What causes lesbianism; environmental, society, hormonal, toxins?


May 31, 2018
Is there a reason this thread is all about lesbians and not gay men? I'm starting to feel some of you were rejected so you need a "reason" why.


Apr 5, 2016
Is there a reason this thread is all about lesbians and not gay men? I'm starting to feel some of you were rejected so you need a "reason" why.
The reason is I found a relatively good amount of information on the forum on gay men but not that much on lesbians and I was curious to as to what the causes specifically of lesbianism might be and also to see what the differences or commonalities might be between gay men and lesbians.


May 31, 2018
The reason is I found a relatively good amount of information on the forum on gay men but not that much on lesbians and I was curious to as to what the causes specifically of lesbianism might be and also to see what the differences or commonalities might be between gay men and lesbians.

Still awaiting the answer to "Why are you straight". Don't forget there is a vast spectrum of sexuality.


Mar 27, 2021
Still awaiting the answer to "Why are you straight". Don't forget there is a vast spectrum of sexuality.
How is a child created? How were you conceived and able to be on this forum today? You are a mentally deranged homosexual that needs to run 5x parasite cleanses and let go of your past trauma that makes you refuse to be normal.


Apr 5, 2016
Still awaiting the answer to "Why are you straight". Don't forget there is a vast spectrum of sexuality.
The question "why are you straight" is outside the scope of what this thread is meant to be discussing so I don't see why I would respond to that question. Although I think there is a pretty self-evident answer and that would be that considering that over 99.99% of life on earth uses sex as a form of reproduction it would make sense that the majority of organisms have attraction to the opposite gender that allows them to reproduce otherwise life would not exist and it is also reasonable to assume that opposite sex attraction is a healthy state for the organism to be in because if it is not it is likely to die out and be a genetic dead end that will cease to exist.


Apr 5, 2016
Found an interesting study that backs up the theory that estrogen has a large role to play in lesbianism and likely gay men. As others have said it seems that estrogen could be one of the common factors of homosexuality among both sexes but the manifestations vary based on a bunch of other factors.

Prevalence of polycystic ovaries and polycystic ovary syndrome in lesbian women compared with heterosexual women
This study showed that "Eighty percent of lesbian women, compared with 32% of the heterosexual women, had PCO on pelvic ultrasound examination. Thirty-eight percent of lesbian women, compared with 14% of heterosexual women, had PCOS."

Obviously correlation is not causation but I think it is well accepted on this forum that high levels of estrogen can cause PCOS. Here is a study that @haidut posted linking PCOS and high estrogen Estrogens cause obesity / PCOS in women, DHT is protective

One other aspect of the study that was interesting is that they claim there was "There were no significant differences in the androgen concentrations between lesbian and heterosexual women with normal ovaries. However, lesbian women with PCO and PCOS had significantly higher androgen concentrations compared with heterosexual women with PCO and PCOS."

I wonder if lesbian women with "normal ovaries" are less strongly lesbian (apologies for my inexact characterisation) and more likely to be bisexual then lesbian women with PCO and PCOS due to the higher androgen count.
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May 31, 2018
Why are you guys so obsessed though? Let it go Focus on other things in life. This doesn't concern you unless you are in the closet of course.


Apr 5, 2016
Why are you guys so obsessed though? Let it go Focus on other things in life. This doesn't concern you unless you are in the closet of course.
Could equally ask you, why do you care that we care?

One could ask that question for any aspect of health, or the human condition or question of philosophy, why does one care about any subject? The pursuit of knowledge is usually a good thing.

For me it a key indicator of a healthy society is whether or not it producing enough offspring to grow and thrive and I would argue the level of homosexual attraction in the west is a having a major negative influence on birthrates. It does not take a large percentage of a population to stop reproducing to have a rapid cataclysmic effect on society. You only have to look at China and the one child policy to see that, their population is set to drop by 110 million people by 2050 and be half what it is now by the end of the century to make it worse it is a shrinking younger population who are having to support a rapidly growing older population.

For decades the population of the west has been shrinking rapidly the increase in homosexual attraction is clearly a contributing factor to this, so questioning why it is occurring and then attempting to understand why it is happening, trying to determine how much of it is a natural phenomenon and how much of it is down to outside factors such as environment, culture or toxins is clearly a very important if not the most important question of our time because if it goes "too far" so to speak the human race will simply die out.

Lets say for example that it was "normal" for the human species to have a 5% homosexual population and that is the way it was for 100,000 years and all of a sudden that increased by 5 fold (which is what has happened in generation Z by the way, 20% now identify as LGBT) would it not be reasonable to assume that it is possible that there may be things causing this that are not entirely good for humans as it is contrary to the fundamental biological drive which is to reproduce? If all of a sudden an animal population were to become 25% homosexual we would be concerned and rightly so because who is to say where it would end. It could very easily lead to the death of said animal species.

People often say that there is an issue with overpopulation in the world, this is a mainstream lie that has been sold for decades we are actually heading towards a population collapse and we should be looking at all possible causes and how they connect.


May 31, 2018
Sorry TL;DR (just skimmed)

I'm tired and you're obsessed. Go knock yourselves out obsessing over other people's sexuality. Its the lib gays you need to focus on as they are the ones who are the (screaming) wheel. The rest of the gays on the Right are NOT AT ALL like the left gays. I'm unsubbing from this thread, it's pointless to me.


Apr 5, 2016
Sorry TL;DR (just skimmed)

I'm tired and you're obsessed. Go knock yourselves out obsessing over other people's sexuality. Its the lib gays you need to focus on as they are the ones who are the (screaming) wheel. The rest of the gays on the Right are NOT AT ALL like the left gays. I'm unsubbing from this thread, it's pointless to me.
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