Clueless about thyroid/basal body temps & symptoms


Mar 21, 2014
Hello, @Charlie & everyone else

I was reading a post/conversation about thyroid cynomel. I thought after reading the post, you might be able to help me hopefully. You seem to know what your are doing and I would be so thankful for your help. My question is, I started eating metabolically enhancing foods about a year ago. Strictly, and I watch very closely what I put into my body etc. I have never felt better, but I have days or moments where I'm all full of energy and suddenly everything goes dark. I mean like no energy, brain fog, easily annoyed ( normally I'm not) sometimes these symptoms are for a brief moment. There are days where it's an all day type of thing/on and off. I have noticed recently after meals (OJ,raw milk,low fat milk, coconut oil,pastured eggs,coffee,raw honey sometimes local honey, grassfed beef liver, and on rare occasion chicken liver/Grassfed bone broth, Kosher gelatin hydrolyzed, organic kale (rarely) my symptoms disappear completely. My question is, if I want to start taking thyroid where do I start? I am trying to read as much as I can on the RP website about it but I guess I just need more help before I make any big decisions. Where would I buy it? How do I take it? Is there a certain kind for women my age ? What dose should I start with ?

Here is a little info about me, health history wise…
-current weight 160 Height 5'5
-I do resistance training 3-4 times a week/durring and after work out I do lots of fresh OJ/I take breaks etc in between reps 1-2 hour sessions.
-Mother of 3
-29 years old
-never took any form of birth control/pills
-in my teenage years I had trouble with weigh/dieting.
-I have done almost every low-carb diet (very long time ago)
-former vegetarian for a brief moment (very long time ago)
-I was told I was anemic with every pregnancy- but I think I am a lot better (liver at least twice a week)
-I have read something about antibiotics and thyroid -I never took antibiotics in the form of pills but with every pregnancy when you go into to have a baby they give you antibiotics in the form of some water solution/iv drip. (several bags) I do remember that.
-Sorry TMI ( my periods are normal) but my energy levels are really low/cranky/moody right around my ovulation time up until my period starts then I'm okay. It's like I was brought back alive or something and I can go through my day smoothly again
-during my dieting/low carb days I use to restrict all sugar unless it was a cheat meal (processed junk)
-I started adapting a healthy life after my sister passed away of breast cancer at age 22
-I never drank milk religious until a few years ago
-random but it might help? I use refined expeller pressed TD certified organic coconut oil
-I eat fruits cooked/stewed only apples, very ripe bananas(rare) or plums sometimes
-I have OJ first thing when I wake up, and then an hour later I have my carrot salad (1 organic carrot/shredded lengthwise, coconut oil, salt, braggs apple cider vinegar) another hour later I have breakfast. Usually some combination of sugar/protein(stewed fruit/raw cheddar/milk/honey/coffee latte)
-after breakfast/meals my hands/feet get very cold, I thought it was because I'm always wearing tanks/thin material shirts (I hate wearing clothes inside the house) my husband would always say "wear something if you're cold" but even if I do it never fixes the problem.
-I read a few people talk about night sweats -I don't get them often, but if I do it's around ovulation time. I would wake up soaking with sweat/my pillow/shirt everything!
After reading a few posts here, I think I need to look into my thyroid and hopefully get some answers. I know this is a long post and I am asking a lot of questions, I'm sos sorry in advance. I am more then happy to do the work myself and read if you guys have any links/websites that can give me some clarity on what is going with me.

I recently took my temperature, but forgive me for sounding so clueless :oops: :oops: , I don't even know what to do with it :-/ maybe suggest a few reading material to me ? :cry:



Do you consume at least 80 grams of protein daily?

Milk for example has about 30 per quart. An egg about 7 grams.


Feb 20, 2013
This link has tons of RP quote on various topics.
Measuring temperature and pulse 1-2 hours after breakfast gives an idea about your
thyroid status. Feeling cold after breakfast usually mean that your stress hormones were high
before breakfast. Darkness and not eating for 8-9 hours can increase all kind of stress hormones,
some of which can increase body temperature and pulse. If your body temperature and pulse
fall after breakfast it means your stress hormones were high.
By mid morning your body temperature should be close to 98.5.
Eating carrot salad before breakfast can be problematic for you.
You can try the carrot salad in afternoon. You can add some honey to
your morning carrot salad, that can keep blood sugar up.
You can use to track your total carb, fat,
protein, minerals and vitamin intake. You may try adding more
sugar or honey with some salt to your morning OJ to see how it feels.
Eating sugary and salty foods before bed help liver to store
enough carbohydrate to supply glucose through out the night.
I think if diet does not fix the problem then you can consider
thyroid hormone. Your age is a major advantage. It is easier for
younger people to reverse thyroid problem.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
As far a monitoring temperature goes I personally think it is valuable to pick one spot such as oral or right arm pit etc and stick with that spot for consistency. If the spot where you check your temperature is changed around the numbers can look more inconsistent than they really are.


Mar 21, 2014
Thank you for your response. I think I am going to start tracking my protein intake. I can 't say if I am taking in at least 80 grams. I'm pretty sure it is less, but not by much. I do have a lot of milk through out my day. I drink low fat milk most of the time and when it's not available to me I drink full fat raw. I started working on taking in more protein today. I had OJ/salt/sugar first thing am. Skipped the carrot salad and will have it around noon as you mentioned it with honey. I usually have small portion of liver & very well cooked onions for my dinner meals along with a cup of sweet milk and dash of coffee/gelatin/coconut oil. Maybe twice a week. The rest of the times either broth or warm latte/gelatin/coconut oil/some raw cheddar. I have done cucumber tomato salads with salt/lime and some cheese. I would love to eat liver every night till I get tired of it. (in small portions of course) with plenty of sugar and gelatin BUT I have a feeling that's a bit extreme ? I do feel great when ever I eat liver. I'm very familiar with Danny Roddy from Facebook, so I look forward to reading his articles on RP. As of now I have not had the chance yet, but this evening hopefully. Once I get that information down, I will let you know about my temps/pulse and hopefully you can help me understand what the status of my thyroid is/or I might figure it out myself once I read those quotes/articles on Danny's page. Thank you again. Also maybe a little off topic here, but do any of you use the infrared Sauna ? Could this be bad for me ? I have recently started using it because I heard of it's detoxing effects when you sweat. I have used it several times -all new to me. I do feel really good the next day, and even that night. It helps sleep a little better. I only use on the days I'm not working out (no particular reason) just what feels right to me ? I have a bad feeling it's not good so I am considering to stop using it. I don't know…

Thank you I will keep that in mind as soon as I read a few articles to get a better understand of everything!


Feb 20, 2013
You can eat small amount of liver everyday. Vitamin A in excess
can lower thyroid function. Also excess cysteine in liver can do the same.
I eat 1 to 1.5 oz of liver everyday. This is easier on thyroid than eating one large
serving of liver. 1 oz of beef liver has about 5000 IU of vitamin A, RP thinks average
hypothyroid person need about 5000 IU. You can try eating 1 oz of liver
everyday and see how it feels. Liver pate is easier on taste bud.
It is better to eat most of your protein during day time and Liver
with dinner can be problematic as it can lower blood sugar.
Infra red sauna provides a lot of heat and it is beneficial.
But it does not provide enough orange and red light
that have a lot of health benefits. Sauna's infra red range is
too high. RP recommends regular clear incandescent bulb
or brooding lamp, 250+ watt to increase metabolism and
beneficial steroid synthesis . You can also use red LED light.
Here is a link to general dietary guidelines


Mar 21, 2014
This past week increased my protein intake, the first day was tough. After all the milk less OJ I was feeling nauseated, extreme sensitivity to smell. The following day was a lot more better. I have also been eating my liver during the day as you recommended. I noticed something I never had before which was an intense craving for salty/sour flavors. I never had that before, along with the nausea ? I had some milk and honey and went to bed. Today before breakfast same salty/sour craving. Does it mean I need more salt in my diet ? I tried doing plus/temps but having a hard time finding my pulse. After reading some more I'm going to try several mornings again firs thing when I wake. I still get cold before meals and sometimes after sometimes. Hands and feet. I'm looking into getting that LED light. I think I'm susceptible to hypoglycemia after every meal or maybe I'm wrong ? I was reading one of Raypeats articles about TSH, temperature, pulse rate, and other indicators in hypothyroidism and some of what he describes have happened to me. I have always thought it was normal and that I just need to take a break or grab something to eat. Sometimes I don't always eat timely maybe an hour past meal time etc. Not always, I try my best. I have three little ones and I'm a full time student so it gets a little crazy every once in a while for me. So that feeling grew on me, thinking it's just delayed hunger. I hope to fix everything through nutrition and more protein has helped so far. I'm going to concentrate on tracking my body temperature/ plus and symptoms for the next few days. Also, I seem to be needing to constantly refuel myself after meals -will this ever stop? Will I ever be able to just have my meal (accruing to everything) and not feel those awful hypoglycemia symptoms? I probably don't even make sense, but please help me clear up what ever I don't understand. :(


Jul 24, 2013
Raypmom said:
I was feeling nauseated, extreme sensitivity to smell. The following day was a lot more better. I have also been eating my liver during the day as you recommended. ..Today before breakfast same salty/sour craving. Does it mean I need more salt in my diet ? I tried doing plus/temps but having a hard time finding my pulse. ... still get cold before meals and sometimes after sometimes. Hands and feet. ... I think I'm susceptible to hypoglycemia after every meal or maybe I'm wrong ? ... Also, I seem to be needing to constantly refuel myself after meals -will this ever stop? Will I ever be able to just have my meal (accruing to everything) and not feel those awful hypoglycemia symptoms? ... :(

Yes, things will improve. While an improved metabolism brings a good appetite, the fuel supply is more steady "in between". There will be less sudden drops due to extreme hunger. Continuing to keep the protein intake high will help. Maybe I am less of a purist, but I include some meat for variety and quantity, in addition to milk, gelatin, shellfish, fruit, etc.

If measuring pulse is difficult, it's easiest to get help in-person from someone. (You can measure at different sites too, like the neck (carotid) pulse.) In the meantime, track the temperature.

If the hands and feet are cold, warm them through clothing as an interim measure (socks, gloves, hat, etc.). Sometimes people "self treat", even unknowingly, by satisfying salt cravings. I have known a couple of people whose smell sensitivity seemed to "reset" (to more calm) when they increased salt intake.

While it's great to get rapid results, noticeable differences even over 3 weeks is still good progress. In a busy life, it can be tricky to take the long view.


Feb 20, 2013
Hypothyroid people have problem with excess fluid intake.
A person with healthy thyroid lose water through skin, lungs and urine.
But hypo people are not able to lose a lot of water through skin and lungs.
This can result in worsening thyroid function and water retention.
Body needs salt and albumin ( Protein increases albumin) to bind water.
It is possible you craved salt to compensate for excess fluid you drank.
Milk is not easy for everyone to digest, especially hypothyroid people
often do not make enough lactase enzyme to break down lactose.
Slow increase in milk volume can help body to get adjusted to it.
If you think excess volume of fluid and or lactose is a problem you
can try cheese for calcium and protein. Hard cheese can cause
histamine problems. Cottage cheese is a good option. You also can
make your own farmer's cheese. RP has mentioned that low thyroid
people are less efficient at digesting raw milk as they have lot more
bacteria than pasteurized milk. You can also try muscle meat ( low fat fish, beef,
skin less chicken etc) if they improve digestion.
Just add some extra gelatine and calcium with muscle meat.
Tracking temperature is very important or at least you should be able to
feel if you are feeling warmer or colder. Right food should raise temperature and pulse.
You can post a detail description of your daily food intake.
It is very important to avoid food that causes gut irritation.


Mar 21, 2014
I have been tracking my temperature and still unable to get pulse. I did one time with the help of my husband it was around evening time Temp 97.7 pulse 83. I thought it should be hight ? Then the following day 96.4 first thing before getting out of bed. This was around 5AM. it was underarm. Oral temperature was 97.8 ( I read somewhere underarm is more accurate) so I left that alone. I now just do under arm. I then had OJ, cold feeling was better. I do warm up with socks and sweater. After breakfast ( 2 hours later) it was temp was 96.5, 96.9, 97.2 I did it sever times in the same time range to see if it would change up. But lately it has been higher. First thing before getting out of bed I have had 97.9 and higher several days in a row. By midday I am usually around 98 or close to it. The cold feeling is gone. Today I did not check first thing in the morning, but I did check after breakfast/midmorning and it was 98.0, 97.8, 98.8, The changes I did was add raw cheddar organic valley brand ( it says it's grass-fed, raw milk cheese) no animal rennet but it has enzyme. So I don't think it's something I can have too much of it. Only when milk is hard to take down. I use to drink milk but more so in the form of smoothies. ( i'm pretty sure it had it's issues) But that's not recent, something I use to do a while ago. So what I am learning is that I have raised my temperature ? The food and especially the OJ/sugar/salt has help first thing in the AM. (thank you) I saw your link about the farmers cheese link in one of the post 's here so I will be making that. I will just eat that with raw honey in place of milk/maybe mix in my greatlakes gelatin . The cheese I will try to replace with something else (it's almost $6 for a small tiny block. I have an ounce at a time. The salty cravings are gone. I think it's just something that happened with all the milk intake/or a symptom of ovulation/PMS. I did wake up only once lately with a pounding heart and/sweat and I am pretty sure it was the liver I had a few hours before bed. ( i didn't want to, but i didn't eat it that day and I had gym session and I wanted to eat) but I did have a latte with coffee/sugar/gelatin ? Still it was a bad idea. I WILL not being do again! Night sweats are quite uncomfortable. Since I did a few of the changes you have recommend they have disappeared. One thing that is stressful is that after I eat, minutes or maybe an hour later I have to refuel again. If I don't the stress feeling start up. So maybe I could be doing something wrong in my diet so here is what a typical day would look like for me.

-Pe-Breakfast OJ/salt/sugar about 1 cup and half. I have done only one cup, but I seem feel comfortable with 1 and half
Breakfast Cup of raw milk or low fat milk, sugar(mostly honey), protein, coconut oil (tsp/sometimes more) sometimes grassfed egg and less of the other stuff or combination. Depending on how I feel. (I feel like my body really tells me how much too eat sometimes)

-two hours later more milk/honey or OJ depending on time or a latte. Either or really only a splash of coffee in my latte. Can coffee be problematic ? some time cheese on the side/spoon of honey.

-around noon it's carrot salad with honey, coconut oil, salt

-2 hours later around 230-3PM small amount of liver coffee latte (cup size, plenty of milk and sugar but I really prefer honey when it's avail.

In between meals, i do enjoy some figs/milk or OJ/cheese or sometimes dates/milk with added protein, when it's not so busy like last night I had some broth/with more protein added to it and milk late. very small amount chicken ( i don't care for it) I was bloated right after.
when the liver is not available for my late afternoon meals, it's bone broth/ eggs/ cheese.

I do a loth of bone broths for dinner to as well I noticed it's just more comfortable before bed. I had some white fish sometime last week too. Just the broth. I'm not into seafood that much. This week I am focusing on getting in more protein again in the form of cheese (homemade farmers cheese)


Mar 21, 2014
Also, to avoid the crash I tried to eat more at the same time, but that's uncomfortable full feeling I don't like. What is causing this ? I read somewhere it's the symptoms of hypoglycemia ? Should I have this if my temps are higher ? especially around midday my temps closer to or is 98. no more cold chills etc. feeling super great.

I read about Natural vitamin E mixed tocopherol in your posts -where can I get this ? Would it beneficial to my symptoms? What are the signed of pufa being released ?


Mar 21, 2014
it seems i have posted twice ? Now I'm confused. I tried to delete it.. :roll: :lol:


Feb 20, 2013
Temperature and Pulse

I use one of those finger tip machine to measure my pulse, called pulse oxemeter.
RP mentioned that Ear drum temperature is more reliable. Under arm temperature
can vary depending on thickness of fat under the skin. Mouth temperature is reliable
after breakfast. Under stress hormones body can keep normal core temperature but
cold extremities. Temperature and pulse after waking up gives an idea about stress condition.
But your real temperature and pulse are revealed after breakfast, a good breakfast with
good ratio of carb and protein. Mid morning temperature of 98 to 98.8 is quite good.

Gut Irritation

Every food should be a suspect in figuring out the gut irritant.
RP makes his own OJ from sweet ripe orange. Sweet ripe orange has
less irritant. I would try grape juice and other fruit juice instead of OJ for
few days to see if OJ is a problem. Grape can have high level of sulphur.
Some people are sensitive to sulphur. But soaking in cold water removes
most of the sulphur. You can try skipping all juices for a day or two.
Try skipping milk too. Some people do well on ultra pasteurized milk.

Gelatin can be a major cause of gut irritant. If it is not digested properly
it will feed bacteria. Hydrolysate one is easier to digest. I know some people
have problem with bone broth too.

Coffee with meal can be quite safe. But it is a possible gut irritant.
If you do not have any digestion issue with it then it is very good thing to have
regularly. Increase it slowly with enough sugar and after meal. It energizes liver.

Protein Source

I think farmer's cheese is safe and cheaper. You can cook a lot of different things using this
cheese. But remember to add extra calcium to compensate for lost calcium.
RP thinks non-animal rennet are often allergenic.
You can eat low fat fish, shellfish ( essential for selenium and iodine), skinless chicken breast
( low in iron and very little PUFA), beef etc. Just add extra calcium and gelatin with it.
I have noticed adding extra calcium to muscle meat is enough to avoid side effects of
muscle meat. Gelatine makes it better but i feel phosphorus and calcium ratio is more
problematic for me than balancing gelatin. If gelatine does not cause digestion issue
then it is better to add some gelatine with muscle meat.


RP mentioned that B vitamins, especially B1, B2 and B6 plays big role in liver health.
Selenium is needed to convert T4 to active for of hormone T3.
I use only Vitamin E, Niacinamide and vitamin D3.
I believe niacinamide is the most effective supplement of all.
I started with 100 mg once and now 100 mg 3 times a day with meal.
I use GNC brand, it has some excipients but safer ones.
There are pure Niacinamide Powder available.
RP recommends mixed tocopherols 200-400 IU daily for
people with high PUFA storage until PUFA is depleted.
I see some benefit using vitamin E, but not as dramatic as niacinamide.
Niacinamide and Aspirin both inhibit PUFA release and protect liver injury.
Niacinamide should increase your liver's ability to store more glycogen.
Since Aspirin can cause adverse effects in people with weak gut it is
safer to try when things are much better.
I have found very good result with vitamin D3 supplement.
You can check for list of supplements with
safer excipients. It is a good idea to measure your blood PTH
to get an idea if your calcium, vitamin D and K are keeping PTH in check.

Here is a list of fruits RP thinks are safer. I think it is very important to have
good quality well ripened fruits. Under ripe fruits can be very problematic.


Mar 21, 2014
About the fruit, I am trying to not even go near it unless good quality. Unfortunately. It did make things easier :( some days.

I need to control PUFA release, I can just feel it if that even makes sense. Specially during times of stress I feel like I'm unstable to do anything but sit for a few minutes. It only lasts a few minutes or so. Definitely gets better after meals Good sign ? I am getting my hands on Niacinamide today. Found the powder form for $12.96 in packs would you say that this is safe ? ... B00GW2LXTM

I am very new when it comes to vitamins/supplements. Except for the gelatin hydrolysate (green can) that's only gelatin I use. I will slow down with broths. Milk I don't think is problematic for anymore. I drink the organic pasteurized low fat.Will rethink OJ, I have felt the difference when I don't drink it. My gut is way more relaxed and calm.


Feb 20, 2013
If you are feeling better after meal, it is a sign that you are lowering stress hormones
and it also lowers PUFA release. Little bit of saturated fat, especially coconut oil. helps
to block PUFA access to mitochondria. Regular small meal with sugar, protein and some fat is
an easy way to lower PUFA release.
I have never used any Niacinamide except GNC one. You can check old threads on peoples
experience with different brands. At ,you can get
list of niacinamide supplements with the description of exipients and comments.
In theory pure niacinamide should be fine. At they have added
purebulk's niacinamide powder. When you take niacinamide you have to make sure
you are getting sugar/carb regularly as Niacinamide lowers energy supply from fat.
Body have to rely more on sugar for energy.
I mostly eat dairy, coffee, chicken, beef,liver, fish for nutrients.
Fruits usually are small part of my diet unless i can find good quality fruits.
I also use vegetable-fruit broth for extra vitamin and minerals if iam not
eating fruits. It a mix of cucumber, squash, potato, guava, apple, greens etc.


Mar 21, 2014
I will have to keep that in mind about the niacinamide when I am able to get it (ASAP) I do agree with coconut oil. Makes everything better. I add it to my latte in small amounts throughout out the day. I am also avoiding gaining weight which I am not worried about because I do exercise regularly no cardio just strength training. So small meals with enough carbs through out my days is very important for me. Your diet sounds a lot like mine. I get in small amount of liver every day. Everything else is dairy/honey. Eardrum temp was 96.6 right ear pulse unknown. I tied but I just can't get it. I will be buying the oximeter this weekend. For some reason left ear was 97.6 after breakfast. Then after another 2 hours and a second meal 97.3 right ear./left ear 97.6 My stress levels are extremely low compared to other mornings where they stay high all morning till noon at times with meals. The only thing I did different last night was 1 hour at the gym (strength training) when I got home I had sweetened milk/salt before bed and 1 aspirin 325mg. Things I am noticing when I wake up first thing, I little stuffy some days (its not a bothersome) but my eyes/face slightly (very, very slightly) puffy. Completely goes away after breakfast. So I need to cut down on liquids and make that farmers cheese in replace of some of my meals ? I will be doing soon.


Feb 20, 2013
I was drinking mostly reduced milk instead of regular milk in the winter.
It takes about 20-30 minutes to reduce 50 percent of the volume.
If you do it at very low temperature it takes about 50 minutes and
adding some sugar lowers the possibility of over flowing.
I was drinking 2-3 cups of regular milk and 2-3 cups of reduced milk
(which is equivalent to 4-6 cups of regular milk).
Added vitamins in milk can be allergenic for some people.
Aspirin and Niacinamide both lower free fatty acid.
RP recommends vitamin K if you are using aspirin regularly.
Aspirin can cause gastric ulcer and bleeding problems in some people.
Liver and kale are good source of vitamin K.


Jan 3, 2014
Based on info on this site, perhaps one of haidut's posts, I gave my very fair skinned daughter aspirin before and during a day in the full hot sun and it worked well. she did also use some conventional sun screen but normally would have burned anyway. I think it's an hour before, every hour in the sun, last one an hour before leaving the sun. Not sure what dosage was recommended but I used 300mg. She had probably 3 or 4 doses that day. Might be worth a try.


Mar 29, 2014
Last summer I made a couple of batches of sunscreen.
One was just coconut oil and zinc oxide (not nano-sized).
The second had coconut oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, zinc oxide. This one stayed on for hours, even in the surf. I think it would work fine without the cocoa butter. The beeswax makes it stick better, but is very stiff. The coconut oil softens it, and is good on the skin in its own right. The zinc oxide should be big enough to stay on the surface and reflect some of the UV. We still got some burns. I smeared dissolved aspirin on afterwards. Hard to know whether it was as effective as commercial sunscreen at stopping burning, but I was happier about using it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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