Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) May Be Caused By Increased Serotonin Sensitivity


Jul 8, 2014
Totally, I was teased for looking like a boy all the time and also told to ignore it. I think going to a girl-only school (middle and high school) saved me from being overly focused on appearance, but I was still way too self-conscious about the fact that I didn't want to be girly.

That made me a good candidate for burnout at work at the beginning of my career :(

I am starting to think in a more assertive way. I still struggle with taking action, but I am changing slowly. For me, having a child seems to have made me feel worthy. I care less about others' opinions since giving birth and also finding Peat :)
Ignoring them was like waving a cape in front of a bull, huh — we posed a challenge? That plan totally backfired! :rolleyes:

I'm glad you feel your worth now and are more assertive. I can understand the burnout. I experienced it myself. I now see self-love as self-preservation. :thumbsup:
Sometimes its best not to overthink things. I think a lot of people, the problem is simply not enough calories due to a life of chronic dieting and whatnot. Othertimes, many people under-eat and not necessarily realize it. The body's ideal amount of calories is typically higher than the 2000 RDA value quoted especially for males, and I believe even some females around here eat upwards of 3000 calories. My optimal is easily 4000-5000 calories depending on the day.
I agree! I do feel best eating a certain way but other than that, I try not to overthink things and just make sure to get enough calories each day. I currently feel my best on 3000+.
Great explanation Jennifer. I love this "I no longer have to dilute myself and wear myself ragged" and "I no longer require finding my tribe...".
Thanks, Regina! :)
Nov 27, 2017
@Jennifer shared something similar.
What's behind the exaggerated fear of failure or disapproval?

Various nutrients that are essential for life can worsen gut infections if they tend to escape digestion. Niacin is digested quite fast, but tryptophan can travel further down the intestines and cause issues.
Tryptophan: ‘essential’ for the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome?

Restriction provides relief, but it isn't enough to correct the problem on its own.

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- CFS Is Likely Hypometabolism Triggered By Environmental Stress
the recent details released on the metabolic trap hypothesis that is not a published study yet show that CFS patients could have higher intracellular tryptophan/kynurenine ratio due to a a broken enzyme (IDO2)
Nov 27, 2017
Sometimes its best not to overthink things. I think a lot of people, the problem is simply not enough calories due to a life of chronic dieting and whatnot. Othertimes, many people under-eat and not necessarily realize it. The body's ideal amount of calories is typically higher than the 2000 RDA value quoted especially for males, and I believe even some females around here eat upwards of 3000 calories. My optimal is easily 4000-5000 calories depending on the day.
I don't think eating adequately can solve CFS. Simplest explanations aren't always the best. I have tried to force myself to eat more or eat more calorie dense foods, but my inability to eat is secondary to decreased metabolism and was caused by infections that put me into a deeply hypometabolic state. If it was that simple to get out of, it wouldn't be the illness that it is, debilitating people for their whole lives


Aug 28, 2016
I know of 4 that were not able to do much except lie in bed all day (not even watch TV). All of those people are now employed and have active social lives. Two of them (one female and one male) started families (not with each other).

Do you think bromocriptine is better than metergoline in this regard or similar?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Do you think bromocriptine is better than metergoline in this regard or similar?

Probably similar in effects but may be safer. Metergoine is a full serotonin antagonist. Bromocriptine is agonist on 5-HT2B and as such has risk of fibrosis. Not so much in lower doses, but still the risk is there. Cabergoline is the worst. It has published reports of fibrosis from even 1.25mg once weekly which is lower than what doctors would prescribe.


Aug 28, 2016
Probably similar in effects but may be safer. Metergoine is a full serotonin antagonist. Bromocriptine is agonist on 5-HT2B and as such has risk of fibrosis. Not so much in lower doses, but still the risk is there. Cabergoline is the worst. It has published reports of fibrosis from even 1.25mg once weekly which is lower than what doctors would prescribe.

Seems like metergoline wins. You mentioned in another post how dopaminergic substances can be used alongaide t3 to recover/conserve metabolic rate during caloric restriction. Which is better in your opinion to keep metabolic rate high, lisuride, metergoline or their combination?


Feb 13, 2016
Serotonin antagonists will increase serotonin sensitivity and make fatigue worse. I think the trick to curing CFS is increasing GABA.


Aug 23, 2018
Lifting weights is the solution

The solution to what? Increasing GABA? Lowering serotonin?

I do prefer lifting weights to cardio and felt the best when I went regularly to the gym a while back. I did many things differently at that time, but it might have been weight training that helped the most?


Feb 3, 2019
The solution to what? Increasing GABA? Lowering serotonin?

I do prefer lifting weights to cardio and felt the best when I went regularly to the gym a while back. I did many things differently at that time, but it might have been weight training that helped the most?
lowering seronotin, no idea about the gaba part
Sep 26, 2018
Can Lysine help with the CFS/Depression after having Epstein Barr Mononucleosis/Herpes? Specially if the inmune system is weak.

Wendy B

Jul 16, 2019
hello. I have tremendous trouble reading. I have scanned this discussion. Might anyone be up for a very short summary for me? What i gather is that ppeople with cfs are too high in serotnion. I have not heard of any of the meds listed that counteract this. What might a lay person do? I have been peating about three months with little benefit and highly intolrant to all supplemnts and meds including 1/8 pill of 5mcg lirothyronine. But I'd be willing to try anything. I'm pretty deeply miserable. Thank you! - WEndy


Sep 27, 2018
Can Lysine help with the CFS/Depression after having Epstein Barr Mononucleosis/Herpes? Specially if the inmune system is weak.

Yes, definitely. My grand-grandmother always told everyone to eat chicken soup when they had an infection/were battling a virus. She didn't know that chicken is rich in lysine and low in arginine, but people back then instinctively knew what worked.
At age 17 I was incredibly sick with mono for many months and craved chicken everyday and it really helped me get better.
My sister is a vegan, plant protein usually is high arginine-low lysine and can exacerbate herpes symptoms. She sometimes gets herpes outbreak around her lips during stressful times and lysine capsules make it go away.


Sep 27, 2018
hello. I have tremendous trouble reading. I have scanned this discussion. Might anyone be up for a very short summary for me? What i gather is that ppeople with cfs are too high in serotnion. I have not heard of any of the meds listed that counteract this. What might a lay person do? I have been peating about three months with little benefit and highly intolrant to all supplemnts and meds including 1/8 pill of 5mcg lirothyronine. But I'd be willing to try anything. I'm pretty deeply miserable. Thank you! - WEndy

Hey Wendy, have you tried pregnenolone? I was bedridden for 3 years and extremely fatigued, what really helped me was pregnenolone. I started with 5mg and slowly went up to 50mg.


My CFS symptoms were largely alleviated after the use of antibiotics


Sep 25, 2018
hello. I have tremendous trouble reading. I have scanned this discussion. Might anyone be up for a very short summary for me? What i gather is that ppeople with cfs are too high in serotnion. I have not heard of any of the meds listed that counteract this. What might a lay person do? I have been peating about three months with little benefit and highly intolrant to all supplemnts and meds including 1/8 pill of 5mcg lirothyronine. But I'd be willing to try anything. I'm pretty deeply miserable. Thank you! - WEndy

I‘ll try Metergoline to reduce serotonine and up dopamine to combat CFS.
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