Finally Cured From Post Finasteride Syndrome


Aug 12, 2020
Interesting, somebody messaged me in the comment section of a pfs youtube video that he recovered with a 7 day water fast.


Have seen more people talk about fasting and it being a (small?) part of their recovery but this new recovery seems to be completely because of fasting, asked him some more questions, hope he'll answer.


Nov 19, 2020
Interesting, somebody messaged me in the comment section of a pfs youtube video that he recovered with a 7 day water fast.


Have seen more people talk about fasting and it being a (small?) part of their recovery but this new recovery seems to be completely because of fasting, asked him some more questions, hope he'll answer.
Interesting. I'm highly skeptical though, how can we recover from such severe disturbances with just one water fast..


Aug 12, 2020
Interesting. I'm highly skeptical though, how can we recover from such severe disturbances with just one water fast..
Could be it cleanses the gut (check the guy who made a pfs recovery video some pages back with fmt/iodine), autophagy,.... Seem to be many benefits. I asked him for details.

And dry fasting is even more efficient it seems, good read: The advantages of dry fasting compared to water fasting

But I do agree and don't think fasting will cure most of us, Also seen many guys try it on the hackstasis forum but doesn't really help...

That said, it's still worth a try and doesn't cost us anything lol.


Mar 22, 2022
No and don't think I'd be able to. Don't see that as a solution
I wouldn't rule it out. There's plenty of SSRI cases where the gut is severely disrupted. But produce no visible gastro like symptoms. I would prefer and stress through a 7 day (juice/water) fast, before I start a hormonal/pharmaceutical approach.


Aug 12, 2020
New Kikel vid talking about Etifoxine.

Seems to help with the nervous system and interesting part is he mentions it could help with our brain to genitals connection that many PFS victims experience, some sort of disconnect between brain and penis. Hard to describe but if you have PFS you probably know what I'm talking about...

Also intersting he mentions it could help with people going off benzo's (like xanax, etc)

"Etifoxine acts as a GABAA receptor positive allosteric modulator and as a ligand for translocator proteins. Both mechanisms are conjectured to contribute to its anxiolytic properties."



New Member
Jan 27, 2024
Hi everyone,

New member here. PFS sufferer for 13 years. Started feeling side effects of Fin in 2010. Continued taking the poison as I did not know it was the culprit. Stopped cold turkey and crashed. Took Fin for 7 years in total.

I have been treated by Dr. Irwin Goldstein. His protocol helped with symptoms but I started ti get side effects so I stopped. I’ve tried different combinations of medications and supplements to help with symptoms. I took Wellbutrin for a couple of years as well to help with mental side effects. I eventually gave up, stopped reading forums and decided to accept my reality and live the best life I possibly could.

Recently I came across the Allopreganolone findings and decided to order Allo P. I took 5 drops orally at night, every other night. I experienced increased libido and the mental side effects all dissipated. I felt like my old self again - calm, relaxed, witty, sociable, deep sleep, I had my sense of humour back, facial bloating went away (I looked more attractive), etc..

I have been taking Allo P for about two weeks but the effects are started to change. Sleep quality is declining the mental gains seem to dissipating. I don’t feel as relaxed. I think the bloating is coming back, don’t feel as sociable, etc..

I was wondering if anyone had any insights or suggestions. In some ways it’s torturous to experience a glimpse of your old self only to lose it again.


Sep 20, 2023
Hi everyone,

New member here. PFS sufferer for 13 years. Started feeling side effects of Fin in 2010. Continued taking the poison as I did not know it was the culprit. Stopped cold turkey and crashed. Took Fin for 7 years in total.

I have been treated by Dr. Irwin Goldstein. His protocol helped with symptoms but I started ti get side effects so I stopped. I’ve tried different combinations of medications and supplements to help with symptoms. I took Wellbutrin for a couple of years as well to help with mental side effects. I eventually gave up, stopped reading forums and decided to accept my reality and live the best life I possibly could.

Recently I came across the Allopreganolone findings and decided to order Allo P. I took 5 drops orally at night, every other night. I experienced increased libido and the mental side effects all dissipated. I felt like my old self again - calm, relaxed, witty, sociable, deep sleep, I had my sense of humour back, facial bloating went away (I looked more attractive), etc..

I have been taking Allo P for about two weeks but the effects are started to change. Sleep quality is declining the mental gains seem to dissipating. I don’t feel as relaxed. I think the bloating is coming back, don’t feel as sociable, etc..

I was wondering if anyone had any insights or suggestions. In some ways it’s torturous to experience a glimpse of your old self only to lose it again.
I have PFS (60 years of age) and have been taking 1 drop of androsterone and 1 drop of allop, under the tongue each morning, and each evening, for about a month.
I have slowly been feeling somewhat better, but I cannot attribute this for sure to andro and allop.

I looked and looked on this forum, and asked, what the physiologic dose of allop is.
No answer.

So I have no clue what the physiologic dose of allop is, so I am going the low dose route, to be safe.

I started 8 drops under the tongue of gonadin about a week ago.
No negative effect that I can see.

Slow improvement in mood, and very, very slow improvement in sleep.

In case it helps...


Sep 8, 2017
I had PFS for over 15 years (I don't really remember how long) and have been cured of it for years now. When I say cured I mean I can eat whatever I want and do whatever I want and I don't relapse and I don't have to take a pill or do anything. I have no symptoms whatsoever and the back of my head has been losing hair. I have posted my cure on the propecia help boards of which I was a member of for years and they took it down and put it in my own profile. So they didn't delete it, they moved it to where nobody is realistically going to find it, which is an awful thing to do in my opinion.

PFS foundation studies have proven that PFS changes the gut microbiome, and every person I have seen who has PFS and has taken a stool test has a messed up microbiome. The cure for me was taking a very high dose of iodine to sterilize the gut, and then doing a fecal transplant. I did a stool test before I did the treatment and saw I had an awful microbiome, the worst my doctor had ever seen. Over a year after the transplant my I ran another stool test and it was perfect.

Maybe someone can use what I did to find a more viable cure since what I did is extreme, and borderline dangerous.

I hope that helps someone.


Aug 12, 2020
New interesting post from Kikel about Lithium and Sorghum

Seems to have recovered a couple of PAS people with those two compounds. Lithium is especially interesting imo, since it's an hdaci (like vpa)

Also interesting article about lithium: Lithium: A metal for mental health



@brongfogboy I posted your video a couple of pages back. Even Russo talked about your recovery in his video, he said he did notice some improvements from a FMT but it wasn't enough.
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Oct 28, 2019
I was just reading about acetyl-CoA for other reasons and came across this which I thought might be of interest here.

This study was looking at the use of AR inhibitors in prostate cancer and they found that acetyl-CoA diminished their effectiveness by increasing AR transcription.

The substrate of Acetyl-COA is COA and the substrate of that is Pantothenic Acid.

In signaling, acetyl-CoA serves as the acetyl donor for acetylation, a critical post-translational modification. Acetylation affects the androgen receptor (AR) both directly and indirectly increasing expression of AR dependent genes. Our studies reveal that PC cells respond to the treatment with ARSI by increasing expression of ATP-citrate lyase (ACLY), a major enzyme responsible for cytosolic acetyl-CoA synthesis, and up-regulation of acetyl-CoA intracellular levels. Inhibition of ACLY results in a significant suppression of ligand-dependent and -independent routes of AR activation. Accordingly, the addition of exogenous acetyl-CoA, or its precursor acetate, augments AR transcriptional activity and diminishes the anti-AR activity of ARSI.


Aug 12, 2020
Jasper talking about his recovery with Russo:

Seems he did almost the exact same protocol as Russo but unclear how much exactly and how long they took all these compounds.

So DHB > VPA (4 months titrating up and down) > DHB then adding Livagen and PEA > high doses of HCG and FSH/HMG (?) Think it went like this watching the video but not sure.
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Aug 12, 2020
And another recovery from Kikel of a PFS patient who had PFS for 12 years...

Seems Testosterone, DHB, HCG, DHT cream, Carnitine and Boron were the important things that recovered him.


Aug 12, 2020
Another recovery from PFS thanks to HCG in the comments under Russo's newest vid.

YouTube watch?v=v4RxgA9TgEM&lc=Ugw64QEpzH26Gmn_pDl4AaABAg.A-DIQygvMPMA-ERsEoZagQ

"I’ve known many people to come back form it on their own years ago over the last 10 years! I brought myself back from it just form using HCG and over time. It just took time and getting your Neuro steroids and sex steroids back up. Also ProBiotics and Fermented foods. Really just transforming your health to a healthy lifestyle. But you need HCG/HMG. Luckily bodybuilders have been taking that for decades and TRT clinics have Ben giving it out so it’s not unknown."


Aug 12, 2020
Jasper talking about his recovery with Russo:

Seems he did almost the exact same protocol as Russo but unclear how much exactly and how long they took all these compounds.

So DHB > VPA (4 months titrating up and down) > DHB then adding Livagen and PEA > high doses of HCG and FSH/HMG (?) Think it went like this watching the video but not sure.

Someone posted a good summary in the comments:

"In summary what i get from all the Videos and comments, Ryans Protocol must have been something like this:

-VPA, Sodium Valproate ER (1500mg to 2000mg daily, depending on your weight, tolerance etc)
-DHB (200 to 800 mg DAILY, depending on your weight, BMI etc.)
-HCG (1500 EOD, Leo mentioned that in the voice message)
-rFSH (75mg, EOD, Leo mentioned that in the voice message)
-DHT Cream (on your ****, normal amount is 1ml in the morning and 1 ml in the evening)
-TUDCA (1 to 2 pills ED, for Liver toxicity)
-Sodium Butyrate (Leo mentions 3g daily, but i think its too much)

When you feel the dopamine reaching the gaba level, feeling your oldself again, see improvements you can come off the Sodium Valproate (taper off/cold turkey) this will happen around 2 to 4 months in the protocol.

Get off from Sodium Butyrate as well. Keep the rest in.

Wait for the re-crash and keep the DHB in for around 2 more weeks.

Start adding half a bottle (30 to 40 capsules) of PEA to increase allopernenalone and preventation of another crash.

Take more HCG, HMG and rFSH (Vials, depending on your feeling). Take livagen. (! they only started HCG and HMG/rFSH after stopping VPA and DHB, confirmed by Jasper)

During all this time go to the gym and lift weights and avoid cardio because of cardiac events."

Another good post in the comments of the other vid regarding the protocol:

"Heres a "TLDW" & an accumulation of supplements I put together from this video, Ryan's playlist, Alex Kikels Instagram lectures, and several other sources to aid in my own journey but I thought I would post it here in hopes it gives anyone else some ideas. Note, this is not an exact protocol (As in "Do all this and you're fixed") but several vectors to look into and some supplement suggestions which may ameliorate dysfunction. I hope the formatting is presentable. All best to everyone on their journey.

Epigenetic Change

*Sodium Valproate XR: 125mg - 1000mg, Twice Daily Initial dose upon rising, second dose exactly 12 hours later. There are two methods to this compound. As Leo suggests you may work your way up to a total daily dose of 2000mg in steps of 250mg following 7 days without stomach discomfort. This is to drive epigenetic change through HDAC inhibition. You keep this compound in the protocol for up to 4 months or until you feel like your old self. Kikel suggests an alternative method of use. You keep Valproate at a lose dose, < 500mg daily to drive ionic and neurochemical improvement and pair with a low dose Livagen to drive chromatic and epigenetic change.
*Livagen: 100mcg - 200mcg, Daily before bed

Androgen Receptor Dysfunction

*Dihydroboldenone Cypionate/DHB: 300mg - 800mg, Daily Ryan mentions he takes 300mg - 800mg daily. That is at least 2100mg per week of DHB. Scale this dose with your own muscularity, weight, and Androgen Receptor expression.
*Injectable L-Carnitine: 500mg - 1000mg, Daily Carnitine upregulates Androgen Receptor density and supports binding affinity and constant, aiding the DHB in overwhelming the Androgen Receptor. You may also add 6mg - 12mg of Boron Citrate, to free up more circulating androgens.

5a-reductase & Neurosteroid Dysfunction

*Micronized Pregnenolone: 5mg - 10mg, Sublingual Daily Background dose of micronized pregnenolone to potentiate all pregnenolone neurological cascades.
*Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA): 400mg - 2000mg, Twice Daily PEA drives interactions with Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) & Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme through the PPAR-a receptor to drive downstream Allo-pregnenolone and acetylcholine recycling in the spinal cord. If you’re not seeing results in 5 days, increase the dose by 400mg. If you reach 4000mg total per day with no change, this might not be your problem.
*Sorghum: 30ml Said to upregulate 5a-reductase enzyme expression. 30ml generalized from Alex Kikels suggestion of 2 tablespoons

Hormone Support & Acetylcholine Recycling

*hCG: 1000iu - 2500iu, Every Other Day
*rFSH, else hMG: 75iu, Every Other Day
*Aromatase Inhibitor: Titrate your AI with your hCG dose to maintain and E2 of roughly 15pg/ml (55pmol/L)
*Levothyroxine: 100mcg, Daily Note, high levels of hCG may have a direct thyrotropic effect which could be ameliorated with T4. This is mainly a long term concern and likely not necessary, but something to know.
*Andractim 2.5%: 5mg If you have suffered with penile shrinkage or change, apply directly to the penis before bed. Combined with the growth factors and androgens, adding tadalafil would contribute to an effective P.E stack. Do not permanently masculinise/virilize your partner with this compound!

Growth Factors

*GH: 3iu, PM Daily
*CJC with DAC: 1mg - 2mg, Once or Twice Weekly
*Ibutamoren: 20mg - 30mg, Daily
Use a dose of Growth Hormone which is beyond replacement in a single bolus before sleep to mimic your body's natural GH circadian. Naturally your body produces Growth Hormones in five different molecular weights, each thought to act slightly differently. Replacement with rHGH replaces all five with only a single type of hGH. Adding both CJC with DAC and Ibutamoren combines a GHRH receptor agonist with a Ghrelin receptor agonist, maintaining natural production of all 5 growth hormones from multiple vectors. This is probably not necessary but again, something to know.
*Tiger Milk: Dose TBD Donates raw nerve growth factor.

Dopaminergic Dysfunction (I did not look into this beyond a few slides on Kikels Instagram)

*9-Me-BC: 10mg - 30mg
*Vitamin B6 P5P: 50mg - 150mg, Twice Daily
*CDP Choline: 250mg - 1000mg, Daily"
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Aug 12, 2020
Found this interesting forum about people with the infamous "deca ****", they experience the exact same symptoms as us with PFS, PSSD, etc.

This guy really had great results from HCG, also TRT seems to work after his HCG cycle, did multiple low duration (3 weeks) of higher dose HCG (7500IU/week) cycles.

"Big improvements from the use of high dose HCG, majority of symptoms have resolved, libido is the main issue I still struggle with."

"TRT is something that never worked for me in the past but whatever the HCG did has helped in that aspect."

question someone asked: "did you suffer from this soft gland/ head of penis not filling with blood until you did high dose HCG?"

"Yes mate, it was never filled but the HCG completely rectified that, it was one of the first improvements I noticed when taking the HCG."****/33
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