Adrenaline dominance, hypothyroid, adrenal exhaustion, SIBO 27 - house bound please help


Dec 2, 2022
Hello, I am still struggling in regards to my previous posts.
For some background I have discovered I have adrenaline dominance, very poor adrenal function, and cellular hypothyroidism.
I am taking supplements according to a recent HTMA I have had done.
My diet consists mainly of 6 vegetables rotated due to my SIBO and some meat/gelatin/butter. Recently I am only taking calcium/boron and magnesium, kelp/selenium and digestive enzymes.

I have very low potassium/sodium which I've been working on and very high calcification.
All day I am very tired but the adrenaline masks it and cannot walk longer than a few minutes since October now. I'm not really sure if the mineral balancing is working for me, though I have only had one retest done which I am still waiting on. I can tolerate raw honey but I think I'm also hypoglycemic, I definitely have blood sugar problems which is likely causing more adrenaline. I'm also on 15mg of hydrocortisone which i don't feel makes much of a difference when I take it, I think mostly due to the adrenaline always masking how I feel.

At first the hydrocortisone worked amazingly for a week I was on 20mg and could walk again. Not long after it started to go downhill and I thought I needed more. The original endo who prescribed me this says I don't have hypothyroidism either lol - the reason I took HC in the first place was so I could treat it with thyroid. I am on my own other than my htma practitioner. I suspect the hc could have been too stimulating for my nervous system at the time and I didn't realize. I also have copper toxicity. New drs now want me to taper off of the HC which I am trying but struggling, I do notice a drop in my mood when I don't take it - very snappy and irritable.

I'm actually trying to taper off of it as I still couldn't tolerate thyroid medication when taking it. If I try taking any thyroid I have a negative reaction within the next day. I have likely been in this state for a long period now over 2 years.
My sleep is interrupted and I wake up everyday with a pounding heart and irritability, inability to focus/low dopamine. Sometimes my body will jerk itself awake when I try to fall asleep due to the extreme stress I am guessing. My breathing is also very shallow, and it feels unnatural to breath- and I have irregular heart patterns. Cardiologist appt checked it and it was fine structurally. If anyone could point me in a direction I would appreciate it as I find it very heard to research these things due to my impaired cognitive function.

I'm contemplating B1 on it's own to try for now as my practitioner told me to avoid bvitamins as it could be too stimulating, but I have definitely have ANS dysfunction. I've also seen taurine could be promising?
Finding a competent endo has been impossible as apparently my case is not indicative on blood tests due to the nature of it being "cellular hypothyroidism", when I mention the term I am laughed at in the drs office...I have been to top of the bill endos and they all agreed it's not likely hypothyroidism causing this which I know it is as confirmed by an HTMA test and my symptoms.

Sorry if I forgot any details.
Thank you
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Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
I am probably not in a bad shape as you, but I do have advanced adrenal fatigue.
Recently, two weeks ago I started megadosing vitamin c and OMG.
You gotta try it.
Its kindof to early to say, but I think that this is it. Vitamin C in mega dose is what is going to cure me.
Some other things which are important, but not maybe as vitamin c are B5 and B7.
Also, throw out your HC out of the window and try Licorice root. Its amazing.


Sep 8, 2017
You'll get a lot of opinions here I'll share mine, that boron and kelp could definitely be causing you to feel high in adrenaline, I find both of those extremely over stimulating (not in a good way). I would stop with any supplements for now except for b vitamins maybe. Just eat clean, minimalist diet with no weird supplements that regular people don't take. I went down this path for a long time, supplements are more potent than what people realize.


Oct 3, 2016
Hello, I am still struggling in regards to my previous posts.
For some background I have discovered I have adrenaline dominance, very poor adrenal function, and cellular hypothyroidism.
I am taking supplements according to a recent HTMA I have had done.
My diet consists mainly of 6 vegetables rotated due to my SIBO and some meat/gelatin/butter. Recently I am only taking calcium/boron and magnesium, kelp/selenium and digestive enzymes.

I have very low potassium/sodium which I've been working on and very high calcification.
All day I am very tired but the adrenaline masks it and cannot walk longer than a few minutes since October now. I'm not really sure if the mineral balancing is working for me, though I have only had one retest done which I am still waiting on. I can tolerate raw honey but I think I'm also hypoglycemic, I definitely have blood sugar problems which is likely causing more adrenaline. I'm also on 15mg of hydrocortisone which i don't feel makes much of a difference when I take it, I think mostly due to the adrenaline always masking how I feel.

At first the hydrocortisone worked amazingly for a week I was on 20mg and could walk again. Not long after it started to go downhill and I thought I needed more. The original endo who prescribed me this says I don't have hypothyroidism either lol - the reason I took HC in the first place was so I could treat it with thyroid. I am on my own other than my htma practitioner. I suspect the hc could have been too stimulating for my nervous system at the time and I didn't realize. I also have copper toxicity. New drs now want me to taper off of the HC which I am trying but struggling, I do notice a drop in my mood when I don't take it - very snappy and irritable.

I'm actually trying to taper off of it as I still couldn't tolerate thyroid medication when taking it. If I try taking any thyroid I have a negative reaction within the next day. I have likely been in this state for a long period now over 2 years.
My sleep is interrupted and I wake up everyday with a pounding heart and irritability, inability to focus/low dopamine. Sometimes my body will jerk itself awake when I try to fall asleep due to the extreme stress I am guessing. My breathing is also very shallow, and it feels unnatural to breath- and I have irregular heart patterns. Cardiologist appt checked it and it was fine structurally. If anyone could point me in a direction I would appreciate it as I find it very heard to research these things due to my impaired cognitive function.

I'm contemplating B1 on it's own to try for now as my practitioner told me to avoid bvitamins as it could be too stimulating, but I have definitely have ANS dysfunction. I've also seen taurine could be promising?
Finding a competent endo has been impossible as apparently my case is not indicative on blood tests due to the nature of it being "cellular hypothyroidism", when I mention the term I am laughed at in the drs office...I have been to top of the bill endos and they all agreed it's not likely hypothyroidism causing this which I know it is as confirmed by an HTMA test and my symptoms.

Sorry if I forgot any details.
Thank you
this is gonna sound very simple and maybe stupid but consider consuming an immense amount of white sugar, have some milk and just load it with sugar, the combination of sugar and calcium should very powerfully lower adrenaline and cortisol and any circulating free fatty acids. that should bring your stress hormones way down and allow to relax while giving you energy (from the sugar) and minerals and vitamins (from the milk) that are really easy to digest.

Simple sugars are so rapidly absorbed that bacteria almost doesnt have time to get to it so it's an answer to your sibo problem somewhat.

for a while i too was very sick, and the combination of lots of milk, with boatloads of sugar in it, seems to fix alot of my metabolic problems in life, and it feels very pro metabolic and anti stress to consume, hopefully this helps


Dec 2, 2022
this is gonna sound very simple and maybe stupid but consider consuming an immense amount of white sugar, have some milk and just load it with sugar, the combination of sugar and calcium should very powerfully lower adrenaline and cortisol and any circulating free fatty acids. that should bring your stress hormones way down and allow to relax while giving you energy (from the sugar) and minerals and vitamins (from the milk) that are really easy to digest.

Simple sugars are so rapidly absorbed that bacteria almost doesnt have time to get to it so it's an answer to your sibo problem somewhat.

for a while i too was very sick, and the combination of lots of milk, with boatloads of sugar in it, seems to fix alot of my metabolic problems in life, and it feels very pro metabolic and anti stress to consume, hopefully this helps
Hi thanks very much, unfortunately I cannot tolerate milk. Perhaps taking calcium supplement and honey at the same time would help?
I can tolerate raw honey ok.
Thank you


Oct 3, 2016
milk of any kind? skim milk, full fat milk? what about local farmers milk? that's rough, it could be the vitamins in the milk you react to, theres a couple threads on here talkin bout how the added vitamins have emulsifiers in them which cause ibs and allergies, some people say finding a local farmers milk with no added vitamins fixes all their problems but oh yeah honey is great, im sure calcium supplements would work, as long as it's a clean supplement, the website called toxinless has a bunch of safe brands listed, the creator of the site is a member on here and he went out of his way to contact multiple supplement companies to make a list of clean supplements.

eggshells are probably the safest source of calcium for a supplement id think


Dec 2, 2022
milk of any kind? skim milk, full fat milk? what about local farmers milk? that's rough, it could be the vitamins in the milk you react to, theres a couple threads on here talkin bout how the added vitamins have emulsifiers in them which cause ibs and allergies, some people say finding a local farmers milk with no added vitamins fixes all their problems but oh yeah honey is great, im sure calcium supplements would work, as long as it's a clean supplement, the website called toxinless has a bunch of safe brands listed, the creator of the site is a member on here and he went out of his way to contact multiple supplement companies to make a list of clean supplements.

eggshells are probably the safest source of calcium for a supplement id think
Any milk, even local farmer milk. My gut is COMPLETELY messed up from the sibo, slow motility and acute/chronic stress. Thank you for the resources. Eggshell calcium is fine, thank u
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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