Weighting pros and cons of nettle for grey hairs


Jan 18, 2020
Some on the forum and other forums swear by the nettle effect on reversing gray hairs, i am aware that if messes with DHT production.

The question is, how badly would my DHT?/masculinity? suffer from some nettle every day.


Aug 1, 2017
hard to say, but herbs can be pretty strong in that regard

seen reports of people suffering from PFS-like symptoms after saw palmetto for example
Mar 10, 2021
Some on the forum and other forums swear by the nettle effect on reversing gray hairs, i am aware that if messes with DHT production.

The question is, how badly would my DHT?/masculinity? suffer from some nettle every day.
I understand your hesitancy FittnessMike, I get reluctant to use any suppliments anymore. With that being said, keep in mind that the Greeks are HEAVY into nettle, eating it sauteed and as a salad nearly everyday and I really don't see them being feminine in anyway. Any lettuces are not recommended by Peat, except to boil and drink the water. So maybe to ease your worries you might try the tea instead where you can throw away the water too?


Jan 18, 2020
I understand your hesitancy FittnessMike, I get reluctant to use any suppliments anymore. With that being said, keep in mind that the Greeks are HEAVY into nettle, eating it sauteed and as a salad nearly everyday and I really don't see them being feminine in anyway. Any lettuces are not recommended by Peat, except to boil and drink the water. So maybe to ease your worries you might try the tea instead where you can throw away the water too?
Thanks for popping again.

just trying to get s much info/opinions as i can before i would start actual supplementation, im sure DHT is responsible for many things so its better to get as much awareness as i can innit.
Mar 10, 2021
Thanks for popping again.

just trying to get s much info/opinions as i can before i would start actual supplementation, im sure DHT is responsible for many things so its better to get as much awareness as i can innit.
I agree with you Mike! I think ANY suppliments can have good and bad effects, the benefits have to outweigh the risks. For me and my husband, we have found no risks, so far. I think the biggest reason I quit taking it, besides not needing it anymore, was that it was making blonde hair TOO dark. Liver keeps it more of my natural golden color.


Jan 18, 2020
I agree with you Mike! I think ANY suppliments can have good and bad effects, the benefits have to outweigh the risks. For me and my husband, we have found no risks, so far. I think the biggest reason I quit taking it, besides not needing it anymore, was that it was making blonde hair TOO dark. Liver keeps it more of my natural golden color

how badly were your hair grey? and did you reverse liuke all of greys? :D i will still going to probably with the nettle and on top of it he shou wu and give it some months before judging the results.
Mar 10, 2021
how badly were your hair grey? and did you reverse liuke all of greys? :D i will still going to probably with the nettle and on top of it he shou wu and give it some months before judging the results.
I had a bunch of really thick stiff white ones throughout my hair, and then a lot of really white ones in my temples. Being blonde the color differences wasn't as noticeable as someone with dark hair, but I would say i was about 20% gray. I don't have any now through the body of my hair, and no thick stiff ones at all anymore, but I have some soft fine ones just on my temples, under my top hair, it isn't even as white of a gray as it was, more dark silver and blends much better with the rest of my hair.


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Jan 18, 2020
I had a bunch of really thick stiff white ones throughout my hair, and then a lot of really white ones in my temples. Being blonde the color differences wasn't as noticeable as someone with dark hair, but I would say i was about 20% gray. I don't have any now through the body of my hair, and no thick stiff ones at all anymore, but I have some soft fine ones just on my temples, under my top hair, it isn't even as white of a gray as it was, more dark silver and blends much better with the rest of my hair.
Thanks !


Jan 11, 2013
Did you see this post by Beastmode over in the Ray Peat Email Advice Depository?

Besides the typical ones like carrot salad, aspirin and vitamin e, I've been interested in trying some form of nettle root tea and/or tincture.

Do you think this can be a safe addition, either daily or a few times per week, a good quality source of either the tincture or homemade tea?

The tea is safe.
Mar 10, 2021
I have recently read that nettle also grows hair. Being that hair follicles only have a two to three year lifespan, I think nettle does two things, it boosts old hair follicles and it regenerates new ones. So when you get it grown out you can cut your dose in half and even drop it and just rely on keeping phospurus low aka grains and red meat and keep copper stores happy. It isn't a forever thing. I had long hair to grow out, I am sure you could regrow everything in 6 to 8 months, ending half that time know if it is working for you or not.
Mar 10, 2021
Did you see this post by Beastmode over in the Ray Peat Email Advice Depository?

Besides the typical ones like carrot salad, aspirin and vitamin e, I've been interested in trying some form of nettle root tea and/or tincture.

Do you think this can be a safe addition, either daily or a few times per week, a good quality source of either the tincture or homemade tea?

The tea is safe.
If you could get it fresh in the produce section or grow it would be even safer. I have never heard of not to be safe, like the dandelion I buy fresh and dried.


Sep 22, 2020
Nettle doesn’t reverse grey hair. If it does, you’re talking about a cure to an issue that has been around since humans have cared about such things. Reversing grey hair is a multi billion dollar industry and no official cure exists (apart from colouring it yourself). I’ve tried many extracts of nettle (the more expensive kinds), and noticed no benefits at all on hair.

He shou wu, also, apparently has powerful effects against grey hair. Again, I tried many expensive extracts and no effects whatsoever.

I mean, give nettle a try. But don’t think the grey hair thing is ‘in the bag’ if you’re bringing it in. No official cure for grey hair exists. Peat would be all over nettle if its effects on grey hair was that dramatic.
Mar 10, 2021
Nettle doesn’t reverse grey hair. If it does, you’re talking about a cure to an issue that has been around since humans have cared about such things. Reversing grey hair is a multi billion dollar industry and no official cure exists (apart from colouring it yourself). I’ve tried many extracts of nettle (the more expensive kinds), and noticed no benefits at all on hair.

He shou wu, also, apparently has powerful effects against grey hair. Again, I tried many expensive extracts and no effects whatsoever.

I mean, give nettle a try. But don’t think the grey hair thing is ‘in the bag’ if you’re bringing it in. No official cure for grey hair exists. Peat would be all over nettle if its effects on grey hair was that dramatic.
It does work Duke. If you look in my original comment in Mike's other thread as my hair grew out I could pluck a thick gray hair out and SEE the new growth. The color was back and the hair texture was different. It is in hair formulas. What do think I am making all this it up, and for what purpose?


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Oct 6, 2020
I guess these two different anecdotes raises the question as to why in one person it manages to take care of it and in the other it does not.

To be honest i believe that the cause for the same symptoms in different people is different many times.
I'd say go for it, test it over a certain time period and check if anything changes overtime without "stressing" to much about it as it is the case when one is constantly checking his hair etc. in the mirror multiple times a day.


Sep 22, 2020
Yeah I’m not saying don’t try it, I’m just saying it’s not officially a cure for the said condition. If nettle was the cure for grey hair, everyone would be taking it. And grey hair shampoo companies would be out of business. Do we have a cure for grey hair? No.
Mar 10, 2021
I guess these two different anecdotes raises the question as to why in one person it manages to take care of it and in the other it does not.

To be honest i believe that the cause for the same symptoms in different people is different many times.
I'd say go for it, test it over a certain time period and check if anything changes overtime without "stressing" to much about it as it is the case when one is constantly checking his hair etc. in the mirror multiple times a day.
Maybe diet plays into it to some degree? That is why I mentioned to Mike when he weans off off it to keep phosphorus low and copper high. If you are heavy in phosphorus foods aka grains and meat than it maybe an uphill battle for nettle to win. I have been pretty grain free for about 7 years and I am not heavy in red meat either, both are very aging to skin and hair. Maybe that plays into it. I know my cousin isn't too diet concerned and it blackened his up. So who knows if it is a hit or miss thing? It certainly is worth a try.
Mar 10, 2021
Yeah I’m not saying don’t try it, I’m just saying it’s not officially a cure for the said condition. If nettle was the cure for grey hair, everyone would be taking it. And grey hair shampoo companies would be out of business. Do we have a cure for grey hair? No.
I don't think many people know nettle restores gray hair, everyone on this site seems to be surprised. Maybe if they knew about this simple cure, like aspirin for cancer, hair companies wouldn't be making so much money.
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