Wierd experience with antihelmethics - Thoughts?


Oct 6, 2020
Hey guys,

After an incredible experience i had with pyrantel pamoate last summer with this alternative guy and his protocoll, i had to test the theory of parasites being an issue for me.

Taking pyrantel pamoate basicly made me a proper human, and not just normal but an ideal one. Waking up full of energy, constantly comfortable warm body, being focused troughout the day, confident, social interactions coming on their own like being in a natural flow etc. ... basicly feeling the way i always wanted to, and always should've and my body seemed to heal the accelerated aging symptoms i've been suffering from. Every digestive, skin, hair, tinnitus or postural issue was like it never existed. A single use made me feel like that for 3 days straight until Mebendazol was used and it had the exact opposite effect, back to the bad baseline, maybe even worse.

Repetead usage of it led (3 rounds total in 5 months and only one day single dosage each time) always to the same experience and reaction but it got less effective each time.

I've tried a couple of natural antihelmethics/antifungals like black walnut, wormwood (for some reason i like its taste), cloves, castor oil, nem, cascara, olif leafs, coconut oil, propolis, raw carrots among many other things the past year and they either do nothing (single or combination use) noticably or they make me feel a little off. Knowing how much stuff i tried even before pyrantel, i dont think that placeboe is a factor here.

Also there never was anything visible in the stool. The only symptoms i have that hint at parasites are at night when i lay down i get wierd feelings (little itchy) on my anus, and my body feels like it is in distress along with this wierd feeling inside my upper belly + being/feeling malnutritioned/dried out despite eating properly. Almost everytime i lay down at nighttime.

Tryed raw carrot salad with coconut oil and it makes me insanely tired so i had to stop that after a 2 week testing period. cdl or coffee enemas help occasionally but they are not leading to long term success and mess up my bowel movements.

Now this is where it gets interesting:

Another thing i tried this very weekend was 2 big papayas eaten troughout the day for two days along with small pinches of flowers of sulphur and a tablespoon of papaya seeds on an empty stomache per morning which i've read some user in 2016 had success with here.
I did not feel or notice anything until later that day approaching bed time. I got hit by the worst depressive assault my body/brain could have come up with. Idk if it is a neurotransmitter issue or the fact that i assaulted my digestive track and brought war to the microbiome but i literally felt every insecurity, every fear, every form of anxiety, every bad memory or thought that i ever had in my life hitting me like a train, i could literally scream out of dispair and feeling like my body is literally crying (emotionally speaking) from the inside out along with my tinnitus being fairly loud. This went on for hours. Yeah i am not eating that again...

On thoose two days and even today my nails are very brittle and fragile, my hair too is weak/breaking and for 14 hours i had no appetite whatsoever (i usually eat like a truck despite my insanely low bodyweight). It is not all bad tho. For a very long time my morning urin finally was not foaming like a dishwasher anymore and 2 inflammations i had are finally gone (lets see how long it lasts)
After sleeping it off and eating properly later today im kind of okay again from a mental perspective.

My brother whom i share the place with has some symptoms that i have too (altough he's still fairly healthy compared to me) so wether it is enviromental, fungal or parasetic i feel as if it affects us both.

I wonder if someone with more knowledge in biochemistry could chime in and tell me if pyrantel may actually paralysed my bugs that keep me down OR if there is a chemical reaction at play leading to "me feeling great" as a side effect. Based on this i try to evaluate what to do next. Getting pyrantel without a prescription is insanely difficult tho here, but i was thinking if i should try it again, this time without mebendazole. I heard it is problematic in people with liver issues so it is another thing to be cautious about.

Pyrantel Embonate Summary Report - The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal ProductsVeterinary Medicines Evaluation Unit

"Pyrantel acts as a potent agonist at the acetylcholine receptors on the muscle cells of nematodes.Activation of the acetylcholine receptors induces a prolonged, spastic paralysis of the worms andexpulsion from the host. It also been reported to block neurotransmission in vertebrates, topossess nicotine-like properties and to mimic acethylcholine at receptors in autonomic ganglia,adrenal medullae and respiratory tissues."

" Pyrantel has been used in human medicines for over 20 years. It is normally administered aspamoate salt at oral doses of 10 to 20 mg/kg bw/day for 1 to 3 days. The reported adverse effectsin humans in case of overdose include gastro-intestinal disturbances, central nervous systemeffects and skin reactions. serum asparatate aminotransferase and serum alanin aminotransferasevalues were elevated in 1.8% of patients."

" A toxicological ADI of 30 μg/kg bw/day (i.e. 1800 μg/person) based on the NOEL of3 mg/kg bw pyrantel base from the 2-year studies carried out in rats and dogs and applying asafety factor of 100, could be established. However, as pyrantel has the same metabolismpathway of its related analogue morantel leading to the same major metabolites, the toxicolgicalADI established for morantel, 12 μg/kg/day should be retained for this compound too."

Reported effects in humans in case of overdose include gastrointestinal disturbance, central nervous system effects, and superficial skin reactions. In one study, serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and serum alanine-aminotransferase (ALT) values were increased in approximately 2% of patients 19.

Pyrantel should be used with caution in patients with severe malnutrition or anemia. Supportive therapy is recommended for anemic, dehydrated, or malnourished patients before administration of the drug 12.

Pyrantel pamoate has been placed in pregnancy category C. This refers to the fact that animal studies have revealed adverse effects on the fetus (teratogenic/embryocidal, or other) and there are no controlled studies in women or studies in women and animals are not available. Drugs should be given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus 9.Data on the use of pyrantel pamoate in pregnant women are quite limited. In mass treatment programs for which the World Health Organization (WHO) has observed that the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks, WHO allows the use of pyrantel pamoate in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, due to the fact that the effects of pyrantel on birth outcome are uncertain. The risk of treatment in pregnant women already known to have an infection needs to be balanced with the risk of disease progression if treatment were to be omitted 9. Individuals with liver disease are more susceptible to the toxicity in cases of pyrantel overexposure 9, 11.

There are no data regarding the presence of pyrantel in breast milk. Pyrantel is poorly absorbed from the GI tract; therefore, excretion into breast milk may be minimal. Some experts recommend that a single dose of pyrantel therapy may be given to breastfeeding women 8.
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Thank you very much for this report.
I never tried Pyrantel.

I'm the verge of trying a mix of Albendazole and Praziquantel, in the hope of eliminating the parasite avenue for my bloating issues.
I feel better on antibiotics, but I still look pregnant no matter what I do.

Only thing keeping me from trying is I read lots of reports on Albendazole side effects, such as hair loss, which are quite frequent.


Oct 6, 2020
Thank you very much for this report.
I never tried Pyrantel.

I'm the verge of trying a mix of Albendazole and Praziquantel, in the hope of eliminating the parasite avenue for my bloating issues.
I feel better on antibiotics, but I still look pregnant no matter what I do.

Only thing keeping me from trying is I read lots of reports on Albendazole side effects, such as hair loss, which are quite frequent.

Hey man,

Sorry i respond so late. May i ask why these two in particular? Why do you think you have parasites other than from bloating symptom?
I am not familiar with Albendazole or its sideffects. Would the hair loss be temporary or permanent? I assume you tried the "natural" antiparasitic stuff already.

Wish you the best in solving the issue. Let me/us know if you decide to go that route and how it went.


Hey man,

Sorry i respond so late. May i ask why these two in particular? Why do you think you have parasites other than from bloating symptom?
I am not familiar with Albendazole or its sideffects. Would the hair loss be temporary or permanent? I assume you tried the "natural" antiparasitic stuff already.

Wish you the best in solving the issue. Let me/us know if you decide to go that route and how it went.

No appetite
Weight loss
Dark circles


Feb 23, 2020
Hey man,

Sorry i respond so late. May i ask why these two in particular? Why do you think you have parasites other than from bloating symptom?
I am not familiar with Albendazole or its sideffects. Would the hair loss be temporary or permanent? I assume you tried the "natural" antiparasitic stuff already.

Wish you the best in solving the issue. Let me/us know if you decide to go that route and how it went.
What are the main natural antiparasitics? Could someone do some serios protocol with natural antiparasitics?


Mar 18, 2021
I had a similar experience with Mebendazole back in 2017. Dramatic increase in energy and physical endurance.
But I don't believe it is related to their anti-parasitic action. I remember trying to elucidate the mystery without success, but some of its metabolites interact potently with the histamine receptors. Similarly, when I take antihistamines I can go for a run without much trouble, so that can explain it at least partly. Mebendazole is also anti-cancer. But I would be cautious about toxicity. While these meds have been used for a long time, they are usually given in a single dose or three doses over a period of three days. There isn't much data on long term administration.


I had a similar experience with Mebendazole back in 2017. Dramatic increase in energy and physical endurance.
But I don't believe it is related to their anti-parasitic action. I remember trying to elucidate the mystery without success, but some of its metabolites interact potently with the histamine receptors. Similarly, when I take antihistamines I can go for a run without much trouble, so that can explain it at least partly. Mebendazole is also anti-cancer. But I would be cautious about toxicity. While these meds have been used for a long time, they are usually given in a single dose or three doses over a period of three days. There isn't much data on long term administration.

There is.
Long term administration causes hairloss.


Oct 6, 2020
So yesterday i had a reaction similar to when i used pyrantel which ...which made me so so happy ... it usually goes like:

Laying down at night, my usually cold feet and hand get realy comfortable warm (like they should be for a healthy person) along with my legs (like someone turned on a radiatior). Feeling realy comfortable and just "right" basicly. Also theres wierd feelings all over the body (on or underneath the skin). If it is parasites, its them fleeing/dying or if it is a chemical reaction it is electrical impules nerves/cells firing/working properly. Basicly something is at work.

It is hard to describe, a good and pleasent amount of saliva is produced, tinnitus goes down significantly, suddenly my breathing, which i do so so many postural work and breathing excercises for, works flawlessly. I get so much air in it is amazing. The feeling is unmatched. All the postural issues in jaw/neck/shoulder that im having trouble with and been working on for years, is like its gone. The heart is pumping "pleasently and calm".

The head/brain is not "heavy" as usual, not burdend and cloudy. Thoughts which still come and go but thes are "fine and good" while simultaneously "low in numbers".

The only thing is, unlike pyrantel the effect did not last beyond sleeping. I am kinda fine mentally today, perhaps a little cocky/confident but energy and warmth could be better. Also my postural issues are bothersome again.

What did i do?

1. Six hours before bed i took 250mg of an enteric coated aspirin tablet i had laying around. (Didnt feel much after taking it other than my stomache feeling a little funny and mood being a little bit better)

2. I took one pill of bioptimizers antiparasite blend 30 minutes before going to bed on a "somewhat" empty stomache".

Thats it, nothing special that day only ate a selfmade soup/broth with some noodles in it, lots of collagen i trewh in their and 2-3 eggs as my last meal.
Dinner was ... to much pizza ... and breakfast and snacks were nothing special (Milk, fruit juices etc.)

Ill try these two independend from eachother to see what was causing it. Maybe it was the combination ... But i know im scratching on the right surface!

I had a similar experience with Mebendazole back in 2017. Dramatic increase in energy and physical endurance.
But I don't believe it is related to their anti-parasitic action. I remember trying to elucidate the mystery without success, but some of its metabolites interact potently with the histamine receptors. Similarly, when I take antihistamines I can go for a run without much trouble, so that can explain it at least partly. Mebendazole is also anti-cancer. But I would be cautious about toxicity. While these meds have been used for a long time, they are usually given in a single dose or three doses over a period of three days. There isn't much data on long term administration.

Interesting, Mebendazole did the opposite to me.

Yeah i was thinking that too, that it might act on specific receptors. The question would be what mechanism in my body is not working correctly that stuff like this leads to such an experience.

Molecular determinants of pyrantel selectivity in nicotinic receptors

"Nicotinic receptors (acetylcholine receptors, AChRs) play key roles in synaptic transmission throughout the nervous system. AChRs mediate neuromuscular transmission in nematodes, and they are targets for antiparasitic drugs. The anthelmintic agents levamisole and pyrantel, which are potent agonists of nematode muscle AChRs, are partial agonists of mammalian muscle AChRs."

I realy need to get a better understanding/grasp on biochemistry. From what i understand pyrantel is poorly absorbed by the host (human) to only like 7% or so, could i realy get such an crazy reaction from it?

This is kinda odd:

Doctor fuels controversy with YouTube advice on how to take dog dewormer

“Fenbendazole is a dog dewormer, while humans take mebendazole or albendazole. Their basic action is the same. The drug (fenbendazole) was developed in the early 1970s and has been proven to be safe for 40 years,” Kim said in the video."

"Kim explained how to take the dog dewormer in detail. For a patient with rapidly progressing and multiple metastatic cancer, she recommended taking fenbendazole 222mg four times a day for three weeks, taking 222mg for once or twice a day after the third week, and giving a break for four days.

It was safe to use the high dose of fenbendazole because patients in the past took high doses of mebendazole, up to 2,000-3,000 mg for more than three weeks, when parasites were found in the brain, Kim went on to say.

She also detailed the amount of fenbendazole to take and the medication schedule for those who benefited from taking the drug.

To increase the absorption rate, patients should take the drug immediately after meals or take the deworming pill with 60-100cc olive oil so that bile can be secreted."

The idea of brain parasites is ... unpleasant ...

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Hi,how is your meat digestiion?do you feel warm and do not burp after you eat meat?and for eggs and cheese?how much ruminant fat do you eat if you eat any
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Hey guys,

After an incredible experience i had with pyrantel pamoate last summer with this alternative guy and his protocoll, i had to test the theory of parasites being an issue for me.

Taking pyrantel pamoate basicly made me a proper human, and not just normal but an ideal one. Waking up full of energy, constantly comfortable warm body, being focused troughout the day, confident, social interactions coming on their own like being in a natural flow etc. ... basicly feeling the way i always wanted to, and always should've and my body seemed to heal the accelerated aging symptoms i've been suffering from. Every digestive, skin, hair, tinnitus or postural issue was like it never existed. A single use made me feel like that for 3 days straight until Mebendazol was used and it had the exact opposite effect, back to the bad baseline, maybe even worse.

Repetead usage of it led (3 rounds total in 5 months and only one day single dosage each time) always to the same experience and reaction but it got less effective each time.

I've tried a couple of natural antihelmethics/antifungals like black walnut, wormwood (for some reason i like its taste), cloves, castor oil, nem, cascara, olif leafs, coconut oil, propolis, raw carrots among many other things the past year and they either do nothing (single or combination use) noticably or they make me feel a little off. Knowing how much stuff i tried even before pyrantel, i dont think that placeboe is a factor here.

Also there never was anything visible in the stool. The only symptoms i have that hint at parasites are at night when i lay down i get wierd feelings (little itchy) on my anus, and my body feels like it is in distress along with this wierd feeling inside my upper belly + being/feeling malnutritioned/dried out despite eating properly. Almost everytime i lay down at nighttime.

Tryed raw carrot salad with coconut oil and it makes me insanely tired so i had to stop that after a 2 week testing period. cdl or coffee enemas help occasionally but they are not leading to long term success and mess up my bowel movements.

Now this is where it gets interesting:

Another thing i tried this very weekend was 2 big papayas eaten troughout the day for two days along with small pinches of flowers of sulphur and a tablespoon of papaya seeds on an empty stomache per morning which i've read some user in 2016 had success with here.
I did not feel or notice anything until later that day approaching bed time. I got hit by the worst depressive assault my body/brain could have come up with. Idk if it is a neurotransmitter issue or the fact that i assaulted my digestive track and brought war to the microbiome but i literally felt every insecurity, every fear, every form of anxiety, every bad memory or thought that i ever had in my life hitting me like a train, i could literally scream out of dispair and feeling like my body is literally crying (emotionally speaking) from the inside out along with my tinnitus being fairly loud. This went on for hours. Yeah i am not eating that again...

On thoose two days and even today my nails are very brittle and fragile, my hair too is weak/breaking and for 14 hours i had no appetite whatsoever (i usually eat like a truck despite my insanely low bodyweight). It is not all bad tho. For a very long time my morning urin finally was not foaming like a dishwasher anymore and 2 inflammations i had are finally gone (lets see how long it lasts)
After sleeping it off and eating properly later today im kind of okay again from a mental perspective.

My brother whom i share the place with has some symptoms that i have too (altough he's still fairly healthy compared to me) so wether it is enviromental, fungal or parasetic i feel as if it affects us both.

I wonder if someone with more knowledge in biochemistry could chime in and tell me if pyrantel may actually paralysed my bugs that keep me down OR if there is a chemical reaction at play leading to "me feeling great" as a side effect. Based on this i try to evaluate what to do next. Getting pyrantel without a prescription is insanely difficult tho here, but i was thinking if i should try it again, this time without mebendazole. I heard it is problematic in people with liver issues so it is another thing to be cautious about.

Pyrantel Embonate Summary Report - The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal ProductsVeterinary Medicines Evaluation Unit

"Pyrantel acts as a potent agonist at the acetylcholine receptors on the muscle cells of nematodes.Activation of the acetylcholine receptors induces a prolonged, spastic paralysis of the worms andexpulsion from the host. It also been reported to block neurotransmission in vertebrates, topossess nicotine-like properties and to mimic acethylcholine at receptors in autonomic ganglia,adrenal medullae and respiratory tissues."

" Pyrantel has been used in human medicines for over 20 years. It is normally administered aspamoate salt at oral doses of 10 to 20 mg/kg bw/day for 1 to 3 days. The reported adverse effectsin humans in case of overdose include gastro-intestinal disturbances, central nervous systemeffects and skin reactions. serum asparatate aminotransferase and serum alanin aminotransferasevalues were elevated in 1.8% of patients."

" A toxicological ADI of 30 μg/kg bw/day (i.e. 1800 μg/person) based on the NOEL of3 mg/kg bw pyrantel base from the 2-year studies carried out in rats and dogs and applying asafety factor of 100, could be established. However, as pyrantel has the same metabolismpathway of its related analogue morantel leading to the same major metabolites, the toxicolgicalADI established for morantel, 12 μg/kg/day should be retained for this compound too."

Reported effects in humans in case of overdose include gastrointestinal disturbance, central nervous system effects, and superficial skin reactions. In one study, serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and serum alanine-aminotransferase (ALT) values were increased in approximately 2% of patients 19.

Pyrantel should be used with caution in patients with severe malnutrition or anemia. Supportive therapy is recommended for anemic, dehydrated, or malnourished patients before administration of the drug 12.

Pyrantel pamoate has been placed in pregnancy category C. This refers to the fact that animal studies have revealed adverse effects on the fetus (teratogenic/embryocidal, or other) and there are no controlled studies in women or studies in women and animals are not available. Drugs should be given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus 9.Data on the use of pyrantel pamoate in pregnant women are quite limited. In mass treatment programs for which the World Health Organization (WHO) has observed that the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks, WHO allows the use of pyrantel pamoate in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, due to the fact that the effects of pyrantel on birth outcome are uncertain. The risk of treatment in pregnant women already known to have an infection needs to be balanced with the risk of disease progression if treatment were to be omitted 9. Individuals with liver disease are more susceptible to the toxicity in cases of pyrantel overexposure 9, 11.

There are no data regarding the presence of pyrantel in breast milk. Pyrantel is poorly absorbed from the GI tract; therefore, excretion into breast milk may be minimal. Some experts recommend that a single dose of pyrantel therapy may be given to breastfeeding women 8.
whats your diet?prettty sure i know exactly wich type of disgusting anus feeling you are refering to


Oct 6, 2020
whats your diet?prettty sure i know exactly wich type of disgusting anus feeling you are refering to

My diet? right now? I have all of my issues regardless of what i seem to eat and i tried alot the past 4 years ... peating revs up my metabolism and improves hair growth but also accelerates many negative symptoms so i feel like im in a mexican stand off when it comes to food. Right now i eat something like this and it seems to be the least problematic (low fat/high fruit diets improve my eyes but gives me horrible malnutrition symptoms within a 1-2 days):

Milk (Both Goat and Cow milk), Honey, Cheese, Orange Juice, Dark Chocolate, Apples, Beef Jerkey, Kiwi, Bananas, a little ham here and there with bread and cheese, potatoes, onions, 1-2 twice a week some peas/broccoli, white rice, pasta/pizza once or twice a week, red meat (rarely white meat), eggs, collagen added in soups or dishes with sauces/liquids. Oils/Fats i usse most of the time for cooking is Coconut oil, Ghee or Butter. Rarely i snack some macademia nuts. (Occasionally i add some beans for more protein/fiber but they dont find themself often in my diet, didnt notice anything negative from them).

The only thing i supplemented the last weeks prior to the stuff i posted above were low dosed freezedried organ meats/liver, oyster extract, collagen and raw milk colostrum (gives me awsome bowel movements with ghost wipes).

You do know what feeling i mean? Itchy might have been the wrong word, it feels like something is happening in or near my anus and around it, it feels like its not me/my body .. is foreign the right word?

Interestingly, i had amazing bowel movements until this wierd feeling in my stomache at night appeared again.

Something i'd like to add in regards to my successful night yesterday, today my hair quality has been amazing troughout the day ...

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
My diet? right now? I have all of my issues regardless of what i seem to eat and i tried alot the past 4 years ... peating revs up my metabolism and improves hair growth but also accelerates many negative symptoms so i feel like im in a mexican stand off when it comes to food. Right now i eat something like this and it seems to be the least problematic (low fat/high fruit diets improve my eyes but gives me horrible malnutrition symptoms within a 1-2 days):

Milk (Both Goat and Cow milk), Honey, Cheese, Orange Juice, Dark Chocolate, Apples, Beef Jerkey, Kiwi, Bananas, a little ham here and there with bread and cheese, potatoes, onions, 1-2 twice a week some peas/broccoli, white rice, pasta/pizza once or twice a week, red meat (rarely white meat), eggs, collagen added in soups or dishes with sauces/liquids. Oils/Fats i usse most of the time for cooking is Coconut oil, Ghee or Butter. Rarely i snack some macademia nuts. (Occasionally i add some beans for more protein/fiber but they dont find themself often in my diet, didnt notice anything negative from them).

The only thing i supplemented the last weeks prior to the stuff i posted above were low dosed freezedried organ meats/liver, oyster extract, collagen and raw milk colostrum (gives me awsome bowel movements with ghost wipes).

You do know what feeling i mean? Itchy might have been the wrong word, it feels like something is happening in or near my anus and around it, it feels like its not me/my body .. is foreign the right word?

Interestingly, i had amazing bowel movements until this wierd feeling in my stomache at night appeared again.

Something i'd like to add in regards to my successful night yesterday, today my hair quality has been amazing troughout the day ...
Thé anus feeling on top of the itching can feel like a high frequency palpitation,don’t know if that’s what you feel,and I get it when I eat a ton of oranges.did you notice anything different on any aspect of your health since you supplemented the organ supplements,anything,like illusionary sounds before to fall as sleep per exemple,whatever


Oct 6, 2020
Noo, only thing i noticed since then is my beard and body hair slowed down in growing (imo a good thing), my lower eyelid hair grew, i started to regrow a few babyhairs on my hairline (also good) but the downside is i started to grow alot of hair on the upside of my hands, forearms and on my upper arm, dark thick once (not white small once). I consider them ugly and it happened quite fast, within 2 weeks along with some gum receeding. Tinnitus improved significantly tho (lower volume)

As i said, w/e i do, it seems like im trading between stuff. And i always seem to be on the brinck of malnutrition. One day low on calories and my hair and nails start to suffer almost instantly.

Im on this antihelmetics track because it seems to be one of thoose things actually making changes, for better or worse.

Edit: I wouldnt call it palpatation exactly, but its not wrong of a description either.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
How is your digestion for « hard to digest thing »such as meat?,do you have a lot of nasal mucus or never?do you sneeth a lot?do you have rashes?


Oct 6, 2020
How is your digestion for « hard to digest thing »such as meat?,do you have a lot of nasal mucus or never?do you sneeth a lot?do you have rashes?

dont notice much from eating meat other than feeling nourished, liquids make me feel coldish. nasal mucus not so much of an issue, dry mouth, white coating on tongue, white oral mucosa, a little bit of white mucus at the back of the troat. I had a period where i sneezed more than usual but that was a few months ago. Had a redish chest for a long time now. Wouldnt call it a rash tho. Can't say any candida intervention helped in any way, shape or form either.

I had some skin changes but its more like new small moles, redish/pinkish dots and stuff that looks like bursted blood vessels. And i lost the ability to get brown properly and my vit d levels stay low regardless of what i do.

Where are you trying to go with this if i may ask? I have many many symptoms and issues and i dont think its much use going trough all of them here.


Oct 6, 2020

Tried the herb/enzyme blend again 20-30 mins before going to sleep.
Same effect as the day before yday but not quit as intense but awsome warm feet. Woke up feeling good. Jaw/Neck relaxed, face looked vitalised/refreshed. I felt like im 3 years younger upon waking up. No idea why that one in partiuclar works, i tried many of its ingridients before. Maybe its the combination. It also seems to work at night rather than during the day. (I tried taking one on an empty stomache in the morning before which didn't feel like doing much).


Nov 27, 2016
So do you think it's curing a parasitic infection or causing positive effects through another mechanism?


Oct 6, 2020
So do you think it's curing a parasitic infection or causing positive effects through another mechanism?

Mhh what do i think? I can't prove it but ... parasites ... would just explain all of it. Also the way i feel and the stuff that i experience ... if it wasnt parasites i'd be hella confused. I had a cats growing up who had worms/parasites and she always licked our fingers/hands and sometimes our faces. I can't recall our parents putting us on a deworming protocoll. But it would explain why we (my brothers and i) were always so skinny while we simultaneously eat like madhouses. Theres also this mental/depressive issue and lack of energy that i've been suffering from since im a teenager and made me question whats wrong with me for the majority of my life. I could never keep up with the people my age (intellectually sure, but not physically/energetically/socially).

Pyrantel as i've said in the opening post basicly made all of it dissapear even if it was just short term. I don't believe in accidents tbh.

If its just a chemical reaction or mechanism than not only would that be dissapointing, it would make me wonder why i get this reaction only from antiparasite meds/herbs. But it is another route to explore for sure so i'll keep it in mind.

The feeling i experience is not a high or some "boost" it is basicly just feeling right. Feeling the way i think one should feel at baseline and for the majority of ones life. Hair feeling the way it should (nourished, fluffy), Face/Eyes looking vital and energized, Body/extremities being comftorably warm, Mental clearness, Confidence.

If it was just some chemical making me feel good i wouldn't understand why it would have such an insane effect systemic wide.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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