Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia...



Nov 23, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Thanks Charlie and birdie, for the nice comments about the videos. I'm often wrong, and I'm not a doctor, so I'm painfully aware of the 'duffness' of the information I often give out. I do my best through the brain fog. Mostly, the videos are just for me as a diary of what happened, so I can go back and figure out what was working and what wasn't and hopefully, if I'm lucky, why.

My thyroid supplement is from Natural Sources and is pure bovine glandular. I'm so new to this I really don't know what I'm doing with regard to my thyroid. I'm of the try anything school of thought, so having some odd symptoms doesn't trouble me too much. I am my own experiment! Having said that, I have reduced the dose from one whole pill in split doses (one pill is a whopping 390mg) to more like a quarter pill per day. Two reasons, one is I did get kind of a pounding heart in bed at night, and I already have a rapid pulse, though high normal blood pressure. I think the rapid pulse is due to high levels of inflammation rather than being hyperthyroid.

The other reasoni dropped the dose is because I emailed Ray Peat and he sent me a couple of wonderful replies (what a great guy). Basially he said that the dose will build up over the course of a couple of weeks in its effect, so that dose may be too high for me. Could that be what happened to you Charlie?

I'll post up his replies if anyone's interested, but they're on a different PC downstairs at the moment.

I also asked him about how to increase my cholesterol levels, and selenium figured prominently in his reply. Fascinating stuff as always.

Anyhoo, I am currently laid low with a flu type bug. I probably succumbed because of the huge steroid drop. I dropped from 8mg to nothing, and then went back up to 1mg his week. I'm contemplating returning back to a higher dose, maybe 2 or 3 mg... Not sure at the moment, but as soon as my estrogen starts rising again, I will be in arthritis flare hell.

Kids jumping all over bed... Must go... Thanks for the support guys... Much appreciated.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Oh yeh, my dose was definitely too much. I have now since started over and am doing an 1/8th a pill twice a day and will move up from there. Gotta start slow, or suffer the consequences like I did.

In Ray Peats newsletters. He often says, "a little thyroid". So yeh, I get it now. One guy on one of the other thyroid boards said most people, not some, not half, MOST, take too much thyroid. If you got a good thyroid supp, which, I believe I have a good one, you only need small amounts of it to do the job. So small, its hard to cut the pill that small. :lol:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Oh and YES I would love to see his replies if possible.


Nov 30, 2012
Re: Progesterone

j. said:
Spacehoppa said:
I also love salmon and am a bit gutted this isn't on the list.

Salmon might have high PUFA. However, I read Ray saying something like, if you're in a social situation and salmon is served, it could be best to enjoy it boldly. He meant that one shouldn't be 100% strict in all situations. Having some good vitamin E might mitigate the effects of PUFAs in salmon.

I liked salmon too, but once I made it my mission to stop consuming PUFAs, because I saw how doing that worked for my own body, I very easily stopped thinking about it.

I ate salmon almost daily in the 2000s. My perimenopause symptoms began in my late 20s likely due to dieting but got much worse after I started eating salmon; about a year and half in to the daily salmon thing I stopped sleeping. I think this fish oil and omega-3 thing is pure insanity personally. And in my case, I never really liked salmon that much.

I hope you feel better. :)


Aug 10, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

I was just reading the thread again. Spacehoppa never got an answer to her question about thyroid dose, but here is something peatarian said earlier that might help:

Try to keep your blood sugar constant by eating small meals throughout the day and use sugar and protein. Some of the symptoms are (of course) connected to low thyroid. Estrogen suppresses the thyroid gland. Use refined coconut oil, some table spoons a day. But in the long run - get thyroid pills. I like NDT thiroyd. Your fatigue, heart murmur and bowel problems will disappear within weeks.

So, I was thinking that you could look up NDT Thiroyd to see what the dose is on the capsules. Then, you will have an idea of what peatarian might advise for a beginning dose.

But, you've certainly figured it out by now since it's been 2 months. Sure miss peatarian and wish she were back. Hope she is well.


Nov 23, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Thanks Birdie, sorry, I only just saw this reply now... yes, I miss Peatarian too. She really gave me a kick start and the confidence in myself to go full throttle with the progesterone, which has really paid off by the way. I'm fairly confident that I'm not hypothyroid (normal blood test results, good pulse and temps), but this is since I've been eating in a more Peatian way, so I don't think I need the NDT or the T3 as it turns out. Before my diet change i had a very rapid pulse, slightly lower temps and all the other bloody frightens symptoms that I've listed previously. So I've made huge strides since finding all this new info.

I no longer twitch involuntarily, although I still feel trembly at times and I do still have the massive arthritis flare and energy drop days 7-10ish of my cycle. I feel calm, relaxed and happy. My energy is much more consistent. I am fairly flying through my periods now, whereas before they were pretty miserable and very low energy. Unless I'm having an estrogen spike, I feel fairly warm and have better (still not what you'd call wonderful) energy. I also discovered something called DAOsin, which is a histamine dissolving enzyme, and I actually think this helps me to not overreact to foods, (although I've been banned from using it by Josh Rubin, who I'm consulting with about diet).

My inflamed pancreas, or bile duct or whatever it is is slowly improving but does flare up when estrogen spikes. My arthritis is a ***t load better, and I've gone from ibuprofen 4 times per day to just once, in the morning. My digestion is much improved, this I attribute to the progesterone, the fact that my inflammation levels are subsiding, bone broth and daily carrot. Also eating protein, carb and fat at every meal is doing me good I think.

I am a happy bunny and hope to keep improving. I'm also using a frolov type device to increase my CO2 levels and sleeping on a grounding mat, for what it's worth. I'm still not quite well enough to resume dog walking duties yet, but I'm getting there. I'm just praying for good weather now really. I am so over winter. Consulting with Josh Rubin is great, but he is a total tyrant! Still, I guess it's working, so I shouldn't grumble. Hope everyone is well. I need to catch up with the threads I've missed.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Ruth, that is so awesome to hear about your progress! :rockout


Aug 10, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Thanks, spacehoppa, for that encouraging update!

Peat himself is so gentle with people but never deviates from what he thinks is right to recommend!

I am fighting the estrogen dominance too. And have FM but not RA. So I keep up the protein, fruit and fat at each eating same as you. Carrot salad every day. Etc. I use aspirin, niacinamide, B1, eggshell calcium, 50mg pregnenolone (100 for a year), progesterone... I've used Armour for almost 20 years and continue that with some T3. Broth, jello, milk, oj, rinsed cottage cheese, coffee, tea, fruit... I'm very low starch. Some days zero.

I'm glad you're not twitching. Come to think of it, my eye has stopped twitching. I'm off to take THE bath now... :)


Aug 10, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Beef and bones, calves' livers belong above too. It wasn't a complete list at all but leaving out all meat could be miss leading.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Recent update from Ruth. She is reporting that all her symptoms are improving and even some of them completely gone. Wow!! That's an incredible change from where she began this Peat journey! She has complete turned her healthy around for the better.

[BBvideo 560,340:9ja7lnyg][/BBvideo]


May 7, 2013
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Wow that is awesome to hear! Are there any more updates? I'm curious to hear how things work out.

Btw, there seems to be some kind of problem with displaying the video. Phpbb error?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Gabriel said:
Wow that is awesome to hear! Are there any more updates? I'm curious to hear how things work out.

Btw, there seems to be some kind of problem with displaying the video. Phpbb error?

Checking on the error, thank you for bringing that up!

Here is a direct link:


Aug 10, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Gabriel said:
Wow that is awesome to hear! Are there any more updates? I'm curious to hear how things work out.

Btw, there seems to be some kind of problem with displaying the video. Phpbb error?
I agree with Gabriel and would like to hear more, also.
And couldn't get the video.

I've also been dealing with estrogen dominance and fibromyalgia. About 3 weeks ago, I decided to start phasing the progesterone, taking 5 days or a week off each month. I did stop but for longer. Maybe 2 weeks. An experiment. Now, I am returning to a lower dose rather than resuming the larger amounts. Phasing back in. I did notice a symptom return which I don't want to explain in a public forum, but that was interesting. I really do much better using the progesterone. I still may take off a few days a month, but won't go for 2 weeks again.

Hope spacehoppa is doing well. Somehow I lost track of the forum. When I was away I depended on my i Pad. One day, I was asked for my password for this site. No idea which one I use!! Back home on my laptop it comes up automatically. Anyway, if anyone wondered what happened to me....


Aug 10, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Charlie, Yours must have posted while I typed. Thanks. Will try your link.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

Birdie said:
Somehow I lost track of the forum. When I was away I depended on my i Pad. One day, I was asked for my password for this site. No idea which one I use!! Back home on my laptop it comes up automatically. Anyway, if anyone wondered what happened to me....

Birdie, on the screen where you put in your username and password, right under that, you will see something like "lost my password" and you just click on there and it will walk you through on getting your password.

Good to see you! :hattip


Aug 10, 2012
Re: Estrogen Dominance, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia..

It was really great. Love these videos. Thanks for doing them Ruth!

Oh, thanks Charlie. I did try it but no luck. I think it might have said I would get a new password. I was pressed for time.. I don't remember since it was weeks ago and my brain doesn't retain that way... As long as I am home, it's all okay. Glad to be back. :)
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