Why the Vaxed Look Healthy, the Unvaxed not so?


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Aug 4, 2017
Since you keep your location a secret, we don't know if you're in Siberia or in Timbuktu. I don't know why many people here would be so paranoid, but that's just me feeling that part of you can be revealed without you suffering any repercussions from big brother.

The reason I say this is because I'm in Manila, and while I have been very frustrated that it's only my siblings and I who have avoided the vax, my immediate circle of cousins and friends from school have taken the vaccines. No one has experienced any drastic turn in their health, regardless of the vaccines taken - China's SinoVac, and the usual Western suspects Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and JnJ.

Yet @Nicole W. 's observation in her area, wherever that is, speaks to a difference experience.

It is in these personal testimonies where I feel we can gauge better the effect of these vaccines. As opposed to reading mainstream media reports, which are 99.999% propaganda.

There are many reasons for the wild variation in the effects of the same brand of vaccine used on different subsets of people.

Perhaps Filipinos are not heavily vaxxed and pharma-drugged as Westerners, even though Filipino doctors try their best to ape Western doctors but alas there just isn't enough money in it to milk from the much poorer population.

Or perhaps the vaccines sent here are placebos, and while the same amount is made by Pfizer whether it sells the real vax or placebo, the priority of reducing more of the Western population may be a primary reason why Filipinos are suffering little or no effect from the Western vaccines. After all, generally the Asian population is very compliant and you can hardly see Asians making a big deal as much as Westerners about masking. From the standpoint of subduing the most hard-headed population, it makes sense to target this population by eliminating this obstinacy by attrition through vaccination.

I really don't know what is going on, and I have this conspiracy theory-bent in me admittedly.

I don't think Paul is being a troll here but is seriously asking the questions that he should be asking from his prism of his experience and observation, however limited his perception is to his immediate family and locality.

Perhaps if we were less secretive about our geographic location, we may be able to infer, however imperfectly, what is going on.

There is no question in me that the Western middle class is the main source of opposition to Zionist/Freemasonic domination. The Zionists have a big beef with the West, as the West still has wealth and power and has a tradition of middle class resistance that is eloquent and deeply rooted, whereas the rest of the world, particularly Asia and Africa, are just beginning to establish this middle class bulwark against totalitarianism and authoritarianism, and they pose no immediate threat to opposing the agenda of Zionists and Freemasons to a scale that has to be feared.
Thank you for this perspective. I wonder about the placebos and the low dose shots. Also, some of the adverse effects are delayed long enough for the victims to discount the shot as the cause. In @Nicole W. ’s case, do the people attribute their new onset of illness to the shot? The people I know who have had heart attacks or other heart problems don’t.


Nov 9, 2020
FWIW in NZ recently there was a clinic that accidentally ended up with these vials left over which shouldn't have happened apparently and meant that some only got saline. lol a girl my mum works with is very worried her second shot was saline as 'she didn't feel unwell after it' and she's itching to go back for a third shot just to make sure.
also FWIW back in march when they started the lady i used to work with had to go to hospital after her first shot and a few days later got taken to the hospital in an ambulance, something about blood in kidneys and they had no idea why she was so sick. the dentist i worked with vehemently denied it had anything to do with the shot.
two web people we worked with got sick and couldn't complete the project after their shots. the list goes on and on yet I don't really know anyone personally who's been affected by the rona.
We've had reports of 4 kids dying post shot and they only started pricking them in the last month. We've only got the Pfizer here not sure it that affects things.


Feb 12, 2018
I'm pondering about this too. I see reports of people here that know many that were affected by the vaccine. It's simply not the case around me. Most are jabbed and continue their life as usual.

My personal reasoning is that vaccines are inflammatory storms that are injected within the body. That inflammation can push someone over the edge into disease. Much like can be seen from a stressful event, a poisoning or an infection. Most of the time the inflammation resolves after a few days with little to no long term effects. The thing is if inflammation is prolonged, healing won't take place and the vaccine will end up being one of the causes of disease for that person.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
Thank you for this perspective. I wonder about the placebos and the low dose shots. Also, some of the adverse effects are delayed long enough for the victims to discount the shot as the cause. In @Nicole W. ’s case, do the people attribute their new onset of illness to the shot? The people I know who have had heart attacks or other heart problems don’t.
Not one has said: It must have been the vaccine! But the rest of us are silently wondering. When I have brought it up gently with them, I get near violent pushback. They do not want to go there. Honestly, I think their ego is too powerful to entertain the idea that they may have inflicted this upon themselves. They are trying to find any other explanation as to cause, and in most of the cases they attribute it to “getting old”. Aging can legitimately be a cause of all these events. Correlation does not prove causation but the timing and frequency of these events is suspicious.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Whats wrong with entertaining this type of post? It gives an opportunity to disprove this line of thinking for others to read, if not for the thread starter himself. Echo chambers are no fun

it's like asking "what's wrong with spreading propaganda? it gives people the opportunity to discuss it, and come to some opinion about it."

even the OP admitted he just did this to feed his ego by triggering people with lies.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
it's like asking "what's wrong with spreading propaganda? it gives people the opportunity to discuss it, and come to some opinion about it."

even the OP admitted he just did this to feed his ego by triggering people with lies.
No its not the same, propaganda spread on the TV or radio does not give any opportunity for discussion, but a forum is literally a home for discussion

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
No its not the same, propaganda spread on the TV or radio does not give any opportunity for discussion, but a forum is literally a home for discussion

propaganda was spread on tv and radio so that it would be discussed in the pub...

by your own logic, if i started spamming this forum with state propaganda, it wouldn't be propaganda, because...you could help me spread it by discussing it...

never mind. i thought this was a discussion worth having; it really, really isn't. lol.


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
I'm pondering about this too. I see reports of people here that know many that were affected by the vaccine. It's simply not the case around me. Most are jabbed and continue their life as usual.



Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
propaganda was spread on tv and radio so that it would be discussed in the pub...

by your own logic, if i started spamming this forum with state propaganda, it wouldn't be propaganda, because...you could help me spread it?

never mind. i thought this was a discussion worth having, it really, really isn't. lol.
You're emotional for a reason I dont understand, and I'm sorry. Theres no discourse for a TV or radio ad. If you posted what you deem to be state propaganda, there is room for discourse to prove/disprove that propaganda. Im not sure why people are so keen on censorship, this might be the single biggest threat to freedom we are currently facing.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
You're emotional for a reason I dont understand, and I'm sorry. Theres no discourse for a TV or radio ad. If you posted what you deem to be state propaganda, there is room for discourse to prove/disprove that propaganda. Im not sure why people are so keen on censorship, this might be the single biggest threat to freedom we are currently facing.

no need to apologize my man, i know better than to argue with you :P


Apr 6, 2018
I know 6 people who have died, 3 hospitalized with blood clots, 1 stroke, and 2 strange cancers (all vaccinated). I do not know too many people. This is obviously a bio-weapon.

I am shocked how people who have gotten the vaccines will not allow themselves to admit that they made a mistake and the excuses they make for all of these strange heart conditions/blood clots.
UPDATE: I’ve observed the following amongst the vaccinated
- Every single colleague on my team that was vaccinated came down with a prolonged cold/sinus infection, missing many days of work
- Every single one of my unvaccinated colleagues have not gotten ill at all or missed any days of work since the vaccinations began
- 1 person I know went blind after receiving the vaccine and suffers from chronic migraines
- We know of someone with a life threatening blood clot


Jun 18, 2016
It depends on the age group of your friends. Young people are going to (by and large) be able to handle it better in the short term, but they are probably targeted in the areas of fertility/lessened immunity over time. Anyone with health issues, that come with decreasing hormones/aging, are going to be the most vulnerable.
I believe Dolores Cahill said it will lessen your life considerably, depending on the age that you got it.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
From Ray's most recent newsletter, "Immunology, Ideology, Power":

"Moderna had been working on RNA vaccines for years when the 'novel' corona virus was identified, and they had been testing it as a vaccine for corona virus in mice, so when they received the genetic code by telephone from China, it took them only a few hours to produce the vaccine. As they rushed through the preliminary trials, it supposedly didn't occur to anyone that the vaccine might spread throughout the body, or that it would infect the lining of blood vessels with the spike protein, or that the infected endothelial cells would cause systemic clotting and inflammation, or that if the spike protein reached the lungs it would severely damage them, or that anti-spike antibodies would be toxic to the lungs, or that anti-antispike antibodies would contain an antigen similar to the spike antigen. They, like Pfizer, were undoubtedly aware of the risks of the shedding phenomenon. These facts would imply either that no one in the vaccine business had studied physiology or immunology with any attention, or that their plan - to inoculate everyone in the world with a highly toxic genetic material - wasn't intended to improve public health."


Sep 22, 2021
I'm pondering about this too. I see reports of people here that know many that were affected by the vaccine. It's simply not the case around me. Most are jabbed and continue their life as usual.

My personal reasoning is that vaccines are inflammatory storms that are injected within the body. That inflammation can push someone over the edge into disease. Much like can be seen from a stressful event, a poisoning or an infection. Most of the time the inflammation resolves after a few days with little to no long term effects. The thing is if inflammation is prolonged, healing won't take place and the vaccine will end up being one of the causes of disease for that person.
Your reasoning is sound somuch4food. As a health care professional I believe that is exactly what is happening. If the healing is prolonged or even just strong enough to be a tipping point for the individual then effects can be seen.


Nov 1, 2021
Does anyone get the feeling when reading posts like this that they are made by people who are being paid to milk certain groups to find out what they're thinking so that the payers can devise countering strategies. Not saying this is necessarily one of those.


Aug 10, 2012
From Ray's most recent newsletter, "Immunology, Ideology, Power":

"Moderna had been working on RNA vaccines for years when the 'novel' corona virus was identified, and they had been testing it as a vaccine for corona virus in mice, so when they received the genetic code by telephone from China, it took them only a few hours to produce the vaccine. As they rushed through the preliminary trials, it supposedly didn't occur to anyone that the vaccine might spread throughout the body, or that it would infect the lining of blood vessels with the spike protein, or that the infected endothelial cells would cause systemic clotting and inflammation, or that if the spike protein reached the lungs it would severely damage them, or that anti-spike antibodies would be toxic to the lungs, or that anti-antispike antibodies would contain an antigen similar to the spike antigen. They, like Pfizer, were undoubtedly aware of the risks of the shedding phenomenon. These facts would imply either that no one in the vaccine business had studied physiology or immunology with any attention, or that their plan - to inoculate everyone in the world with a highly toxic genetic material - wasn't intended to improve public health."
Thanks you. I don't know how you got that to copy. I found it impossible unless I typed each word. It's a good little summary.
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