Need Help With Androsterone


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I sometimes feel the same way, other times I feel great on it. It might be too many inhibitory neurotransmitters. Androsterone is anti-adrenaline, pro-gaba, dhea is pro gaba, pregneleone seems to block the GABA A receptor but I don't know to what degree. GABA B which is not blocked by preg (I think) is then probably heavily stimulated by the androgens. GABA B leads to a lack of motivation and even a spacey feeling, though it has many positive aspects as well. Fun fact GABA B seems to eliminate the negative feedback loop of testosterone administration, this might lead to even more androgens, thus more GABA B, thus more androgens = positive feedback loop. I don't know how you would fix this without stopping administration. Would increasing excitatory neurotransmitters help? Perhaps but to what degree I do not know. I will put some effort into finding a solution, it would be unfortunate if we had to stop administration.

So you take androsterone as well? DO you find it benefits you most of the time? Are you concerned about suppression? I am pretty up and down about it myself. Sometimes it seems to help and gives me good energy, focus, and boosts libido. But a 6 hours after taking it I seem to feel desperate and tired and bad like I said. Maybe my personal system just can't handle it. At first it was making me very sensitive sexually, which was awesome, but that effect seems to have worn off and it doesn't do very much in that department anymore. Maybe I need to take a break from it and reset, as I have been taking 11-keto/andro for about 3 months now.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Maybe I need to take a break from it and reset, as I have been taking 11-keto/andro for about 3 months now.
What doses and what combinations? I did fine with 11-keto and after reading some newer Haidut posts have decided to drop it and try androsterone on its own, but it sounds like more people have issues with this than the 11-keto.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
What doses and what combinations? I did fine with 11-keto and after reading some newer Haidut posts have decided to drop it and try androsterone on its own, but it sounds like more people have issues with this than the 11-keto.

Well I take a long list of supplements as well and I ususally take 2 drops androsterone with 50mg preg or 5 drops stressnon and repeat that twice through the day. I am also taking retinil, niacinimide,a spirin, caffiene, tauarine, gelatin, energin, oxidal, k2, vitamin d, I eat a solid peat diet with mushrooms and oranges So I think all of these foods and supplements could actually be lowering my estrogen too much along with my other stress hormones. I cant really feel excitement at all which I believe is tied in with stress hormones like adrenaline.


Jan 8, 2016
Well I take a long list of supplements as well and I ususally take 2 drops androsterone with 50mg preg or 5 drops stressnon and repeat that twice through the day. I am also taking retinil, niacinimide,a spirin, caffiene, tauarine, gelatin, energin, oxidal, k2, vitamin d, I eat a solid peat diet with mushrooms and oranges So I think all of these foods and supplements could actually be lowering my estrogen too much along with my other stress hormones. I cant really feel excitement at all which I believe is tied in with stress hormones like adrenaline.

I can pretty much relate to what you write here. After taking Lapodin, Aspirin, Taurine, Glycine, B's and fat solubles along with a low dose 11-k DHT (for which I am still not sure if it had any additonal effect at all) for awhile my joints started to hurt like never before (and crack all the time) any I got extremely moody and unsatisfied with my life in general. Too low estrogen and too low stress hormones is not a place one wants to be in.


Apr 13, 2015
Well I take a long list of supplements as well and I ususally take 2 drops androsterone with 50mg preg or 5 drops stressnon and repeat that twice through the day. I am also taking retinil, niacinimide,a spirin, caffiene, tauarine, gelatin, energin, oxidal, k2, vitamin d, I eat a solid peat diet with mushrooms and oranges So I think all of these foods and supplements could actually be lowering my estrogen too much along with my other stress hormones. I cant really feel excitement at all which I believe is tied in with stress hormones like adrenaline.

I can pretty much relate to what you write here. After taking Lapodin, Aspirin, Taurine, Glycine, B's and fat solubles along with a low dose 11-k DHT (for which I am still not sure if it had any additonal effect at all) for awhile my joints started to hurt like never before (and crack all the time) any I got extremely moody and unsatisfied with my life in general. Too low estrogen and too low stress hormones is not a place one wants to be in.

I had a similar experience to both yours. I believe the combo of pansterone + androsterone drastically lowered my estrogen along with other supplements I'm taking

I had the same feeling of being very unsatisfied with my life that was especially bad last night. I will try going off mostly all supplements for a week or two and see what happens


May 27, 2015
Try dissolving some estrogen in DMSO and see of that helps, or just get a birth control pill, that's what I say. Morning after pills are available OTC.


Sep 16, 2014
I dont feel good on androsterone + dhea+ pregneleone. I dont knwo fi I am taking too many anti-estrogen supplements but I feel irritable, not creative, overheated and spaced out. It is hard to concentrate on homework or feel motivated to anything. I also ave a big headache but I think it may stem from sleeping troubles. I am going to stop taking hromonal supplemetns and see if I feel better.

Yeah I'm beginning to think hormone supplementation (no matter how good they look on paper) can be very harmful to esp younger people who should be making enough of good hormones anyway.


Apr 21, 2015
What I have found is that with Androsterone and Lapodin both, and a number of other supplements, is I have to make sure I am eating enough or I experience so many of the symptoms described here. I had to experiment with my usage of each before finding what worked for me.

Now, I didn't start either of those until I had been peating for over a year and had been getting better and better. When I read about something - food or supplement - I would experiment with it. I was on rx thyroid before peating so switching to Tyromax made sense. Using Tyromax instead of rx was one of the best decisions I ever made. It is much more effective. Having your thyroid and liver working right is essential.

I won't go through all I have tried but will tell you that I started Androsterone with high hopes and felt crushed when it didn't work like I thought it would. But I thought about it and kept at it. That's what experimenting is about. Currently I use 2 drops Androsterone with 3 drops progestene every morning. At night I use just 1 drop with either 1 drop prog or a tiny amt of powdered pregnenolone. It has made me stronger physically and tougher/more resilient emotionally.

Adding Lapodin has been what has finally put me over the top. After experimenting (see the theme?) I am on 20 drops once a day before bed. Feeling less sore, more steady energy (but wouldn't say energetic - no interest in running or lifting weights) for work or walks or gentle hikes. I have more patience. Less irritated. More kind thoughts. I smile when I wake up.

Bottom line is don't give up, EAT MORE and eat steadily through day, keep experimenting. Don't be afraid of gaining weight. I gained it and it has been uncomfortable in every way - but I started feeling better and NOW am slowly beginning to lose it because my body is ready. Time and experimentation pays off.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Yeah I'm beginning to think hormone supplementation (no matter how good they look on paper) can be very harmful to esp younger people who should be making enough of good hormones anyway.

Well it has quite effectively saved us post-finasteride guys from total and crushing despair but...


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I gave the androsterone+pansterone combo another try today. 2 drops andro, 4 drops pansterone. I felt super intense, quite mean and discontent in general. COuldn't think very well so I thought maybe I needed some allopreg or progesterone to balance the tough androgenic effects so I took 50mg pregnenelone. Felt even crazier, tried to study but couldnt concentrate. Wasnt interested in conversing with anyone or being friendly. I ususally feel a bit irritable on dhea but I have taken 5+drops of andro with 8 drops pansterone and never felt this mean before. Maybe it was partially because I had a few rum and cokes last night. Or perhaps my natural androgen production is compeltely replenished since crashing on propecia, and I don't need the supplemental androgens. I am naturally super hairy and rather well built so I undoubtedly have good genetics for building DHT/ T as it is, more could be excessive.

I'm going to switch back to oral pregnenelone with energin, retinil, gelatin, oxidal, a little taurine and theanine, 200mg mixed tocopherols, and a single aspirin. If I still feel wack-o then I'll have to keep cutting back supplements in the stack.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I gave the androsterone+pansterone combo another try today. 2 drops andro, 4 drops pansterone. I felt super intense, quite mean and discontent in general. COuldn't think very well so I thought maybe I needed some allopreg or progesterone to balance the tough androgenic effects so I took 50mg pregnenelone. Felt even crazier, tried to study but couldnt concentrate. Wasnt interested in conversing with anyone or being friendly. I ususally feel a bit irritable on dhea but I have taken 5+drops of andro with 8 drops pansterone and never felt this mean before. Maybe it was partially because I had a few rum and cokes last night. Or perhaps my natural androgen production is compeltely replenished since crashing on propecia, and I don't need the supplemental androgens. I am naturally super hairy and rather well built so I undoubtedly have good genetics for building DHT/ T as it is, more could be excessive.

I'm going to switch back to oral pregnenelone with energin, retinil, gelatin, oxidal, a little taurine and theanine, 200mg mixed tocopherols, and a single aspirin. If I still feel wack-o then I'll have to keep cutting back supplements in the stack.

If you are interested in trying, I would do the androsterone and pansterone a few hours apart. Have you tried DHEA and andro only? Say, 5mg oral DHEA and some androsterone drops? Just wondering if in your case the combination may be raising pregnenolone sulfate (PS) which can have these effects. Also, instead of adding more pregnenolone (which could raise PS) try a little progesterone as it would be easier for it to raise allopregnanolone.


Aug 17, 2016
What I have found is that with Androsterone and Lapodin both, and a number of other supplements, is I have to make sure I am eating enough or I experience so many of the symptoms described here. I had to experiment with my usage of each before finding what worked for me.

Now, I didn't start either of those until I had been peating for over a year and had been getting better and better. When I read about something - food or supplement - I would experiment with it. I was on rx thyroid before peating so switching to Tyromax made sense. Using Tyromax instead of rx was one of the best decisions I ever made. It is much more effective. Having your thyroid and liver working right is essential.

I won't go through all I have tried but will tell you that I started Androsterone with high hopes and felt crushed when it didn't work like I thought it would. But I thought about it and kept at it. That's what experimenting is about. Currently I use 2 drops Androsterone with 3 drops progestene every morning. At night I use just 1 drop with either 1 drop prog or a tiny amt of powdered pregnenolone. It has made me stronger physically and tougher/more resilient emotionally.

Adding Lapodin has been what has finally put me over the top. After experimenting (see the theme?) I am on 20 drops once a day before bed. Feeling less sore, more steady energy (but wouldn't say energetic - no interest in running or lifting weights) for work or walks or gentle hikes. I have more patience. Less irritated. More kind thoughts. I smile when I wake up.

Bottom line is don't give up, EAT MORE and eat steadily through day, keep experimenting. Don't be afraid of gaining weight. I gained it and it has been uncomfortable in every way - but I started feeling better and NOW am slowly beginning to lose it because my body is ready. Time and experimentation pays off.
Nice write up.


Aug 7, 2012
Actually I never use Androsterone in the day, only just 30 minutes before bed and very well fed.

When i start using Andro, i start in the day and almost faint several times, also sometimes i took it first thing in the morning.
In my experience, always use andro after a very good meal, and better before going to bed, you will enjoy a very good night and a morning wood.

Edit: i forgot to mention that one drop is enough for me to get the results i mentioned.


Aug 6, 2015
These are damm powerful substances

I think the DMSO makes them too strong, and lowers the stress hormones to extremely low levels


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
If you are interested in trying, I would do the androsterone and pansterone a few hours apart. Have you tried DHEA and andro only? Say, 5mg oral DHEA and some androsterone drops? Just wondering if in your case the combination may be raising pregnenolone sulfate (PS) which can have these effects. Also, instead of adding more pregnenolone (which could raise PS) try a little progesterone as it would be easier for it to raise allopregnanolone.
Why try androsterone and Pansterone apart?

Do they interfere with the same metabolic pathways; does androsterone saturate a pathway of DHEA and result in downstream estrogen conversion?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Why try androsterone and Pansterone apart?

Do they interfere with the same metabolic pathways; does androsterone saturate a pathway of DHEA and result in downstream estrogen conversion?

No, I don' think androsterone will push DHEA towards estrogen. I have measured my estrogen on using only androsterone and they dropped. All 3 androstane that androsterone converts into are potent aromatase inhibitors. It was just a suggestion to see if it is the androsterone or Pansterone causing these issues, or the combination. Pregnenolone sulfate (PS) is a GABA antagonist so it if gets elevated it can cause these symptoms. Nothing definitive, just trying to separate the causes.
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