Low Toxin Lifestyle You Think Virus Theory Works How They Taught us? You Think "Vitamin A" is a Vitamin? Think Again & Consider This.....


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jun 6, 2016
Copied from twitter:


Did you know that polar bear liver has so much toxic vitamin A that if you ate that liver, you will more than likely die from hypervitaminosis A? Did you know that Vitamin A is well documented to cause serious illness?What’s Vitamin A have to do with influenza?

This paper, shared by @NutriDetect, discusses the role of Vitamin A and D in influenza. It is noticed that reduced sun exposure leads to reduced Vitamin D and INCREASED Vitamin A (Retinoid) levels in the body.

“Retinoid concentrations within normal physiological limits appear to inhibit influenza pathogenesis whereas higher background concentrations (i.e., very low vitamin D : A ratios) INCREASE the risk of severe complications of the disease.”

“There is also evidence that influenza-induced or preexisting liver disease, diabetes, and obesity worsen the severity of infection, possibly via liver dysfunction and alterations in retinoid metabolism.”

“Influenza is a respiratory viral illness with three main viral subtypes (denoted A, B, and C) that infect and reproduce in human EPITHELIAL cells lining the respiratory tract”

The authors have discovered that high levels of Vitamin A (retinoids) allows the flu virus to more easily infect epithelial cells. The higher the retinoid concentration, the worse the disease and serious complications such as liver disease, diabetes, and obesity can occur.

When discussing H5N1: “Human H5N1 infections are characterized by increased chemokine and cytokine concentrations in macrophages and respiratory EPITHELIA. The primary targets of influenza infection in the lung are respiratory EPITHELIAL cells,”

This authors also comment on contagion. They say the flu is not very contagious. The “speculation” is that the influenza virus stays dormant only to “activate” at some point. And low D/higher Vit A levels impairs the immune system allowing this “activation”.

“Hope-Simpson argued that the epidemiology of influenza was INCONSISTENT with the concept of a highly infectious illness sustained by a continuing chain of transmission from the sick to the well. Although influenza is still considered highly infectious, there is surprisingly little evidence to support this ASSUMPTION.”In 1986, Hope-Simpson published a paper studying the timing of deaths from influenza over the past 4 centuries. If the flu spreads between people, it should spread quicker with increased population.

And should spread faster with increased travel of that population. Therefore, it should spread faster in the later centuries.

I’ll cut to the findings. They found no increase in the speed of spread of the flu over centuries. Increased population, increased transportation, and more travel had nothing to do with the spread of the flu.


We now have even more evidence that what the scientists tell us about flu transmission is wrong. The scientists tell us the flu spreads from person to person but they can give us NO proof. In fact, the proof is that the flu DOES NOT spread from person to person.

The evidence is overwhelming that the flu is NOT contagious. Thank you Jamie.

View: https://twitter.com/JamieAA_Again/status/1632750105966043139#m

But just as important, scientist have no proof that any virus exists or causes disease. It’s all assumptions and speculation. I know crazy right? Before you quit reading, we're not saying people don’t get sick and die, just that there's no proof that viruses are the cause.

The virologists never look at toxins or poisons. They assume sickness spreads even though they’re is no proof. They can never isolate any virus directly from a “sick” person. At the end of this post, I’ll put more links to learn the #novirus position.

So what else can the flu be? Well toxic substances of course. Our earlier paper says the flu virus replicates in and destroys epithelial cells. Well, what if it’s just toxic vitamin A destroying epithelial cells. Yes, this is the case.

View: https://twitter.com/NutriDetect/status/1593295661624983553#m

It was said that influenza virus can cause liver damage and other complications.What if Vitamin A alone can cause this damage?

View: https://twitter.com/NutriDetect/status/1670514775795679232#m

Influenza A Or Hypervitaminosis A? Here’s Influenza A:


Hypervitminosis A:


Case study: This man with leukemia (APL) was given all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). He then tested positive for influenza antibodies. Yes. Antibodies are another wrong assumption by virologists. Don’t dismiss this. This man had antibodies to flu but did not have the flu.


Do you remember hearing that pink eye is very common in Covid 19 infection? Well that’s retinoic acid too.


Supplementing with high dose vitamin A CAUSES FLU SYMPTOMS


Vitmain A supplementation causes lower blood oxygenation. Well this one is very interesting isn’t it?


When the body is poisoned and cells/tissue die, the body will act to remove this toxic/acidic waste. Sickness occurs more in acidic bodies. What do you think Retinoic ACID does to your pH level? Symptoms of sickness in your body are actually your body trying to heal.

And if you disturb that detox process with Pharma medicines and drugs, you will just push a worse illness into the future. Viruses DO NOT exist. The virus lie has been built by people selling vaccines. It was and is a misconception at best, fraud at worst.

When there is no proof that a murder suspect committed that murder, we must let him go free and find the real culprit. Same in virology. There's no proof that viruses exist or cause disease. There's no proof that bacteria cause disease. We must look for the real culprit.

Sickness is something that each of us unknowingly builds. Then makes worse by conventional “treatments”. There is no 1 cause. This thread should have everyone add Vitamin A/retinoic acid to the suspect list, though. But the list is long

View: https://twitter.com/13beats/status/1647306652784250880#m

One of my favorite videos on the brilliance of each of our bodies and how it can heal.

View: https://twitter.com/Alec_Zeck/status/1674067099046535171#m

If you are new to terrain theory thinking and the #novirus movement, please like and repost this thread. Many of team #novirus will do the same. There are too many to list but follow those guys as well. Many topics are discussed and much can be learned from them.

They’ll also be many virus believing scientists condemning this thread and making fun. But here’s your chance to engage them as well and see if their virus assumptions hold water.

A great introduction to vaccines, viruses, bacteria, diseases of the past, what emf and monkey kidney cells have to do with Covid, and what viruses really are, can be found here.

great site for tons of detailed information on the #novirus position can be found at viroliegy.com @ViroLIEgy

In addition. Do you have an incurable autoimmune disease that you’d like to cure? We’ll then connect with Dr. Smith @NutriDetect. Yes, Vitamin A is also involved in many autoimmune diseases as well.

The only thing that’s constant is change. Don’t be married to a belief, especially when the facts change and when that belief affects your health. Viruses don’t exist as they say. And Vitamin A is another thing that is Not What You’ve Been Told.

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Jan 6, 2019
If viruses do not exist, what are the organisms we observe with electron microscopy and identify as viruses? Why should A toxicity be mutually exclusive with virology?


Jan 8, 2019
I've read about this before but what I don't understand is, if this is true then how come illnesses attributed to viruses do seem to be transmitted from person to person? I work in a hospital and there are times when multiple patients in a unit will come down with RSV or the flu or covid one patient after another. Also, when I caught covid it was right after attending a funeral- my parents, sister, cousin and husband all got covid too- all of us within a couple of days of being at the funeral seated at a table together indoors for a couple of hours. Family that were seated at other tables did not catch covid. The funeral was during the summer so presumably most of us would have been getting more sunlight than during other times of the year.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I've read about this before but what I don't understand is, if this is true then how come illnesses attributed to viruses do seem to be transmitted from person to person? I work in a hospital and there are times when multiple patients in a unit will come down with RSV or the flu or covid one patient after another. Also, when I caught covid it was right after attending a funeral- my parents, sister, cousin and husband all got covid too- all of us within a couple of days of being at the funeral seated at a table together indoors for a couple of hours. Family that were seated at other tables did not catch covid. The funeral was during the summer so presumably most of us would have been getting more sunlight than during other times of the year.
Because the body can sense that another person is in detox mode and it will decide to go into detox mode itself. Here is an example, when some people see other people throw up, they themselves will throw up. The body has sensed that the person is trying to expel something potentially toxic that this person took in from the environment, so it will then do its own expelling as a protection mechanism.

Also, the sun can set off detox event with the mass ejections that it has. Many have been in detox events the last week or so that was kicked off by a huge ejection we had on the Chinese New Year.


Sep 12, 2015
If viruses do not exist, what are the organisms we observe with electron microscopy and identify as viruses? Why should A toxicity be mutually exclusive with virology?
I think the truth that is often meant by the phrase "viruses do not exist," is: "viruses are not pathogenic organisms."

The observed objects termed viruses are likely just exosomes.

One thing about virology is certain: there is no proof that any virus has ever been isolated by anyone, anywhere, at any time. Many claims of isolation have been made, but these were all Isolations™.


Sep 12, 2015
Did you know that polar bear liver has so much toxic vitamin A that if you ate that liver, you will more than likely die from hypervitaminosis A?
There is almost no value in this statement, and I can't wait for people to stop repeating it. The right amount of something good is good. Too much of something good is bad.

"Did you know that a bathtub can hold so much water that it will kill you if you drink it all at once?"


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
Vitamin A may not be a vitamin, but it seems to serve a purpose. Making a blanket statement that it's harming everyone seems irresponsible. I believe it's possible that it may be our best defense against estrogen toxicity (and cancer). What if people who restrict vit A are loading up on estrogen? My friends who do estrogen replacement therapy say they feel (and look) fantastic on it. They even lose weight. Cancer is a silent killer. You may not know you have it until it's too late.



Forum Supporter
Jan 29, 2024
Burlington Washington USA
The Vitamin A info is very eye-opening. Thank you all. Equating virus with disease may be imperfect, but they do exist. When I studied virology as part of my plant pathology training (decades ago), I extracted and purified a plant virus and used the extracted virus to infect another plant successfully. Discovering techniques to produce virus-free planting stock has been a boon to boosting agricultural food production. Certainly, we have many bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) in our bodies. Bacteria-killing viruses are in fact the second largest component of ocean biomass. I would expect the animal-virus interactions are more complex. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1874778717303793


Sep 13, 2012
Vitamin A may not be a vitamin, but it seems to serve a purpose. Making a blanket statement that it's harming everyone seems irresponsible. I believe it's possible that it may be our best defense against estrogen toxicity (and cancer). What if people who restrict vit A are loading up on estrogen? My friends who do estrogen replacement therapy say they feel (and look) fantastic on it. They even lose weight. Cancer is a silent killer. You may not know you have it until it's too late.

"While essential in low concentration for multiple biological functions, vitamin A in higher concentration can be pro-oxidant, mutagenic, teratogenic and cytotoxic, acting as a highly surface-active, membrane-seeking and destabilizing compound. "

Vitamin A is unavaoidable. Everyone is getting more than enough.


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
"While essential in low concentration for multiple biological functions, vitamin A in higher concentration can be pro-oxidant, mutagenic, teratogenic and cytotoxic, acting as a highly surface-active, membrane-seeking and destabilizing compound. "

Vitamin A is unavaoidable. Everyone is getting more than enough.
Everyone agrees you can get too much of a good thing. The questions remain, how much do we need and how much is too much? That is still unclear. I believe many on the low A diet may just be iodine deficient since they work together. I've cleared up a lot of my issues by increasing iodine. (Low A did nothing for me.)


Sep 13, 2012
Everyone agrees you can get too much of a good thing. The questions remain, how much do we need and how much is too much? That is still unclear. I believe many on the low A diet may just be iodine deficient since they work together. I've cleared up a lot of my issues by increasing iodine. (Low A did nothing for me.)
Do you have any research vit A and iodine? I haven't heard anything.


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA


Mar 23, 2016
This a long twitter thread with plenty of references, I think you will need a twitter account to read the entire thread:

View: https://twitter.com/ValZimmer2/status/1699812150926020829
This a long twitter thread with plenty of references, I think you will need a twitter account to read the entire thread:

View: https://twitter.com/ValZimmer2/status/1699812150926020829

I think Rabies might be an exception to this.

It would be interesting to see if there have been any documented case studies of survivors that DID NOT get the vaccine either pre or post exposure.
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Sep 13, 2012
"I think Rabies might be an exception to this." @High_Prob

Rabies also is way overblown.


Sep 13, 2012
Liver Damage and Exposure to Toxic Concentrations of Endogenous Retinoids in the Pathogenesis of COVID-19 Disease: Hypothesis
Review of the literature reveals that COVID-19 disease closely resembles an endogenous form of hypervitaminosis A.
We propose that SARS-CoV-2 virus-induced liver damage causes retinoic acid and stored retinyl esters to be released into the circulation in toxic concentrations, unbound to protein, with resulting damage to organs including the lungs, heart, blood vessels, and skin. Several lines of evidence support this model of disease causation. Subject to testing, strategies for the effective treatment and prevention of COVID-19 could include targeting the action and accumulation of retinoids."


Sep 13, 2012
There is only one way to find out and it’s not going to be me…
There is evidence floating around out there that those who were not scared of rabies and went about their business after a rabid animal bite... did not have any symptoms.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
There is evidence floating around out there that those who were not scared of rabies and went about their business after a rabid animal bite... did not have any symptoms.
Reminds me of the tetanus shot scam: Tetanus Scam


Jan 6, 2019
Because the body can sense that another person is in detox mode and it will decide to go into detox mode itself.
Well, have your copper dumps ever made the people around you sick? I am willing to bet that if detoxing was contagious, it would already be a widely recognized phenomenon in the alternative medicine circles. If the flu was detox, it would have to be a very particular and unique kind of detox, because what we conventionally define as detox does not show signs of being contagious or eliciting any kind of response in others.
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