Dont want crashed estrogen either (Vitamin D depletion & low estrogen, testicles lungs intestinal repair)


Jul 27, 2022
High estrogen is clearly anti-health
Some studies on the stress + cyst effects of high estrogen (along with anti-fertility/pregnancy, slow hair regrowth, & tumor promoting effects etc)

But on the other side crashed estrogen isnt great either.
this study showed low vit D could be 1 reason for low estrogen problems,
knocking out vitamin D crashed estrogen/aromatase , and restoring estrogen restored impaired testicle function

lower aromatase -58.5% in testis of vitamin d knockout group

female mice estrogen levels crashed big time. male estrogen levels - 35%
vitamin d knockout = CYP19 gene which creates aromatase basically doesnt functionally exist. calcium helps bring it back somewhat
restoring vit d restored estrogen levels to normal

might be thinking low testosterone was responsible for the poor testicle function but when they restored just estrogen it restored their testicle measures
(would only testosterone have worked? or is this showing a need for estrogen even in males for testicle function)

** After estrogen supplementation of VDR null mutant male mice, the histology of the testes revealed no apparent abnormality of the lumen of the seminiferous tubules or epithelial cells at 10 weeks of age, as shown in Fig. 4D. The sperm count and motility in the estrogen-treated mice (n = 3) were increased to the same level in the heterozygous mice.
The sperm count and motility in the estrogen-treated mice (n = 3) were increased to the same level in the heterozygous mice [count, 47.7 ± 5.0 × 106/ml vs. 26.3 ± 7.3 × 106/ml in VDR−/− without treatment
It was recently reported that the P450arom activity of human choriocarcinoma cell lines was stimulated by 1,25-(OH)2D3 and that the VDR response element was identified in the CYP19 gene (30). This would suggest that vitamin D regulates the CYP19 gene directly. Using VDR null mutant mice, not vitamin D-deficient mice, we demonstrated that vitamin D acted to regulate estrogen biosynthesis: this regulation could not be explained by the calcitropic activities alone. These results indicated that vitamin D plays a role in estrogen biosynthesis partially by maintaining extracellular calcium homeostasis. However, direct regulation of the expression of the aromatase gene was also considered.

* in humans , 1000mg calcium + 1800iu vit D if<30ng/ml , prevents the bone loss from aromatase inhibitors
(supplemental vs food calcium alone doesnt do much for bone loss, was the vit d mainly probably because it helped counter the aromatase inhibition lowering estrogen too much)
Vitamin D threshold to prevent aromatase inhibitor-related bone loss

Vitamin D is also 1 key factor in healing chronic wounds.

The intention-to-treat analysis showed a significantly higher rate of ulcer healing in the high-dose group with 21 of 30 (70%) healed ulcers compared to 12 of 34 (35%) in the low-dose group (P = .012). Median ulcer reduction at final follow-up was 100% (interquartile range [IQR]: 72-100) in the high-dose group and 57% (IQR: -28 to 100) in the low-dose group
estrogen enhances small intestine repair
Estrogen enhances female small intestine epithelial organoid regeneration

Using a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced intestinal damage mouse model, we verified that female mice recover faster than males following acute intestinal insult.
Using ex vivo intestinal organoid cultures, we showed that estrogen is necessary and sufficient in enhancing the female organoid formation from breached isolated crypts via the estrogen receptor β receptor. Thus, estrogen promotes female intestinal epithelial organoid regeneration to lower the incidence of intestinal bleeding and ulceration
<-- initially more bleeding but rapid difference in amount of mice with symptoms, and body weight return (food intake)

both male and female C57BL/6J mice showed intestinal epithelial damage (Fig. 2A), bleeding (Fig. 2B), and body weight loss (Fig. 2C). However, female mice recovered from the intestinal damage substantially faster than male mice, reflected by the increase rate of recovery from weight loss (Fig. 2C) and faster elimination of enteritis symptoms (Fig. 2D). This indicates that female mice are more robust in intestinal epithelial regeneration after damage.

The addition of a physiologically relevant concentration of β-estradiol in estrogen-free LWRN cultures significantly increased the number of organoids formed from female crypts (Fig. 4E). These data suggest that estrogen is necessary and sufficient for the enhanced robustness of the regeneration of female intestinal epithelium. However, the factor that β-estradiol could not fully restore female organoid growth when grown in hormone-depleted medium suggests that other hormone or lipophilic factors (high affinity to activated charcoal) are required for the maximal robustness of female intestinal epithelial regeneration.
Female mouse intestinal epithelium (isolated and cultured as organoids) expresses detectable levels of ERβ and G protein-coupled estrogen receptor, but does not express ERα
(Does male human intestinal epithelium express ERb?) Linking estrogen receptor β expression with inflammatory bowel disease activity <--- higher ERb in responsive CD/UC patients, Estrogen receptor-β (ERβ) is the most abundant estrogen receptor in the colon
estrogen can also be useful for increasing iron & copper uptake in deficiency , which are both core needs for mitochondria function

and estrogen receptor B activation is needed for lung repair, so maybe good for conditions with breathing issues like COPD & emphysema chronically not healing (where there's too little lung copper seen to play a role). Women tend to get less severe covid lung issues than men.
(Though again avoiding extremes either side is key here too - as tipping over to high end looks to worsen asthma incidence after women start postmenopausal estrogen when they're already typically in estrogen dominant state without adding more - does fixing low levels stimulate repair so potentially key, where high levels instead creates further inflammation?)

Estrogen regulates pulmonary alveolar formation, loss, and regeneration in mice
Estrogen replacement, after alveolar loss, induces alveolar regeneration, reversing the architectural effects of ovariectomy. These studies 1) reveal estrogen receptors regulate alveolar size and number in a nonredundant manner, 2) show estrogen is required for maintenance of already formed alveoli and induces alveolar regeneration after their loss in adult ovariectomized mice, and 3) offer the possibility estrogen can slow alveolar loss and induce alveolar regeneration in women with COPD. @iLoveSugar @PeterSN

so if it was high i'd definitely want to be countering it with things like progesterone, high gamma vitamin e, gspe, to lower excessive stress & undesired growths etc
but on the other side i wouldn't want to over-inhibit estrogen unless actively dealing with a tumor. and would try to get it up in certain conditions even (typically not menopause though where estrogen tends to be dominant over progesterone)


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Mar 24, 2018
@cs3000 There remains the uncontrolled problem of where you go to exercise the rise or fall


Feb 26, 2018
High estrogen is clearly anti-health
Some studies on the stress + cyst effects of high estrogen (along with anti-fertility/pregnancy, slow hair regrowth, & tumor promoting effects etc)

But on the other side crashed estrogen isnt great either.
this study showed low vit D could be 1 reason for low estrogen problems,
knocking out vitamin D crashed estrogen/aromatase , and restoring estrogen restored impaired testicle function

lower aromatase -58.5% in testis of vitamin d knockout group

female mice estrogen levels crashed big time. male estrogen levels - 35%
vitamin d knockout = CYP19 gene which creates aromatase basically doesnt functionally exist. calcium helps bring it back somewhat
restoring vit d restored estrogen levels to normal

might be thinking low testosterone was responsible for the poor testicle function but when they restored just estrogen it restored their testicle measures
(would only testosterone have worked? or is this showing a need for estrogen even in males for testicle function)

* in humans , 1000mg calcium + 1800iu vit D if<30ng/ml , prevents the bone loss from aromatase inhibitors
(supplemental vs food calcium alone doesnt do much for bone loss, was the vit d mainly probably because it helped counter the aromatase inhibition lowering estrogen too much)
Vitamin D threshold to prevent aromatase inhibitor-related bone loss

Vitamin D is also 1 key factor in healing chronic wounds.

estrogen enhances small intestine repair

estrogen can also be useful for increasing iron & copper uptake in deficiency , which are both core needs for mitochondria function

and estrogen receptor B activation is needed for lung repair, so maybe good for conditions with breathing issues like COPD & emphysema chronically not healing (where there's too little lung copper seen to play a role). Women tend to get less severe covid lung issues than men.
(Though again avoiding extremes either side is key here too - as tipping over to high end looks to worsen asthma incidence after women start postmenopausal estrogen when they're already typically in estrogen dominant state without adding more - does fixing low levels stimulate repair so potentially key, where high levels instead creates further inflammation?)

so if it was high i'd definitely want to be countering it with things like progesterone, high gamma vitamin e, gspe, to lower excessive stress & undesired growths etc
but on the other side i wouldn't want to over-inhibit estrogen unless actively dealing with a tumor. and would try to get it up in certain conditions even (typically not menopause though where estrogen tends to be dominant over progesterone)
Very interesting. I discovered through personal experimentation with DHT and androsterone that they totally crush my libido and erection quality , probably by lowering estrogen too much. So if I were to experiment with steroids, I'd have to use something aromatizable.
So a small amount of estrogen might not just be needed for libido, but as this study shows,also for proper testicular function.

The question remains: how can vitamin D be pro- and anti-estrogen at the same time? Im sure youre aware that the fat solubles are all aromatase inhibitors..


Jul 27, 2022
Very interesting. I discovered through personal experimentation with DHT and androsterone that they totally crush my libido and erection quality , probably by lowering estrogen too much. So if I were to experiment with steroids, I'd have to use something aromatizable.
So a small amount of estrogen might not just be needed for libido, but as this study shows,also for proper testicular function.

The question remains: how can vitamin D be pro- and anti-estrogen at the same time? Im sure youre aware that the fat solubles are all aromatase inhibitors..
at least for vitamin D it depends on the tissue , not sure what thats dependant on tho
e.g (calcitriol form here) lowers in some tumors and fat but doesnt in ovaries (mild increase). increases in bone cells
Calcitriol significantly decreased aromatase expression in human BCa cells and adipocytes and caused substantial increases in human osteosarcoma cells (a bone cell model exhibiting osteoblast phenotype in culture) and modest increases in ovarian cancer cells.
Calcitriol administration to immunocompromised mice bearing human BCa xenografts decreased aromatase mRNA levels in the tumors and the surrounding mammary adipose tissue but did not alter ovarian aromatase expression.
In addition to augmenting the ability of AIs to inhibit BCa growth, calcitriol acting as a selective aromatase modulator that increases aromatase expression in bone would reduce the estrogen deprivation in bone caused by the AIs, thus ameliorating the AI-induced side effect of osteoporosis.
also increases testosterone as u posted before so maybe a balancing effect, and estrogen effect by the first study from levels dropping is generally more pronounced in females but still significant in males
Vitamin D, dexamethasone, 17beta-estradiol and testosterone increased transcript levels of CYP19, whereas interleukin-1beta or tumor necrosis factor alpha decreased them. Aromatase mRNA produced under treatment with vitamin D was transcribed from promoters I.4 and I.3. Promoters pII and I.3 seem to be related to basal transcription and may mediate estrogen stimulation compared with women who had mean 25(OH)D ≥30 ng/ml, women with lower 25(OH)D had 13.8% lower mean estradiol (95% confidence interval: −22.0, −4.7) and 10.8% lower free estradiol. women with 25-hydroxyvitamin D below 30 ng/ml have lower mean estradiol across the menstrual cycle

Here female specific synergy between estrogen & vit d (in the CNS)
(vit d increases estrogen and estrogen increases vit d receptors)
(locally here female specific, because males have more Cyp24a1 in the cns during inflammation which means more inactivation of d3, less around locally to synergise).
So there's a lot of complexities depending on the area / scenario
We found that vitamin D3 inhibited experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in intact female mice, but not in ovariectomized females or males.
Synergy between E2 and vitamin D3 occurred through vitamin D3-mediated enhancement of E2 synthesis, as well as E2-mediated enhancement of vitamin D receptor expression in the inflamed CNS.
In males, E2 implants did not enable vitamin D3 to [further] inhibit EAE. The finding that vitamin D3-mediated protection in EAE is female-specific and E2-dependent suggests that declining vitamin D3 supplies due to sun avoidance might be contributing to the rapidly increasing female gender bias in MS. Moreover, declining E2 synthesis and vitamin D3-mediated protection with increasing age might be contributing to MS disease progression in older women.
We previously reported that males expressed higher levels of Cyp24a1 mRNA in the CNS than do females, and they did not show complete repression of Cyp24a1 gene expression during inflammation, as did females. This resulted in a failure to accumulate 1,25-(OH)2D3, which could undermine benefits derived from E2-mediated enhancement of VDR expression.
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Feb 26, 2018
at least for vitamin D it depends on the tissue , not sure what thats dependant on tho
e.g (calcitriol form here) lowers in some tumors and fat but doesnt in ovaries (mild increase). increases in bone cells

also increases testosterone as u posted before so maybe a balancing effect, and estrogen effect by the first study from levels dropping is generally more pronounced in females but still significant in males compared with women who had mean 25(OH)D ≥30 ng/ml, women with lower 25(OH)D had 13.8% lower mean estradiol (95% confidence interval: −22.0, −4.7) and 10.8% lower free estradiol. women with 25-hydroxyvitamin D below 30 ng/ml have lower mean estradiol across the menstrual cycle

Here female specific synergy between estrogen & vit d (in the CNS)
(vit d increases estrogen and estrogen increases vit d receptors)
(locally here female specific, because males have more Cyp24a1 in the cns during inflammation which means more inactivation of d3, less around locally to synergise).
So there's a lot of complexities depending on the area / scenario
What makes it even more complicated is that calitriol is not the same as cholecalciferol, I suspected calcitriol might be whats raising estrogen since it is raising cortisol as well, but as you posted it seems tissue specific.

- Vitamin D3 anabolic, calcitriol catabolic for muscle/thymus
Mar 24, 2018
And I think that vitamin D3 can increase estrogen in the bones and therefore modulate the competition between osteoblasts and osteoclasts...also this all correlates to copper
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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