Niacin High dose my experience


Apr 5, 2016
So for the past week I have been taking a high dose of Niacin as a way of fighting a cold/flu i picked up.

I started with 500 mg then slowly worked up to 1500mg 3 times per day.

The first 5 days I would get the Niacin flush but that now has faded where I now get virtually no flush or very little even when taking 1500mg in a single dose.

The reason I was taking Niacin is it seemed to very quickly relieve my breathing and lung problems from this cold, within a few hours of dosing and then it would fade a few hours later. I am nearly fully recovered now.

The most interesting thing have been the unintended side effects which have been mostly very good.

First my skin: much clearer and smoother. Even have had people comment on it. I think this maybe due to the fact that Niacin causes a big release of histamine and serotonin from the cells. I often have a somewhat red face because of histamine but now all that histamine has been depleted by the Niacin.

Mentally I feel incredibly calm but this is a double edged sword. I don't want to say I feel numb but my emotions are definitely less extreme then normal. They are all still there but I feel like they are less acute. I'm still unsure if this is good or not.

Libido: big increase.

Digestion: Feels like it has improved but made me more gassy.

Negatives: very dry mouth to the point where it is uncomfortable/painful.

If anyone were to experiment with high dose niacin I would recommend a lot of caution and to go SLOW.

I found it very helpful for me in fighting off this virus and the other side effects have been interesting but I will only be using it for acute cases of illness and not as a consistent supplement.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
So for the past week I have been taking a high dose of Niacin as a way of fighting a cold/flu i picked up.

I started with 500 mg then slowly worked up to 1500mg 3 times per day.

The first 5 days I would get the Niacin flush but that now has faded where I now get virtually no flush or very little even when taking 1500mg in a single dose.

The reason I was taking Niacin is it seemed to very quickly relieve my breathing and lung problems from this cold, within a few hours of dosing and then it would fade a few hours later. I am nearly fully recovered now.

The most interesting thing have been the unintended side effects which have been mostly very good.

First my skin: much clearer and smoother. Even have had people comment on it. I think this maybe due to the fact that Niacin causes a big release of histamine and serotonin from the cells. I often have a somewhat red face because of histamine but now all that histamine has been depleted by the Niacin.

Mentally I feel incredibly calm but this is a double edged sword. I don't want to say I feel numb but my emotions are definitely less extreme then normal. They are all still there but I feel like they are less acute. I'm still unsure if this is good or not.

Libido: big increase.

Digestion: Feels like it has improved but made me more gassy.

Negatives: very dry mouth to the point where it is uncomfortable/painful.

If anyone were to experiment with high dose niacin I would recommend a lot of caution and to go SLOW.

I found it very helpful for me in fighting off this virus and the other side effects have been interesting but I will only be using it for acute cases of illness and not as a consistent supplement.
Thanks for sharing


Jul 12, 2016
This may be difficult to guage, but have you noticed any difference in circulation / blood flow? I've heard of people saying high dose niacin (with the flush) can decrease the fatty deposits (plaques?) in the blood vessels and therefore reverse heart disease. Do you notice any difference in warmer, rosier hands and feet? Better erectile function?


Sep 12, 2015
So for the past week I have been taking a high dose of Niacin as a way of fighting a cold/flu i picked up.

I started with 500 mg then slowly worked up to 1500mg 3 times per day.

The first 5 days I would get the Niacin flush but that now has faded where I now get virtually no flush or very little even when taking 1500mg in a single dose.

The reason I was taking Niacin is it seemed to very quickly relieve my breathing and lung problems from this cold, within a few hours of dosing and then it would fade a few hours later. I am nearly fully recovered now.

The most interesting thing have been the unintended side effects which have been mostly very good.

First my skin: much clearer and smoother. Even have had people comment on it. I think this maybe due to the fact that Niacin causes a big release of histamine and serotonin from the cells. I often have a somewhat red face because of histamine but now all that histamine has been depleted by the Niacin.

Mentally I feel incredibly calm but this is a double edged sword. I don't want to say I feel numb but my emotions are definitely less extreme then normal. They are all still there but I feel like they are less acute. I'm still unsure if this is good or not.

Libido: big increase.

Digestion: Feels like it has improved but made me more gassy.

Negatives: very dry mouth to the point where it is uncomfortable/painful.

If anyone were to experiment with high dose niacin I would recommend a lot of caution and to go SLOW.

I found it very helpful for me in fighting off this virus and the other side effects have been interesting but I will only be using it for acute cases of illness and not as a consistent supplement.
Thanks for sharing your experience.

Abram Hoffer took several grams a day of flushing niacin for many years. He lived to 91.


David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Apr 5, 2016
This may be difficult to guage, but have you noticed any difference in circulation / blood flow? I've heard of people saying high dose niacin (with the flush) can decrease the fatty deposits (plaques?) in the blood vessels and therefore reverse heart disease. Do you notice any difference in warmer, rosier hands and feet? Better erectile function?

I do think it improved blood flow warmer hands and feet, don't know if it effected erectile function but I didn't have any issues.


Apr 5, 2016

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I've been on a low PUFA diet for many years and that probably did help my skin but I think the Niacin now made a pretty quick positive impact.
ok, thanks. i have been taking Niacin before I discovered Peat. Now I know.


Jan 21, 2018
I love taking high dose niacin every once in a while. Now I take a sustained low baseline (100mg) daily for health benefits, but maybe a few times per month I'll do 500-1000mg.

Effects: aside from the flushing that comes back (since I don't high dose regularly), I get great blood flow and I actually use it as a pre-workout sometimes for great gym sessions. In particular I notice muscular endurance seems to go up anywhere from 10-20% on that day, pretty significant! Endurance as in, more reps on weighted exercises, more endurance doing mid-range cardio, etc. So that's really cool.

Seems to be a safe and healthy substance. I only do a lower baseline because 1) it's already more than enough past the RDA so if there's benefits I'll get em, and 2) cycling down allows me to 'blast' on certain days and really feel the effect like a first-timer ;)

To be fair I have no idea if high dose (500mg+) daily would give a consistent muscular endurance boost that I described.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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