Another "obesity Paradox" - It Lowers Mortality In Patients With Atrial Fibrillation


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I hope this is not taken as a call to get obese. I am posting it simply as an example that obesity may be a protective mechanism once a disease is already established. As such, it should not be viewed always in a negative light but as a possible result of an endocrine disorder, which likely caused both the obesity and the AFib issue in the first place.

Obesity and Prognosis in Atrial Fibrillation - American College of Cardiology

"...Obesity is an independent predictor of new-onset AF and recurrent AF during antiarrhythmic drug treatment or after catheter ablation. Yet this and prior studies suggest that in patients with AF, adverse outcomes such as mortality are less likely in patients who are overweight or obese. This relationship between obesity and improved prognosis also has been reported in patients with hypertension, coronary artery disease, and heart failure. Because there is no clear-cut explanation for this counter-intuitive relationship, the term ‘obesity paradox’ is very appropriate."


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thanks. Any good ways of getting rid of a fib?

I believe it is an estrogen-drive condition and thyroid plays a role too. So, usually improving androgen profile in males seems to help a lot, and adding some progesterone can also help. Some people online have reported complete disappearance with magnesium taurate, or just taurine.

Mary Pruter

Feb 8, 2017
My mother was put on the lowest dose of a beta blocker there is while she was in the hospital last week. They continued it at the nursing home. The hospital would not allow me to give her ANY supplements, including Kelp for her afib. So, with 5 broken ribs and a lot of moving her around they checked her blood pressure and heart rate and said it was very high and that she was in atrial fibrillation. I called the cardiologist that put her on the beta blocker and he said because it's a low dose and she's only been on it 10 days they can stop it, just stop it! So, the nursing home is going to give her the Kelp and 3, 81 mg aspirin a day. This is at my request.

My question is, is that all I need to give her? I had her on Kelp and 2, 81mg of aspirin a day for 4 years and every time she went to the doctor they always said her AFib was under control and she was doing fine.

I just like to know if there's anything else I should do for her any other supplements besides the ones that she takes for her dementia that she should take for the AFib. They act like she's going to have a stroke or heart attack if she stresses out while being moved and in pain.


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Apr 5, 2016
Any evidence that shows that statins can cause or contribute to atrial fibrillation?


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


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Apr 5, 2016
Yes, there is, but it has not been studied very extensively due to fierce lobbying by Big Pharma against such studies.
Atrial fibrillation induced by simvastatin treatment in a 61-year-old man. - PubMed - NCBI

I was wondering why I couldn't find anything.

Just like anti-depressants if Big Pharma ever admitted to the damaging effect of Statins they could be liable for billions and billions of damages. I've always been hopeful that someday someone with a lot of money will set up a health institute/university/research group whatever you'd call it with a Ray peat centered approach to health or at least an open mind not tied to the dogma of the past.

If you had unlimited funds for research/development of new treatments what would you do Haidut?

I guess many of the problems would be solved through the correct dietary and lifestyle advice and a lot of the need for medicines would be made redundant once again the end of big pharma. Can't provide the cure without the disease.

I think I'd probably set something up in a place away from the reach of the FDA and other restrictive bodies and just do as many human studies as possible on Ray Peat inspired treatments, drugs and supplements as possible then publish them all for free.

I'd probably also set up a large portion of research into longevity. Imagine what could be possible with the right will, drive and the proper funding. Maybe one day....:praying:


Jul 23, 2012
Old thread but for those reading for the first time:

"Vitamins D and K, and calcium are important for stabilizing the heart rhythm. Estrogen tends to cause chemical hyperventilation (loss of carbon dioxide), which increases blood viscosity and the tendency toward atrial fibrillation. Progesterone and those other steroids have opposite effects (progesterone is a natural aldosterone antagonist, too). Thyroid is essential for helping cells to retain magnesium. A quart or two of milk, and a glass or two of orange juice every day helps with the main stabilizing minerals, but it's good to have sea food once a week, especially shell fish, for the trace minerals." Ray Peat PhD
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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