What causes lesbianism; environmental, society, hormonal, toxins?


May 31, 2018
There have always been gay people, no arguing that. I (and scientists as of late) do highly suspect over-vaccination since the 90s creating a generation of people on the spectrum (autism). This would make it easy for them to be confused sexually, and in life relating to others in general, and feeling not right in their own bodies, so of course the narrative these days is well then you must be trans or gay, etc. These are the people on the left doing all of this. And the compartmentalizing of their sexualities is downright psychotic-obsessive. Ever dive into THAT mess? Oy. They label things you never thought COULD be labeled! It's definitely not "normal think".


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
I don't dispute this. I'm not concerne

I don't dispute this I'm not concerned with their politics I'm merely concerned with what the causes of lesbianism may be
Probably being exposed to misogyny for many many years. It’s pretty unappealing after a while.


Apr 5, 2016
Probably being exposed to misogyny for many many years. It’s pretty unappealing after a while.
There was a lot more misogyny in the past then there is today yet rates of homosexuality are insanely high in the west so that argument on its face is complete nonsense.


Apr 5, 2016
There have always been gay people, no arguing that. I (and scientists as of late) do highly suspect over-vaccination since the 90s creating a generation of people on the spectrum (autism). This would make it easy for them to be confused sexually, and in life relating to others in general, and feeling not right in their own bodies, so of course the narrative these days is well then you must be trans or gay, etc. These are the people on the left doing all of this. And the compartmentalizing of their sexualities is downright psychotic-obsessive. Ever dive into THAT mess? Oy. They label things you never thought COULD be labeled! It's definitely not "normal think".
I think there is definitely a lot to be said about things that increase serotonin (which is highly correlated with autism) playing a major role. High serotonin in general messes up the organism so it would make sense to assume it also affects sexual orientation.

I think vaccines are definitely a contributing factor but it is just one of many.


Apr 5, 2016
So my opinion from experience is that there are always some percentage of folks who do feel more same-sex oriented, and live that way either quietly, or openly. The current situation is way too extreme (in numbers) to account for by natural orientation. My two cents.
I agree and that is why I'm trying to understand it more. Just by natural laws of big numbers there will always be a percentage of the population that have some kind of environmental influence combined with predisposition to make them same sex attracted. The current numbers though suggest that it is wildly out of control and affecting a larger portion then ever before it is not just down to social conditions being more accepting etc (although that definitely plays a big role). Society has gone from accepting to pushing an agenda and this is having disastrous consequences.

The LGBT movement wants to say "born this way" is the truth so to even pose the question that certain environmental factors or toxins could be causal to same sex attraction can't be even entertained.


May 31, 2018
Just FYI, the things proposed in this thread are at best laughable, and at worst boorish and offensive.

Maybe go study why some people love chocolate, and why some people love vanilla.

Why some people love coffee and some people can't stand coffee.


Apr 5, 2016
Just FYI, the things proposed in this thread are at best laughable, and at worst boorish and offensive.

Maybe go study why some people love chocolate, and why some people love vanilla.

Why some people love coffee and some people can't stand coffee.
This is a very simplistic and closed off mindset to have.

Sexual attraction, libido, ability to reproduce etc are some of the key indicators of the health of an organism. Putting sexual attraction aside we know that a women who is not able to produce offspring although she is in child bearing years is someone who clearly has something wrong, similarly a young man with low testosterone who is infertile is also not healthy. To observe that the same things that cause these bad health outcomes may also influence sexual orientation is not "boorish, laughable, or offensive" it is simply stating the reality of what is observed. If it is uncomfortable for you to discuss these things fine but the truth often is uncomfortable.


Apr 5, 2016
I can´t believe I missed this post from @haidut while browsing the forum but I think it is very relevant to the overall picture that a big part of whether or not one becomes homosexual is due to a disregulation of the organism with regards to energy production and metabolism.

Hypothyroidism in the mother may lead to gay offspring

On a more macro level from an evolutionary perspective it would make sense if during times of stress when there was little energy and resources available for further offspring that an organism would try avoid producing more children. One of the simplest ways to do this would be to orientate the organism to a process that by its very nature makes it not possible to produce children. Given how the very toxic environment the modern world creates for people it basically puts them in a state of permanent stress that one would experience in a period of starvation for example. We know that when women and men are malnourished their fertility and libido drops dramatically. I'll admit I consider this a bit out there and i'm just thinking out loud but nature can get creatures to do some pretty wild things. For example, there is a bacteria that makes mice unafraid of cats because the bacteria wants to be eaten. Just to clarify I am not in anyway equating homosexual attraction to some kind of bacteria or infection that makes people crazy I'm just pointing out that nature is wild and it can make us do some pretty intricate complicated things.


Nov 21, 2012
Where do you draw the line for “love knows no boundries”? Pedophiles love children, is that ok because love knows no boundries?
I think,we have a different view on what pure love is.
What pedophiles do,imo, has nothing to do with love but is about lust.


May 31, 2018
I think,we have a different view on what pure love is.
What pedophiles do,imo, has nothing to do with love but is about lust.

THIS is the slippery slope. TheN WhY Can'T ThEy JusT MarRy TheIR doGS?
Well, nice to know that you equare marrying an animal to marrying a human being.

Ridiculousness. Not one person here answered my question to explain why THEY are attracted to the opposite sex. The answer for gay and straight? "Because I am. I just am".

And nobody has to be gay to see how ridiculous some of the answers on this post are 2nd hand embarrassing to read.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
There was a lot more misogyny in the past then there is today yet rates of homosexuality are insanely high in the west so that argument on its face is complete nonsense.
Thanks for letting me know my comment was nonsense. Cheers.
I think ‘in the past’ that homosexuality was actually extremely present but wasn’t as overt as it is now. When referring to women specifically, a very simple understanding of social and cultural circumstances surrounding them would give even your very basic minded incel some concept as to why ‘in the past’ these ‘behaviours’ in response to misogyny weren’t more prevalent.


May 31, 2018
LOL, I love how "messed up hormones" causes people to be attracted to the same sex, even though pre-pubescents show clear signs of being gay/attracted to the same sex.
Not to mention the countless people in these forums who have messed up hormones and aren't gay.

Come on guys, do better.


Jun 6, 2023
United States
It's a very controversial topic OP. The exact reason for homosexuality is hard to pinpoint, almost impossible. It mostly comes down to hormones, and experiences/associations. Ecological valence theory - "an individual's color preferences at a particular time are determined by their combined affective response to environmental objects and situations associated with each color."

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is hard to generalize as well, we know about facial structure and symmetry etc.... but even that is not applicable for every individual.

I say it comes down mainly to childhood experiences that start from the moment the child comes out of the womb.

Hypothetically if we did a thought experiment where babies were brought up in a extremally controlled environment, where everything the child experienced was meticulously controlled, this includes what they saw, what they heard etc.... and the hormones of the child were also controlled, I would say that hormones would take over and the child would not be gay...this is just my opinion. I think naturally we are wired to like the opposite sex. I agree with @haidut with estrogen levels being a main component of sexuality. Hormones determine how we associate experiences with emotions and how we formulate opinions, an imbalance alters perception which alters our associations with experiences which alter opinions and identity. Masculinity and femineity are the building blocks of our society.

I don't think homosexuality is normal. The increasing acceptance and support for the gay community might be harmful for society as a whole, it destabilizes society, and the human race. Adolescence is a very important stage of growth for a child, where their hormones are changing. Many gay people are maybe not actually gay, just confused with their sexuality, and this confusion stems from experiences/associations and hormones. It doesn't help that society seems to be pushing the "homosexuality agenda".

Biologically.... humans are born to populate. Disregarding societal norms, and the structure of society today.... If we go into another hypothetical world where humans sole purpose of living was to repopulate.... Homosexuality would be extremely extremely weird. You cannot have same gender sex and repopulate....
Last edited:


May 31, 2018
It's a very controversial topic OP. The exact reason for homosexuality is hard to pinpoint, almost impossible. It mostly comes down to hormones, and experiences/associations. Ecological valence theory - "an individual's color preferences at a particular time are determined by their combined affective response to environmental objects and situations associated with each color."

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is hard to generalize as well, we know about facial structure and symmetry etc.... but even that is not applicable for every individual.

I say it comes down mainly to childhood experiences that start from the moment the child comes out of the womb.

Hypothetically if we did a thought experiment where babies were brought up in a extremally controlled environment, where everything the child experienced was meticulously controlled, this includes what they saw, what they heard etc.... and the hormones of the child were also controlled, I would say that hormones would take over and the child would not be gay...this is just my opinion. I think naturally we are wired to like the opposite sex. I agree with @haidut with estrogen levels being a main component of sexuality. Hormones determine how we associate experiences with emotions and how we formulate opinions, an imbalance alters perception which alters our associations with experiences which alter opinions and identity. Masculinity and femineity are the building blocks of our society.

I don't think homosexuality is normal. The increasing acceptance and support for the gay community might be harmful for society as a whole, it destabilizes society, and the human race. Adolescence is a very important stage of growth for a child, where their hormones are changing. Many gay people are maybe not actually gay, just confused with their sexuality, and this confusion stems from experiences/associations and hormones. It doesn't help that society seems to be pushing the "homosexuality agenda".

Biologically.... humans born in a way to populate. Disregarding societal norms, and the structure of society today.... If we go into another hypothetical world where humans sole purpose of living was to repopulate.... Homosexuality would be extremely extremely weird. You cannot have same gender sex and repopulate....

You have no idea what you are talking about. Because you are straight. It's as simple as that.


Mar 24, 2021
Don't quote me but I believe Ray said in animal studies homosexuality is readily initiated by stress during pregnancy.

It seems like a lot of the people on this forum have never read Reich so I'll explain what I believe his view is on this subject. He would homosexuals as people who are not capable of experiencing natural sexual pleasure which can only be experienced through penis in vagina sex. In that way, homosexuality is basically friends who masturbate one another. He did not believe there was anything morally wrong with homosexuality. Most people in the society can't experience natural sexual pleasure (this is the root of neurosis) and homosexuality is just one expression of this. The inability to experience sexual pleasure is basically caused by childhood trauma and sexual repression.


May 31, 2018
Don't quote me but I believe Ray said in animal studies homosexuality is readily initiated by stress during pregnancy.

It seems like a lot of the people on this forum have never read Reich so I'll explain what I believe his view is on this subject. He would homosexuals as people who are not capable of experiencing natural sexual pleasure which can only be experienced through penis in vagina sex. In that way, homosexuality is basically friends who masturbate one another. He did not believe there was anything morally wrong with homosexuality. Most people in the society can't experience natural sexual pleasure (this is the root of neurosis) and homosexuality is just one expression of this. The inability to experience sexual pleasure is basically caused by childhood trauma and sexual repression.

Wow. You are clueless how lesbians have sex. No wonder y'all make up ridiculous theories. This thread is getting more embarrassing by the minute :oops:


Apr 5, 2016
Maybe being surrounded by low-T, decrepit men?
I do believe this is actually quite a large part of the problem. We do give off pheromones and the way we behave is based on testosterone levels also. If there are no men behaving in the way that high T-men behave and the men that are around are not giving off pheromones that activate the attraction to women Im sure that would have an influence on female same sex attraction.

We already know that birth control pills influences the type of male partner that women find attractive, when they are on the pill they prefer effeminate men, a womens sense of smell even changes. There are cases where women when they decide to try and get pregnant with their partner and come off the pill that they find the smell of their partner unbearable.

There have been studies showing that when women smell the shirt of a man who has high T versus low T they rate the high T men more attractive.
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