Memories Not Stored In The Brain But In The Entire Organism, Can Be Transmitted


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Peat has spoken a few times against the common idea that the brain is a storage mechanism for memories, personalities, habits, etc. There are countless of cases where people who have lost almost their entire brain (except their brainstem) have maintained perfectly normal lives with their personalities and memories intact.
In addition, there have been recent studies showing that traumatic memories can be passed onto the next generation without any change in the underlying genome of the traumatized organism. Transgenerational memories have also been described quite often, even though official medicine dismisses these as hoaxes.
This study below shows that memories can be transferred quite easily by simply injecting RNA (not originating in the brain) from the remembering organism to another one who has not been exposed to the same memory-forming events. This suggests that every cell in the organism has a role in maintaining memories of past events and environments, which matches well Peat's writings on the topic. It also immediately shows why treating a disease like cancer by cutting out or burning it is a lost cause since every cell in the organism likely has already obtained access to the cancer RNA and can recreate the tumor in any tissue/organ if the environmental conditions still favor tumor development.

RNA from Trained Aplysia Can Induce an Epigenetic Engram for Long-Term Sensitization in Untrained Aplysia
RNA injected from one sea slug into another may transfer memories

"...Sluggish memories might be captured via RNA. The molecule, when taken from one sea slug and injected into another, appeared to transfer a rudimentary memory between the two, a new study suggests. Most neuroscientists believe long-term memories are stored by strengthening connections between nerve cellsin the brain (SN: 2/3/18, p. 22). But these results, reported May 14 in eNeuro, buoy a competing argument: that some types of RNA molecules, and not linkages between nerve cells, are key to long-term memory storage. “It’s a very controversial idea,” admits study coauthor David Glanzman, a neuroscientist at UCLA. When poked or prodded, some sea slugs (Aplysia californica) will reflexively pull their siphon, a water-filtering appendage, into their bodies. Using electric shocks, Glanzman and his colleagues sensitized sea slugs to have a longer-lasting siphon-withdrawal response — a very basic form of memory. The team extracted RNA from those slugs and injected it into slugs that hadn’t been sensitized. These critters then showed the same long-lasting response to touch as their shocked companions. RNA molecules come in a variety of flavors that carry out specialized jobs, so it’s not yet clear what kind of RNA may be responsible for the effect, Glanzman says. But he suspects that it’s one of the handful of RNA varieties that don’t carry instructions to make proteins, the typical job of most RNA. (Called noncoding RNAs, these molecules are often involved in manipulating genes’ activity.)"


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
So if memories are stored with some method involving RNA throughout the entire organism, then would losing an appendage or getting a cut or wound affect ones long term memory? That doesn't seem particularly convincing to me, because losing a toe could lead to the loss of knowing who one's mother was. I am assuming the memories are stored throughout the body randomly, and exaggerating, but still my point remains that the process of forming and retaining memories would seem to advantaged through a central processor like the brain.

Perhaps this is where electrical universe theory comes in, and theorizes that memories are "Stored" in the concurrent universe itself, and only retrieved by our nerve cells.


Mar 12, 2016
So if memories are stored with some method involving RNA throughout the entire organism, then would losing an appendage or getting a cut or wound affect ones long term memory? That doesn't seem particularly convincing to me, because losing a toe could lead to the loss of knowing who one's mother was. I am assuming the memories are stored throughout the body randomly, and exaggerating, but still my point remains that the process of forming and retaining memories would seem to advantaged through a central processor like the brain.

Perhaps this is where electrical universe theory comes in, and theorizes that memories are "Stored" in the concurrent universe itself, and only retrieved by our nerve cells.
I think the idea is that every cell contains every memory, not random memories in random cells.


Mar 12, 2016
Also, I disagree that 'memory' is what's being transmitted here. They transmitted an adaptive response, which is typical of how RNA functions. Unless you know what's going on in a snail's mind (if they even have one), I think it's a hasty conclusion to say memories are not stored in the brain. Your logic on the cancer connection is sound, though.

I'd like to be proven wrong, because I found this was exciting until I realised all the headlines were misleading.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So if memories are stored with some method involving RNA throughout the entire organism, then would losing an appendage or getting a cut or wound affect ones long term memory? That doesn't seem particularly convincing to me, because losing a toe could lead to the loss of knowing who one's mother was. I am assuming the memories are stored throughout the body randomly, and exaggerating, but still my point remains that the process of forming and retaining memories would seem to advantaged through a central processor like the brain.

Perhaps this is where electrical universe theory comes in, and theorizes that memories are "Stored" in the concurrent universe itself, and only retrieved by our nerve cells.

Well, my take would be that memories would be in EVERY cell in your body since they have all been exposed to the memory-carrying RNA. So, losing a limb would not harm your memories much. But the point about memories being stored in the electrical ether is also a valid one. All matter is simply a temporary but persistent perturbation in the etherial flow, and our bodies/cells are no exception.


Oct 15, 2016
I think there are people who report re-living (to a small extent) and getting rid of negative emotions associated with old memories from acupuncture or other forms of non-traditional, body-oriented specialties.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut What do you make of Phineas Gage?

I think is sort of confirms the idea that a person's identity is in every cell and can be recovered as long as the person is alive. To what degree it can be recovered would depend on metabolic state IMO. RNA synthesis depends on T3.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Also, I disagree that 'memory' is what's being transmitted here. They transmitted an adaptive response, which is typical of how RNA functions. Unless you know what's going on in a snail's mind (if they even have one), I think it's a hasty conclusion to say memories are not stored in the brain. Your logic on the cancer connection is sound, though.

I'd like to be proven wrong, because auae this was exciting until I realised all the headlines were misleading.

Then how about the memory studied with mice, which presumably have personalities and memories, showing the offspring of mice exposed to cats not only feared cats but feared the exact same type/color/breed of cat their father was exposed to? That certainly classifies as transfer of memory and a transgenerational one at that, right?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I think the idea is that every cell contains every memory, not random memories in random cells.

Oops, sorry, did not see you answered it before I did. But yes, that would be my guess as well.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
I've had colonics before and then experienced old emotions/feelings /memeories.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I've had colonics before and then experienced old emotions/feelings /memeories.

What about blood transfusions? It would be really interesting/freaky if people get access to others' memories/experiences through a blood transfusion. It has been reported in organ transplants, especially for hearts, kidneys, and liver.


Mar 12, 2016
I think is sort of confirms the idea that a person's identity is in every cell and can be recovered as long as the person is alive. To what degree it can be recovered would depend on metabolic state IMO. RNA synthesis depends on T3.

How so? If I remember rightly, Gage's personality was irrevocably altered for the worse following his accident. Doesn't that go against what you suggest?

Then how about the memory studied with mice, which presumably have personalities and memories, showing the offspring of mice exposed to cats not only feared cats but feared the exact same type/color/breed of cat their father was exposed to? That certainly classifies as transfer of memory and a transgenerational one at that, right?

I feel like that's still an example of 'adaptation inheritance' rather than 'memory inheritance'. The physiological adaptation that makes the mice afraid of that type of cat was inherited, not the 'mental image' that we all take 'memory', to mean.

Let's consider the idea in human beings. Say a friend was mugged by an overweight 6 feet 8 inches tall robber, whose face was exposed. That friend then develops a fear of that body type, and of that specific individual. Now let's say his RNA was injected into another individual. Would this new individual be able to identify the robber from a line up? Or better yet, could they describe and help a police officer draw the perpetrator? Or, would they simply be afraid of that body type, but not able to recall the incident? I think these studies show, at most, the latter.

Although, if it's true that there are reports of unfamiliar memories in transplant patients, I will concede that perhaps there's something to this theory.


Mar 18, 2017
Peat has spoken a few times against the common idea that the brain is a storage mechanism for memories, personalities, habits, etc. There are countless of cases where people who have lost almost their entire brain (except their brainstem) have maintained perfectly normal lives with their personalities and memories intact."

Are there any examples or sources of this?
May 21, 2015
Maybe people who claim to remember "their past lives" have somehow tapped into this universal memory. Some have described a moment of "enlightenment" when a flood of past lives memories have come in an instant.
If they are not lying, maybe the memories are true, and they just assume it's from their own past lives.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Although, if it's true that there are reports of unfamiliar memories in transplant patients, I will concede that perhaps there's something to this theory.

Here you go. And it is by far not the only report.

If Luc Montagnier is right and DNA is an antenna, which cells use to communicate with other cells and possibly the "ethereal" plane, then it makes perfect sense.

Are you familiar with the Akashic Records? That is one very good, albeit non-technical, analogy/explanation of where "memories" would be stored. I guess one could say there are no memories, only events stored in the ethereal plane (lilke a database) and the cells can access specific records there based on their makeup/RNA, which affects/determines their resonance with the ether.
Akashic records - Wikipedia

Peat made a statement a few years ago that is eerily similar to the "ethereal storage" and/or Akashic story above.
Childhood Stress
"..."Nothing is stored [in the organism]; it's like the pasts are all present in the same room, and we periodically have a different perspective on them. When the present balance of stuff, toxicants, euphoriants, etc., is good, you can think and feel what you want to about things." —Ray Peat

The bracketed words are mine, to clarify what I think he said he meant by stored.


Mar 24, 2014
I'm not sure if Akashic records are records as such. I think the people with access to that stuff have in a way access to all of reality as a map. But the perspective on that map matters. There aren't an infinite number of universes, there is one, and it is 'true' in that there is only one truth. But there are an infinite number of perspectives on that truth and that's why we see the universe we do. Each of us has an apparently limited perspective on reality, and there seem to be rules about how that awareness propagates over the map and that gives us the illusion of causality. You could say that rule is a law enforcing causality. State, as a measure of changes over time is simply movement over the map, but the whole notion of discrete contiguous events is an illusion, as is 'time'. People with access to the Akashic records just have at times an ability to pull out of their current position and scan about, a little way over the map, perhaps with a bias to terrain already traveled. The map has unit size and is composed of reflections of the central object, but the perspectives on this hologram are essentially infinite.

Naturally, I can't prove any of this, and there is essentially no experiment I can direct you do to test it, but consider this possibility, that we might all the same being looking at each other from different vantage points. If this idea is right, all bets on our science being able to establish facts over this map are off, and we're left only with the inexplicable fact of our existence and that life and death are all very fancy illusions.


Jul 10, 2017
In psychosomatic medicine we see a connection between psyche and illness. With this we mean that feelings, often traumas are expressed through the illness, this beeing the only way for the body to cope since the tools of the psyche for the mental processing of these feelings are lacking. It is an intreaging thought that memories of unprocessed traumatic events are stored in the cells and actually uphold an additional stress on the organism. Could it be that in the outbreak of a chronic illness the organism in fact is faced with new stresses where the psyche and the soma no longer cope, resulting in illness.
So are the Stresses of the traumas locked forever in our cells? Can the traumas, that only expressed on a physical level be transferred to a mental level if you do not have the capacity to process the feelings. Is there a way to help the cells with their "stress load"? A bit off the topic. Sorry.
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