Increase Masculinity, Decrease Femininity


Aug 9, 2019


May 4, 2022
Don't need to go spending more money on supplements. I ditched the plastic coffee maker and got a stainless steel. I don't drink from plastic water bottles. I avoid endocrine disruptors. I do intermittent fasting and HIIT in fasted state. It has boosted my testosterone. And I quit the CBD oil.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Don't need to go spending more money on supplements. I ditched the plastic coffee maker and got a stainless steel. I don't drink from plastic water bottles. I avoid endocrine disruptors. I do intermittent fasting and HIIT in fasted state. It has boosted my testosterone. And I quit the CBD oil.
hi,when you said it has boosted your testosterone,do you refer to lab before after lab tests,or do you refer to specific characteristics that increased,that you think are due to the testosterone increase?


May 4, 2022
hi,when you said it has boosted your testosterone,do you refer to lab before after lab tests,or do you refer to specific characteristics that increased,that you think are due to the testosterone increase?
Deeper voice, more confidence, better mood. No lab work. Who has money for all of that in this new economy?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Damn, this is fascinating. First time I see these kinds of transformations. So if estrogen is used to achieve maximal femininity, what should be do to achieve the opposite - absolute masculinity, without shutting down our endogenous hormone production, of course?


hi,from my experience of what i felt and how my physic and behavior evolved,life style matter as much if not more than foods,factors such as being outside alot,not spending to much time with women of my family,having some degree of competition,peoples behaving with me as if i was superior to them are all factors that did increase significantly the degree of masculinity i experienced,coppled with certains foods,no foods made me experience a high degre of masculinity if i spent alot of times inside with women of my family with 0 stress and 0 competition


May 4, 2022


May 4, 2022
I don't do cardio. Cardio is very damaging over the long run. But intermittent fasting has been proven beneficial for years. It does not cause cancer. If it caused cancer, then why did a majority of the holocaust survivors have a significant reduction in cancers?


Jan 17, 2016
Don't need to go spending more money on supplements. I ditched the plastic coffee maker and got a stainless steel. I don't drink from plastic water bottles. I avoid endocrine disruptors. I do intermittent fasting and HIIT in fasted state. It has boosted my testosterone. And I quit the CBD oil.
What Coffee maker did you buy?


May 4, 2022


May 4, 2022
eating chilli pepper may increase penis size by increasing blood flow to the genitals. an experiment done with rats showed increase gential size from rates who ate peppers. personally peppers have increases the size of my testicles. i'm currently at the habanero level.
I was just asking on this forum the other day if peppers are peatish. I enjoy all kinds of peppers. When I was a kid I used to cover my pizza with crushed red pepper.


Mar 15, 2019
Don't need to go spending more money on supplements. I ditched the plastic coffee maker and got a stainless steel. I don't drink from plastic water bottles. I avoid endocrine disruptors. I do intermittent fasting and HIIT in fasted state. It has boosted my testosterone. And I quit the CBD oil.
How many minutes does the Hiit program take? I have a spin bike. How can I do hiit with it?


May 4, 2022
How many minutes does the Hiit program take? I have a spin bike. How can I do hiit with it?
I do five to eight minutes three times a week. I don't know the dynamics of the spin bike but if you can lower the gear and push hard for a few minutes that is great way to boost metabolism via mitochondrial upregulation.


Jan 25, 2014

I am a new user. I discovered this forum while on a quest to increase my biological levels of masculinity. This is something that I have been trying to do for quite a while now, and I have acquired most of my current knowledge on this subject by reading through a blog called "Anabolic Men."

Things that I am already doing to increase my levels of masculinity: strength training, attempting to get good quality sleep, NoFap (controversial but it works for me), ingestion of the following substances: tongkat ali, creatine, shilajit, vitamins A/B/C/D3/E/K2, magnesium glycinate, zinc gluconate, brazil nuts for selenium, and eating a diet focused on boosting T levels.

Things that I am aware I ought to be doing but am not for various reasons: HIIT exercises, intermittent fasting.

I am insecure about my masculinity.

For example, being unable to grow a beard naturally, I resorted to applying minoxidil to my face which has been a success. I have been on it for over a year now and am continuing as there are still some bald patches, but overall I am very pleased with the results.

Another thing I am insecure about is what I believe to be a poor shoulder to waist ratio and a body type some would call "ectomorphic," but sadly it seems like there isn't much I can do about this apart from developing my shoulder musculature to its fullest extent (unless some of you are aware of a way of increasing clavicle length. I am 23 years old if this matters in terms of bone fusing etc.). I also have a fairly neotonous face – one could have called androgynous until the appearance of my artificially grown facial hair – which only adds to my insecurities. I believe I must have received an inadequate amount of pre-natal testosterone.

The biggest problem is what I perceive to be very low energy levels and a low drive to get things done.

On the big five personality tests, I score exceptionally high in neuroticism, exceptionally low in industriousness and low in extroversion. My only redeeming quality seems to be that I'm not an idiot, and the most masculine thing about me seems to be in my way of thinking (logically inclined, fairly assertive when I believe I am right, and placing little importance in the realm of feelings as opposed to facts which can make me come across as a heartless bellend at times). Other than that, I basically feel like my genes coded me to be a wimp and I'd like to change this.

L-tryptophan (precursor to serotonin which I believe I am naturally deficient in) every night, as well as daily meditation and NoFap seem to have strong effects in reducing my neuroticism and introversion. However, my low energy / low industriousness / lack of drive seem to stem from my inherent lack of masculinity and I have been unable thus far to change this to a level that I would think adequate; I initially thought NoFap would help, but although it helps me in boosting my confidence levels and reducing my social anxiety, it actually doesn't help at all in my productivity. If anything, my head is less clear than "usual" as thoughts of sex come and go very often. I do not have any problems in terms of libido.

One aspect of my low energy is directly visible in my lack of strength. Although I have been strength training for a couple of years now, and although I managed to get from grossly skinny to a relatively normal weight for my height, my strength is still ridiculously low for the amount of time that I have been training and I have great trouble in breaking plateaus and adding new muscle mass. In other words, I have the impression that I'm working my arse off at the gym just to achieve a body that looks completely normal.

Starting from last year, I noticed that my nipples were getting puffy. I did not suffer from pubertal gyno, and I am currently in my early 20s. I do not believe that it is simply "fat" as I have tried cutting and they seemed too puffy for my BF%. I can also feel some solid lumps. I have various theories as to how this gyno appeared but none I'm too sure of. However, my main concern is in getting rid of it.

To attempt to combat this, I tried various aromatase inhibiting supplements, many of which sadly did not agree with my stomach and made me piss out of my arse (i3c, grape seed extract, champignon extract). The ones that were fine for me to ingest were quercetin as well as apigenin from chamomile tea, but after supplementing for several months and not seeing any reduction in my puffy nipples, I am unsure as to whether I should buy them again and am currently not taking any aromatase supplements.

This all leads me to this forum.

I have been reading around for a bit and have gained interest in pansterone and androsterone. However, there seems to be some conflicting opinions: whereas the person who sells these products asserts that these should theoretically reduce estrogen in the body and increase testosterone, I have seen a couple of users who seem to suspect these products to have caused them puffy/itchy nipples which is something I'm trying to get rid of.

I am also interested in kuinone and magnoil which seem to be superior methods of delivering K2 and magnesium to the body.

After reading about progesterone, it seems to me like something I ought to avoid, but perhaps I am wrong.

If there are other products I ought to know about, please tell me. I am new to most things discussed on this forum. I am unfamiliar with Ray Peat but I am interested in learning more about him and his ideas.

All in all I would love to hear your opinions on what should be used and avoided in my particular case. This forum seems to contain a vast wealth of valuable information and I am eager to lurk around a lot more.

I'd also like you to help me understand the differences between the available options of "tocopherols / MCT" and "SFA ester / ethanol" present in some of the products in the shop. Are there some pros and cons I need to be aware of?

Thank you very much for your time.
What would happen to man's androgen if he sees a woman smoking?


Deeper voice, more confidence, better mood.
that was the first several months of my HIIT and intermittent fasting, as well.
it does not sustain. it will tank the youth steroids at some point


May 4, 2022
that was the first several months of my HIIT and intermittent fasting, as well.
it does not sustain. it will tank the youth steroids at some point
How do you know that?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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