Creating an ideal sleep environment - Why your pillow and mattress could be wrecking your sleep



Jun 22, 2021
I’ve been trying similar stuff with interesting results.
Most people will laugh at this, but it’s very real and measurable.
My a-ha moment was when experimenting with expensive HiFi equipment.
Any power cords, signal cables or speaker cables will have a profound influence on the sound, in other words on the electric fields carrying the signal.
The sound will be different if your speaker cables are laying on the floor or if they are raised several inches, or if it’s a wooden floor, ceramic tiles, natural carpet, synthetic carpet - the sound will be different each time.
The sleeving material of the cables whether it’s PVC, PTFE, cotton, silk etc will have a marked influence on the sound.
I the same way, whatever materials you wear or sleep on will have an effect on your bioelectricity.
And not just that, but any conductive material such as copper, silver aluminum etc will influence your bioelectricity even when inches apart from your body and not in contact.
I’ve seen in another thread you are experimenting with DIY jewelry. I’ve been doing the same with copper items especially bracelets and coils of different types. Ever since I started wearing copper my synchronicities have increased I get one almost every day.
That is very interesting I definitely agree - user robomobo sent this via discord - DNA teleportation

- I noticed that if I sit near my bed but not on it I still feel the aluminum foil's field to an extent - it's like a sixth sense to me. DNA teleportation or Morphogenetic fields - I believe the fields of energy can be felt strongly if you are in this state

When my stress levels are low I actually feel this sixth sense activating - I can just look at a dog's face when they!re walking and I could tell their sex without looking down and if they are wearing a polyester harness or not just by looking at their face and nothing else. I believe adding all this conductive material really makes one ultra-aware of their surroundings - For me it makes me really notice things - I really notice the mood and health of trees, animals, and people I walk past - I believe I really feel and see when an organism is in distress in this state when I walk past them - I definitely feel like I immediately sense when a human or animal is pregnant even if it's shortly after conception.

Polyester mattresses specifically I believe cause a lot of issues on this forum that I think many don't take seriously - when I changed the bedding for my dog - the white hair on her snout and hair thinning on her temples immediately went away and began reversing


Mar 18, 2021
That is very interesting I definitely agree - user robomobo sent this via discord - DNA teleportation

- I noticed that if I sit near my bed but not on it I still feel the aluminum foil's field to an extent - it's like a sixth sense to me. DNA teleportation or Morphogenetic fields - I believe the fields of energy can be felt strongly if you are in this state

When my stress levels are low I actually feel this sixth sense activating - I can just look at a dog's face when they!re walking and I could tell their sex without looking down and if they are wearing a polyester harness or not just by looking at their face and nothing else. I believe adding all this conductive material really makes one ultra-aware of their surroundings - For me it makes me really notice things - I really notice the mood and health of trees, animals, and people I walk past - I believe I really feel and see when an organism is in distress in this state when I walk past them - I definitely feel like I immediately sense when a human or animal is pregnant even if it's shortly after conception.

Polyester mattresses specifically I believe cause a lot of issues on this forum that I think many don't take seriously - when I changed the bedding for my dog - the white hair on her snout and hair thinning on her temples immediately went away and began reversing

Yes, I know about Luc Montagnier's experiments.
You should really look more thoroughly into grounding/earthing because it's all connected.
Speaking of trees - yesterday I took my multimeter to the park, I wanted to measure my electric potential when touching a tree.
I often see people doing tree hugging, and I wanted to see exactly the difference between being barefoot on the grass vs touching a tree.
The results were very interesting.
As soon as I touched the tree the multimeter showed -30 millivolts.
But then as long as I kept my hand on the tree it started to increase steadily by 1 millivolt per second until it plateaued around -150 millivolts.
I was very surprised by this. It means that the tree is reacting in real time to the touch of my hand and increasing the energy in that area.
When touching the ground barefoot you'd get an instant measurement of the value which varies randomly depending on the soil etc.
But with the tree there was this intelligent/conscious reaction to my touch, steadily increasing voltage by 1 millivolt per second.
I did not expect this, especially because you'd think bark is a rather dry material not very conductive.


Mar 18, 2021
From Naked Beneath Your Clothing by John Veltheim:

It is well known that there is a very strong flow of energy through the body, that the body is made up of energy of many forms and frequencies. The slower frequencies are the physical energy of the muscles, bones, tissues, etc. As those frequencies get higher they pass through the spectrum of blood, lymph, nerve impulses, energy channels, chakras, auras, etc.

Chi (Qi) is the name given to the specific energy frequencies that run along 'meridians' (pathways) in the body. This energy is utilized by acupuncturists and other health therapies to influence their patients. The chi flow is a very important component of body function. A healthy flow of chi promotes a healthy nervous system, blood vessels, lymph drainage, etc.

The effect of clothing on energy flow
Many interesting experiments have been done on the affect that clothing has on chi flow within the body. During the authors' years as Principal of the Brisbane College of Traditional Acupuncture and Natural Therapies in Australia, many experiments were conducted using highly sensitive equipment that could monitor and measure the flow of chi along the meridians. An acupuncture needle could be inserted into an acupuncture point to demonstrate the affect it has on the energy levels in other parts of the body along where that meridian flowed. For example, a needle inserted just below the knee at a point called stomach 36, would demonstrate an increased flow of energy along the whole stomach meridian running up the leg, through the stomach, up into the chest, and up to the eyes. Stimulating the needle can effectively help to balance, and heal, a stomach disorder (such as a stomach ulcer), or perhaps increase the energy flow to the eyes and improve vision. Some interesting experiments demonstrated the following: When a patient was naked and had the needle stimulated, there was a measurable flow of energy - we'll call it 100 units. If that person then wore nylon underpants while this experiment was being done, and the needle was being stimulated, the effective end result of the flow was a reduction of energy flow of up to 60%. Repetitive experiments demonstrated that if a patient wore nylon underwear while receiving acupuncture treatments, that patient would need twice as many treatments to get the same results. [Cotton underwear reduced the flow by 20%.]

The body as an electrical field
The surface of the skin is an electrical field that is constantly interacting with our environment and our inner body systems. The nervous system is another set of electrical circuits. The two combine to create varying electrical potentials that can easily be measured. This electrical potential is altered by the influence of different types of clothing. Synthetic clothing builds up a static charge on the body so that when a piece of metal is touched, the person gets a shock. Practitioners who work with bioenergetic therapy have found the static has detrimental effects on the body's electrical network which, in turn, affects health.

Daily nude break
Wearing clothing, particularly synthetic clothing, has a detrimental effect on the electrical potential of the body and the ability of the chi in the body to flow freely. From a bioenergetic point of view, clothing builds up stress in the body with an accumulative effect. It is important to allow the body time to normalize - give it some breathing space as it were - for it to balance out the electrical flow throughout the skin. That is why it is so essential for us to have a period of time each day without clothes. Many of us have noticed that the stresses of the day can be diminished quite dramatically by standing under a shower or sitting in water. There is a twofold effect here. One is the removal of the clothing to allow energy to flow more freely. The other, is that running water has a wonderful effect of neutralizing energy blockages, and deactivating electrical charge. The body can also neutralize itself by simply being naked without the electrical and physical interference of clothing. That is why a period of being totally naked each day is so important. The longer the period the better. Our bodies need a chance to recharge, revitalize and sort themselves out. The accumulative effect of wearing synthetic, restrictive and tight clothing over the years is a dramatic increase in stress levels, accelerated aging and reduced health.

The affect of bathing suits
When people go out into the sun wearing synthetic swim suits, there is an accumulative negative effect. Firstly, a static electrical charge builds up from the material, interfering with the energy circuits and irritating the skin. Then the sun beating down on the body creates a temperature differential between where the clothing is, to where it is hitting bare skin. The combination of temperature differential, electrostatic charge built up by the synthetic fiber, and the disturbed flow of the chi through the area, creates electrical variations that can be very detrimental to the skin. Objectively, we see that the area around the bathing costume is where we burn more easily. There is an inch band where the bathing costume meets the skin that is the first area to get red, burn, and blister. This appears to be a result of the interference created by these electrical charges. This also has a generalized effect on all the skin. When the electrical potential of the skin and its function is upset at any part of the body, it will have ramifications on the rest of the body. It is the author's belief that this is one of the reasons why nudists tend to have a lower incidence of skin cancer than the general public. (This has been reported extensively.) You only have to look at people on a nude beach to see that there is a lower incidence of burning than would normally be expected on textile beaches. Statistically, it has been shown that naturalists manifest a lower incidence of skin cancer despite the fact that they are in the sun longer, the whole of their body is exposed, and they generally use less sun creams. If this evidence affects the incidence of skin cancer, it will obviously affect many skin diseases. The skin is the largest organ of the body with a very complex relationship to the body. If something goes wrong in the skin it will have ramifications on total general health. It has also been shown that these affects occur even with very small strips of clothing. A g-string or small bikini creates just as big a problem because that band of synthetic fiber across the skin creates the same situation. So it doesn't matter if you are wearing bikini or a one-piece, you will still have a detrimental effect on health and an increase in stress load on the body. The authors own observations involve a long personal history of skin disorders and genetic tendency to skin cancers. My numerous moles developed white circles around them and started going black whenever I went out in the sun, unless I used copious amounts of sunblock. I found that whenever I was on nudist beaches with the same amount of sun, and much less suntan cream, the opposite effect occurred. I tanned rather than burned, and my moles progressively disappeared as a result of sunbathing naturally, compared to sunbathing with clothes on. Recently, I have lived in parts of America where clothing is compulsory on the beaches and my skin problems started to return! Because of the personal health risk involved, I am reluctant to swim on a beach where I cannot be nude.

Breast disorders
This tragedy continues when women have to wear tops on their bikinis. They create an electrical imbalance around the very sensitive tissue of the breast that helps to promote skin cancer. Once cancer is in the system, it can promote any form of cancer. This has not yet been scientifically proven because nobody has really bothered to look seriously into this problem. Probably because they would be going up against a lot of 'sacred cows' when it comes to the promotion of nudity in relation to health.

The bra
As an aside, it is worth looking at the whole concept of bras. Most bras these days are still synthetic although there is a positive trend to cotton. The synthetic material builds up an electrical charge that interferes with the energy meridians running through the breasts. These hindered meridians form small eddy currents of energy rather than flowing smoothly in a linear direction. These eddy currents cause a build up of stagnant energy that attracts fluid (lymph) to the breasts. (In some body-types it does the opposite and reduces fluid flow to the breast.) The combination of the eddy currents, and fluid build up, promotes the formation of breast lumps, painful breasts, feeding disorders in nursing mothers, etc. This is further compounded in bras that have metal wiring (such as the 'Wonderbra'). The wire sets up a magnetic field exacerbating everything even further. The author has successfully treated many women with long histories of breast lumps. I have told them to wear their bras only when necessary, spend time in the sun tanning their breasts, and organized a few sessions of lymphatic drainage therapy around the breasts with excellent, consistent results. In the author's opinion, any government that enforces women by law to cover their breasts when they go out in the sun, is promoting disease. Not only the disease of physical illness, but the disease of mental illness by creating negative attitudes towards the human body, and negative attitudes towards one's own sensuality and sexuality, which then flows on to major problems within society. [Note: Since writing this article, an excellent book has been published which documents the affect of the bra on the lymphatic system and the high cancer risk it can create. This book states: "By wearing a bra more than 12 hours daily, a woman seems to increase her chances of developing breast cancer by 11 percent compared with the general population." It would appear that wearing a bra for fewer than 12 hours affords a 19 fold protection against breast cancer, as compared with the general population. (Few women, however, wear their bras for only part of the day.) Also women who wear bras for over 12 hours daily, but not to sleep, had a 21 fold greater chance of developing breast cancer than women who remove their bras before 12 hours. And women to wear their bras 24 hours a day (some actually wear them to bed), have a 113 fold increase in breast cancer incidence compared to women to wear their bras only 12 hours a day. Conclusion: "It follows that going braless is associated with a 21 fold reduction in breast cancer incidence compared with the general population."


Jun 22, 2021
I'm including an experiment I've been doing that feels incredible:

Right now I'm stacking the wool comforter on top of a layer of aluminum foil - my sleep took big leaps forward when I did this:

- I needed a lot less sleep to feel well rested

- It was really easy to jump out of bed in the morning - none of that estrogenic grogginess from the polyester mattress

in general my sleep feels incredible - I wake up with a lot of energy

In my view it should be 6 inches+ separating your body from your polyester mattress - with at least one of those layers being very electrically conductive (such as aluminum foil) - combined with a wool comforter on top and the effects are on another level

This is my current set-up on top of my polyester mattress - sometimes I add another layer of a wool blanket over the foil layer

View attachment 38095
Please ignore this message everyone - this experiment will make you HYPERthyroid to a certainty - but buying the wool comforter/bedding is one of the best investments you can make - If you find your sleep becoming too hypothyroid then adding a small sheet of aluminum foil underneath it all will speed it up but if you have a layer of aluminum foil like I tried - that will make your metabolism too fast and f*** things up - really bad idea and I'm glad i just realized the things I just did
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Jun 22, 2021
Yes, I know about Luc Montagnier's experiments.
You should really look more thoroughly into grounding/earthing because it's all connected.
Speaking of trees - yesterday I took my multimeter to the park, I wanted to measure my electric potential when touching a tree.
I often see people doing tree hugging, and I wanted to see exactly the difference between being barefoot on the grass vs touching a tree.
The results were very interesting.
As soon as I touched the tree the multimeter showed -30 millivolts.
But then as long as I kept my hand on the tree it started to increase steadily by 1 millivolt per second until it plateaued around -150 millivolts.
I was very surprised by this. It means that the tree is reacting in real time to the touch of my hand and increasing the energy in that area.
When touching the ground barefoot you'd get an instant measurement of the value which varies randomly depending on the soil etc.
But with the tree there was this intelligent/conscious reaction to my touch, steadily increasing voltage by 1 millivolt per second.
I did not expect this, especially because you'd think bark is a rather dry material not very conductive.
It's interesting that you mention this - When I wear bark and wood jewelry I feel like it slows down my thyroid but at the same time it lowers my stress hormones - I enter this state where I feel more exposed to stress but I also feel like I start to grow bigger and time seems to slow down almost - I certainly feel like I start to age slower - I'm really trying to figure out what this means then - would it be that:

Wearing electrically conductive material raises thyroid -> but too much makes you hyperthyroid

And certain non-conductive material (such as wool/wood) lowers thyroid (but still lowers stress hormones) -> but too much makes you hypothyroid?

It's interesting because out of all the material I tried - Wool and Wood make the most profound effects on my DHT and these 2 materials specifically I strongly believe made me grow bigger
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Jun 22, 2021
Speaking of trees - yesterday I took my multimeter to the park, I wanted to measure my electric potential when touching a tree.
I often see people doing tree hugging, and I wanted to see exactly the difference between being barefoot on the grass vs touching a tree.
The results were very interesting.
As soon as I touched the tree the multimeter showed -30 millivolts.
But then as long as I kept my hand on the tree it started to increase steadily by 1 millivolt per second until it plateaued around -150 millivolts.
I was very surprised by this. It means that the tree is reacting in real time to the touch of my hand and increasing the energy in that area.
When touching the ground barefoot you'd get an instant measurement of the value which varies randomly depending on the soil etc.
But with the tree there was this intelligent/conscious reaction to my touch, steadily increasing voltage by 1 millivolt per second.
I did not expect this, especially because you'd think bark is a rather dry material not very conductive.
I was at the park several nights ago at about 1AM sitting on a wood bench - I've been very mindful of my behavior around trees since I read this - I've been going around the park giving a friendly slap/greeting to the trees - interestingly enough I do feel that some trees reciprocate me more than others - theres a female tree in that park that sends warmer/stronger greetings when I approach - I like this tree the best

That night was incredible - I spotted 2 large male trees with signs taped around their trunk - someone lost their wallet and left their sign constricting the trunk of the trees so I went up to the trees and freed them from the tape/sign and went back to sit on the bench which was about 20 feet in front of them.

For the next 2-5 minutes I swear the trees were sending me a message - as I sat on the bench I felt powerful energy fields eminating from them towards me - my mind interpreted it as a "Thank You" but it was really powerful - They really wanted me to feel their presence - after 5 minutes the energy fields went away and didn't come back so I know it wasn't in my head - before I left the park I went back to the trees I freed to say goodbye and I felt the fields activate again when I approached - as if they were saying goodbye too - I really need to get a multimeter because I know there was energy distortions happening that is difficult to describe in words but I do believe now that trees are very conscious - it was an incredible experience
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@JamesGatz most esoteric post i have read in a long shot looooool ma boi,great post boi,i had a good laugh even if its totally possible.

to share you an experience about consciousness, even foods such as as eggs/fruits/honey,meat and organs from animals that have been slaughtered many days ago do have some form of consciousness,wthe moments where i had characteristics of low DHT,and vulnerable to serotonin exess associated characteristics,many of these foods i mentionned would cause me specific feelings,and specific dreams/nightmare,some exemples:

i ate veal brain one day i had low DHT associated characteristics,in the seconds i swallowed it,i had a awfull feelings of getting sting many times in my chest,i then had a nightmare this night in wich i got sting by syringe multiples times,same feeling;i then asked my raiser butcher if the veal got stinged with syringe recently,she said yes.

i had low DHT associated characteristics,most of the times i ate eggs,i had the same reccurent nightmare in wich i was falling in quick sand or a mud hole,awfull feeling.

since i started eating honey, in 2020 with other foods,i started to experience dreams where i fly in green abundant vegetation,from woman to woman to impregnate them,and very often the women are connected to vegetation their self


Oct 20, 2021
United States
@JamesGatz most esoteric post i have read in a long shot looooool ma boi,great post boi,i had a good laugh even if its totally possible.

to share you an experience about consciousness, even foods such as as eggs/fruits/honey,meat and organs from animals that have been slaughtered many days ago do have some form of consciousness,wthe moments where i had characteristics of low DHT,and vulnerable to serotonin exess associated characteristics,many of these foods i mentionned would cause me specific feelings,and specific dreams/nightmare,some exemples:

i ate veal brain one day i had low DHT associated characteristics,in the seconds i swallowed it,i had a awfull feelings of getting sting many times in my chest,i then had a nightmare this night in wich i got sting by syringe multiples times,same feeling;i then asked my raiser butcher if the veal got stinged with syringe recently,she said yes.

i had low DHT associated characteristics,most of the times i ate eggs,i had the same reccurent nightmare in wich i was falling in quick sand or a mud hole,awfull feeling.

since i started eating honey, in 2020 with other foods,i started to experience dreams where i fly in green abundant vegetation,from woman to woman to impregnate them,and very often the women are connected to vegetation their self
Do you drink coffee? Whenever I drink coffee my dreams become dull while when I quit my dreams are extremely vivid and blissful

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Do you drink coffee? Whenever I drink coffee my dreams become dull while when I quit my dreams are extremely vivid and blissful
hi boi,no i have drinked coffee since 10 years plus,and i drank it only 5 times maximum in my life time.

anything that cause me symptoms associated to higher serotonin dull my dreams(if you mean reduce color intensity),red meat and specifically lamb/veal liver/kidneys make me reach the highest colorfullness degree.when i experience dull dreams,its most of the times associated with poor flying abilities to none,me wanting to have sex with women but not being able too because of many reasons,others negative events phenomenons


Oct 20, 2021
United States
hi boi,no i have drinked coffee since 10 years plus,and i drank it only 5 times maximum in my life time.

anything that cause me symptoms associated to higher serotonin dull my dreams(if you mean reduce color intensity),red meat and specifically lamb/veal liver/kidneys make me reach the highest colorfullness degree.when i experience dull dreams,its most of the times associated with poor flying abilities to none,me wanting to have sex with women but not being able too because of many reasons,others negative events phenomenons
Interesting stuff, I suspect serotonin makes sense. Whenever I drink milk or eat dairy my dreams become unpleasant and often times consist of getting lost in the woods

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Interesting stuff, I suspect serotonin makes sense. Whenever I drink milk or eat dairy my dreams become unpleasant and often times consist of getting lost in the woods
me too,very often milk or cheese worsen my dreams up to a significant extend,generally there is a very strong association between having suboptimal stools and suboptimals dreams,some milk often give me diarréa,and it most of the times make me experience terrible dreams,perfeclty ripe fruits make me experience perfect stool,quick to pass,odorless,dry,not watery,i dont have to force,dont have to wipe,and fruits make my sleep deep up the point where i dont dream at all,or if i dream its perfect,colorfull and devoid of any negative feelings/events.even with poor digestion on keto carnivore,having cold extremities,and having very slow transit times,i had perfect dreams as long as i had dry stools


Sep 3, 2020
You know, recently, I’ve noticed that darkness really matters. When you go to bed, you have to be sure that every tiny LED you have in your room is off. And since I began sleeping with the TV off, my sleep has changed. I guess my life’s changed, ‘cause I’ve become more productive since then. The other thing I’ve discovered is that your mattress and pillows matter. And, I’m actually grateful for this article that my friend showed me one day. Btw, I also talked to my orthopedist, who advised me to try memory foam. Now I sleep like a baby. I mean not waking up all the house and crying at night, but waking up all the house at night burst out of happiness because I can finally have a proper sleep. Cheers.


Jan 11, 2019
ive been taking a dye free benadryl every night and have been getting amazing sleep every night


Jun 22, 2021
I am now experimenting with sleeping on the floor on my wool comforter with POWERFUL results - I absolutely hate polyester mattresses not even the wool comforter on top makes them bearable

All animals sleep on the floor/hard surface besides people so if you think about it - its normal


Jun 22, 2021
I've been sleeping on a grounded floor on a wool comforter for a few weeks now and I'm never going back to a bed - I keep my head slightly elevated with a folded cotton blanket

A bed even with a wool comforter still causes estrogenic symtops/hypometabolism and plus sleeping on the floor has caused MAJOR positive results -

The bones in the back of my body have gotten a lot stronger to support my weight

My hair and nails are growing REALLY fast

I only need about 4-5 hours of sleep to feel COMPLETELY rested vs 8 hours on a bed

Also sleeping on the floor is causing ACCELERATED expansions of my jaws/skull meanwhile estrogenic mattresses tend to REVERSE this/mess it up

I just sat down on a mattress with my wool comforter for the first time in a few weeks and I felt horrible

It takes a few days to get used to sleeping on a floor but once you do it feels really good

Only thing I would emphasize is to ensure your floor is not lined with plastic (most wooden floors are) or else you won't really be grounded


Jun 22, 2021
Another thing that changed my sleep:

Putting ALL phones/tablets in Faraday cages - even when it is OFF, it us still sending out signals (at the very least recording sound) - getting a good quality Faraday cage to place your devices in and keeping it away from the room you sleep is good

Besides that the most important thing I think is NOT sleeping on a polyester mattress - it does A LOT of DAMAGE and you don't realize how much until you stop doing it


Jul 29, 2022
edmonton, canada
Ive been saving up for the cbh wood furniture beds, theyre talalay latex with wool topper, no metals in the frame and its engineered to give you a nice hard sleep rather than being over comfy

despite being on the cheaper side of healthy beds theyre still pricey for me at 2k, so until then ill probably try experimenting with throwing out my mattress and sleeping on a few wool blankets i have

and personally ive felt much better sleep when its pitch dark in my room, a light thats similar to a candles frequency is probably not that bad though given our ancestors used to sleep next to open fires for warmth
Jul 17, 2021
From Naked Beneath Your Clothing by John Veltheim:
A while ago I was studying if sleeping at a reverse angle would make you wrinkle less (more blood to the face, less wrinkles). What I learned was the best sleeping angle is positive, but I forgot which amount. I think you were guided to raise your bed 10 inches or something at the front. They said much research was done by nasa and it's how they figured it out.

I think there really is something to this. Being unclothed, especially while sleeping, is quite healthy. And bras….I hate them. I think most women do. Unfortunately they are a necessary evil when out in public. They are like straightjackets for your breasts. Especially those underwire ones. I got rid of mine and wear the most comfortable stretchy soft kind I can find. Then when I’m home, off it goes. I like being comfortable in my dwelling domain.


Mar 20, 2021
The best sleep I've had lately was in August, backpacking 300 miles along the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington State with my 17 year old daughter, sleeping in this tiny tent, on a speck of foam. No pillow, unless I wadded up my down parka sometimes.

Also I sleep great in the back of my Toyota, just put all the seats down, lay on the stock carpeting and throw a down bag over me.


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