Why the Vaxed Look Healthy, the Unvaxed not so?


Mar 9, 2018
Here on this forum, most of us are against the vax and it's many evils to the individual, families and society. On the last Donny Roddy podcast, he and Georgi listened to Ray as he plunged them and viewers deeper into fear and foreboding similar to the dystopia of George Orwell's 1984. Georgi joked that the Appalachian Mountains are a possible escape route. Yet, many people I know who have been vaccinated, including my sister and her 30 year old son are in perfect health. They took the vax almost a year ago, and they are strong, vibrant, and energetic, and don't show any of the 'deadly' signs detailed by the anti-vax camp. I can instantly tell the difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person. The unvaxed is afraid, weary and wary. Masked, he acts and thinks the whole world is against him. Not so, the vaxed. As I mentioned above they're the exact opposite. So, what to do? Do we continue to listen to the doomsayers who'd tell us about the deadly contents of the vax, or do we take into account that the vaxed are not dying or suffering from serious crippling side effects (excluding the thousands who were killed in hospitals with ventilators).

We really need to soberly, calmly and truthfully address this issue. Especially we need to stop listening to the fake videos made by the anti-vax camp which are heavily infiltrated and abused by the fear-mongering "Destroy the U.S., and Western world" camp. I personally am against any vaccination. I refused the Flu vax since they aggressively started pushing it on people more than 10 years ago. And I'm not saying I'm about to give up and take the jab, I'd probably be the last person on earth to take it. This post is a call to answer the question: why the vaxxed are not dying, but are living normal, healthy lives? A gregarious young lady neighbor got vaxed, and she hasn't stopped laughing and giggling since. Personally, I think a woman who laughs a lot is starved for sex. Unfortunately I'm too old for her :D. @haidut, @charlie, @tankasnowgod, @boris, @Mr.Bollox, @Blossom, @ecstatichamster, @Pina, @Vileplume, @Lollipop2, @Drareg, @Birdie, @Jon2547,


Jan 26, 2021
Not vaxxed, still alive and totally healthy.
No fear at all from the virus hoax, not wearing the mandatory mask when possible, and redpilled.


Mar 2, 2021
My uncle is 81 and never had diabetes, that is, until after he got the jab. My oldest son chose to get the clot shot, then he got shingles. Like i said earlier, what have you been smoking?


Mar 28, 2019
Alot of crazy assumptions but "I think a woman who laughs a lot is starved for sex." might be the worst.


Sep 13, 2012
Here on this forum, most of us are against the vax and it's many evils to the individual, families and society. On the last Donny Roddy podcast, he and Georgi listened to Ray as he plunged them and viewers deeper into fear and foreboding similar to the dystopia of George Orwell's 1984. Georgi joked that the Appalachian Mountains are a possible escape route. Yet, many people I know who have been vaccinated, including my sister and her 30 year old son are in perfect health. They took the vax almost a year ago, and they are strong, vibrant, and energetic, and don't show any of the 'deadly' signs detailed by the anti-vax camp. I can instantly tell the difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person. The unvaxed is afraid, weary and wary. Masked, he acts and thinks the whole world is against him. Not so, the vaxed. As I mentioned above they're the exact opposite. So, what to do? Do we continue to listen to the doomsayers who'd tell us about the deadly contents of the vax, or do we take into account that the vaxed are not dying or suffering from serious crippling side effects (excluding the thousands who were killed in hospitals with ventilators).

We really need to soberly, calmly and truthfully address this issue. Especially we need to stop listening to the fake videos made by the anti-vax camp which are heavily infiltrated and abused by the fear-mongering "Destroy the U.S., and Western world" camp. I personally am against any vaccination. I refused the Flu vax since they aggressively started pushing it on people more than 10 years ago. And I'm not saying I'm about to give up and take the jab, I'd probably be the last person on earth to take it. This post is a call to answer the question: why the vaxxed are not dying, but are living normal, healthy lives? A gregarious young lady neighbor got vaxed, and she hasn't stopped laughing and giggling since. Personally, I think a woman who laughs a lot is starved for sex. Unfortunately I'm too old for her :D. @haidut, @charlie, @tankasnowgod, @boris, @Mr.Bollox, @Blossom, @ecstatichamster, @Pina, @Vileplume, @Lollipop2, @Drareg, @Birdie, @Jon2547,
Have you even seen the vax injury thread?


Oct 21, 2013
Why are the unvaxxed you know wearing masks? I would tend to agree that the real and eminent danger of losing your job, not being able to feed your kids, losing your house, could make a person seem a bit down-trodden, but we aren't wearing masks.


Jan 25, 2014
The unvaxed is afraid, weary and wary. Masked, he acts and thinks the whole world is against him. Not so, the vaxed. As I mentioned above they're the exact opposite. So, what to do?

I think you mixed the two up.

I am untainted by the Demonvax, never wear a mask unless there is a store requirement (and even then, I wear an open air bandana, to emulate the old timey train robber look), I am not weary, and not afraid, as I mentioned before, I have been to Vegas several times during this obviously fake pandemic.
We really need to soberly, calmly and truthfully address this issue. Especially we need to stop listening to the fake videos made by the anti-vax camp which are heavily infiltrated and abused by the fear-mongering "Destroy the U.S., and Western world" camp.
I don't think it's just the "Western World" they want to destroy. I think it's basically humanity. The reality is that there has been an insane amount of economic damage, and human carnage already, both to promote this obviously fake pandemic (the insane destruction of jobs and businesses, plus the murdering of people in hospitals with Remdesiver and Violators..... I mean, Ventilators), and from the far and away deadliest so called "vaccines" in history.

In any sane period in history, the Demonvaxxes never would have made it to market, and if they had, they would have been pulled months ago, with all the reported damage. I'm sure the companies themselves would have pulled them, if they didn't have 100% legal immunity from death/dismemberment/injuries caused by this horrific product.
And I'm not saying I'm about to give up and take the jab, I'd probably be the last person on earth to take it. This post is a call to answer the question: why the vaxxed are not dying, but are living normal, healthy lives?

Well, the vaxxed are dying. These are the deadliest so called "vaccines" in history, and a simple look at the VAERS data will tell you this-

VAERS Death.png

The updated data shows that there are over 15,386 demonvax deaths. That's more than Cocaine Overdoses. Yet, there are plenty of people that snort copious amounts of cocaine, and seem to be fine and healthy, and living normal lives.

But the Demonvax has only been around 9 months. What's the long term effects? Unknown.

If you are wondering why 100% of people that have taken it haven't dropped dead right on the spot, well, most poisons don't have that sort of lethality rate. Chen Dejun drank gasoline for 42 years, but that doesn't mean most people could get away with downing that much 87 Octane on a regular basis. Even Ventilator Kill Machines only have a 97.2% lethality rate, and that is higher than the 82% lethality rate of people that attempt to commit suicide. So, you might see some vaxxed walking corpses ambling around for a few months/years. Also, some people might just handle poisons better than others, and maybe a lot of lucky people just got saline.


Nov 6, 2015
You made several bizzare over generalizations and concluded things obviously based on profound ignorance or with deliberate intention to stir the pot here. Hopefully you get the help you need.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
My coworker is 31 and since getting vaccinated in April he: lost his vision (says he can’t see a foot in front of him) and has tinnitus.


Very few of us are unvaxed. They’ve been injecting us with toxins for decades. I was tricked into a tetanus vaccine a few years ago. Yes, some of the vaxxed look well but many don’t but like you I am impatient of them to start dropping so that I can be vindicated. :clown:


Sep 20, 2020

I think you mixed the two up.

I am untainted by the Demonvax, never wear a mask unless there is a store requirement (and even then, I wear an open air bandana, to emulate the old timey train robber look), I am not weary, and not afraid, as I mentioned before, I have been to Vegas several times during this obviously fake pandemic.

If you want to mix it up, @tankasnowgod , try some of these novelty face masks:

This one is great for the kids:



Mar 2, 2021
Smacking my forehead as I really fell for this one.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Does anyone get the feeling when reading posts like this that they are made by people who are being paid to milk certain groups to find out what they're thinking so that the payers can devise countering strategies. Not saying this is necessarily one of those.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Nothing wrong with being aware of potential harm (not taking this too far is obviously important).

Physically, we know we can protect ourselves. Vitamins D & E, pro-metabolism, aspirin & cyproheptadine, etc. There even appear to be effective pharmacological solutions with all this horse dewormer talk.

Legally, we can also protect ourselves from coercion (this is something I only learned recently).

The only thing we cannot protect ourselves from is societal judgement. Somehow unvaccinated people are seen as spreading covid, increasing cases, developing new variants, and etc. This is what media and authorities are pushing, and since vaccinated people are able to catch and spread the virus, they are either anti-science or blatantly corrupt.

The annoying thing is the court system is made up of people whom are not outside the narrative - Media pushes are really powerful.
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Mar 2, 2021
Does anyone get the feeling when reading posts like this that they are made by people who are being paid to milk certain groups to find out what they're thinking so that the payers can devise countering strategies. Not saying this is necessarily one of those.


Jun 7, 2016

Are you talking about the vaccine and the virus or the collapse of western civilisation?

It may help to distinguish this because they are related yet separate at the same time.
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