What will we do when red meat is banned ? are we able to replace it completely ?


Nov 18, 2019
Lol .. only on the Ray Peat Forum would I read something like that
Really?!?!?! Only on this forum? Of course I don’t frequent other places, but people out there are happy to eat bugs? I guess I am a bit isolated if that is true - lol.


Jan 26, 2020
I'm with you. I have to have my red meat or I don't feel well. I tried vegan a few years back, and it was a huge mistake.

We have to support local farms, start our own small farms, and fight back against legislation. I have a duck farm now and may be getting a couple goats in the future. I am not sure yet.
Do you farm ducks for meat or eggs? Do you sell them? Why did you choose ducks over chickens? Taste, demand, their independence or what? Are you thinking of goats for milk or meat? Although harder to raise their market is less saturated than say beef products. Pasturing sheep is also more profitable than cows...

I've been thinking of maybe having some summer chickens on our cabin this summer if I can arrange work and stuff... To figure how I like it.
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Jun 22, 2021
The way we deal with this is to NOT LET THEM DO IT. The time has come to take our freedom back, leave this insane system they’ve enslaved us in and create our own.
Do not adapt to this system! The end goal is MUCH worse than feeling hypometabolic.

I definitely agree - I would say I am prepared to stand up for what's right but I also want to prepare myself for the worst

Why the worry about it? We have bugs and soy, as nutritious as meat but good for environment
Very true - ze bugs will get me eventually I just know it

Red meat is the major source of zinc in most people's diets. Some cuts of chicken and pork provide decent amounts. Nowadays not many eat meat in appreciable quantities anymore, and red meat is consumed even less than chicken which is most popular. So its hard to get enough zinc from white meats in general but more so now that meat consumption is much lower.

Low zinc intake is bad for everyone but especially for men, and developing adolescent males who need even more zinc to properly develop. Likely a major reason for the new generation being more feminized, especially in regards to behavior, voice, height, physical appearance is due to chronic low zinc intake in their most vital years. Low zinc intake also negatively affects intelligence and executive functions.
Ah I keep forgetting about zinc - now looking at the stuff I eat I do think zinc is also something I'm craving with red meat

What people don’t see, is that the elites don’t have endless yesmen. They do have yes-middle-men, but not enough yesmen grunts. They have to get overwhelming majority participation/support, before they can make something happen their way — that’s why everything they want done, hasn’t happened yet. This is why advocacy and standing up for what you believe, is so important.
I agree - what I find concerning though is that people were imprisoned for not taking the clot shot in countries - considering this is just the beginning I think it's good to prepare for the worst

I think its the protein that's so metabolic. Chicken, eggs, seafood are as metabolic as meat for me. Milk&dairy just don't cut it, I digest milk pretty well but I've been thinking about caseins absorption. When I was drinking 3-4l of milk I still needed meat to get out of the stress state after physical work. Something like 150g meat seems to be the perfect amount per meal.

Add in eating zincy foods usually with foods that contain phytic acid that inhibit the absorption of zinc. Exercising, inflammation, diarrhea and other sickness, and never replacing the lost zinc. A period of supplementation becomes necessary for many to restore to sufficient levels.
This makes a lot of sense to me as well - on days I try to get my protein just from dairy my metabolism gets sluggish which goes away once I start incorporating meat - I do think it is mostly unmatched when compared to ze bugs


I agree - what I find concerning though is that people were imprisoned for not taking the clot shot in countries - considering this is just the beginning I think it's good to prepare for the worst
Aye I can get behind that
Jan 25, 2021
Lab grown meat as a replacement for red meat is going to start a huge culture war, especially in the USA. Personally speaking I don't give a ***t since I haven't eaten any meat or animal products in 20 years but I don't think consumers are going to accept lab grown meat when it starts to become available a decade or so from now. It will be seen as too "unnatural" and consumers will be grossed out by it. It will probably have the same fate as Olestra.
Maybe 100 years from now public perception will change but for now I couldn't possibly see the majority of consumers accepting anything other than red meat that comes from slaughtered animals.
Also, vegans and vegetarians probably won't want to eat lab grown meat either. Especially since many of them seem satisfied with their plant based alternatives.

So, yeah I don't see red meat going anywhere. Lab grown meat may be useful for industrial livestock feed and pet food but no way in Hell are consumers gong to tolerate it.


Sep 6, 2020
You could supplement with low dosage test which makes you retain more zinc, iron, etc. Which is good if your diet is low in zinc and iron. And for the rest eat meat when you can get it.

Testosterone is plant based so will always be there probably. Low dosage orally as a supplement.


Feb 20, 2013
Red meat like beef isn't the only source of iron.
Some fish/shellfish such as octopus and mussels are very high in iron.

Iron content in mg per 100 gram:
Chicken 0.4
Turkey 0.8
Tuna 1.5
Clams 1.6
Beef 2.1
Mussels 4.0
Octopus 5.3


Oct 26, 2015
For me, lentils are the closest I can get to the satisfactory feeling I get from meat.

We know the ban on meat is coming so we have to prepare

I recently re-introduced red meat having not eaten it for 30 years (most of that time I was vegan, vegetarian, or pescatarian). Funny, one of the first things I thought when I tried red meat was that it might not even be possible to get red meat at all one day, so I better enjoy it while it lasts :D

I'm lucky in that I feel like I only need to eat a little meat, like 1-2 times a month. I also find lentils satisfying enough to not feel like I "need" meat at all for extended periods (the key for me with lentils is to add saturated fat to them, like butter or coconut oil). I've thought if I ever have to go vegan again (because farm animals are banned or whatever) I'd just do McDougall style (very low PUFAs) with coconut and coconut oil and try to get some backyard chickens for the eggs (and take a B12 supplement). My husband and daughter are vegetarian, the key for them seems to be plenty of eggs and not to skimp on the saturated fats (also avoiding the faux meat garbage).

I don't fancy the idea of eating lab grown meat.
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May 30, 2018
You could supplement with low dosage test which makes you retain more zinc, iron, etc. Which is good if your diet is low in zinc and iron. And for the rest eat meat when you can get it.

Testosterone is plant based so will always be there probably. Low dosage orally as a supplement.
Yeah this is probably where I’m headed to deal with the modern food supply. I’ll be supplementing T as necessary as meat becomes more scarce.

My gut feeling is that “you are what you eat” does apply to the types of animals and plants you consume to some degree. I’m not sure what qualities one would absorb from eating a lot of insects but my intuition is that it’s not in my interest. Eating factory farmed animals in general has negative effects on me. I feel best on meat from regenerative grazing farms nearby. I don’t feel I need large amounts. Two pounds a week is plenty. I guess I’ll make up for a suboptimal diet with testosterone as quality meat and dairy become more scare.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I find that I crave one serving of red meat a day - if I skip a day without it I begin to feel hypometabolic and ill

I know for sure that I become iron deficient without it as it's one of the only sources of iron

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I read a post on here that said something along the lines of "the more dairy you consume - the more you crave red meat because of the arachidonic acid needed to process a different acid that was present in dairy"

I can't recall the specifics of the post but is this all that we require from red meat ? Iron and possibly AA ? I don't find too many posts on AA so I don't know too much about it

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I see GATES and his crew are looking to cull cows and other livestock on a large-scale and I imagine they will ban hunting so people can't get their hands on red meat easily - if we are getting iron and AA from other sources will we be fine without it or is there more we require from red meat that we can't find elsewhere ?
Arachidonic acid is not considered good by Peat its an omega 6. I think its only in meat and maybe dairy, normally you can convert other omega 6 into it maybe? Theres bodybuilding supplements of pure arachidonic acid, some bbers think it’s helpful or essential for muscle growth. But they believe inflammation is needed for Muscle growth, and admit AA increases inflammation as well but think it’s a positive


Feb 12, 2020

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
The factory farm supply chain for beef needs to go anyways. Support local pastured farms and neighbors raising cows, sheep, goats etc. I can only afford cuts like heart, oxtail, ground beef. Less than I was used to eating, but it feels more potent when high quality. Pastured chicken feet is a really potent animal food for me. Strongly stimulates my metabolism. Much more expensive than factory farmed, but also feels more potent in smaller amounts. I find I need fewer supplements so I my food budget hasn’t changed much.
that cant work in Canada, where I live there's only grass 3 or 4 months of the year. have to feed grain. plus already all meat even farmed privately has to be inspected by government before selling. in usa they have already seized farms belonging to Amish people, even though they were only raising and selling to their own families/neighbourhoods, they were closed down and fined. its terrible. Is Gates even a Vegan? probably not.


Nov 27, 2019
you know how we farm animals and what pieces of ***t we are right? so be it
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