Fluoride to be added to all UK Tap Water


Jun 22, 2021
After announcing that folic acid will be added to all white flour the other day, now the government are announcing that fluoride is to be added to the entire UK tap water supply. It is already added in certain areas, but I have been able to avoid it where I live. The government continues to poison us more and more every day...

Fluoride will be added to UK drinking water to cut tooth decay

Fluoride will be added to UK drinking water to cut tooth decay​

Chief medical officers cite estimates that more mineral in water would reduce cavities by 28% among poorest children
Woman filling a glass of water from a stainless steel or chrome tap

Tooth decay is the biggest cause of hospitalisation for UK children aged from five to nine. Photograph: Michael Heim/Alamy

Nadeem Badshah
Thu 23 Sep 2021 21.49 BST

Fluoride is expected to be added to drinking water across the country after Britain’s chief medical officers concluded that the mineral would cut tooth decay.
Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, and his counterparts in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland cited estimates by Public Health England that adding more fluoride to water supplies would reduce cavities by 17% among the richest children and 28% among the poorest.

They also dismissed safety concerns saying there is no evidence that ionised form of the element fluorine causes cancer and condemned “exaggerated and unevidenced” suggestions about health risks.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists HQ

Fluoride is found in low levels in water and is known to protect teeth.
In an evidence review published on Thursday, the medical officers concluded: “As with all things in medicine and public health there is a balance of risk and benefit. There is unquestionably an issue with tooth decay in the UK and an entrenched inequality which needs to be addressed. Fluoridation of water can reduce this common problem.
“On balance, there is strong scientific evidence that water fluoridation is an effective public health intervention for reducing the prevalence of tooth decay and improving dental health equality across the UK. It should be seen as a complementary strategy, not a substitute for other effective methods of increasing fluoride use.”
Tooth decay is the biggest cause of hospitalisation for children aged from five to nine. In the 2019 school year, 23.4% of five-year-olds in England and 26.5% of four- to five-year-olds in Scotland had experienced damage to their teeth.
Local authorities are now responsible for deciding whether to add fluoride to local water supplies.
The health bill going before MPs will give Sajid Javid, the health secretary, the power to order fluoridation across the country. However, any move towards centralisation is not expected soon.
Javid tweeted a link to the chief medical officer’s conclusions and wrote: “Good to see UK CMOs examining how water fluoridation can improve oral health & prevent tooth decay which disproportionately affects more deprived groups. Reinforces why our health and care bill will make it simpler to expand water fluoridation schemes.”
In England, only 5.8 million people drink water with fluoride, some of which occurs naturally. It is more common in other countries including the United States, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Spain, South Korea and New Zealand.
The World Health Organization recommends a safe limit of about twice the levels that fluoridation schemes are likely to set. Whitty and his colleagues said that levels must be “closely monitored” by drinking water inspectors.
The British Dental Association (BDA) welcomed the statement from the four UK chief medical officers. Eddie Crouch, the BDA chair, said: “Every dentist will thank the CMOs for recognising the lasting benefits water fluoridation could bring to the nation’s oral health.
“However, these gains are purely theoretical without upfront investment. Spending here will pay for itself, and ministers need to show they are willing to seize the moment. We need a joined-up approach. Covid has left millions unable to access care, and deep inequalities are now set to widen.”
The Oral Health Foundation said it fully supports the statement from the UK chief medical officers on the effectiveness of fluoridated water and how beneficial it can be in reducing tooth decay.
The argument over whether the mineral should be added to water supplies has been long running. In 2014, Public Health England urged councils in England to add fluoride to improve dental health.
In Australia, dentists and doctors in Queensland reported “extensive tooth decay” in 2019 in parts of the state that refuse to add fluoride to the water supply, especially among children and elderly people.
Indigenous children, many of whom live in communities without fluoride, had a 70% rate of tooth decay. The rate was 55% among all Queensland children aged between five and 15.
In 2016, Australia’s chief health and medical research agency said adding the mineral to drinking water does not lower a person’s IQ, cause cancer or cause any other negative health effects after analysing more than 3,000 studies.


Oct 22, 2019
Shouldn’t it be another human “right” that one of our life sustaining substances, water, not be adulterated by the current trends of “science”? There should be no “risk/benefit” analysis of a government intervention into changing the chemical makeup of our water supply — don’t ADD any risk to a substance that is essential in its untainted form, a substance that has served people quite well for our entire existence, as-is… And a substance that no one can opt out of ingesting! Disgusting arrogance and stupidity of modern science and of government.

My water supply is tainted with fluoride, chlorine, pharmaceuticals among other things. The cost of this is passed on to me, bc now I must either buy an expensive filter or buy bottled water. I’d never heard of folic acid being added to flour, but once again another expense that the average citizen will have to work around, just to get access to unadulterated food.

Tooth decay is down to diet, NOT fluoride.


Mar 30, 2020
Whilst I agree that this is a travesty, (funny how it's Chris Whitty again...! Where does he find the time?) the Thames already has significant fluoride deposits, so those living in London would have had this issue already. I can't see any reasonable justification for additional fluoride being added, however, and their statement that there are no known health risks is insane.

Probably of equal or greater concern is an extremely old plumbing system which extensively employs lead pipes - the block I live in was constructed as late as the 70s and uses only lead, for instance. I suppose it's time we all redouble our efforts to find good filtration methods...


Jun 22, 2021
My water supply is tainted with fluoride, chlorine, pharmaceuticals among other things. The cost of this is passed on to me, bc now I must either buy an expensive filter or buy bottled water. I’d never heard of folic acid being added to flour, but once again another expense that the average citizen will have to work around, just to get access to unadulterated food.
Yep, we have to jump through more and more hoops every day just to get access to clean food and water. It gets exhausting.
Whilst I agree that this is a travesty, (funny how it's Chris Whitty again...! Where does he find the time?) the Thames already has significant fluoride deposits, so those living in London would have had this issue already. I can't see any reasonable justification for additional fluoride being added, however, and their statement that there are no known health risks is insane.
Chris Whitty seems to be essentially running the government at the moment and sees us all as his test subjects. He is getting into bond villain territory.


Oct 19, 2019
The madness really does know no bounds. People like Whitty are looking more and more psychotic by the week.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Shouldn’t it be another human “right” that one of our life sustaining substances, water, not be adulterated by the current trends of “science”? There should be no “risk/benefit” analysis of a government intervention into changing the chemical makeup of our water supply — don’t ADD any risk to a substance that is essential in its untainted form, a substance that has served people quite well for our entire existence, as-is… And a substance that no one can opt out of ingesting! Disgusting arrogance and stupidity of modern science and of government.

My water supply is tainted with fluoride, chlorine, pharmaceuticals among other things. The cost of this is passed on to me, bc now I must either buy an expensive filter or buy bottled water. I’d never heard of folic acid being added to flour, but once again another expense that the average citizen will have to work around, just to get access to unadulterated food.

Tooth decay is down to diet, NOT fluoride.
iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid are added to much flour in the US

water shouldnt be adulterated true but even without fluoride it has to be purified which involves toxic substances like chlorine... botled waters are UV purified, but maybe its too expensive for the tap water sources... you basically cant get safe water unless its certain spring waters and those are probably still more toxic compared to just using milk, organic OJ organic coconut water for water sources


Mar 30, 2020
There's a lot going on in our water

How would one even begin to filter graphene from water? Would distillation be sufficient? EDIT: perhaps this would require much more care than I first thought...

iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid are added to much flour in the US

water shouldnt be adulterated true but even without fluoride it has to be purified which involves toxic substances like chlorine... botled waters are UV purified, but maybe its too expensive for the tap water sources... you basically cant get safe water unless its certain spring waters and those are probably still more toxic compared to just using milk, organic OJ organic coconut water for water sources

I presume store-bought orange juice is also contaminated if tap water at large is an issue. The others might not be as bad. What would we use for coffee in these circumstances?


How would one even begin to filter graphene from water? Would distillation be sufficient? EDIT: perhaps this would require much more care than I first thought...

I presume store-bought orange juice is also contaminated if tap water at large is an issue. The others might not be as bad. What would we use for coffee in these circumstances?
I am not even going to bother with trying to filter tap water. It's going to be impossible for most house holds. I think I am now coming round to the idea that prayer might be my only option. Sorry I am feeling the squeeze today.


Mar 30, 2020
I am not even going to bother with trying to filter tap water. It's going to be impossible for most house holds. I think I am now coming round to the idea that prayer might be my only option. Sorry I am feeling the squeeze today.

I sympathise entirely, it's looking really grim for us in the UK now - I have no idea what to do either. Please don't lose hope, though! I think many people here are comforted by your contributions, that must count for something.

I'm sure Ray would say something like most of our fluids should come from food, milk, orange juice, rather than water itself - the main concerns would be things like bathing, coffee, water for use in bone broth. We must oppose it however we can, but if it happens, there must be a way around it - collecting and purifying rain water, perhaps?


I sympathise entirely, it's looking really grim for us in the UK now - I have no idea what to do either. Please don't lose hope, though! I think many people here are comforted by your contributions, that must count for something.

I'm sure Ray would say something like most of our fluids should come from food, milk, orange juice, rather than water itself - the main concerns would be things like bathing, coffee, water for use in bone broth. We must oppose it however we can, but if it happens, there must be a way around it - collecting and purifying rain water, perhaps?
Thank you. I like the fact that you are thinking seriously about this. A solution will be found in time.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I sympathise entirely, it's looking really grim for us in the UK now - I have no idea what to do either. Please don't lose hope, though! I think many people here are comforted by your contributions, that must count for something.

I'm sure Ray would say something like most of our fluids should come from food, milk, orange juice, rather than water itself - the main concerns would be things like bathing, coffee, water for use in bone broth. We must oppose it however we can, but if it happens, there must be a way around it - collecting and purifying rain water, perhaps?
bathing shouldnt be an issue, not much if any will be absorbed

coffee can just not be consumed just use caffeine pills, i dont think coffee is necessary

the orange juice if its not from concentrate, is just juice squeezed from oranges. theres no tap water used there?
the orange trees and cows may be fed with tap water but otherwise, much safer than using actual tap water right

coconut water is a good use for coffee
bone broth, just dont eat it, the bones are toxic anyways unless its a very strictly raised super clean, 100% grass fed cow


Mar 30, 2020
Thank you. I like the fact that you are thinking seriously about this. A solution will be found in time.

I hope so! It's quite difficult to search for - I imagine any solution would be quite energy-intensive, but there ought to be something out there.

bathing shouldnt be an issue, not much if any will be absorbed

coffee can just not be consumed just use caffeine pills, i dont think coffee is necessary

the orange juice if its not from concentrate, is just juice squeezed from oranges. theres no tap water used there?
the orange trees and cows may be fed with tap water but otherwise, much safer than using actual tap water right

coconut water is a good use for coffee
bone broth, just dont eat it, the bones are toxic anyways unless its a very strictly raised super clean, 100% grass fed cow

Why do you think not much, if any, will be absorbed?

I personally very much like coffee and would be sad to see it go from my diet just for lack of trying, so I'll keep looking.

Store-bought orange juice almost always contains a little bit of tap water, there are precious few brands which do not use it. Yes, I suspect when it is made with concentrate that would be worse. Obviously pressing one's own is preferable.

Coconut water for coffee might be interesting - I'll have to give it a try. It is quite expensive, though.

Whilst you are correct in that certain toxins build up in the bones, a good oxtail soup/gelatinous bone broth is almost unrivaled as a staple for me, in fact it is what solved most of my issues with arthritis. The bones are not what one eats in that situation anyway, the idea is to try and extract as much gelatin from around the joint as possible - I am very careful in how I source my meat too, I get it very clean, 100% grass fed, usually the day it is slaughtered. I'm sorry, I can't accept "just dont eat it". I appreciate all your other input but I think just to ditch certain dietary staples because filtration might be more complicated than one likes is throwing the baby out with the proverbial bathwater.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I hope so! It's quite difficult to search for - I imagine any solution would be quite energy-intensive, but there ought to be something out there.

Why do you think not much, if any, will be absorbed?

I personally very much like coffee and would be sad to see it go from my diet just for lack of trying, so I'll keep looking.

Store-bought orange juice almost always contains a little bit of tap water, there are precious few brands which do not use it. Yes, I suspect when it is made with concentrate that would be worse. Obviously pressing one's own is preferable.

Coconut water for coffee might be interesting - I'll have to give it a try. It is quite expensive, though.

Whilst you are correct in that certain toxins build up in the bones, a good oxtail soup/gelatinous bone broth is almost unrivaled as a staple for me, in fact it is what solved most of my issues with arthritis. The bones are not what one eats in that situation anyway, the idea is to try and extract as much gelatin from around the joint as possible - I am very careful in how I source my meat too, I get it very clean, 100% grass fed, usually the day it is slaughtered. I'm sorry, I can't accept "just dont eat it". I appreciate all your other input but I think just to ditch certain dietary staples because filtration might be more complicated than one likes is throwing the baby out with the proverbial bathwater.
why does the store bought contain it, do you mean they add it in? or is it used as water for the orange trees themselves? if it says not from concentrate the juice has to be attained from squeezing the oranges themselves doesnt it? not from concentrate orange juice is squeezed from the oranges and then pasteurized
the orange juice being organic is probably the most important, more so than fresh squeezed, cold pressed etc

cant you eat great lakes gelatin if its just for gelatin
i thought people consume bone broth due the nutrients attained from the bone like the trace minerals, bone marrow etc. for gelatin you can eat the great lakes gelatin
for bones, you could get something like ancestral supplements living bone, since its from new zealand cows. its grinded up bones in capsule form.

yep, i never really liked coffee or bone broth so i havent had the need to find a real water source... there is mountain valley spring water, its expensive, and may still have some environmental toxins, i think its actually not filtered its just pure raw spring water?


Orange juice/coffee are good chelators according to Dr Peat. He mentions coffee again in the context of covid in the recent interview. Without coffee there is no hope!


Mar 30, 2020
why does the store bought contain it, do you mean they add it in? or is it used as water for the orange trees themselves? if it says not from concentrate the juice has to be attained from squeezing the oranges themselves doesnt it? not from concentrate orange juice is squeezed from the oranges and then pasteurized
the orange juice being organic is probably the most important, more so than fresh squeezed, cold pressed etc

cant you eat great lakes gelatin if its just for gelatin
i thought people consume bone broth due the nutrients attained from the bone like the trace minerals, bone marrow etc. for gelatin you can eat the great lakes gelatin
for bones, you could get something like ancestral supplements living bone, since its from new zealand cows. its grinded up bones in capsule form.

yep, i never really liked coffee or bone broth so i havent had the need to find a real water source... there is mountain valley spring water, its expensive, and may still have some environmental toxins, i think its actually not filtered its just pure raw spring water?

Yes, often tap water is just used to make up the rest of the bottle/carton/whatever. If a very good source can be found there is no reason to avoid it, but I have yet to find one myself. I prefer making my own.

I suppose yes, in the worst case I might be able to supplement it; but like I said a moment ago, it's a dietary staple for me - I rely on it for protein, calories, a favorable ratio of amino acids and trace minerals relative to tryptophan, and so forth. I assume some sources of powdered gelatin might be a reasonable substitute if all else fails but I don't very much like the idea of having a few spoonfuls of powder instead of a meal every day. I have heard, however, that Great Lakes gelatin's manufacture process is very different in the EU/UK than it is in the US, and perhaps even the process in the US has been compromised - do you know much about it? Have you seen any recent COAs or things like that? I'd be interested in case I do ever end up purchasing large amounts of it - at that point I suppose I'll do my own research, but since you are recommending it now could you share what you already know?

Surely ground up bones would be problematic if only on the grounds of your previous issue with bone broth in general? I probably wouldn't ever bother with these, although I appreciate the recommendation.


Mar 26, 2014
This is a f** joke.

I know it's all theatre but who would take health advice from Whitty?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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