Low Toxin Lifestyle You Think Virus Theory Works How They Taught us? You Think "Vitamin A" is a Vitamin? Think Again & Consider This.....


Feb 21, 2021
Great work @valzim :thumbup My family is starting to go through cycles where only one of us is sick instead of the whole family. Because it isn't a virus, it's a way for the body to clean out diseased cells so it's actually a good thing because then your risk of all kinds of illnesses goes down. Fever therapy is a treatment for cancer. Children who got measles have a lower risk for disease later on.
Exactly. Kids completing measles had a lower risk of cancer as kids and as adults. I think that's because they are expelling Vitamin A. Kids going through measles have lower Vitamin A than when they started.
I'm curious to see what happens when I am more deficient in vitamin, I mean Poison A. I don't remember getting real sick much over the last dozen years or so. Other than the sniffles, or very mild illness, etc. I remember the last fever because I was in Disney World in 2013. I started feeling bad and had a little fever. I went back to hotel and sat in sun. Even back then I never took anything to lower fever. It lasted 24-36 hours but was not that bad. I know that was the last fever because my wife and I commented on we were rarely sick. That was the last time I had fever until 2 years ago, which was 1 year after going lower Vit A. I wasn't No Vit A like Grant, but I was very eating low. I estimate my Blood level to be 50 at the time. Range is 20-60. This illness was a little more fever, maybe up to 102 and for longer with aches and pains. At some point, I started the meat, beans, rice, oats, apple, banana diet. Extremely low Vit A. Been doing that for 1 year 3 months.

I had my Vit A checked 6 months ago, it was 40. Right in middle of normal range. Like Grant says, Vitamin A takes months and years to get out of your body. NO way anyone can be deficient in it. I did get sick 2 months ago but more mild. Maybe 100 fever max, usually 99, not too many aches, but did last 4-5 days.

It will be interesting to see if, as my blood Retinol goes down, the illnesses get fewer or go away completely. This is what I believe will happen.
Does anyone know if Grant has commented on not being sick as he is now almost at ZERO Vit A?
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Feb 21, 2021
In any case, I'm open to the idea, if I've learned one thing it's that science changes its mind frequently on things they swore to be true just a few years before. My mind is wide open and always looking for the truth, it's what led to the gleaming health that took my decades to achieve Regardless of whether you're wrong or right about this one, I'm a fan because you're a free-thinker.
Thank You.

What's your diet?
It took me a long time as well. I was normal standard diet, did vegetarian for a very short time. Then I found Dave Asprey and Joseph Mercola with their high fat diet. That was concurrent with Morley Robbins and his Cod Liver Oil crap. That was a Total disaster for me. I was on a very high Vitamin A diet. Like Grant, I was wasting away. Muscles going away. Energy fading. Had eczema.
Then I found Ray Peat, Georgi and Danni. Overall a net positive as I stopped the fat, added carbs and sugar that my body craved. But I still wondered why many needed thyroid medication for life as well as Georgi's supplements, which I tried a few. Milk, cheese, and OJ is still high in Vit A. So I lowered my Vit A from the cod liver oil fiasco, but still was not extremely low.
From this message board, I found Grant Genereux and Garret Smith. When I read Grant's first book, I knew it was right. I immediately eliminated the milk, OJ, and cheese and any other Vit A food. Eczema got better pretty quick. I'm hoping to be deficient in another 6-9 months. Everything getting better. I haven't had testosterone checked but I can feel it rising. We shouldn't have to buy Georgi's magic testosterone potions. I have been cutting supplements. I'm down to 3-4 total.
Wish I would have learned about Vitamin/Poison A a long time ago.


Sep 8, 2017
I'm interested to follow your story to see how you progress. My diet is very routine, I've noticed I'm more optimal when I cut out certain foods that seem to trigger things like laziness, or aggression, or being argumentative. I've attributed those behaviors to foods that my body finds inflammatory. So a big part of my diet is avoiding "little ingredients" in foods that trigger undesirable characteristics. It's taken me a very long time to identify these as some of them are so unbelievable.

My weekly diet involves avoiding those triggers and then the staples are clean meats like turkey, chicken, beef (when I say clean I mean grass fed no antibiotics) white basmati rice, spinach leaves, quinoa, gelatin, lots of cayenne pepper sauce on everything, and then I "throttle" my cognition with sugary treats on as as needed basis. This is a big part of my diet, having almost zero sugar so that when I do finally eat it, the sugar really amps me up. So I may eat no sugar at all on Mon Tues Wed but on Thurs If I'm having company over or have a big meeting coming up I will eat one or two pieces of cookie dough (no I don't think cookie dough is healthy), I feel it increase my dopamine and energy levels and it lasts for around 3-4 hours and I feel minor positive residuals for the rest of the day, This only works because I've sensitized myself to sugar, if I were to eat sugar on a regular basis it doesn't work. I far prefer it to coffee which I avoid because I have always thought the negatives outweigh the positives. On Friday or Saturday I eat whatever I want throwing caution to the wind, huge desserts that would make anyone around me think I'm trying to kill myself,, for entrees I eat whatever sounds good, literally whatever it is that I want. I've found the guilt that I feel the following day from eating so poorly once a week acts as a driving force to get back on a super healthy diet for the following six days and looking forward to the reward meal on the weekend also keeps me going, it provides the balance I need to stay on a strict diet. If I skip my binge meal I tend to eat more crap during the week. Following that binge meal I notice the next day I am much less hungry. I drink almost no alcohol.

All food within a time restricted eating window of 10 hours and I randomly do water fasts to help my body clean out and reset. All food is eaten while paying close attention to how I feel in the following hours and even days.
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Jan 6, 2019
TheSir... *snip*
Thank you, this was a more informative reply. What I find interesting is that the studies in which breathing on face failed to infect the participants were simultaneously also studies in which the detox trigger hypothesis failed to prove itself. If detox flu is contagious like yawning is, why has close proximity to those undergoing it not accidentally proven the hypothesis right in these dozens of studies?
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Feb 21, 2021
Thank you, this was a more informative reply. What I find interesting is that the studies in which breathing on face failed to infect the participants were simultaneously also studies in which the detox trigger hypothesis failed to prove itself. If detox flu is contagious like yawning is, why has close proximity to those undergoing it not accidentally proven the hypothesis right in these dozens of studies?
I think science was trustworthy years ago. What's a shame now is that Big Pharma is in control of science and medical schools. So most science is done on what effect drugs and vaccines have, not on what really causes illness. They will neve come to the conclusion that viruses don't exist and all a person needs to do is eat enough protein, get minerals correct, avoid things detrimental to the body and you'll live a full healthy life. They would go out of business if they published studies like that. What we need to do is figure out how to get our minerals correct, what foods are good and what foods are bad and what hidden poisons are out there (Vitamin A).
Those books I listed would be a great start. And just know that throughout history, there were doctors and scientists that opposed germ theory since the beginning. But those guys were not advocating drugs and vaccines so did not get any funding to spread the message.


Mar 23, 2016
I think science was trustworthy years ago. What's a shame now is that Big Pharma is in control of science and medical schools. So most science is done on what effect drugs and vaccines have, not on what really causes illness. They will neve come to the conclusion that viruses don't exist and all a person needs to do is eat enough protein, get minerals correct, avoid things detrimental to the body and you'll live a full healthy life. They would go out of business if they published studies like that. What we need to do is figure out how to get our minerals correct, what foods are good and what foods are bad and what hidden poisons are out there (Vitamin A).
Those books I listed would be a great start. And just know that throughout history, there were doctors and scientists that opposed germ theory since the beginning. But those guys were not advocating drugs and vaccines so did not get any funding to spread the message.
I still don’t understand why each virus has unique characteristics/symptoms which distinguishes one from the other.
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Mar 23, 2016
I still don’t understand why each virus has unique characteristics/symptoms which distinguishes one from the other.
My son had Rotavirus when he was a baby. I took him to the hospital. No one in the waiting room started to crap in their pants (or other symptoms). The hospital staff didn’t start to crap in their pants after they made a diagnosis. No one in my family, child or adult crapped in their pants. What’s going on here?
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Sep 8, 2017
I'd also like to understand the author's hypothesis on how would the human body decipher between what it sees in person and what it sees on television and movies. For instance, I've seen plenty of movies that depicted people getting sick in great detail and I didn't get sick afterwards. During the pandemic I saw loads of video of sick people and didn't get sick. I walked in public and saw hundreds of people, some of which were surely detoxing and didn't get sick. I did however get sick months later when I went to a gathering that had multiple people in a packed space, which may or may not support the author's ideas.


May 11, 2022
I still don’t understand why each virus has unique characteristics/symptoms which distinguishes one from the other.
My understanding is that viruses exist, but not as we are taught. They are not necessarily contagious, but are a byproduct of sick, diseased, poisoned or dead cells that are leaking dna & rna fragments, which is what we call viruses or exosomes.

I think one possibility is that that different stressors, toxins, poisons etc result in different "types of damage" and perhaps in different locations of the body (stomach, kidneys, brain etc) and the resultant/byproduct is what we call viruses.

The different types of damage may result in different formations of dna & rna, that we assign to different symptomologies and diseases.

So if you have some toxin, poison or stressor that damages primarily our gastrointestinal system, the "marker/virus" may always "look" a specific way and so it's classified as a Norovirus as one example.

This would also explain why there are centers that study viruses. Perhaps they're able to reverse extrapolate from the structure of a virus/exosome and then determine what sickness/symptoms/toxicity causes them to be excreted in the first place.
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Jun 6, 2016
I think viruses are related to toxicity and detox, but it's not the same as a controlled detoxification.

Peat basically agreed with the notion that the mainstream version of viruses do not exist. He said that viruses are related to repair due to toxicity, and are created by the body as a result of toxins.

Viruses, in my view, transport (genetic) information between living beings. It's mainly a way to communicate. It's a beautiful system.

I suspect that in case of toxicity, energy deficiency and stress (winter time), many people are unable to keep the viruses/exosomes from activating a faulty repair program.

Viruses are probably more like exosomes when it comes to the general concept, but they have a limited ability to travel between people who are close to each other and have the possibility activate some kind of defective "repair program" in others, due to the genetic information they carry. This emergency repair will then also lead to forced detoxification of the body as a side-effect, but in some people the inflammation escalates so much that the flu becomes deadly even.

Vaccines suppress the bodies' reaction to the viruses that carry the information to repair. This is pretty problematic because repair/detox is so important. That's why antiviral substances often lead to disintegration of the body.

Hey Ray!
I read a book called Fear of The Invisible by Jeanine Roberts which is an incredible detailed account of the history of Virology, and presents the hypothesis that Virus' are completely misunderstood. The author reports the political history of Virology which consisted of a bunch of childlike scientists trying desperately to make a contribution to science to satisfy their egos.

If she's correct, and it seems very likely based on what I've read, viruses are solvents, produced BY the cells (when they have been exposed to toxic chemicals) as a kind of self-cleaning/detoxification mechanism.

If the invisible virus is the cause of massive deaths in the case of, for example, polio, then the chemical-producing companies instantly become free of all liability.

“When I dug back further, to the origins of virology and the great hunt for the poliovirus, I found the story was scandalously much the same. Powerful evidence was presented to Congress linking the summer polio epidemics to summer-used heavy metal pesticides. These scientists suggested remedies, reported curing polio – and were ignored. Instead parents were told to be scared of a yet undiscovered virus.” – Janine Roberts

Additionally, Pasteur appears to be a complete fraud (Pasteur vs. Bechamp), so the invention of viruses could in theory also have been to get people to accept toxic vaccine injections.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
Best regards,

Peat's reply:

"I think the best approach to understanding viruses is to investigate recent research on microvesicles, “retrotransposons,” and incorporation of foreign (food) DNA into our cells, and to look at Bonghan Kim’s ideas. C.C. Lindegren’s book, Cold War in Biology, discusses some of the older ideas about horizontal transmission of DNA between very different types of organism. Bacteria can “engineer” their own genes (James A. Shapiro), and useful packets of new genetic material can be shared by unrelated types of bacteria. She’s right about viruses being produced as a result of stresses, including toxic chemicals."


May 11, 2022
My question for the others here who share the same views. Ironically, I've been very sick with flu like symptoms since this pas Sunday night.

I think it's agreed that we want to allow the detoxification process to happen, but what is everyone's thought on how to minimize the suffering and speed up the process if possible?

I'm already using magnesium, potassium, molybdenum, niacin, zinc, consuming high protein, high soluble fibers etc. I actually think that I hold a lot of toxins in my adipose fat tissue because I often get sick when Im in a caloric deficit and start to lose fat.

I avoid vitamin A and think I've been copper toxic for a while now after reviewing my diet and consistent internal vibrations and tremors that feel like electricity.

I want to speed up the detox process, but obviously I need to be able to live my life. I can't be stuck bedridden for 6 months, so what's the best way to find a happy balance?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I think it's agreed that we want to allow the detoxification process to happen, but what is everyone's thought on how to minimize the suffering and speed up the process if possible?
Personally I use sunlight/tanning beds/red light therapy and fresh air to speed up the process. I also use binders like charcoal. And I use CDS to oxidize the toxins.
consistent internal vibrations and tremors that feel like electricity.
That matches my experience of copper toxicity.
I can't be stuck bedridden for 6 months, so what's the best way to find a happy balance?
For myself, I have just learned how much my body can take and just dance in and out of detox. I push detox a bit, then back off and let the body deal and clear the toxins that were displaced. And then push back in when ready. If I have a big event or something coming up I will make sure I am backing down on things that push detox so I can be in prime shape for that event.


May 11, 2022
Personally I use sunlight/tanning beds/red light therapy and fresh air to speed up the process. I also use binders like charcoal. And I use CDS to oxidize the toxins.

That matches my experience of copper toxicity.

For myself, I have just learned how much my body can take and just dance in and out of detox. I push detox a bit, then back off and let the body deal and clear the toxins that were displaced. And then push back in when ready. If I have a big event or something coming up I will make sure I am backing down on things that push detox so I can be in prime shape for that event.
Thanks! I do have an infrared sauna that I havent been able to use while sick because it feels like an added stressor that would be counterproductive.

I put in a tanning bed in my house too, it's a combination of UV lights and also red, near infrared and fear infrared.

What do you specifically "back down on" so you can be in prime shape?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Thanks! I do have an infrared sauna that I havent been able to use while sick because it feels like an added stressor that would be counterproductive.
Yes infrared sauna is awesome too but maybe it will help the process because some of the toxins that are circulating will be sweated out? Also, the infrared will speed up the detox process of the entire body.
What do you specifically "back down on" so you can be in prime shape?
Selenium, molybdenum and zinc. I always keep potassium and magnesium going.


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
This a long twitter thread with plenty of references, I think you will need a twitter account to read the entire thread:

View: https://twitter.com/ValZimmer2/status/1699812150926020829

Hey Charlie, wasn’t sure where to post this, but I’ve been a long time believer of Terrain Theory over Germ Theory. Germ Theory has never made any sense to me.

I’ve been reading Grant’s first book and it struck me when he spoke about brain inflammation, because that is a symptom I’ve struggled with. Something I noticed awhile back is that I couldn’t jump on my trampoline anymore because it would make my brain hurt.

Anyways, a few months after being on a raw primal diet I experienced a case of meningitis. I never went to a doctor and just stayed home to recover myself. I believe that more often than not, modern medicine causes more harm than good and then gaslights you into believing you would have died without their help. My symptoms started with pain in my upper back and neck (I thought I had just slept wrong) and then progressed to a very stiff neck, high fevers, nausea, vomiting, head feeling like it would explode from the pressure with severe stabbing pain when I moved. It was awful, but I rested and took hot baths and was over the bad symptoms in about 4-5 days and then had lingering fatigue for around 2 weeks. After that I felt amazing, like I had just cleared a bunch of toxins out. It felt like a big detox event. I had also suffered from severe brain fog and anxiety and everything just felt much better. (Unfortunately I set myself back again consuming so many high vitamin A foods and liver toxins)

In regard to germ theory, this happened to me right in the middle of Covid lockdowns so nothing was open and I hadn’t gone anywhere or seen anyone outside my husband and children. No possible way to “catch” it from anyone, and neither my kids or my husband who were in close contact with me, kissing, sharing drinks, etc got sick. The other type is bacterial meningitis which is supposedly so deadly that you will succumb within days without treatment, yet I was perfectly fine without any type of medical treatment. I strongly believe that the long lasting symptoms people see from meningitis are due to the hospitals treatment. The body wants to release toxins and modern medicine forces it to hold onto those toxins while also putting more toxins in.

Anyways, I know this is slightly random, but reading the book and connecting it to things I’ve experienced over the last few years, everything is starting to make so much sense. 🤯


Feb 21, 2021
Hey Charlie, wasn’t sure where to post this, but I’ve been a long time believer of Terrain Theory over Germ Theory. Germ Theory has never made any sense to me.

I’ve been reading Grant’s first book and it struck me when he spoke about brain inflammation, because that is a symptom I’ve struggled with. Something I noticed awhile back is that I couldn’t jump on my trampoline anymore because it would make my brain hurt.

Anyways, a few months after being on a raw primal diet I experienced a case of meningitis. I never went to a doctor and just stayed home to recover myself. I believe that more often than not, modern medicine causes more harm than good and then gaslights you into believing you would have died without their help. My symptoms started with pain in my upper back and neck (I thought I had just slept wrong) and then progressed to a very stiff neck, high fevers, nausea, vomiting, head feeling like it would explode from the pressure with severe stabbing pain when I moved. It was awful, but I rested and took hot baths and was over the bad symptoms in about 4-5 days and then had lingering fatigue for around 2 weeks. After that I felt amazing, like I had just cleared a bunch of toxins out. It felt like a big detox event. I had also suffered from severe brain fog and anxiety and everything just felt much better. (Unfortunately I set myself back again consuming so many high vitamin A foods and liver toxins)

In regard to germ theory, this happened to me right in the middle of Covid lockdowns so nothing was open and I hadn’t gone anywhere or seen anyone outside my husband and children. No possible way to “catch” it from anyone, and neither my kids or my husband who were in close contact with me, kissing, sharing drinks, etc got sick. The other type is bacterial meningitis which is supposedly so deadly that you will succumb within days without treatment, yet I was perfectly fine without any type of medical treatment. I strongly believe that the long lasting symptoms people see from meningitis are due to the hospitals treatment. The body wants to release toxins and modern medicine forces it to hold onto those toxins while also putting more toxins in.

Anyways, I know this is slightly random, but reading the book and connecting it to things I’ve experienced over the last few years, everything is starting to make so much sense. 🤯
Yes, you had a detox. That's it. Viruses do not exist and bacteria do not cause illness. The picture of viruses you see is just dead cell debris or exosome. If people cut short their small detoxes, they will get worse sickness down the road. There's a positive association with antibiotic use and some cancers. The body can usually heal itself unless has been poisoned too great and/or has malnutrition or mineral disregulation.
The flu is just a detox as well. I think it's related to emf and electricity but also 100% to vitamin A poisoning. Measles is a vit A thing as well. Kids going through measles have less vitamin a. That's cause the body is trying to get rid of it. Kids also have much cellular turnover, so that's more dead cell debris to get rid of. If the liver is full of poison A, then it cannot do the job. The body incorporates the skin. Scientists think that vit A is used up fighting the virus. LOL. Ridiculous.

As far as Grant. On his last blog, he said he's working on another big topic not related to vitamin A. I'm hoping he's on to the scam of virology. Dr. Garrett Smith already is. He says germ theory is hot garbage all the time.
And congrats on putting it all together. It is very freeing to know there's no invisible germ floating through the air to come kill you. We are all responsible for our health. And it's way easier than most people think. Eat well and avoid toxins; emf and stress are toxic as well. And for God sakes, never take any vaccines.


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
Yes, you had a detox. That's it. Viruses do not exist and bacteria do not cause illness. The picture of viruses you see is just dead cell debris or exosome. If people cut short their small detoxes, they will get worse sickness down the road. There's a positive association with antibiotic use and some cancers. The body can usually heal itself unless has been poisoned too great and/or has malnutrition or mineral disregulation.
The flu is just a detox as well. I think it's related to emf and electricity but also 100% to vitamin A poisoning. Measles is a vit A thing as well. Kids going through measles have less vitamin a. That's cause the body is trying to get rid of it. Kids also have much cellular turnover, so that's more dead cell debris to get rid of. If the liver is full of poison A, then it cannot do the job. The body incorporates the skin. Scientists think that vit A is used up fighting the virus. LOL. Ridiculous.

As far as Grant. On his last blog, he said he's working on another big topic not related to vitamin A. I'm hoping he's on to the scam of virology. Dr. Garrett Smith already is. He says germ theory is hot garbage all the time.
And congrats on putting it all together. It is very freeing to know there's no invisible germ floating through the air to come kill you. We are all responsible for our health. And it's way easier than most people think. Eat well and avoid toxins; emf and stress are toxic as well. And for God sakes, never take any vaccines.
Agree completely! I’m a big fan of terrain theory and I don’t believe that viruses are real or that bacteria harm us. That was something I could never really agree on with many in the Ray Peat sphere. They focus a lot on “pathogens”, but I also believe that illnesses are detox.

Growing up, I wasn’t vaccinated and I’ve only taken any sort of meds maybe a handful of times in my life. My own 4 children also aren’t vaccinated and have never taken meds within an exception of my oldest who took two doses of an antibiotic one time. Even before I had strong beliefs about health and nutrition, I avoided doctors like the plague and never understood people running to the doctor or taking meds for every single thing. I’ve also never been afraid of germs even when I believe in them. My dad was the same way, so it was very normalized to me. When I came across terrain theory a few years ago it all just naturally clicked. I get so angry at Tylenol given to children like candy for fevers or pain, even though it is a leading cause of liver failure in children. When my children get sick it is usually mild and they are over it quickly and I strongly believe it’s because I refuse to repress symptoms with meds or natural remedies. The body is extremely smart.

Grant’s theory on measles makes so much sense to me too. I’ve seen more natural minded health practitioners preach that measles is a Vitamin A deficiency, as children who have had measles are found to be very low in vitamin A, but it makes even more sense that measles is actually a vitamin A detox 🤯

And thank you! I agree, it is so freeing! Reading all of the low A testimonials and Grant’s book, etc has made me very hopeful. Being healthy feels so hopeless when it involves constant chasing of different nutrient deficiencies, hormone dysfunction, etc. It just makes sense that if you avoid environmental toxins, eat low toxin foods, and keep digestion optimal so the liver can function then it doesn’t have to be so hard.


Feb 21, 2021
Agree completely! I’m a big fan of terrain theory and I don’t believe that viruses are real or that bacteria harm us. That was something I could never really agree on with many in the Ray Peat sphere. They focus a lot on “pathogens”, but I also believe that illnesses are detox.

Growing up, I wasn’t vaccinated and I’ve only taken any sort of meds maybe a handful of times in my life. My own 4 children also aren’t vaccinated and have never taken meds within an exception of my oldest who took two doses of an antibiotic one time. Even before I had strong beliefs about health and nutrition, I avoided doctors like the plague and never understood people running to the doctor or taking meds for every single thing. I’ve also never been afraid of germs even when I believe in them. My dad was the same way, so it was very normalized to me. When I came across terrain theory a few years ago it all just naturally clicked. I get so angry at Tylenol given to children like candy for fevers or pain, even though it is a leading cause of liver failure in children. When my children get sick it is usually mild and they are over it quickly and I strongly believe it’s because I refuse to repress symptoms with meds or natural remedies. The body is extremely smart.

Grant’s theory on measles makes so much sense to me too. I’ve seen more natural minded health practitioners preach that measles is a Vitamin A deficiency, as children who have had measles are found to be very low in vitamin A, but it makes even more sense that measles is actually a vitamin A detox 🤯

And thank you! I agree, it is so freeing! Reading all of the low A testimonials and Grant’s book, etc has made me very hopeful. Being healthy feels so hopeless when it involves constant chasing of different nutrient deficiencies, hormone dysfunction, etc. It just makes sense that if you avoid environmental toxins, eat low toxin foods, and keep digestion optimal so the liver can function then it doesn’t have to be so hard.
I'm so happy for you and your kids. Not vaccinating your kids is the greatest gift you can give them. 🙏
But I must say, I am jealous. My 25 year old was vaxed. I wish I knew then what I know now. My grandkids will not see any poisoned needles.😊


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
I'm so happy for you and your kids. Not vaccinating your kids is the greatest gift you can give them. 🙏
But I must say, I am jealous. My 25 year old was vaxed. I wish I knew then what I know now. My grandkids will not see any poisoned needles.😊
Thank you so much! What a blessing for your grandkids too! Sometimes we truly have to learn things the hard way, unfortunately. They sell us so many lies. But I’m so glad you were able to help your daughter see the truth.

My mother was taking chemotherapy when she conceived me, so I have that working against me. She unfortunately passed when I was 9 months old, because they convinced her to do “maintenance chemo.” I think that changed a lot about how my dad viewed health and the medical industry. So I grew up with a very strong skepticism of it all.


Jun 6, 2016
As far as Grant. On his last blog, he said he's working on another big topic not related to vitamin A. I'm hoping he's on to the scam of virology.

He wrote that this "big topic" is related to climate change.
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