COVID 19 Lockdown And Testing Had No Effect On Death Rate


Feb 18, 2016
From the lancet today ,lockdowns had no effect on death rate neither did testing, remember the mask cult were chanting the mantra of lockdowns to save lives a few months ago, because the science and experts and like all that stuff.......
Now they are saying masks save lives because the science and experts and like all that stuff......

Science is gone for now until the covid cult overcome the dissonance or until the politicians and central banks get the bailouts done, austerity became fiscal measures and now fiscal measures has become the COVID stimulus package, they are touting the outright lie that the financial system was just dandy until covid came along. Don’t forget the elite paedophile ring a la Epstein and Captain vaccine bill gates needed a cover story too.

For your own safety don’t mention the trigger word "Sweden" to covid cult members, when confronted by a cult member just agree everyone is dying everywhere and slowly back away......

ome rage inducing gems from the study for covid cult members.

"The final unexpected finding was the lower frequency of critical cases and deaths in countries with a higher smoking prevalence"

"A potential protective effect of smoking was identified in a recent evaluation of 17 million adult patients within the National Health Service of the United Kingdom, with 5683 COVID related deaths [31]. In their analy- sis, current smokers were associated with a reduced risk of COVID-19 related mortality"

(cult members want us to believe this virus is the most deadly in history yet a chain smokers lung is protective)

Ironically at this point based on "scientific evidence" not wearing a mask and smoking is more protective than wearing a mask and not smoking.

By this "logic" the following are some recommendations -

-forget masks
-smoking should be allowed on public transport immediately and public places in general.
- Teachers should be allowed smoke in the classroom.
-Parents should smoke in the car while taking kids to school and back. (failure to comply is child abuse)
- kids shouldn’t smoke because covid 19 has little to no effect on them.
- if you have underlying health conditions start smoking immediately, the elderly should also take up smoking immediately.(if you have a family member that needs assistance with smoking you can help but make sure to be smoking when helping as social distancing rules will be broken)
- Frontline medical workers should smoke in the hospital.
-smoking on planes is recommended
-Anyone not smoking in public going forward is to be fined up €4000 or 6 months in prison.
- report people who are not smoking to your local law enforcement agency, call this number 666-666-666


Jan 9, 2019
From the lancet today ,lockdowns had no effect on death rate neither did testing, remember the mask cult were chanting the mantra of lockdowns to save lives a few months ago, because the science and experts and like all that stuff.......
Now they are saying masks save lives because the science and experts and like all that stuff......

Science is gone for now until the covid cult overcome the dissonance or until the politicians and central banks get the bailouts done, austerity became fiscal measures and now fiscal measures has become the COVID stimulus package, they are touting the outright lie that the financial system was just dandy until covid came along. Don’t forget the elite paedophile ring a la Epstein and Captain vaccine bill gates needed a cover story too.

For your own safety don’t mention the trigger word "Sweden" to covid cult members, when confronted by a cult member just agree everyone is dying everywhere and slowly back away......

ome rage inducing gems from the study for covid cult members.

"The final unexpected finding was the lower frequency of critical cases and deaths in countries with a higher smoking prevalence"

"A potential protective effect of smoking was identified in a recent evaluation of 17 million adult patients within the National Health Service of the United Kingdom, with 5683 COVID related deaths [31]. In their analy- sis, current smokers were associated with a reduced risk of COVID-19 related mortality"

(cult members want us to believe this virus is the most deadly in history yet a chain smokers lung is protective)

Ironically at this point based on "scientific evidence" not wearing a mask and smoking is more protective than wearing a mask and not smoking.

By this "logic" the following are some recommendations -

-forget masks
-smoking should be allowed on public transport immediately and public places in general.
- Teachers should be allowed smoke in the classroom.
-Parents should smoke in the car while taking kids to school and back. (failure to comply is child abuse)
- kids shouldn’t smoke because covid 19 has little to no effect on them.
- if you have underlying health conditions start smoking immediately, the elderly should also take up smoking immediately.(if you have a family member that needs assistance with smoking you can help but make sure to be smoking when helping as social distancing rules will be broken)
- Frontline medical workers should smoke in the hospital.
-smoking on planes is recommended
-Anyone not smoking in public going forward is to be fined up €4000 or 6 months in prison.
- report people who are not smoking to your local law enforcement agency, call this number 666-666-666

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
For your own safety don’t mention the trigger word "Sweden" to covid cult members, when confronted by a cult member just agree everyone is dying everywhere and slowly back away...
If you compare the overall number of confirmed cases within Sweden to the other Scandinavian countries, the numbers are drastically higher, in addition to overall deaths in a way that does not account for the difference in population. Not sure why people keep bringing this up as an argument against social distancing?

IME most people in these countries enjoy the snus and not tobacco.


Jan 25, 2014
If you compare the overall number of confirmed cases within Sweden to the other Scandinavian countries, the numbers are drastically higher, in addition to overall deaths in a way that does not account for the difference in population. Not sure why people keep bringing this up as an argument against social distancing?

IME most people in these countries enjoy the snus and not tobacco.

"Confirmed cases" is a useless metric. The only measurements that really matter if you are in a "pandemic" are All Cause Mortality and Deaths Per Thousand. Neither one has shown any more cause for concern, health wise, than any other year. All Cause Mortality everywhere is basically about where you would expect it to be, compared with previous years.


Mar 1, 2017
The increase over expected deaths from beginning of April 2020 to the most recent can be seen here:
Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19

There is time lag with the process of tallying. "Data are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more..."


Sep 8, 2016
The Hong Kong flu of 1968-1968 killed 1-4 million people worldwide. The virus spread until herd immunity. We didn’t do lockdowns, wear masks and 30 million people did not lose their jobs. The cov-2 virus will spread until herd immunity is reached. All lock downs do is extend the time until herd immunity. Stats show that people < 50y/o have almost 0% chance of dying from covid-19. Why lock them down? Lastly it's not the number of new cases that is important, it's the number of deaths from covid-19. In 2019 there were 7900 deaths per DAY from all causes. On July 14th there were 900 deaths from covid-19. ~50% of all covid19 deaths were in nursing and assisted living facilities. Why lock down, destroy 30 million jobs and 10000s of businesses. Just focus on protections for the elderly. The only difference between the Hong Cong flu pandemic of 1968-69 and covid-19 is that, today, we are counting the number of cases that have it. But the number of deaths are the same.

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
"Confirmed cases" is a useless metric. The only measurements that really matter if you are in a "pandemic" are All Cause Mortality and Deaths Per Thousand. Neither one has shown any more cause for concern, health wise, than any other year. All Cause Mortality everywhere is basically about where you would expect it to be, compared with previous years.
Right: but if you’re making an argument against social distancing by positing that Sweden’s rate of mortality is consistent with other Scandinavian countries, COVID deaths are not close by comparison. Therefore, it’s a weird argument to make across a spectrum where many things remain similar between these countries with exception of their approaches to this virus. Keep in mind that Sweden did isolate the elderly population and still 7% of the people that contracted the virus died. That’s a concern.

All lock downs do is extend the time until herd immunity.
The question is whether herd immunity can be achieved without the creation of a vaccine and creating many casualties.


Oct 1, 2019
@Arnold Grape Sweden talked about protecting the elderly, but they didn't do any meaningful prevention for them.

What's going wrong in Sweden's care homes?
"Sweden did ban visits to care homes on 31 March. But as in many European countries, relatives, staff and union officials have shared concerns that protective clothing arrived too late, and that some staff may have gone to work at the start of the crisis despite showing symptoms of Covid-19."

All they did is ban your family from visiting you, the absolute worst thing you could do to them. Can you imagine being so sick that you think you are dying and you are forbidden to see your family again before you go? It is one of the worst stress you can experience.


Oct 1, 2019
Investigation: Elderly still being moved into Covid-19 infected nursing homes - Radio Sweden
"Despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the elderly are continuing to be moved into nursing homes in Stockholm and Sörmland where Covid-19 has found to be present, according to an investigation by Swedish Radio News.
At a nursing home in Stockholm, a carer tells of a person who moved in while Covid-19 infection there was still widespread.
"I thought it was strange that people were allowed to move in because there was someone on almost every floor who had the virus," she says."


Oct 1, 2019

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
All Cause Mortality everywhere is basically about where you would expect it to be, compared with previous years.
This is simply not true. Europe alone is at nearly double the excess deaths at this point of the year compared to the previous five years. The same is true for the USA. Again, we're not dealing with the Black Death or Spanish Flu, but trying to make it sound like a typical year is also incorrect.

The virus spread until herd immunity.
The problem is we're seeing antibodies decline to baseline in 2-3 months in many patients, so herd immunity through natural infection may not be achievable. Antibodies for the flu (achieved through infection) last a very long time.


Feb 18, 2016
If you compare the overall number of confirmed cases within Sweden to the other Scandinavian countries, the numbers are drastically higher, in addition to overall deaths in a way that does not account for the difference in population. Not sure why people keep bringing this up as an argument against social distancing?

IME most people in these countries enjoy the snus and not tobacco.

Everyone would be fine with social distancing, the big issue in all this has been legislated lockdowns, mask wearing and prison time for non compliance, a more reasonable way forward was encouragement and recommendations not enforcement particularly we knew this virus was nowhere near as deadly as predicted.

The comparison to neighboring nations has been a red herring since the beginning propagated by the media to try shame Sweden into lockstep.
What we confirm as cases at this point is under review, many false positives , poor tests and higher testing capabilities all skew the numbers.

Anders Tegnell is being modest in this interview probably for fear of a witch-hunt ,in the end he concedes it will be similar to prior flu seasons.



Oct 1, 2019
@Drareg main post: :lol:
This would be an amazing marketing opportunity for the tobacco industry. A third boom that will sell even more than women‘s independence and manly cowboys.


Feb 18, 2016
The Hong Kong flu of 1968-1968 killed 1-4 million people worldwide. The virus spread until herd immunity. We didn’t do lockdowns, wear masks and 30 million people did not lose their jobs. The cov-2 virus will spread until herd immunity is reached. All lock downs do is extend the time until herd immunity. Stats show that people < 50y/o have almost 0% chance of dying from covid-19. Why lock them down? Lastly it's not the number of new cases that is important, it's the number of deaths from covid-19. In 2019 there were 7900 deaths per DAY from all causes. On July 14th there were 900 deaths from covid-19. ~50% of all covid19 deaths were in nursing and assisted living facilities. Why lock down, destroy 30 million jobs and 10000s of businesses. Just focus on protections for the elderly. The only difference between the Hong Cong flu pandemic of 1968-69 and covid-19 is that, today, we are counting the number of cases that have it. But the number of deaths are the same.

I think deaths from previous flu seasons of that era are actually higher per 100,000 people, the overall population was lower in those times therefore it needs to be adjusted, the covid cult don’t do this.
I seen the number comparison somewhere but I can’t find it now, covid deaths per 100,000 is lower.


Feb 18, 2016
This is simply not true. Europe alone is at nearly double the excess deaths at this point of the year compared to the previous five years. The same is true for the USA. Again, we're not dealing with the Black Death or Spanish Flu, but trying to make it sound like a typical year is also incorrect.

The problem is we're seeing antibodies decline to baseline in 2-3 months in many patients, so herd immunity through natural infection may not be achievable. Antibodies for the flu (achieved through infection) last a very long time.

Where are you sourcing the Europe death rate from? Has it been adjusted for when the deaths actually occurred, and is it based on "average’ estimates of prior years or actual certified deaths of previous years?
The death certs are coming through now and will paint a more exact picture.


Feb 18, 2016
Chris Witty the chief medical officer for the UK is now admitting the virus was in retreat before lockdown, scroll down the article for the video, I posted from this website before and mentioned the owner may be far right leaning so keep that in mind, it doesn’t take away from what Witty says, I would post from another outlet but they aren’t pumping this, I wonder why.....

Latest News – Lockdown Sceptics


Jun 19, 2017
I think deaths from previous flu seasons of that era are actually higher per 100,000 people, the overall population was lower in those times therefore it needs to be adjusted, the covid cult don’t do this.
I seen the number comparison somewhere but I can’t find it now, covid deaths per 100,000 is lower.

Here are some numbers for the US from an analysis in Coronavirus Update XXIII: Yes, More Testing Leads to More “New” “Cases” , which took CDC as source.


"Since the CDC is always behind in reporting these, the last three weeks (from the first source) have been marked with dots. These numbers will almost surely rise, as will, to a much lesser degree, the numbers up until about 8 weeks ago (usually, the bulk of the adjusting lag is in over the last two weeks)."


Jan 25, 2014
This is simply not true. Europe alone is at nearly double the excess deaths at this point of the year compared to the previous five years. The same is true for the USA. Again, we're not dealing with the Black Death or Spanish Flu, but trying to make it sound like a typical year is also incorrect.

Double the excess Deaths? Ridiculous. The CDC says that about 1.4 million people in the US have died in 2020, which is about 103% of the expected rate. That is basically the same. Certainly, nowhere near "double." You are either completely mistaken, or outright lying.

Also, stop with your "Spanish Flu" comparisons. That's like saying a Jack Russell Terrier isn't as big as a T Rex. Even accepting COVID associated deaths at face value, 500,000 is less than half the number of 1.5 million, which is the Tuberculosis deaths from 2019.
Last edited:


Feb 18, 2016
Double the excess Deaths? Ridiculous. The CDC says that about 1.4 million people in the US have died in 2020, which is about 103% of the expected rate. That is basically the same. Certainly, nowhere near "double." You are either completely mistaken, or outright lying.

Also, stop with your "Spanish Flu" comparisons. That's like saying a Jack Russell Terrier isn't as big as a T Rex. Even accepting COVID associated deaths at face value, 500,000 is less than half the number of 1.5 million, which is the Tuberculosis deaths from 2019.

The previous flu pandemics need to be looked at through a population adjusted lens, per 100,000 more people died from flu in the past severe seasons than from covid 19 as it stands ,it’s media propagating the raw covid numbers when it suits the agenda to scare people, they won’t use raw numbers when playing statistical games to create a clickbait article on covid 19, they pick and choose as they go along, the agenda is always doomsday from covid 19, they fit that narrative however they choose.


Feb 18, 2016
Another study on lockdowns showing no effect on mortality-

"This phenomenological study assesses the impacts of full lockdown strategies applied in Italy, France, Spain and United Kingdom, on the slowdown of the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. Comparing the trajectory of the epidemic before and after the lockdown, we find no evidence of any discontinuity in the growth rate, doubling time, and reproduction number trends. Extrapolating pre-lockdown growth rate trends, we provide estimates of the death toll in the absence of any lockdown policies, and show that these strategies might not have saved any life in western Europe. We also show that neighboring countries applying less restrictive social distancing measures (as opposed to police-enforced home containment) experience a very similar time evolution of the epidemic"

To be fair the bank and big corporate bailouts for the 1% now known as "covid19 stimulus package" has saved some lives in the top 1%, our superior elites should be saved first.

#we’re all in this together
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