Widespread Muscle Weakness And Soreness- Possible Causes? Labs To Get?


Oct 3, 2012
Hi folks,

I've been having a bout of muscle weakness and soreness/pain lately, particularly in my upper arms (mostly outside of arms, right above elbows), legs and upper back between shoulders/neck. I feel like I am losing strength all over even though I am active 20+hrs a week at work (on my feet, lifting things, squatting). I've never felt like this before the past few months, and it is alarming and making work a struggle. If I lean on my arm while on the phone it starts to shake, holding something fairly light for a while makes my arm hurt, washing my hair makes my arms burn and feel sore. Also really lethargic, short of breath, disoriented and have derealization feeling pretty constantly now. I'm only 28 but I'm feeling like an old lady.

Any suggestions on what could cause such a thing? Also suggestions on labwork that may shed some light on this issue? I'm already thinking thyroid, D3, mag and potassium but I'd like to know if I'm missing anything. I'm going to go to a doctor but I'm thinking they will just write it off as depression or anxiety when I really don't think that is the case...

I am on 2 grains Thiroyd (1/2 grain 4x/day). Temps are 98.6-99.0, bp 90/60 pulse 80-100. Diet is mostly cheese, greek yogurt, OJ, boneless skinless chicken breasts, ground beef, white rice, white potatoes, some shrimp and oysters, grapes, papaya, applesauce, occasional carrot. Food doesn't seem to affect these muscle symptoms either way. I also supplement Vit A, 5 mg pregnenolone, ~300mg mag glycinate daily, and progest-E days 14-30 of cycle.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Sep 13, 2012
I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with this Shrimp. I just wanted to ask you about your BP, it seems pretty low for being on thyroid, are you doing enough salt? I had low BP symptoms at 100/68 so I can imagine you'd be feeling pretty weak at that BP.


May 16, 2013
Do you supplement B6? Such a high protein intake, no PUFA, vitamin A etc, will drive up the need for b6. You could be short?

Vitamin D is also a good bet. Could you get them to test it?
Apr 21, 2013
Hi folks,

I've been having a bout of muscle weakness and soreness/pain lately, particularly in my upper arms (mostly outside of arms, right above elbows), legs and upper back between shoulders/neck. I feel like I am losing strength all over even though I am active 20+hrs a week at work (on my feet, lifting things, squatting). I've never felt like this before the past few months, and it is alarming and making work a struggle. If I lean on my arm while on the phone it starts to shake, holding something fairly light for a while makes my arm hurt, washing my hair makes my arms burn and feel sore. Also really lethargic, short of breath, disoriented and have derealization feeling pretty constantly now. I'm only 28 but I'm feeling like an old lady.

Any suggestions on what could cause such a thing? Also suggestions on labwork that may shed some light on this issue? I'm already thinking thyroid, D3, mag and potassium but I'd like to know if I'm missing anything. I'm going to go to a doctor but I'm thinking they will just write it off as depression or anxiety when I really don't think that is the case...

I am on 2 grains Thiroyd (1/2 grain 4x/day). Temps are 98.6-99.0, bp 90/60 pulse 80-100. Diet is mostly cheese, greek yogurt, OJ, boneless skinless chicken breasts, ground beef, white rice, white potatoes, some shrimp and oysters, grapes, papaya, applesauce, occasional carrot. Food doesn't seem to affect these muscle symptoms either way. I also supplement Vit A, 5 mg pregnenolone, ~300mg mag glycinate daily, and progest-E days 14-30 of cycle.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Too much thyroid leads to muscle catabolism. I experienced a loss of muscle mass and fatigue when I was taking 3 grains of NDT. I regained all my muscle on dropping the NDT.


Oct 3, 2012
Thank you everyone for replying, I forgot I made this thread. :facepalm: The muscle issues are persistent. I feel like I can't sit up straight at the computer because my muscles are so tight and weak feeling, and I have pain from slouching.

I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with this Shrimp. I just wanted to ask you about your BP, it seems pretty low for being on thyroid, are you doing enough salt? I had low BP symptoms at 100/68 so I can imagine you'd be feeling pretty weak at that BP.
Hi Janelle, my BP has always been pretty low but I've never felt like this until the past few months. I'm sure it's not helping things, though! I am eating some pickles and potato chips to try to get more sodium and try to bump it up a bit but not sure what else can help it. My mom has low BP too so I'm thinking it might be a genetic thing or related to my being really petite.

Do you supplement B6? Such a high protein intake, no PUFA, vitamin A etc, will drive up the need for b6. You could be short?

Vitamin D is also a good bet. Could you get them to test it?
I don't supplement any Bs right now. I will check the B6 out, I think I have some P5P lying around actually. Reading into it, sounds like it could potentially be B12 related too? Maybe I will take a B-Complex instead. Will get the vitamin D testing done ASAP!

Too much thyroid leads to muscle catabolism. I experienced a loss of muscle mass and fatigue when I was taking 3 grains of NDT. I regained all my muscle on dropping the NDT.
This was my first thought, but my temps/pulse are normal and I have no tremors etc. If anything I feel more hypo/fueled by adrenaline lately. I will get thyroid levels tested for sure and hopefully that will shed some light on the situation.


Oct 3, 2015
Have you been eating high fat + carbs for a while? Most of my muscle recovery issues got better over time by cutting fat as much as possible. Fat (any type) slows down / clogs my circulation quite easily (lipemia). I guess I'm more sensitive than average. High carb + protein = all good (even gives me opposite feelings i.e. wired).


Jul 6, 2013
Have you had b12 checked? I'm deficient with some peripheral neuropathies and your symptoms do sound like they could be related to b12. Though it could be something else entirely too I'm sure :):


Dec 11, 2013
Definitely sounds like low magnesium to me. Increasing metabolism, increases Mg requirements.

Try upping your Magnesium. Make sure to dissolve any Mg supps before consuming, otherwise it can have laxative effects and/or poor absorption. If you are low in B6 or zinc you can have poor magnesium retention, so is good to take these with magnesium.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Just a random thought, as I have been experiencing this too lately - not loss of muscle, but fatigue. I noticed looking at what I eat in Cronometer and I don't get nearly enough potassium. I would check your potassium & magnesium intakes if you log your foods.


Oct 3, 2012
Have you been eating high fat + carbs for a while? Most of my muscle recovery issues got better over time by cutting fat as much as possible. Fat (any type) slows down / clogs my circulation quite easily (lipemia). I guess I'm more sensitive than average. High carb + protein = all good (even gives me opposite feelings i.e. wired).
I don't think I am eating a lot of fat, just some butter and ice cream really.

Have you had b12 checked? I'm deficient with some peripheral neuropathies and your symptoms do sound like they could be related to b12. Though it could be something else entirely too I'm sure :)
I have but not when this muscle stuff was going on, probably like two years ago now. Will add it to the growing list of tests I'm gonna request haha.

Definitely sounds like low magnesium to me. Increasing metabolism, increases Mg requirements.

Try upping your Magnesium. Make sure to dissolve any Mg supps before consuming, otherwise it can have laxative effects and/or poor absorption. If you are low in B6 or zinc you can have poor magnesium retention, so is good to take these with magnesium.
I am taking 360mg Mag Glycinate daily, and have been for months now. Do you think that dose is too low, and maybe I should try a different form? This one doesn't cause any digestive upset at this dose.

Just a random thought, as I have been experiencing this too lately - not loss of muscle, but fatigue. I noticed looking at what I eat in Cronometer and I don't get nearly enough potassium. I would check your potassium & magnesium intakes if you log your foods.
I was actually thinking of adding cream of tartar to my OJ because I can't think of any other way to get that much potassium in a day; potatoes get boring after a while. The RDA seems absurdly high to me. :/
Apr 21, 2013
Hi folks,

I've been having a bout of muscle weakness and soreness/pain lately, particularly in my upper arms (mostly outside of arms, right above elbows), legs and upper back between shoulders/neck. I feel like I am losing strength all over even though I am active 20+hrs a week at work (on my feet, lifting things, squatting). I've never felt like this before the past few months, and it is alarming and making work a struggle. If I lean on my arm while on the phone it starts to shake, holding something fairly light for a while makes my arm hurt, washing my hair makes my arms burn and feel sore. Also really lethargic, short of breath, disoriented and have derealization feeling pretty constantly now. I'm only 28 but I'm feeling like an old lady.

Any suggestions on what could cause such a thing? Also suggestions on labwork that may shed some light on this issue? I'm already thinking thyroid, D3, mag and potassium but I'd like to know if I'm missing anything. I'm going to go to a doctor but I'm thinking they will just write it off as depression or anxiety when I really don't think that is the case...

I am on 2 grains Thiroyd (1/2 grain 4x/day). Temps are 98.6-99.0, bp 90/60 pulse 80-100. Diet is mostly cheese, greek yogurt, OJ, boneless skinless chicken breasts, ground beef, white rice, white potatoes, some shrimp and oysters, grapes, papaya, applesauce, occasional carrot. Food doesn't seem to affect these muscle symptoms either way. I also supplement Vit A, 5 mg pregnenolone, ~300mg mag glycinate daily, and progest-E days 14-30 of cycle.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Perhaps a controversial opinion here but I think you're thyrotoxic. Excess exogenous thyroid can be very catabolic. Simply reduce your dose of NDT, and increase protein consumption temporarily.


Oct 3, 2012
Consider it could be high ammonia and/or lactate.
I will do some reading about that, Peata. Thank you!

Perhaps a controversial opinion here but I think you're thyrotoxic. Excess exogenous thyroid can be very catabolic. Simply reduce your dose of NDT, and increase protein consumption temporarily.
Is it possible to be thyrotoxic with a waking temp of 97.8? I also don't have other symptoms like diarrhea, tremor, weight loss etc. I will get the blood work done soon but I've never had high thyroid levels at this dose of NDT. Who knows, something could have changed!
Apr 21, 2013
I will do some reading about that, Peata. Thank you!

Is it possible to be thyrotoxic with a waking temp of 97.8? I also don't have other symptoms like diarrhea, tremor, weight loss etc. I will get the blood work done soon but I've never had high thyroid levels at this dose of NDT. Who knows, something could have changed!

Too much thyroid can lead to a paradoxical stress reaction if either liver function isn't good or one lacks certain nutrients. It often leads to an elevation of estrogen in males that can depress body temperature. Reducing your dose of thyroid is an easy way to test this hypothesis, IMO.


Mar 28, 2015
Hi Shrimp,

I am currently experiencing the same soreness/weakness in my body as you did. Arm soreness along with shoulder & neck pain/weakness. Were you able to find out the cause of this? Was it too much thyroid or not enough magnesium or potassium or some other nutrient? I'm also on a little more than 2 grains of NDT.


Oct 3, 2012
Hi Shrimp,

I am currently experiencing the same soreness/weakness in my body as you did. Arm soreness along with shoulder & neck pain/weakness. Were you able to find out the cause of this? Was it too much thyroid or not enough magnesium or potassium or some other nutrient? I'm also on a little more than 2 grains of NDT.
Hey Peaterpeater~
In my case, it certainly wasn't too much thyroid as my levels are low-mid range. My labs looked like this:
Free T3: 3.05 (2.3 - 4.2)
Free T4: 0.9 (0.71 - 1.42)
Thyroid labs taken >12 hours after last dose of medication. Free T3 is relatively higher in range than free T4)

Co2: 26 (21 - 33)
Chloride: 103 (98 - 110)
Potassium: 3.7 (3.5 - 5.3)
Sodium: 140 (135 - 146)
Bun: 14 (7 - 25)
Creatinine serum: 0.66 (0.50 - 1.10)
eGFR: Normal
Glucose: 132 (65-99) This was about 1.5 hrs after eating

DHEA sulfate: 253 (18 - 391)

Epstein Barr: Negative

Magnesium RBC: 3.6 (3.3 - 5.5) (this is with supplementation of >300mg magnesium glycinate per day)

Pregnenolone: 30 (7 - 188)
Testosterone: 31 (14 - 76)
Free Testosterone: 1.32 (0.29 - 3.18)

Vitamin D: 32 (30 - 100 optimal)

So Mag and Potassium kinda low in range, thyroid kinda mid range. No real answers. Saw a doc today who wants to test me for autoimmune stuff and muscle enzymes, which I will get done once I get the courage to get several tubes drawn (hate blood draws ugh). I'll keep you posted if they find anything but I doubt they will.


Mar 28, 2015
Thank you Shrimp, I appreciate your reply. Best of luck to you and yes, please do keep us posted on your progress. I love to hear success stories on this forum.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Possibly beriberi.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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