Rheumatoid Arthritis


May 31, 2016
I have rhumetoid arthritis and dairy causes my joints to swell . Would eliminating it from my diet would i be able to add it back ? If so , Any thoughts as to how long ? Is there anything I can eat or drink to replace the nutrition of it ?


May 16, 2016
I have the same problem. I have been suffering with terrible joint inflamation for many years. Only about 3 years ago I dicovered it was milk intolerance. I quit milk and symptoms disappeared. I was so happy. Unfortunatly some time ago I developed the same kind of sensivity to new foods. Mostly to those, I was eating on daily basis. I am not able to reintroduce milk so far, though I have read that in some people sensitivity vanishes after some time. So i supplement calcium. My arthris tests - RF and Anti CCP are elevated, however omitting foods that cause inflamation I have no symptoms. I believe that avoiding inflamation is more important than incorporating milk at all costs. It is not worth it. At least for me. The pain after milk is unbearable and drugs do not help.
There is a great book by prof. Jonathan Brostoff : The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance.
If you suffer from RA, you definitely shoul read it. It might help a lot.
Nov 21, 2015
Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant are often inflammatory. White potatoes for some. Avoiding these sometimes resolves RA. Worth trying.

Also beans, lentils are often quite bad.
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Jun 12, 2013
Also look into niacinamide, vitamin K, and pregnenolone.


May 16, 2016
Actually, you can have RA symptoms from any food you are sensitive to. In my case it was milk at the beginnig. Now it is carrot, gelatin and coffee, and recently something new, but I haven't identified yet. All giving the same symptoms, however milk is the worst when it comes to severity. It is extremely hard for my to investigate, since the reaction occurs on the third day from consumtion. It all started when I was 17. Now I am 44, and things are getting worse. The new intolerances started to appear about a year ago. This is fo frustrating.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Now it is carrot, gelatin and coffee, and recently something new, but I haven't identified yet.

ecstatichamster's recommendations about avoiding tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and potatoes are a very real solution for my joint issues. These are the main part of the nightshades family. I had thought my sensitivity was related to arthritis and aging since it came about when I was in my 50's. Total avoidance of all nightshades resolves my issues. See my posts at Nightshades


May 31, 2016
Thank you for all the replies ! I am taking pregnenolone , nicinamide and vitamin k.
Ania , your case sounds just like me and it is very frustrating ! I thought following Ray Peat would take it all away , but alas , it has not . But my pain has lessened and I was able to get off diclofenec.


May 31, 2016
ecstatichamster's recommendations about avoiding tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and potatoes are a very real solution for my joint issues. These are the main part of the nightshades family. I had thought my sensitivity was related to arthritis and aging since it came about when I was in my 50's. Total avoidance of all nightshades resolves my issues. See my posts at Nightshades
I will definitely add this to my list !


May 16, 2016
Looks like in my case peating worsened situation, because I started eating tha same foods in aboundance on daily basis. I still try to incorporate Peat's approach as much as I can, however it is not easy with so many restrictions. Nicainamide seems to help with inflamation to some extend.


May 31, 2016
Yes , nicinamide has helped me , but even with that I've had to start out slow


Jun 19, 2017
Actually, you can have RA symptoms from any food you are sensitive to. In my case it was milk at the beginnig. Now it is carrot, gelatin and coffee, and recently something new, but I haven't identified yet. All giving the same symptoms, however milk is the worst when it comes to severity. It is extremely hard for my to investigate, since the reaction occurs on the third day from consumtion. It all started when I was 17. Now I am 44, and things are getting worse. The new intolerances started to appear about a year ago. This is fo frustrating.
Milk indeed. When I drink milk I immediately start feeling some pain and my fingers start doing cracking noises. Then it comes the pain. And after trying it for a couple of days, my hands are already changing shape, it's so ******* fast! I'm 26 years old and it seems everything is starting really aggravating now.

@charmer @tomisonbottom any progress with your RA?
I was willing to try supplementing Vit K2 to see if would help me, but I guess it would be to no avail... did you try it already?


Apr 17, 2013
Milk indeed. When I drink milk I immediately start feeling some pain and my fingers start doing cracking noises. Then it comes the pain. And after trying it for a couple of days, my hands are already changing shape, it's so ******* fast! I'm 26 years old and it seems everything is starting really aggravating now.

@charmer @tomisonbottom any progress with your RA?
I was willing to try supplementing Vit K2 to see if would help me, but I guess it would be to no avail... did you try it already?

Yes, I've eliminated all my flare ups. Haven't had any for years now.

For me being strict about eliminating pufa was probably the biggest factor and then I got more improvements with making sure to eat enough protein and carbs that are easy to digest and I also take Cynomel, caffeine and cascara and sometimes niaciamde and aspirin.

Have you tried salted milk? Or warm milk? If your temp is low you won't be able to digest milk.

Also what is you TSH level? What is your vitamin D level? Do you take progesterone or thyroid?
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Yes, I've eliminated all my flare ups. Haven't had any for years now.

For me being strict about eliminating pufa was probably the biggest factor and then I got more improvements with making sure to eat enough protein and carbs that are easy to digest and I also take Cynomel, caffeine and cascara and sometimes niaciamde and aspirin.

Have you tried salted milk? Or warm milk? If your temp is low you won't be able to digest milk
Hi. Are you prescribed cynomel or do you get it on the internet?


Jun 19, 2017
Yes, I've eliminated all my flare ups. Haven't had any for years now.

For me being strict about eliminating pufa was probably the biggest factor and then I got more improvements with making sure to eat enough protein and carbs that are easy to digest and I also take Cynomel, caffeine and cascara and sometimes niaciamde and aspirin.

Have you tried salted milk? Or warm milk? If your temp is low you won't be able to digest milk.

Also what is you TSH level? What is your vitamin D level? Do you take progesterone or thyroid?
The thing is the moment I put any dairy product in my mouth, my body is already reacting (muscles twitches, tingling sensations, itching).
I don't have low body temperatures, but I have cold hands and all other hypo symptoms.
Last time TSH was 1.20 (if im not mistaken), but it has been a year since then. My Vit D was low medium range that time though (can't remember the actual number).

But it's interesting you mentioned salted milk. I mean I was having heart racing issues and when I put literally a few grains of salt in my mouth, my heart slowed down and I got warmed immediately.

Damn, I have to try it again but simply eating dairy products for a week has already changed the shape of my hands and feet. I was really shocked how fast this happens. So I'll do a pause because I dont want to get to the point where isn't reversible anymore (perhaps it is reversible even in the worse cases. i dont want to take the risk though). I think they can go back to normal (I really hope so!) since when I was young I was already having deformed hands but I thought I was born like this or genetics.

Btw, did your teeth also moved inwards? My teeth also changed to the point I always biting my tongue. Now I also understand why when I was a kid I was always biting my tongue so often...
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