Ejaculation Pro-Metabolic, NoFap Retention Unnatural


Feb 13, 2021
it wouldnt be from supplementing specific things, probably an overall level of metabolic rate. high altitude, protein in the diet, low pufa...
i dont know about tobacco/dhea...
Well the high altitude thing isn't feasible for everyone...if that were a requirement, hypothetically speaking, then that implies some people should be doing semen retention. At least until they can move lol.


Feb 8, 2021
Serious question for the OP and anyone who's on the OP's side here:

How can the benefits of semen retention that some people experience be completely replicated without it?

Razvan mentioned "high dose vitamin E, tobacco, DHEA, vitamin D, calcium and thyroid." Of course, boosting the metabolic rate, too.

I've already done all that...there has to be more to it than that. What else??

@damngoodcoffee @RenaissanceMan
I want to increase my maintenance calories from 2550 to 3300 so i can eat more and maintain my leanness, how much NDT should I take to avoid suppression and boost the metabolic rate and for how long/when will I know I have reached 3.3k


Feb 13, 2021
I want to increase my maintenance calories from 2550 to 3300 so i can eat more and maintain my leanness, how much NDT should I take to avoid suppression and boost the metabolic rate and for how long/when will I know I have reached 3.3k
That's a good question! I'm not sure...not aware of any type of chart that states that 1 serving of NDT boosts metabolism by 5%, 2 servings boost metabolism by 10%, etc.

3,300 isn't all that high, however. How much do you weigh? If you raise cal's gradually you may be able to do it with a minimum of NDT supplementation.

I went from 3,000 cals/day to 5,000+ cals/day over a few years and got leaner (tho scale weight went up).


Feb 8, 2021
That's a good question! I'm not sure...not aware of any type of chart that states that 1 serving of NDT boosts metabolism by 5%, 2 servings boost metabolism by 10%, etc.

3,300 isn't all that high, however. How much do you weigh? If you raise cal's gradually you may be able to do it with a minimum of NDT supplementation.

I went from 3,000 cals/day to 5,000+ cals/day over a few years and got leaner (tho scale weight went up).
I'm 143 9%body fat, over average muscularity, started gym at an extremely light weight, would rather not have to stick to 2550 as maintenance way too low imo


Apr 29, 2021
ive been on a very low-calorie diet lately. its got me feeling like ***t, but it also completely killed my sex drive, which in turn made me feel better overall. and i quit porn several years ago. the damage is immense.


Feb 13, 2021
ive been on a very low-calorie diet lately. its got me feeling like ***t, but it also completely killed my sex drive, which in turn made me feel better overall. and i quit porn several years ago. the damage is immense.
Eat more! No sex drive is not a good thing...


Jan 6, 2019
I'd much rather live a fulfilling life that includes sexual activity and die young.
Heh, I see. May you die so young as to feel fulfilled.
Nobody is in this environment.
Environment is mostly irrelevant in that one can't keep blaming it in response to their lack of self-control. The bulk of the process of abstinence takes place internally, rather than externally. Even if you are surrounded by naked women, it is ultimately up to you whether or not you let your eyes feast on them.
holding your nut in does not stop sperm production
It does and will. While sperm production will never completely stop in the absolute sense of the word, its rate of production is significantly dependent on lust-induced conditioning. For example, at the end of a long bout of abstinence your first ejaculation will consist of mostly clear fluid.. In addition, any sperm that are not ejaculated will eventually be broken down and reabsorbed by the body through the lymph system, providing the body with powerful, protective and nourishing compounds such as spermidine. This is common scientific knowledge.
This is some spiritual jargon
You might have quoted a wrong passage -- the amount of spiritual references in the part you quoted is zero.
And speak for yourself on the "masturbating frequently" part.
Not sure I'm following. Are you disputing that resources invested in one bodily process equals resources away from other bodily processes?
When you're on your streak, remember that there are tons of us out here blowing our loads and actually experiencing POSITIVE effects
No doubt many feel that way. There are users of every possible drug who share your sentiment in regard to their drug of choice. Frequently it can be hard to distinguish whether you're experiencing positive effects due to your behavior, or in spite of it. Equally difficult is determining whether you're indulging in order to get from feeling normal to above-normal, or from below-normal to normal (note that normal should feel blissful to begin with). Failure to produce a wholly objective answer to either question will easily cause you to misjudge a harmful behavior as a net benefit.
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Jan 6, 2019
Back to the old wear and tear are we?
Wear and tear and bioenergetics each represent truth in their own corners within the holistic big picture. If someone forces you to choose one, run away, they're either a Dunning or a Kruger in disguise (and unlike with Jekyll and Hyde, they are both evil).

how long is your SR streak?
I don't know, I don't count days. I ejaculate a handful of times a year on average and this is my eleventh year.
also, wouldnt semen retention just increase wet dream frequency? so the body will still be creating sperm and expelling it from time to time? frequency may be much less
Wet dreams are more about expulsion of prostate fluids than sperm and not of a significant concern. Their frequency will first reduce down over time and from that point onward be dependent on the amount of arousal you subject yourself to, as well as certain kinds of foods. The testicles readily break down unused sperm and recycle the byproducts through the lymph system.
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Jan 6, 2019
Serious question for the OP and anyone who's on the OP's side here:

How can the benefits of semen retention that some people experience be completely replicated without actually retaining?

Razvan mentioned "high dose vitamin E, tobacco, DHEA, vitamin D, calcium and thyroid." Of course, boosting the metabolic rate, too.

I've already done all that...there has to be more to it than that. What else??

@damngoodcoffee @RenaissanceMan @Razvan
How to completely replicate a weed high without smoking weed? How to completely replicate a woodhouse without using wood? Complete replication of an effect does actually require complete replication of the cause -- as surprising as it is!


Feb 13, 2021
How to completely replicate a weed high without smoking weed? How to completely replicate a woodhouse without using wood? Complete replication of an effect does actually require complete replication of the cause -- as surprising as it is!
I can definitely believe that, and appreciate the much-needed nuance you're bringing to this discussion!

Was moreso hoping to see this topic's other side explained by those who are in favour of it.

Still hoping to hear their responses to my question, as an argument without a replicable solution is no argument at all!

To use your cannabis example, there are certain cannabimimetics out there...
May 21, 2015
From Wikipedia:
The Ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow. This 'feedback' process is at the same time a symbol of immortality since it is said of the Ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself, and gives birth to himself.
May 21, 2015
Wear and tear and bioenergetics each represent truth in their own corners within the holistic big picture. If someone forces you to choose one, run away, they're either a Dunning or a Kruger in disguise (and unlike with Jekyll and Hyde, they are both evil).
"I have never seen evidence that they ((our bodies)) contain any principle of mortality, and in recent years the suspicion that we contain all the equipment needed for perpetual renewal, given the right circumstances, is seeming to be increasingly plausible." Ray Peat


Mar 18, 2021
Sperm has an electrical charge.

Sperm can have different electrical charges depending on the chromosome status. There are conflicting studies whether X spermatozoa have positive charge and Y spermatozoa have negative charge. Overall it seems to have a net negative charge, depending on their sialic acid content.

CatSper (cation channel of sperm) is a protein discovered in 2001 that is vital for male fertility. CatSper must be present in order to initiate motility.

The calcium influx, measurable as an electrical current, activates the tail's motor proteins, causing the sperm to swim towards the egg.

The current is detectable in sperm from normal mice, but not in sperm from mice lacking CatSper.

CatSper is found only in the tails of mature sperm.

The epididymis is a long, coiled tube that stores sperm and transports it from the testes.

Sperm spend 10 to 14 days in the epididymis prior to reaching final maturation. They may then be stored in the epididymis for up to a month. If they are not ejaculated during that time, they degenerate and are reabsorbed by the body.

The sperm of infertile men is frequently isoelectric (neither + or -) compared to fertile men.

Polyester underpants turn men completely infertile through the electrostatic field generated, and it has been proposed as an effective male contraceptive.

May 21, 2015
Polyester underpants turn men completely infertile through the electrostatic field generated, and it has been proposed as an effective male contraceptive.
I make an effort to use as pure natural fiber clothes as I can, cotton, hemp, linen what have you. Artificial fibers look ugly and feel iffy.


Nov 29, 2017
Sperm has an electrical charge.

Sperm can have different electrical charges depending on the chromosome status. There are conflicting studies whether X spermatozoa have positive charge and Y spermatozoa have negative charge. Overall it seems to have a net negative charge, depending on their sialic acid content.

CatSper (cation channel of sperm) is a protein discovered in 2001 that is vital for male fertility. CatSper must be present in order to initiate motility.

The calcium influx, measurable as an electrical current, activates the tail's motor proteins, causing the sperm to swim towards the egg.

The current is detectable in sperm from normal mice, but not in sperm from mice lacking CatSper.

CatSper is found only in the tails of mature sperm.

The epididymis is a long, coiled tube that stores sperm and transports it from the testes.

Sperm spend 10 to 14 days in the epididymis prior to reaching final maturation. They may then be stored in the epididymis for up to a month. If they are not ejaculated during that time, they degenerate and are reabsorbed by the body.

The sperm of infertile men is frequently isoelectric (neither + or -) compared to fertile men.

Polyester underpants turn men completely infertile through the electrostatic field generated, and it has been proposed as an effective male contraceptive.

View attachment 29546
great post. thanks


Mar 20, 2013
I adopted retention as a lifestyle over a year ago (thanks to Ecstatichamster here on this forum), and it's been changing my life in an extremely significant way. Rather unbelievable. My personal story is irrelevant. All that matters is the individual trying it for themselves and coming to their own conclusions.

It's the right choice for me. In my own experience, at least 1 year is a good start for actually evaluating retention on the basis of firsthand experience. The first couple weeks, I felt so incredibly energized, but figured it might be placebo effect. So here I am 1 year later, and while the initial energy rush wore off, I have overall been much more stable and consistent in my energy.

Especially mentally. Much more positive, and feel much more in control of my ability to consciously direct where my thoughts and attention go. It has also drastically helped my sexual frustration. I still have powerful sexual urges, but I no longer feel tortured by them. Quite the contrary. I now find strong sexual urges/lust/whatever you want to call it to be energizing. Rather than obsessively focusing on just sex, I can use this inspiration to do other things.

It's an energetic reminder to me that I'm alive. I don't run away from lust at all. It's an amazing feeling. It's simply a matter of detaching that energy from the desire for a specific outcome, and just experiencing it as intense energy in your body that you can do anything you want with. It's vastly improved my creativity and emotional stability in so many ways that I can't even begin to explain. And it will sound completely insane to anyone who hasn't experienced this themselves.

It's impossible to explain if you haven't experienced it yourself. People seem to have some belief that they will seriously hurt themselves by trying retention. One of my friends only made it a couple days, and he said he felt like was going to actually go insane unless he ejaculated, so he had to do it. Never attempted retention again.

I'm familiar with that feeling myself. Pushing through that was completely worth it.

I would never judge or discount anyone saying they think they have benefits from ejaculating. It's possible they do. I am not here to tell anyone what their experience of life or their health is, or should be.

For me? I am never going back to my old lifestyle after experiencing this. Life feels 100% better in ways that I could not even imagine when ejaculating regularly. Life is far more enjoyable to me these days. In extremely noticeable and obvious ways. Night and day difference.
May 21, 2015
It's impossible to explain if you haven't experienced it yourself. People seem to have some belief that they will seriously hurt themselves by trying retention.
I did it for few months when I was a teenager. Didn't read about it or anything like that, just stopped masturbating because it made me feel gross. After few months I started having leakage during the night, then while awake, even when I didn't have a boner. Then my libido and ability to have erections started to go down. Messed up my confidence and my relationship with my first girlfriend among other things. Became really depressed about it, almost suicidal.
This condition, very low libido, erection problems and continuous leakage bugged me for years. This happened when I was 15-22 or so. It was actually the main thing that got me interested about my health and how diet etc affects it because I was so desperate to heal it somehow. I'm 29 now and my libido and boners have never been better. The so-called golden years of sex drive etc were my worst lol and the older I get the better everything works.
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