result of hypothyroidism. Or both at the same time. Semen wastage is the same. It can cause hypothyroidism and also make the negative symptoms of wastage worse.
The refractory period is a length of time where prolactin stays elevated. A good metabolism will obviously shorten the length of time it stays elevated but why would someone want to keep stalling the engine on purpose when they could just coast through life? Porn consumers are at a disadvantage here as well because for some reason, prolactin stays elevated for longer (roughly 2 weeks) with porn use, than if they had sex where it drops back to baseline sooner. This forum unanimously agrees that prolactin being elevated is a good marker for poor health.
I don't think the coolidge effect is bad or good, but it's a good explanation of how increased novelty can keep an addict engaged in a habit that is depleting in nature. I suspect it's the mechanism that allows men to spread their seed to multiple women so that a dominant gene pool can grow.

In terms of needing more and more to get the same level of satisfaction, I think the people would get more perspective on this matter if they quit for a few months. When going back to it after a hiatus, the response is more powerful than it ever was. This response is consistent with what we observe with hunger and thirst. A person will never enjoy a drink of something more than when they are truly thirsty. We sort of depreciate the value of something based on our level of indulgence. It's built in.
I'm still on my streak and am still noticing new benefits. I doubt this is based on the refractory period. Just yesterday I noticed an improvement in my ability to picture people's faces in my head with great detail.
How tall are you and do you have hair loss? What kind of diet did you have growing up? The mental stress and things you mentioned, even a low calorie diet, wouldn’t have to lower metabolism. Especially if the low calorie has certain foods or a lack of certain foods. Low food or water intake overall can actually help a lot of things because so many foods and water supply etc are so toxic in modern times- that you’re essentially consuming less poison by eating or drinking less.

Ray mentioned some people and himself had a calorie wasting hypothyroidism form, that was corrected by thyroid. But if you looked muscly, and you got no improvement from thyroid, it sounds like you didn’t have that? Also thyroid can raise things like cortisol and make hypothyroid symptoms worse… ive wondered if ray truly fixed a poor metabolism or just made his metabolism itself worse… cuz he said he went from being lean at 8000 calories daily to maintaining a good weight at 2000 calories or 2500 or something… with my own experience of thyroid decreasing metabolism as well i am thinking it could have lowered his… i dont know if it’s actually been confirmed if you can have a low metabolism yet also eat tons of calories and stay really lean, unless its some disorder where you just can’t digest the food you eat. Cortisol for example causes fat gain and increased muscle breakdown hair loss etc.

The docility would seem to be a natural effect of orgasm in any form? I wouldn’t say it makes people docile but its that retaining makes you more aggressive just like the juice or certain supplements can increase aggression and energy… even caffeine can increase aggression and energy…
How much did your penis grow in 3 months, and did you not make any other dietary or lifestyle changes? A lot of the effects stated to be PMO effects can also be caused by inflammatory or toxic foods… like most cheeses… most sodas, most bread and grain products… artificial sweeteners and other food fillers

Through trial and error I found that for example just changing the flavor of whey protein i was using had a major impact on skin clarity and bloating and fatigue and digestion etc… so the cookies and cream flavor would drastically improve all those things compared to if i had the strawberry cheesecake flavor or white chocolate caramel or some other flavors. It turned out the cookies m crème flavor, due to the added real cookie bits mixed in, actually had more real sugar in it and less artificial sweetener, which caused those benefits. The strawberry cheesecake flavor also had citric acid in it which caused even worse effects than usual.
So just such a minor thing, changing the flavor of protein powder, within the same brand name of protein, can have such drastic effects on everything. Now another thing, on the whey that improved symptoms, i also had more of a desire to PMO or release and an overall higher libido. Whereas on the whey that caused fatigue and increased acne and bloating etc I could actually easily go 30 days of retaining before having much of a desire to PMO. On the good whey, I could even PMO if I wanted to, and still take care of day to day duties and do whatever else. On the bad whey, I basically had no desire to PMO, until at least 3 weeks of retaining, at which point whether I did PMO or didnt, I would be bloated and sluggish all the same… so the bad whey made retaining easier… but it came at a cost and I would say it wasnt true retaining if that makes sense… it was basically akin to a minor form of castration.. since the inflammatory food was messing with hormones and reducing the desire to pmo.. it’s similar I would say to retaining on a really high metabolism vs really slow one… it would be a lot harder to go 30 days on the faster metabolism. And if you are able to do it, you may get multiple wet dreams, whereas on a really slow metabolism you may not get a single wet dream

So i do think retaining makes you more energetic and aggressive… and those cultures probably were averse not just to porn but probably also masturbate alone and prostitutes as well? If its conservative or middle eastern countries they would be against all those things… so porn or pmo or even sex all of it can make you more docile… but only compared to the aggressive state of retaining I would think. None of those things should actually make you docile or feminize you.. it should be a temporary state as a result of the release, most likely just the refractory period basically.

I dont think it’s possible for semen wastage to cause hypothyroidism in any scenario.. unless its very indirect sort of means like someone doesnt eat or sleep right because of pmoing… even as far as exacerbating the symptoms of hypothyroidism, the only hypothyroid symptom it should have any correlation with is fatigue… because of the sluggish effect it can have sometimes. I dont think theres ever been a case of someone developing hypothyroidism from pmo or semen wastage, nor a case of someone resolving hypothyroidism from retaining. It would mean humanity itself for the most part is hypothyroid by default. It just wouldnt make logical sense for semen wastage to have any role in hypothyroidism, in humans or other mammals.
How did they measure porn users prolactin staying elevated longer..? That doesnt seem to make sense either… if they used different test subjecfs for the porn users vs people having sex, then the study can be disregarded basically… the porn users could have a totally different lifestyle regimen to the non porn users.. so I did actually try watching porn while retaining in the past. No MOing, no edging, nothing like that. Just watching it for the sake of watching it. It had no impact on, or effects on the benefits of retaining. Which should be expected… because just watching a video of something shouldn’t be able to drastically affect someones hormones or health… it can affect you mentally to some extent since everything you see and do does. But it definitely didnt change the effects of retaining or affect the metabolism or anything.

And your point definitely makes sense. Basically the excitement level of PMO goes up drastically if you’ve retained for even weeks, let alone months or years… but I simply mean i dont think regularly PMOing causes the coolidge effect… or that it causes people to spend more and more time on PMOing like spending hours on it daily instead of 30 minutes daily… or that it causes people to over time look towards more extreme forms of porn…those in my opinion have additional factors influencing and causing them… and the Coolidge effect makes sense to me personally. I would say under a normal metabolism it probably occurs? Maybe it is due to the poorer metabolisms nowadays that there seem to be more guys who dont have the Coolidge effect. Since it does seem associated only with male rats right… so it may have a connection to androgens… so with less androgenic men nowadays there could be less of the coolidge effect occurring. The reason i say more guys seem to not have it nowadays is because you see these guys who go all in on one particular girl or model and just only watch that one specific girl’s videos and so on.


Sep 16, 2021
What are these walls of text, I just want huge **** tips and tricks. Everytime I check in on this thread it's such a let down.


Jul 4, 2023
What are these walls of text, I just want huge **** tips and tricks. Everytime I check in on this thread it's such a let down.
The original claim I made was that semen retention can increase penis size if a person has been hypothyroid and has masturbated to porn frequently since they started puberty.
If that's not your thing then I've noticed increased penis size from vitamin E.
Lowering endotoxin if it's a big problem can also massively help.


Jul 4, 2023
How tall are you and do you have hair loss? What kind of diet did you have growing up? The mental stress and things you mentioned, even a low calorie diet, wouldn’t have to lower metabolism. Especially if the low calorie has certain foods or a lack of certain foods. Low food or water intake overall can actually help a lot of things because so many foods and water supply etc are so toxic in modern times- that you’re essentially consuming less poison by eating or drinking less.

Ray mentioned some people and himself had a calorie wasting hypothyroidism form, that was corrected by thyroid. But if you looked muscly, and you got no improvement from thyroid, it sounds like you didn’t have that? Also thyroid can raise things like cortisol and make hypothyroid symptoms worse… ive wondered if ray truly fixed a poor metabolism or just made his metabolism itself worse… cuz he said he went from being lean at 8000 calories daily to maintaining a good weight at 2000 calories or 2500 or something… with my own experience of thyroid decreasing metabolism as well i am thinking it could have lowered his… i dont know if it’s actually been confirmed if you can have a low metabolism yet also eat tons of calories and stay really lean, unless its some disorder where you just can’t digest the food you eat. Cortisol for example causes fat gain and increased muscle breakdown hair loss etc.

The docility would seem to be a natural effect of orgasm in any form? I wouldn’t say it makes people docile but its that retaining makes you more aggressive just like the juice or certain supplements can increase aggression and energy… even caffeine can increase aggression and energy…
How much did your penis grow in 3 months, and did you not make any other dietary or lifestyle changes? A lot of the effects stated to be PMO effects can also be caused by inflammatory or toxic foods… like most cheeses… most sodas, most bread and grain products… artificial sweeteners and other food fillers

Through trial and error I found that for example just changing the flavor of whey protein i was using had a major impact on skin clarity and bloating and fatigue and digestion etc… so the cookies and cream flavor would drastically improve all those things compared to if i had the strawberry cheesecake flavor or white chocolate caramel or some other flavors. It turned out the cookies m crème flavor, due to the added real cookie bits mixed in, actually had more real sugar in it and less artificial sweetener, which caused those benefits. The strawberry cheesecake flavor also had citric acid in it which caused even worse effects than usual.
So just such a minor thing, changing the flavor of protein powder, within the same brand name of protein, can have such drastic effects on everything. Now another thing, on the whey that improved symptoms, i also had more of a desire to PMO or release and an overall higher libido. Whereas on the whey that caused fatigue and increased acne and bloating etc I could actually easily go 30 days of retaining before having much of a desire to PMO. On the good whey, I could even PMO if I wanted to, and still take care of day to day duties and do whatever else. On the bad whey, I basically had no desire to PMO, until at least 3 weeks of retaining, at which point whether I did PMO or didnt, I would be bloated and sluggish all the same… so the bad whey made retaining easier… but it came at a cost and I would say it wasnt true retaining if that makes sense… it was basically akin to a minor form of castration.. since the inflammatory food was messing with hormones and reducing the desire to pmo.. it’s similar I would say to retaining on a really high metabolism vs really slow one… it would be a lot harder to go 30 days on the faster metabolism. And if you are able to do it, you may get multiple wet dreams, whereas on a really slow metabolism you may not get a single wet dream

So i do think retaining makes you more energetic and aggressive… and those cultures probably were averse not just to porn but probably also masturbate alone and prostitutes as well? If its conservative or middle eastern countries they would be against all those things… so porn or pmo or even sex all of it can make you more docile… but only compared to the aggressive state of retaining I would think. None of those things should actually make you docile or feminize you.. it should be a temporary state as a result of the release, most likely just the refractory period basically.

I dont think it’s possible for semen wastage to cause hypothyroidism in any scenario.. unless its very indirect sort of means like someone doesnt eat or sleep right because of pmoing… even as far as exacerbating the symptoms of hypothyroidism, the only hypothyroid symptom it should have any correlation with is fatigue… because of the sluggish effect it can have sometimes. I dont think theres ever been a case of someone developing hypothyroidism from pmo or semen wastage, nor a case of someone resolving hypothyroidism from retaining. It would mean humanity itself for the most part is hypothyroid by default. It just wouldnt make logical sense for semen wastage to have any role in hypothyroidism, in humans or other mammals.
How did they measure porn users prolactin staying elevated longer..? That doesnt seem to make sense either… if they used different test subjecfs for the porn users vs people having sex, then the study can be disregarded basically… the porn users could have a totally different lifestyle regimen to the non porn users.. so I did actually try watching porn while retaining in the past. No MOing, no edging, nothing like that. Just watching it for the sake of watching it. It had no impact on, or effects on the benefits of retaining. Which should be expected… because just watching a video of something shouldn’t be able to drastically affect someones hormones or health… it can affect you mentally to some extent since everything you see and do does. But it definitely didnt change the effects of retaining or affect the metabolism or anything.

And your point definitely makes sense. Basically the excitement level of PMO goes up drastically if you’ve retained for even weeks, let alone months or years… but I simply mean i dont think regularly PMOing causes the coolidge effect… or that it causes people to spend more and more time on PMOing like spending hours on it daily instead of 30 minutes daily… or that it causes people to over time look towards more extreme forms of porn…those in my opinion have additional factors influencing and causing them… and the Coolidge effect makes sense to me personally. I would say under a normal metabolism it probably occurs? Maybe it is due to the poorer metabolisms nowadays that there seem to be more guys who dont have the Coolidge effect. Since it does seem associated only with male rats right… so it may have a connection to androgens… so with less androgenic men nowadays there could be less of the coolidge effect occurring. The reason i say more guys seem to not have it nowadays is because you see these guys who go all in on one particular girl or model and just only watch that one specific girl’s videos and so on.
I'm 5ft 6 and when I was a kid I didn't have hair loss. In fact I had the thickest head of hair of anyone I've ever met which is why I still have hair today at 33. It only started to fall out after I discovered porn. My diet was probably sub 800 calories a day with next to zero fluid intake. I would have a small cup of squash in school. The food quality is what you would expect from a lower class background. PUFA rich.

Prolactin is an anti-dopaminergic. It rises after ejaculation to get you out of the state of excessive excitation. In other words frequent ejaculation causes prolactin to rise and is responsible for the desire for men to want to sleep and causes them to become less affectionate towards their partner straight after. I believe it is responsible for what men refer to as "post nut clarity". This is the period where shame and regret can manifest itself.
I don't remember how they measured it but if i'm guessing, it was done through blood draw before and after. I'm not saying the coolidge effect is caused by porn. I'm saying that it's an intrinsic, built in characteristic that explains the novelty seeking behaviour of men in terms of mating. Porn facilitates this novelty seeking behaviour like nothing else. Novelty is dopaminergic. So NEW things cause dopamine to rise which lowers prolactin and perpetuates a cycle of addictive behaviour. This is a way for men to avoid the refractory period and explains why men continue to ejaculate despite its tendency to exhaust the nervous system.
It would mean humanity itself for the most part is hypothyroid by default.
Isn't this a claim made by Ray and Broda Barnes? They explain the cause through diet but what if a lot of hypothyroidism is caused by sexual exhaustion. How would we even know? It seems to be very easy to be hypometabolic especially given the stressful nature of our environment and aging.
In terms of energy economy it makes sense to me. Are you suggesting that semen production is a costless process and exists outside of the law of thermodynamics? It takes energy to produce this stuff. More energy than it takes to produce blood. I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that not wasting it would improve metabolic efficiency. I actually don't understand the idea that we are perpetual sex machines and there are no consequences to continually indulging. It's clearly a sacrifice either way. If you retain, you sacrifice sex. If you indulge, you sacrifice yourself. Especially as you age. Retention however (at least for me) seems to yield so many blessings and increases my pleasure and zeal for life. How could a substance that is capable of creating a human as complex as me or you, be detrimental to keep hold of?


Jul 17, 2021
What are these walls of text, I just want huge **** tips and tricks. Everytime I check in on this thread it's such a let down.

Agreed. Especially when it can all be summed up by saying that you shouldn't rub one out too often and if you do don't use degenerate forms of stimulation. Even moreso if you have poor metabolic function.

That said I diluted some 11-keto-DHT in MCT oil and have been applying it (maybe .25 mg) downstairs daily. Flaccid state has changed noticeably over the course of a week or so with vasculature becoming more pronounced. I wonder if there is a way to resensitize or increase the density androgen receptors in the region in order to keep up the benefits over time.

Another neat tip is to use a ziploc bag around your boys and fill it with CO2. The warmth and tingles are pretty awesome and I have definitely noticed improved blood flow and possibly androgen production from the metabolism boost. Bonus if you wrap it in a damp cloth before to increase absorption.


Jul 4, 2023
Agreed. Especially when it can all be summed up by saying that you shouldn't rub one out too often and if you do don't use degenerate forms of stimulation. Even moreso if you have poor metabolic function.

That said I diluted some 11-keto-DHT in MCT oil and have been applying it (maybe .25 mg) downstairs daily. Flaccid state has changed noticeably over the course of a week or so with vasculature becoming more pronounced. I wonder if there is a way to resensitize or increase the density androgen receptors in the region in order to keep up the benefits over time.

Another neat tip is to use a ziploc bag around your boys and fill it with CO2. The warmth and tingles are pretty awesome and I have definitely noticed improved blood flow and possibly androgen production from the metabolism boost. Bonus if you wrap it in a damp cloth before to increase absorption.
I don't think that is an accurate summation of what was said and doesn't seem to be the position of Dr B and Explorer. That was my position and I felt the need to explain why I think that way. If people are not interested, then they are free to overlook it in favour of the simple, quick methods in simple, bullet point form. There are some people who may find it interesting. I didn't mean to destroy the hopes of people looking for a quick inch on their members by continuing a conversation around my original claim.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
The original claim I made was that semen retention can increase penis size if a person has been hypothyroid and has masturbated to porn frequently since they started puberty.
If that's not your thing then I've noticed increased penis size from vitamin E.
Lowering endotoxin if it's a big problem can also massively help.
What dosage of vitamin E did you use for increased penis size? Myself and a few other people actually got penis shrinkage from vitamin E and some commenters said it should be a temporary effect due to the progesterone like effects of vitamin E, since progesterone caused similar shrinkage in people. What kind of dosage were you using for vitamin E and how much of a gain did you get from it? Also how are you testing these things out as you stated you gained size from semen retention itself as well as from vitamin E? How do you know which was causing the increase of penis size? Vitamin E boosts blood flow but if I used a big dosage like 400mg it would actually cause shrinkage and even more trouble than usual getting an erection! There is a thread on a vitamin D/K combo causing increased penis size… I personally had no effect from long term E or D3 usage… i never used K2 long term as it seems to cause hair shedding!

I'm 5ft 6 and when I was a kid I didn't have hair loss. In fact I had the thickest head of hair of anyone I've ever met which is why I still have hair today at 33. It only started to fall out after I discovered porn. My diet was probably sub 800 calories a day with next to zero fluid intake. I would have a small cup of squash in school. The food quality is what you would expect from a lower class background. PUFA rich.

Prolactin is an anti-dopaminergic. It rises after ejaculation to get you out of the state of excessive excitation. In other words frequent ejaculation causes prolactin to rise and is responsible for the desire for men to want to sleep and causes them to become less affectionate towards their partner straight after. I believe it is responsible for what men refer to as "post nut clarity". This is the period where shame and regret can manifest itself.
I don't remember how they measured it but if i'm guessing, it was done through blood draw before and after. I'm not saying the coolidge effect is caused by porn. I'm saying that it's an intrinsic, built in characteristic that explains the novelty seeking behaviour of men in terms of mating. Porn facilitates this novelty seeking behaviour like nothing else. Novelty is dopaminergic. So NEW things cause dopamine to rise which lowers prolactin and perpetuates a cycle of addictive behaviour. This is a way for men to avoid the refractory period and explains why men continue to ejaculate despite its tendency to exhaust the nervous system.

Isn't this a claim made by Ray and Broda Barnes? They explain the cause through diet but what if a lot of hypothyroidism is caused by sexual exhaustion. How would we even know? It seems to be very easy to be hypometabolic especially given the stressful nature of our environment and aging.
In terms of energy economy it makes sense to me. Are you suggesting that semen production is a costless process and exists outside of the law of thermodynamics? It takes energy to produce this stuff. More energy than it takes to produce blood. I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that not wasting it would improve metabolic efficiency. I actually don't understand the idea that we are perpetual sex machines and there are no consequences to continually indulging. It's clearly a sacrifice either way. If you retain, you sacrifice sex. If you indulge, you sacrifice yourself. Especially as you age. Retention however (at least for me) seems to yield so many blessings and increases my pleasure and zeal for life. How could a substance that is capable of creating a human as complex as me or you, be detrimental to keep hold of?

How much penis size did you gain from semen retention/nofap? So you started losing hair from PMO?

Supposedly healthy people get a really huge increase in prolactin but very temporary, after ejaculation whereas unhealthy people have slightly elevated prolactin all the time even without sex. So the large increase in prolactin actually seems to be helpful and necessary and the key thing is its very temporary in a healthy person. Whereas in an unhealthy person the actual prolactin levels will be far lower but constantly elevated.

But the key thing is if you compare ejaculation and PMO to something like PUFA, xrays, toxic water, vaccines, etc, those things are known to cause hypothyroidism on their own, independently of anything else, and reducing them/cutting them out can also drastically improve or heal hypothyroidism (if theres no other causes of it). With ejaculation there hasnt ever been anyone developing poor metabolism or disease due to ejaculating, nor has anyone ever resolved a serious issue like cancer or diabetes just from not ejaculating. It’s basically impossible for ejaculation or sexual exhaustion to cause something like autoimmune disorders, cancer, diabetes, and other forms of severely low metabolism.

Even if someone is claiming that something like sexual exhaustion caused the poor metabolism or cancer or diabetes etc, it would need to be as a codeword for something else meaning they for instance are getting no sleep or not eating in response to ejaculation or something of that nature. The radiation that’s coming from the computer or electronic device is likely causing much more negative metabolic effects than the ejaculation itself.

Additionally on a poor metabolism, everything becomes more difficult and strenous. Digestion is harder, due to less stomach acid secretion. Any form of physical activity is harder like walking or running. Ejaculation is harder. Even sleep is harder for some people, and even appetite/thirst is lower on a poorer metabolism. A poorer metabolism even causes issues in every organ system whether vision, hearing, the gut, liver, etc.

So all these different functions in the human body become more difficult and strenuous on a poor metabolism, it doesnt really have anything to do with ejaculation in particular. It’s basically that poor metabolism people will have issues with basically every human function and activity (including ejaculation) whereas high metabolism people wont. There have been a lot of athletes who do the semen retention stuff for weeks, sometimes 6 weeks but it seems to just be related to energy levels and aggression levels. Someone who has poor metabolism, just wont be able to perform at the same level as someone with high metabolism even if they wanted to.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Agreed. Especially when it can all be summed up by saying that you shouldn't rub one out too often and if you do don't use degenerate forms of stimulation. Even moreso if you have poor metabolic function.

That said I diluted some 11-keto-DHT in MCT oil and have been applying it (maybe .25 mg) downstairs daily. Flaccid state has changed noticeably over the course of a week or so with vasculature becoming more pronounced. I wonder if there is a way to resensitize or increase the density androgen receptors in the region in order to keep up the benefits over time.

Another neat tip is to use a ziploc bag around your boys and fill it with CO2. The warmth and tingles are pretty awesome and I have definitely noticed improved blood flow and possibly androgen production from the metabolism boost. Bonus if you wrap it in a damp cloth before to increase absorption.
How long have you been putting the DHT down there? Someone else here said it could be very dangerous applying DHT down there and could affect natural production? Are you putting it directly on the testes or where exactly? Also maybe Ray had warned against putting DHT there as well? That’s why ive been hesitant to try that. Also what about the hair loss effects of DHT… like its true that the healthiest guys have thick heads of hair alongside high DHT levels… but supplementing DHT as a standalone hormone does seem to cause hair loss effects?


Feb 23, 2020
Also, I'm going to offer some more abstract ideas of my own, because I think you like thinking in this way too:

I think that you can do the equivalent of 'Mewing' for your knob. It's about embodying the endowed man. You need to relax all the muscles around your hips so that there is more blood flow in the area. The hips get tight from sitting and blood flow is reduced. You need to be relaxed and your energy 'outwards' instead of 'inwards' in general. You should relax the PC muscle so much that it feels like you are 'pushing' blood into your bellend; it's the opposite of a kegel, where you contract the muscle. It feels kind of like the sensation of peeing really hard and pushing your stream as fast as you can, or a bit like the first contraction when you take a ***t. You should experience an increase sensation in the area; imagine trying to fill it with blood without clenching the PC muscle and cutting off the supply. You can experiment with having sex or masturbating while doing this; you will notice that you won't be able to ejaculate if you do it correctly (premature ejaculators tend to have small members with tight surrounding musculature, and delayed ejaculators tend to have larger members with more relaxed surrounding musculature). It feels really awesome and powerful to have sex in this way. When I was younger I would unconsciously squeeze the PC muscle and would have PE, but now I can last as long as I want, and I've also increased my size by just doing this. Give it a try!
How much have you increased with this?
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