“You have a disease mimicking Gulf war Syndrome”.



Aug 28, 2023
I don't know much about Octreotide but a quick look at the Wikipedia page suggests it's not something I would ever want to take. Especially as it has to be injected.

If your serotonin is high and cyproheptadine doesn't agree with you why not consider using thyroid to lower it?

For your respiratory symptoms you could consider the antihistamine Ketotifen:

So there's three safe things that could help: thyroid, progesterone and ketotifen. And not eating things that upset your gut because that can cause breathing problems or make existing ones worse.

Vitamin D too. You can take up to 10,000IU of that a day without any toxicity.
I Have Ketotifin , doesn’t help. I asked about taking thyroid in another thread but was advised against it because the numbers were okay


Aug 28, 2023
I'm taking selenium without iodine. But then I'm on prescription desiccated thyroid which includes iodine and I've been tested for iodine which showed I had plenty. I don't know why you wouldn't be able to take selenium without iodine.
I was reading that cutler guy who does one of the protocols and he doesnt think Ttfd chelates mercury like HCl does. Have you heard that?

He also recommends against nac


May 13, 2015
I was reading that cutler guy who does one of the protocols and he doesnt think Ttfd chelates mercury like HCl does. Have you heard that?

He also recommends against nac
Gotta link? As I understand, mercury is attracted to sulfur. Thiamine hcl has a sulfur component. TTFD has a disulfide component.

Although I've tried a little nac (50mg) to go with my 200mcg selenium, I am instinctively leery of it because of the smell and have not taken even that small dose of it more than 3-4 times.


Mar 5, 2017
Have you considered myesthenia Gracie? Acetylcholine is also implicated but I think it’s actually the opposite.


Mar 5, 2017
Alright I’ll try that.

Is anybody familiar with cholinergic crisis ? I certainly had one while on the Huperzine and alpha and other stuff. I didn’t think the effects are permanent but I’m stating to read sometimes that a cholinergic crisis could cause permanent respiratory weakness without prompt treatment. Could I have permanently damaged myself this way ?
I think I actually had that when I first started b1 and I think it permenantly messed me up and maybe gave me something similar to you.

I took like 500mg-1000mg b1 for a few days and after like the second day I stopped sleeping, started lucid dreaming the whole night, sweating like crazy, dude my bed sheets would be drenched after like 20 minutes. I also felt like my breathing and heart rate would stop when trying to sleep. I also had insane twitches which I attributed to magnesium and potassium wasting but it wasn’t. Only thing that helped was discontinuing b1 and waiting. I read up on cholinergic crisis and I that fits, probably I didn’t have the most intense version where you were hospitalized.

Till this day I still have incredible insomnia, insane muscle twitches over my whole body. Everything is messed up since then. Also permanent acetylcholine depression.

I have no idea what to do. Only thing that came close to my experience was Ahmed’s thread from a few weeks ago.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
All of these sulfur base compounds might chelate Hg, but they don't hold on to it. That is what makes NBMI unique, it has a permanent bond with Hg and will not let go even after exiting the body. Not saying you can't detox with some of the other compounds, but if your elimination systems are not performing efficiently, you will redistribute and re absorb the Hg, sometimes in the brain other other areas where you especially do not want it. I would take the time to listen to Dr. Haley's video where he explains in detail what NBMI can do:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2yUDM96B_Q

This is only one of many of Boyd's lectures and videos on NBMI, you can find more on a search, or go to the FB group: Irminix/NBMI/Emeramide/OSR.


May 13, 2015
All of these sulfur base compounds might chelate Hg, but they don't hold on to it. That is what makes NBMI unique, it has a permanent bond with Hg and will not let go even after exiting the body. Not saying you can't detox with some of the other compounds, but if your elimination systems are not performing efficiently, you will redistribute and re absorb the Hg, sometimes in the brain other other areas where you especially do not want it. I would take the time to listen to Dr. Haley's video where he explains in detail what NBMI can do:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2yUDM96B_Q

This is only one of many of Boyd's lectures and videos on NBMI, you can find more on a search, or go to the FB group: Irminix/NBMI/Emeramide/OSR.

Just as soon as the FDA gets off their collective **** and approves Boyd Haley's product, Emeramide, I'm all in. I'm not interested in trying a knock-off as the potential for contamination with heavy metals is too great. I've got enough problems already.

My dentist is best friends with Boyd Haley and is waiting for the day the FDA gets with the program and approves Haley's product. Until then, I'll continue to take high dose thiamine hcl and a little selenium (200mcg/day).

Thanks for the video, I'll watch it.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Just as soon as the FDA gets off their collective **** and approves Boyd Haley's product, Emeramide, I'm all in. I'm not interested in trying a knock-off as the potential for contamination with heavy metals is too great. I've got enough problems already.

My dentist is best friends with Boyd Haley and is waiting for the day the FDA gets with the program and approves Haley's product. Until then, I'll continue to take high dose thiamine hcl and a little selenium (200mcg/day).

Thanks for the video, I'll watch it.
Get what you are saying. I, however, have benefited from these 'knock offs' for the past several years, which addressed many of my Hg toxicity symptoms. It is a harms/benefit decision, since no one has been forthright to prove the alleged 'contamination', yet several private third party persons have done analysis with COAs and have shown high level of purity, and certified the base compound being NBMI. A few bad apples are spoiling the whole bunch regarding the knock offs, and many of us might be in wheel chairs by the time Emeramide gets approved, if at all. I am not friends with Boyd, but I have spoken with him in the past. NBMI turned the corner for me, where many years of thiamine, cysteine, garlic, vitamin C, etc., etc. could not, so I am glad I took the chance.


May 13, 2015
Get what you are saying. I, however, have benefited from these 'knock offs' for the past several years, which addressed many of my Hg toxicity symptoms. It is a harms/benefit decision, since no one has been forthright to prove the alleged 'contamination', yet several private third party persons have done analysis with COAs and have shown high level of purity, and certified the base compound being NBMI. A few bad apples are spoiling the whole bunch regarding the knock offs, and many of us might be in wheel chairs by the time Emeramide gets approved, if at all. I am not friends with Boyd, but I have spoken with him in the past. NBMI turned the corner for me, where many years of thiamine, cysteine, garlic, vitamin C, etc., etc. could not, so I am glad I took the chance.
Did you investigate selenium + nac?


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
looking for any advice or thoughts on how to get this acetylcholine issue under control if it’s not too late.

You might want to cut out any caffeine consumption and see if that helps. Also, have you tried any Mucinex or Vick's Vapor Rub? Maybe you have excess phlegm that needs to be loosened up. Just some thoughts. God bless!! :):



Jun 15, 2022
United States
This is what a functional medicine doc familiar with ALS and other neurological diseases told me when I emailed him. I can’t afford to talk to them for an official consult and I’m not sure if it’s worth it but looking into this a bit I’m starting to believe him after realizing one of the main drivers of that disease is inability to break down acetylcholine

Whatever is happening to me; the breathing is BY FAR the worst thing. Very weak breathing , and constricted airways mimicking asthma. Wheeze etc on exhale though mouth. Tried every asthma med etc. I csn barely get a breath in when laying down it’s so weak. Acetylcholine is a bronchoconstrictior and it can cause major muscle dysfucntion in excess .

So these are some of the symptoms I told him that made him think GWS

My breathing issues started while I was taking multiple acetylcholine increasing supplements - Huperzine and alpha gpc and something else. It was too much at the time. I had a cholinergic crisis where I was salivating like I had rabies ,I had to spit constantly into a bucket. woke up with parlaysis of my right arm and leg that took a couple mins to regain. I stupidly did not make the connection to the supps and kept taking them until finally I couldn’t breathe anymore at all times. At first it was only when I laid down but now it’s constant.

My first thought was it was the acetylcholine doing this and I’ll stop and it’ll go back to normal. Never did. That was last Christmas. I abandoned the thought it was acetylcholine related after a bit since surely it would have returned to normal after stopping all that stuff. Perhaps it’s not so simple.

All my muscles including respiraotry muscles are constantly twitching. Think ALS. They still do. Excess acetylcholine (among other things) can do this. Emg showed no ALS. (All scans showed nothing)

The cheek linings are swollen out in my mouth- which believe are inflamed salivary glands that swoll up on the acetylcholine increasing drugs.

My serotonin is also high- and I’m on Octreotide to lower it. Hasn’t affect the breathing or fasciculations.

I’ve tried cyproheptadine a couple months ago and Benadryl here and there and nothing helps. I need to figure out a way to increase Acetylcholinesterase, becasue it appears either I’m deficient now or something else is preventing the acetylcholine breakdown like GWS .

I need ways to decrease acetylcholine or increase Acetylcholinesterase . I’m discouraged that this may be a permanent deal at this point. Not one second of relieve in over a year. Desperate doesn’t even begin to describe where I am right now.

looking for any advice or thoughts on how to get this acetylcholine issue under control if it’s not too late.
I had something similar to you. I was congested unable to breath through my nose for a while. I will bet that you have weak adrenals, congested liver, and under active thyroid. What will make it better? Start from scratch. People might not agree with me, but cut out all sugar and coffee. Stop fruit juices. Eat protein and cooked veggies mostly. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have Cándida or yeast overgrowth as well. This diet will kill all of that and put your body in rebuilding mode. I bet in a week or two you’ll be able to breath again. That is the only thing that worked for me.


Aug 28, 2023
All of these sulfur base compounds might chelate Hg, but they don't hold on to it. That is what makes NBMI unique, it has a permanent bond with Hg and will not let go even after exiting the body. Not saying you can't detox with some of the other compounds, but if your elimination systems are not performing efficiently, you will redistribute and re absorb the Hg, sometimes in the brain other other areas where you especially do not want it. I would take the time to listen to Dr. Haley's video where he explains in detail what NBMI can do:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2yUDM96B_Q

This is only one of many of Boyd's lectures and videos on NBMI, you can find more on a search, or go to the FB group: Irminix/NBMI/Emeramide/OSR.

I am intrigued by this. Would someone from Canada be able to order the legit non knockoff stuff from anywhere ?


Aug 28, 2023
Have you considered myesthenia Gracie? Acetylcholine is also implicated but I think it’s actually the opposite.
I thought that too at the time. Which is partly while I kept talking the the acetylcholine increasing supps and getting worse. No MG antibodies


Aug 28, 2023
Gotta link? As I understand, mercury is attracted to sulfur. Thiamine hcl has a sulfur component. TTFD has a disulfide component.

Although I've tried a little nac (50mg) to go with my 200mcg selenium, I am instinctively leery of it because of the smell and have not taken even that small dose of it more than 3-4 times.
Just a Facebook comment


Aug 10, 2014
I Have Ketotifin , doesn’t help. I asked about taking thyroid in another thread but was advised against it because the numbers were okay

I saw that. It was bad advice. Many people on this website have a bias against using thyroid and a dogmatic belief in the power of diet to cure everything.

If you'd read what Ray has written about thyroid (which is generally a better idea than asking people on the internet about it) you'd know the tests are more or less useless. He said he'd let symptoms be the guide when the tests were 'normal'

Aging, infection, trauma, prolonged cortisol excess, somatostatin, dopamine or L-dopa, adrenaline (sometimes; Mannisto, et al., 1979), amphetamine, caffeine and fever can lower TSH, apart from the effect of feedback by the thyroid hormones, creating a situation in which TSH can appear normal or low, at the same time that there is a real hypothyroidism.

Until the 1940s, hypothyroidism was diagnosed on the basis of signs and symptoms, and sometimes the measurement of oxygen consumption (“basal metabolic rate”) was used for confirmation.

Have you measured your heart rate and temperature?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I am intrigued by this. Would someone from Canada be able to order the legit non knockoff stuff from anywhere ?
Yes, I have seen a recent group buy from Canada from the FB group I mentioned. Join that group and check it out. Also a good place in the files section to learn more about NBMI.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I have been using selenium for about 40 years now, played with NAC back about 20 years ago, and most recently have used it to help when I have seasonal allergy issues.
I think both are good, but as Boyd outlines in that video, these and other good substances do not grab Hg tightly and permanently. I believe selenium and NAC are very valuable. I also have tried the NACET, which is supposed to work better according to the science, not sure about that.


Aug 28, 2023
I have been using selenium for about 40 years now, played with NAC back about 20 years ago, and most recently have used it to help when I have seasonal allergy issues.
I think both are good, but as Boyd outlines in that video, these and other good substances do not grab Hg tightly and permanently. I believe selenium and NAC are very valuable. I also have tried the NACET, which is supposed to work better according to the science, not sure about that.
Do you disagree with that cutler group saying NAC is bad ?


May 13, 2015
I have been using selenium for about 40 years now, played with NAC back about 20 years ago, and most recently have used it to help when I have seasonal allergy issues.
I think both are good, but as Boyd outlines in that video, these and other good substances do not grab Hg tightly and permanently. I believe selenium and NAC are very valuable. I also have tried the NACET, which is supposed to work better according to the science, not sure about that.
Since I am hypothyroid, I was intrigued with the idea that selenocysteine is needed to convert T4 to T3. According to that first article I posted above, taking the selenium with the 50mg of NAC resulted with more selenocysteine getting made in the body which then easily gets into the brain. I suspect that this would also improve the T4 to T3 conversion in the brain which would improve brain energy.

"The trace element selenium (Se) occurs in the form of the amino acid selenocysteine in selenoproteins. Selenoproteins exerts multiple physiological effects in human health, many of which are related with regulation of reduction-oxidation processes. In fact, the selenoenzyme families of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and thioredoxin reductase (TRx) display the ability to act as antioxidants, protecting cells from oxidative damage. Furthermore, another class of selenoproteins are the iodothyronine deiodinase enzymes (DIO), which catalyze the conversion of thyroxine (T4) in triiodothyronine (T3), then exerting a fine tuned control on thyroid hormones metabolism."

So much of the problem with mercury is the result of high oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species. Mercury poisoning lowers thiamine in the body, causing thiamine deficiency. Thiamine deficiency results in high ROS. Thiamine supplementation is known to effectively lower ROS in a very big way. High oxidative stress causes low glutathione. I experienced normalization of my glutathione level (had been low for decades) after taking high dose thiamine hcl (1 gram, 2Xday, with water only) for about 6 months.


High dose thiamine will deplete other nutrients including: magnesium, riboflavin, zinc, etc. so these should be addressed too.
Last edited:


May 13, 2015
Just a Facebook comment View attachment 60003
I tried TTFD one time (one 100mg capsule); it made me feel horrible. Elliot Overton explained that TTFD uses glutathione to work (somehow, some way). My mercury toxicity caused high oxidative stress which caused me to have low glutathione levels for many years. Low glutathione causes bad reactions to TTFD. So I stuck with thiamine hcl (1 gram, 2Xday, with water). My glutathione level increased to normal in about 6 months. Thiamine hcl had lowered my oxidative stress which allowed my glutathione to recover. I never felt the need to try TTFD again; I just stuck with thiamine hcl.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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