Mar 10, 2021
"In 1957 James McConnell discovered that when flatworms were fed other flatworms that had been trained, their performance was improved by 50%, compared with normal flatworms. Later, similar experiments were done with rats and fish, showing that tissue extracts from trained animals modified the behavior of the untrained animals so that it approximated that of the trained animals. Georges Ungar, who did many experiments with higher animals, demonstrated changes in brain RNA associated with learning, and he and McConnell believed that proteins and peptides were likely to be the type of substance that transmitted the learning." -Ray Peat

When i read Ray Peat's quote about the brain RNA associated with learning, I was taken aback. It is interesting that the CDC speaks of RNA and proteins also, in the new vaccines. Are these new "Experimental" vaccines training us to learn something? These new vaccines have been developed using the stem cells of aborted fetuses, and flatworms consuming trained flatworms sound eerily similar. Yes the stem cells are far removed, and many times replicated from the original human tissues, but with science having knowledge of brain changes in learning, ingesting "like eats like" tissues only adds to the vaccine mystery.

There is yet another angle to this. How much of our world's hostile behavior is from consuming meat from animals that were under extreme stress? I have heard of people receiving organ transplants having memories that are not theirs. How much of mental diseases can be attributed from ingesting the trauma, fear and depression that those poorly raised animals stored in their tissues?

"The old idea, "one is what one eats," has evolved far beyond ideas of simple nutritional adequacy or deprivation, and it's now commonly accepted that many things in foods have fairly direct effects on our brain transmitters and hormones, such as serotonin, dopamine, adrenalin, endorphins, prostaglandins, and other chemicals that affect our behavior and physiology." -Ray Peat


Oct 6, 2020
I was wondering where you wanted to go with this but i didn't think about a possible connection with the vaccine. Interesting. Wonder how this connects to lab grown meat or synthetic foods/supplements.

Some people would say it is way to esoteric to think the "foods stress" could affect us but i believe there is something to it.

Did you know the guy david sinclair whos in on the resveratol "scam" recommends foods from "stressed" sources, like stressed plants to reap the benefits of the supposed longevity theory he researches/believes in that people/animals/plants that are subject to cold alot, calorie deficiency and lots of sports are healthier/live longer due to all the sirtuins and ampk activation and so on and so forth.

From a moral standpoint idk ... if i am already using a animal to help/provide me with food ... i'd feel obligated to provide this being the best possible life i can offer before i go and take its life. I mean the condition under which alot of milk/meat is produced is nothing but a horror movie.


Feb 13, 2021
"In 1957 James McConnell discovered that when flatworms were fed other flatworms that had been trained, their performance was improved by 50%, compared with normal flatworms. Later, similar experiments were done with rats and fish, showing that tissue extracts from trained animals modified the behavior of the untrained animals so that it approximated that of the trained animals. Georges Ungar, who did many experiments with higher animals, demonstrated changes in brain RNA associated with learning, and he and McConnell believed that proteins and peptides were likely to be the type of substance that transmitted the learning." -Ray Peat

When i read Ray Peat's quote about the brain RNA associated with learning, I was taken aback. It is interesting that the CDC speaks of RNA and proteins also, in the new vaccines. Are these new "Experimental" vaccines training us to learn something? These new vaccines have been developed using the stem cells of aborted fetuses, and flatworms consuming trained flatworms sound eerily similar. Yes the stem cells are far removed, and many times replicated from the original human tissues, but with science having knowledge of brain changes in learning, ingesting "like eats like" tissues only adds to the vaccine mystery.

There is yet another angle to this. How much of our world's hostile behavior is from consuming meat from animals that were under extreme stress? I have heard of people receiving organ transplants having memories that are not theirs. How much of mental diseases can be attributed from ingesting the trauma, fear and depression that those poorly raised animals stored in their tissues?

"The old idea, "one is what one eats," has evolved far beyond ideas of simple nutritional adequacy or deprivation, and it's now commonly accepted that many things in foods have fairly direct effects on our brain transmitters and hormones, such as serotonin, dopamine, adrenalin, endorphins, prostaglandins, and other chemicals that affect our behavior and physiology." -Ray Peat
Thank you for sharing, Rinse!! Have had many of the same thoughts.

I don't know about you, but when I first read Peat's writing on the topic feedlot beef and eggs suddenly became off the table.

And of course the injection is also a total no-go.


Oct 6, 2020
Lets not also forget that the animals get vaxxed and inoculated with alot of stuff too.

Hope they won't apply the MRNA-technology to our food unless we know more about it ...


Feb 13, 2016
Peat wrote in old newsletters that parts of the ruling class have a philosophy that mind should be strong enough to overcome the influences of matter. I think it's plausible that these vaccines are meant to corrode our bodies as some sort of a test to see whether humanity is strong-minded enough to live in integrity despite external negative influences. But it's hard to distinguish between real strong-mindedness and strong-mindedness driven by arrogance, which is more destructive than just giving in imo.


Mar 18, 2021
So maybe the vegans were right after all... :):

Also, there are documented cases of transfer of allergies from organ donors to recipients.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I was wondering where you wanted to go with this but i didn't think about a possible connection with the vaccine. Interesting. Wonder how this connects to lab grown meat or synthetic foods/supplements.

Some people would say it is way to esoteric to think the "foods stress" could affect us but i believe there is something to it.

Did you know the guy david sinclair whos in on the resveratol "scam" recommends foods from "stressed" sources, like stressed plants to reap the benefits of the supposed longevity theory he researches/believes in that people/animals/plants that are subject to cold alot, calorie deficiency and lots of sports are healthier/live longer due to all the sirtuins and ampk activation and so on and so forth.

From a moral standpoint idk ... if i am already using a animal to help/provide me with food ... i'd feel obligated to provide this being the best possible life i can offer before i go and take its life. I mean the condition under which alot of milk/meat is produced is nothing but a horror movie.

Oh it so terrible to think of how mistreated the animals are. I have heard of some horrors myself, the worst being eating the brains out of a live monkey's right at the restaurant table. I can't get that image out of my head. Lab grown meat is another whole creep factor, sounds like another margarine to me. It's funny how you can read something and much later read it again and a whole new picture comes to mind, cause this animals eating trained animals and having their performance greatly improved just from their consumption is bizarre.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Thank you for sharing, Rinse!! Have had many of the same thoughts.

I don't know about you, but when I first read Peat's writing on the topic feedlot beef and eggs suddenly became off the table.

And of course the injection is also a total no-go.

I upped my quality of food quality too for all the same reasons as you Occ! To paying more for the food I eat I say i would rather eat half as much good stuff than twice as much crap. To Ben's point, the animals deserve the extra cost to be treated better.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Peat wrote in old newsletters that parts of the ruling class have a philosophy that mind should be strong enough to overcome the influences of matter. I think it's plausible that these vaccines are meant to corrode our bodies as some sort of a test to see whether humanity is strong-minded enough to live in integrity despite external negative influences. But it's hard to distinguish between real strong-mindedness and strong-mindedness driven by arrogance, which is more destructive than just giving in imo.

Corroding our bodies is what first came to mind for me too lampofred, until the phrase "modified behavior" came into play. I really need to sign up for Peat's newsletter. I am gonna do that today!
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Lets not also forget that the animals get vaxxed and inoculated with alot of stuff too.

Hope they won't apply the MRNA-technology to our food unless we know more about it ...

Gosh this is sounding even more beyond comprehension. I would think "they" know it is bad so "they" wouldn't be eating it themselves, which would point to higher quality and organics being safer from these cheaper options which might be "programmed" to doing the same things the vaccines. I'll bet that fast food is the worst for lab modifications.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
So maybe the vegans were right after all... :):

Also, there are documented cases of transfer of allergies from organ donors to recipients.

Well Vegans are sweet for caring about the animals, but watching my son's health decline, being a vegetarian for 4 years and eating so much plant matter, doesn't prove that sacrificing ones health is right either.

I hadn't heard about a donated organ transferring allergies to a recipient. That's interesting!
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
In 2017 Yale conducted a study with results that pointed to mental disorders reported shortly after subjects being vaccinated, particularly the influenza/flu vaccine. Keep in mind our usual RNA vaccines don't have the "messenger" attached like the new "Experimental" Covid mRNA vaccine does.

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Brings to mind all of those ominous "natural flavor" labels that we have on foods in the US.

I always thought they listed "natural flavors" because they were minuscule and too many, but after reading about castorium i find the term more, like you said, ominous. If they are not listing the ingredients it is because they don't want you to know.
Apr 22, 2019
I always thought they listed "natural flavors" because they were minuscule and too many, but after reading about castorium i find the term more, like you said, ominous. If they are not listing the ingredients it is because they don't want you to know.
I always wondered what people meant when they mentioned roadkill being used in perfumes. Just reading about that made my face scrunch up. Eck.

The "natural flavor" thing really gets me when the ingredient list is so simple. Like I'm thinking of a pre-packaged coffee product by Chobani that is in a paper packing, and only has "coffee, milk, sugar, natural flavors" on the ingredient list.

There's a pessimist in me that just assumes it's dead baby parts or HEK 293 or whatever is set up to condition us towards a normalization of human sacrifice i.e. the Baal system/the catholic church.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I always wondered what people meant when they mentioned roadkill being used in perfumes. Just reading about that made my face scrunch up. Eck.

The "natural flavor" thing really gets me when the ingredient list is so simple. Like I'm thinking of a pre-packaged coffee product by Chobani that is in a paper packing, and only has "coffee, milk, sugar, natural flavors" on the ingredient list.

There's a pessimist in me that just assumes it's dead baby parts or HEK 293 or whatever is set up to condition us towards a normalization of human sacrifice i.e. the Baal system/the catholic church.

I don't think that is being pessimistic at all, it is being a realist. You are too educated now to be conned anymore. There is too much Foley going on from those trying to sway us into giving up our dollars.


Jun 16, 2021
I upped my quality of food quality too for all the same reasons as you Occ! To paying more for the food I eat I say i would rather eat half as much good stuff than twice as much crap. To Ben's point, the animals deserve the extra cost to be treated better.
How to you source animal products that have been treated well? This was my dilema with eating meat and dairy, I thought I had figured it out with “ethical” meat raised on regenerative farms but in Australia all these beings still have to go through the insanely cruel slaughterhouse process and dairy can be just as bad especially removal of calf’s from there mothers to be sent to slaughter.
For me this leaves only hunted meat as an option and cruelty free dairy sources that keep baby and mother together and don’t send the calf to slaughter.
Also depending on the standards of the country vaccinated animals can still be considered organic.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
How to you source animal products that have been treated well? This was my dilema with eating meat and dairy, I thought I had figured it out with “ethical” meat raised on regenerative farms but in Australia all these beings still have to go through the insanely cruel slaughterhouse process and dairy can be just as bad especially removal of calf’s from there mothers to be sent to slaughter.
For me this leaves only hunted meat as an option and cruelty free dairy sources that keep baby and mother together and don’t send the calf to slaughter.
Also depending on the standards of the country vaccinated animals can still be considered organic.

There are so many online high quality meat companies nowadays and I get my meat from them. This one for example I have been with for a year and the meat is so much better than the market, and shipping is free with a minimum order. They disclose what they feed their animal and if they are antibiotic free. I particularly like the Tey's Farm grass fed beef. You just gotta go the extra mile to find better food.



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