Calming Food Fears & Sugar

Mar 10, 2021
"If we added up all of the special 'avoidance' diets, no one could eat anything. Many people are ruining their health by avoiding too many foods." -Ray Peat

Oh the days of youth! How did we get to this place where we question everything we eat and worry? When was the moment that one day we were chasing the ice cream truck and the next day we crossed over a line where we were too grown up for that? I remember the days of the yellow bakery truck with its other little jingle, drawing in the young and old alike. "Al" was our baker man, pulling out wooden drawers of fresh baked pies, cookies and other such things the adults might have after dinner with coffee that night. We kids would step into the little mobile sweet shop with our fingerprints on everything before being sure of our selection, and minutes after stepping out of his truck we were already thinking about what we would be getting the next day.

Then there were the soda fountains, malt shops and drive-in diners where your double cheeseburger, fries and a rootbeer float, in an extra frosty glass mug, was brought to your car on roller skates, and balanced on your hand cranked window, precariously so. It was a family affair!

Nobody went to these places without get ice cream or coffee. It was all about Slurpies, sundaes and shakes, until broccoli ruined everything! How did the celebration of food come to a screeching halt, seemingly overnight for the likes of broccoli, wheat germ and protein powders? No wonder children aren't minding their parents, there is now a great divide! The young can't wait to excuse themselves from the dinner table and get back to living life. The business, or laziness is now killing us, with ovens traded for microwaves and dinner tables for couches. The celebration of food is now a chore or not a focus, with everybody having answers as to what we are suppose to be eating. They were all happier back then, and nobody was as fat and sick as we are today. How was sugar ever the the problem? I'll tell you what, broccoli could have never gotten this far if it weren't for butter!

Attached are photos of a few my "old time" "Peaty" Foods :


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Jun 10, 2020
I’m with you! Ice cream was always my favorite food, such a shame that I got driven away from it for several years. In my opinion, milk, cheese, sugar, butter, fruit, honey, coffee are the most delicious foods.

However, there are some delicious foods that we truly should avoid: anything made in an industrialized fashion, grains, and non-cooked foods with irritating fibers.

For the most part, our taste buds don’t lie to us: the most delicious foods are also the most nutritious. No one needs to suffer through eating anything. But we can’t eat everything, because some tasty foods will harm our bodies. Your post highlights for me the shift from focusing on “healthy” foods, to focusing on nourishing, satisfying foods.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I’m with you! Ice cream was always my favorite food, such a shame that I got driven away from it for several years. In my opinion, milk, cheese, sugar, butter, fruit, honey, coffee are the most delicious foods.

However, there are some delicious foods that we truly should avoid: anything made in an industrialized fashion, grains, and non-cooked foods with irritating fibers.

For the most part, our taste buds don’t lie to us: the most delicious foods are also the most nutritious. No one needs to suffer through eating anything. But we can’t eat everything, because some tasty foods will harm our bodies. Your post highlights for me the shift from focusing on “healthy” foods, to focusing on nourishing, satisfying foods.
I’m with you! Ice cream was always my favorite food, such a shame that I got driven away from it for several years. In my opinion, milk, cheese, sugar, butter, fruit, honey, coffee are the most delicious foods.

However, there are some delicious foods that we truly should avoid: anything made in an industrialized fashion, grains, and non-cooked foods with irritating fibers.

For the most part, our taste buds don’t lie to us: the most delicious foods are also the most nutritious. No one needs to suffer through eating anything. But we can’t eat everything, because some tasty foods will harm our bodies. Your post highlights for me the shift from focusing on “healthy” foods, to focusing on nourishing, satisfying foods.

True Vileplume about the truely harmful foods being a deal breaker now, but they weren't like that back then. Back then they made bread the long way, with unaltered ingredients, even McDonalds fries were "Peaty", made with animal fat, but bad oils now. There is no going back to those "good old days", but people still argue that sugars are bad and "limit your fruit's so you don't get fat" ridiculousness! My dad came to me on his second round of eating his self to near death. I took out a "durable power of attorney" on him and got to the "Peaty" business" of saving hus life. The only thing he could get down was my fresh strawberry raw full fat milkshakes with lots of sugar. He had a giant one everyday and within months he lost 28 pounds and regained his memory and ability to walk. I can't imagine where he would be if he had gone to the doctor and signed up for all the pills! People were shocked to see the difference, physically and mentally. Ray Peat talks about other people and animals sitting at "death's door" and how honey brought them back to life. Here is an audio clip of him telling the stories!



Jun 10, 2020
True Vileplume about the truely harmful foods being a deal breaker now, but they weren't like that back then. Back then they made bread the long way, with unaltered ingredients, even McDonalds fries were "Peaty", made with animal fat, but bad oils now. There is no going back to those "good old days", but people still argue that sugars are bad and "limit your fruit's so you don't get fat" ridiculousness! My dad came to me on his second round of eating his self to near death. I took out a "durable power of attorney" on him and got to the "Peaty" business" of saving hus life. The only thing he could get down was my fresh strawberry raw full fat milkshakes with lots of sugar. He had a giant one everyday and within months he lost 28 pounds and regained his memory and ability to walk. I can't imagine where he would be if he had gone to the doctor and signed up for all the pills! People were shocked to see the difference, physically and mentally. Ray Peat talks about other people and animals sitting at "death's door" and how honey brought them back to life. Here is an audio clip of him telling the stories!


Sounds like we should open up an old-fashioned style soda fountain, with all flavors of raw full-fat milkshakes. We could call it "Peat's".
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Sounds like we should open up an old-fashioned style soda fountain, with all flavors of raw full-fat milkshakes. We could call it "Peat's".
I love it! Can you imagine the fries at our place?!! I will be in charge of the ice cream and shakes :D
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
It all sounds delicious! What do you put into your milk shakes and home made ice creams?
For the vanilla ice cream I blend, in my Bullet, 3 cups of raw whole milk, 1 chilled can if chilled sweetened condensed milk, a pinch of Maldon salt and a capful of vanilla extract, blend it through twice, until it expands in volume, and throw it in the ice cream maker! If you want it a little creamier, swap out a half cup of the milk for cream. It takes me 5 minutes to make ice cream and we have it often for breakfast!


Jul 8, 2014
Oh the days of youth! How did we get to this place where we question everything we eat and worry?

A few guesses...

By living in a time when ice cream, soda, candy etc. were seen as occasional treats due to a variety of reasons such as income, religion etc. By seeing our parents restrict, and being praised for eating our vegetables (or meat in my case) and scolded for eating too much “junk” food. By being rejected, bullied, overlooked etc. and discovering that we gain validation and “love” when we look a certain way and that we can manipulate the way we look based on what we eat. By seeing family members pass away from diseases that we’re told are influenced by what we eat, and succumbing to disease ourselves etc. etc. etc.

My dad came to me on his second round of eating his self to near death. I took out a "durable power of attorney" on him and got to the "Peaty" business" of saving hus life. The only thing he could get down was my fresh strawberry raw full fat milkshakes with lots of sugar. He had a giant one everyday and within months he lost 28 pounds and regained his memory and ability to walk. I can't imagine where he would be if he had gone to the doctor and signed up for all the pills! People were shocked to see the difference, physically and mentally. Ray Peat talks about other people and animals sitting at "death's door" and how honey brought them back to life. Here is an audio clip of him telling the stories!


Awesome! We’re currently getting my 96 year old grandmother healthy with ice cream shakes. Due to COVID, we weren’t able to see her at the nursing home and we found out a couple of weeks ago that she was being neglected and was down to 84 lbs (she was 132) and her kidneys were failing so we’ve been making her 1200 calorie shakes with whole milk, vanilla Häagen-Dazs, egg yolks, fruit, honey etc.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
It all sounds delicious! What do you put into your milk shakes and home made ice creams?
For the strawberry shake I put frozen organic whole strawberries in my Bullet, pour milk (I use whole raw milk) about an inch or so over the strawberries, add in a pinch of Maldon (fine flaked salt), some vanilla extract and blend away!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
A few guesses...

By living in a time when ice cream, soda, candy etc. were seen as occasional treats due to a variety of reasons such as income, religion etc. By seeing our parents restrict, and being praised for eating our vegetables (or meat in my case) and scolded for eating too much “junk” food. By being rejected, bullied, overlooked etc. and discovering that we gain validation and “love” when we look a certain way and that we can manipulate the way we look based on what we eat. By seeing family members pass away from diseases that we’re told are influenced by what we eat, and succumbing to disease ourselves etc. etc. etc.

Awesome! We’re currently getting my 96 year old grandmother healthy with ice cream shakes. Due to COVID, we weren’t able to see her at the nursing home and we found out a couple of weeks ago that she was being neglected and was down to 84 lbs (she was 132) and her kidneys were failing so we’ve been making her 1200 calorie shakes with whole milk, vanilla Häagen-Dazs, egg yolks, fruit, honey etc.
That is so exciting to hear Jennifer! I hope more people read yours and my testimonials and get down to real business of saving lives!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
A few guesses...

By living in a time when ice cream, soda, candy etc. were seen as occasional treats due to a variety of reasons such as income, religion etc. By seeing our parents restrict, and being praised for eating our vegetables (or meat in my case) and scolded for eating too much “junk” food. By being rejected, bullied, overlooked etc. and discovering that we gain validation and “love” when we look a certain way and that we can manipulate the way we look based on what we eat. By seeing family members pass away from diseases that we’re told are influenced by what we eat, and succumbing to disease ourselves etc. etc. etc.

Awesome! We’re currently getting my 96 year old grandmother healthy with ice cream shakes. Due to COVID, we weren’t able to see her at the nursing home and we found out a couple of weeks ago that she was being neglected and was down to 84 lbs (she was 132) and her kidneys were failing so we’ve been making her 1200 calorie shakes with whole milk, vanilla Häagen-Dazs, egg yolks, fruit, honey etc.
Have you seen an improvement in your grandmother's health with the shake, honey and fruit protocol yet?


Jul 8, 2014
Have you seen an improvement in your grandmother's health with the shake, honey and fruit protocol yet?

Yes, absolutely! In fairness, though, the only thing I can say for certain as to why she is doing better with the shakes is because she can, and wants to, consume them. She wasn’t eating prior to them. When we found out about the weight loss, we were told she was having a hard time swallowing and no longer had the energy to chew and apparently was being given food she couldn’t swallow or chew so she would refuse it and the staff weren’t attempting to give her something else.


Oct 14, 2020
I grew up eating lots of ice cream and I still eat it almost every single day at the age of 37! Ice cream is the best thing there is :D
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Yes, absolutely! In fairness, though, the only thing I can say for certain as to why she is doing better with the shakes is because she can, and wants to, consume them. She wasn’t eating prior to them. When we found out about the weight loss, we were told she was having a hard time swallowing and no longer had the energy to chew and apparently was being given food she couldn’t swallow or chew so she would refuse it and the staff weren’t attempting to give her something else.
Oh your poor grandma. That was my dad too he had no appetite and wouldn't eat any solid food. He was weak, but also he had bad acid reflux, so the cool shakes felt good. Well I am glad you are in my Milkshake bandwagon, they are perfect food aren't they?!


Apr 28, 2018
Great thread! As we all have watched the industrialization of things we call food, I stand by only one tenet, WHICH food ? Is it the ice cream made with cream, eggs, vanilla and sugar? Or is it the "ice cream" with 17 ingredients 14 which are unpronouncable, with "milk" from unbelievably inhumane production sources, whitened, thickened and so toxic it has to include vitamin additives for human consumption approval. This has been going on for at least 50 years with every category of foodstuffs. I dont mean to be a buzzkill here, just if every human was taught that EATING is the single most important thing we do to impact our planet and our bodies/our lives Every Day! Multiple times a day! ...many heartbreaking situations could be reversed. Every millenial I come into contact with confirms how much information they have been denied. They actually think everything in a grocery store is nourishment. how can we reverse this?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Great thread! As we all have watched the industrialization of things we call food, I stand by only one tenet, WHICH food ? Is it the ice cream made with cream, eggs, vanilla and sugar? Or is it the "ice cream" with 17 ingredients 14 which are unpronouncable, with "milk" from unbelievably inhumane production sources, whitened, thickened and so toxic it has to include vitamin additives for human consumption approval. This has been going on for at least 50 years with every category of foodstuffs. I dont mean to be a buzzkill here, just if every human was taught that EATING is the single most important thing we do to impact our planet and our bodies/our lives Every Day! Multiple times a day! ...many heartbreaking situations could be reversed. Every millenial I come into contact with confirms how much information they have been denied. They actually think everything in a grocery store is nourishment. how can we reverse this?
I don't think there is any fixing it. The best we can do is take care and teach our own a better way. Unfortunately the almighty dollar is more important for most people and they want things cheap. My husband balked about the extremely high price of the raw milk I buy and I told him, "I would rather eat half as much good stuff than twice as much crap". He never talked about it at again!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I grew up eating lots of ice cream and I still eat it almost every single day at the age of 37! Ice cream is the best thing there is :D
Me too Hirro! My dad made home ice cream often growing up and now I make it too! Ice cream and custard are our most eaten food at my house! There is something magical about Haagen Daz coffee ice cream though!


Apr 28, 2018
Actually, you may have hit upon a big truth that says it all in your response to your husband. Hmmm.
"Eat half as much, by learning to choose REAL, quality ingredients."
label reading and research
restore Home Ec classes!
Restore basic botany to elementary school
VOTE With Your Fork
Look at photos of normal weight Americans in the 1960s! Or even just old TV shows...
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I think re-educating in the schools would be an effective way for change. Economically it makes sense to eat better quality food right from the start, cause you are going to pay for it in the end to doctors. So cheap food ends up being MORE expensive overall.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I think re-educating in the schools would be an effective way for change. Economically it makes sense to eat better quality food right from the start, cause you are going to pay for it in the end to doctors. So cheap food ends up being MORE expensive overall.
It is videos like these that would be great classroom stuff, or at least here for now. I was shocked at what they do to watermelon to make a quick buck!

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