From Personal Experience, Wheat/gluten Increases My Prolactin Levels


Oct 15, 2016
I stopped eating wheat for a while, now I tried a few times a decent sourdough bread and get immediate symptoms like minor sinus inflammation, brain pressure, teeth feel funny but I don't, etc.. It is tolerable but obvious. I do not know if this is showing obvious past problems which improved, if this is closer to the truth, or if it's a coincidence.


Jul 8, 2016
I stopped eating wheat for a while, now I tried a few times a decent sourdough bread and get immediate symptoms like minor sinus inflammation, brain pressure, teeth feel funny but I don't, etc.. It is tolerable but obvious. I do not know if this is showing obvious past problems which improved, if this is closer to the truth, or if it's a coincidence.

Were you cautious about eating the bread? Did you have in your mind that you were going to be mindful of reactions when you ate it, etc? I've begun eating a good quality sourdough bread and notice literally none of the issues that people on the internet talk about.


Oct 15, 2016
Were you cautious about eating the bread? Did you have in your mind that you were going to be mindful of reactions when you ate it, etc? I've begun eating a good quality sourdough bread and notice literally none of the issues that people on the internet talk about.
Honestly the reactions were felt physically, still it might be a coincidence. I would really love to be able to eat it because it's cheap and convenient, so I'm very much looking forward to no reaction. I'm not saying it's the gluten, it could also be the dry starch or the fact I stopped for some time, in any case I remember having similar reactions to a non-organic sourdough bread made with just butter and water.


Oct 15, 2016
I stopped eating wheat for a while, now I tried a few times a decent sourdough bread and get immediate symptoms like minor sinus inflammation, brain pressure, teeth feel funny but I don't, etc.. It is tolerable but obvious. I do not know if this is showing obvious past problems which improved, if this is closer to the truth, or if it's a coincidence.
I lied, this time I hadn't used a sourdough bread, but the airy inside (no crust) of an organic white bread. I said I had experimented with a sourdough bread before but I'm now suspicious most bakers and supermarkets make proper sourdough bread, the process takes time. If I remember correctly @schultz makes his own sourdough bread, perhaps he can enlighten us on the difference between his sourdough bread and the ones from bakers? What about the difference with white breads?


Jul 8, 2016
I lied, this time I hadn't used a sourdough bread, but the airy inside (no crust) of an organic white bread. I said I had experimented with a sourdough bread before but I'm now suspicious most bakers and supermarkets make proper sourdough bread, the process takes time. If I remember correctly @schultz makes his own sourdough bread, perhaps he can enlighten us on the difference between his sourdough bread and the ones from bakers? What about the difference with white breads?

Normal bread makes me feel unwell if I overdo it. Sourdough from a proper baker I have none of the same issues with. It is like eating a different food. Sourdough bread from the supermarket has been rushed and not allowed to develop as much, in my experience, they are probably as much trash as regular bread, the ones near me also used flour treatment agents etc.

Find a good baker, ask them about how they make their sourdough bread. When you cut into the bread it should be full of big holes, I believe this shows it has been allowed to rise for long time. The supermarket breads I don't remember have many holes, the one from the bakery has great big craters inside sometimes, which makes me feel like I'm getting less for my money! They are expensive from the baker, but I only eat a couple of slices with breakfast, I don't overdo it .


Oct 15, 2016
OK thanks. I'd want to bathe myself in it to get my carbs for breakfast though, I'll try to find a good one, the one from the supermarket was quite airy but I doubt it's enough to be confident in it. Btw what does breakfast look like for you given that the amount of bread you eat is small?


Jul 8, 2016
OK thanks. I'd want to bathe myself in it to get my carbs for breakfast though, I'll try to find a good one, the one from the supermarket was quite airy but I doubt it's enough to be confident in it. Btw what does breakfast look like for you given that the amount of bread you eat is small?

I have about 75g approximately of sourdough bread which is one thick slice or two decent slices depending on how good I was with the knife earlier. This is still not far from 50g carbs. My breakfast usually looks like sourdough bread, decaf coffee very milky, glass of orange juice, 2 egg yolk omelette, sometimes with feta cheese sometimes not, with veg I have cooked earlier and stored in fridge, mushrooms, onions, courgette etc all fried in butter. Sometimes if I feel like I'm not satisfied I'll have some Greek yoghurt with fruit I have cooked earlier and refrigerated reheated in the microwave.


Forum Supporter
Mar 26, 2016
Personally I feel that wheat, particularly whole wheat, is one of the worst foods for promoting endotoxin. Very negative impact on digestion. It makes it harder to digest milk and gives me symptoms of lactose intolerance, which I don't have. I feel much better without whole grains, but I still indulge in occasional freshly baked organic sourdough and rye to no ill effect.
Agreed mate.


Mar 15, 2014
Personally I feel that wheat, particularly whole wheat, is one of the worst foods for promoting endotoxin.

It's so insidious too. It's not like carageenan, where the effects are immediately observable in your next stool. Or PUFA take-out, where you feel that initial "turbo" mode right after eating.

It's delayed onset and very subtle for me, it almost feels like you're just having a bad day, and you don't start feeling it until hours after ingestion (and the effect stays for days).


Apr 20, 2017
There does seem to be something off about wheat, at least most of the stuff available. The most promising conjecture I've seen is that it has to do with the crazy breeding program a few decades ago to create the modern strain of dwarf wheat that is in everything. Allegedly the "old" strains of wheat like Einkorn do not exhibit the same effects on people. Might be something worth looking into.
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
The Romans used this wheat to feed to their soldiers, or denied them it as punishment. Probably coz it is so addictive form of grass.
But now a days it is weaponized and a leading cause for diabetics and systemic inflammation in chronic diseases and slows down the brain to impede learning.
"Give us our daily bread" used to mean not bread but MEAT.

edit: oh and btw, in case of bad reaction to wheat, the body will react to other types of grains too, therefore one needs to quit ALL freakin grains for like a year so the immune system can adapt back.


Sep 8, 2019
Personally I feel that wheat, particularly whole wheat, is one of the worst foods for promoting endotoxin. Very negative impact on digestion. It makes it harder to digest milk and gives me symptoms of lactose intolerance, which I don't have. I feel much better without whole grains, but I still indulge in occasional freshly baked organic sourdough and rye to no ill effect.
Very interesting you say that. I've heard that the gluten damages the villi (I definitely agree-personal experience) and this will greatly reduce general absorption of nutrients from food - but this also reduces the ability of the villi to produce the lactase enzyme.
Stopping gluten allows the villi to heal and regenerate, increasing its function... Allowing dairy to be digested well again. Interesting right.

It's crazy how much better you feel without gluten when you've stopped it for a while. Especially those who have a massive internal immune attack to it (me)

But you'll know for sure when you've accidentally consumed some...
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